U.S. Supply Chains Will Only Get Worse
Have you seen the empty shelves at grocery stores? Have you seen the empty shelves in the ammunition departments? Have you seen new car lots scatter their few cars around the entire lot so it can look somewhat full? Have you seen the stores in your town close early because of labor shortages?
We always like to believe that "things will get better because they always do!" But what if things were only going to get worse? I believe the Bible warns us that life on earth will get worse as we lead up to the Antichrist being revealed. I'm not sure how much misery and collapse the Bride of Christ will see here in America. Of course it's our blessed hope that maybe this paper doll gets held together until Jesus calls us all home with the trumpet blast.
I didn't post the entire article but only the beginning and the end. Go to the link to read in it's entirety.
There are mainstream economists out there arguing that monetary policy decisions and authoritarian mandates have no real world consequences. The inflation is "transitory", they claim. The public will "adapt" to the new normal and submit to the controls for their own good. Central bank stimulus will defuse all crisis events in the meantime and helicopter money will placate the citizenry. Throw the public a few scraps from the table and they will shut up and happily nibble.
These academic policy-makers and unelected bureaucrats refuse to see these speculative bubbles as what they actually are: Desperate moves to avoid inflation. No one wants to hold dollars when they can watch their purchasing power being destroyed daily, so they seek something, anything else. Eventually, most of these illusory safe-havens will collapse into worthlessness (how much will your Bored Ape Yacht Club NFT be worth next year?).
As I have been saying for many years now, an economic crash in the U.S. simply cannot be avoided, and it can only be hidden from public view for a limited time. And that limit is expiring fast.
Well, guess what? The crash is here now right in front of us and it is becoming obvious even to people who barely pay attention.
The "Everything Shortage" is the beginning of the end
For a while now preparedness advocates like myself have been warning about the incessant bottlenecks and weaknesses within the U.S. supply chain, a system highly dependent on "just in time" freight. It has been saddening to see our warnings go unheeded for so long. Now, the circle of idiocy is nearing completion and large elements of U.S. supply and trade are trapped, waiting on a handful of U.S. ports and a crippled freight network to process billions of tons in product before it can reach wholesalers and retailers.
And, it's only going to get worse because the causes are not being addressed.
They might be able to patch together a facsimile of the former supply chain, but it will be a joke in comparison. Biden's mandates can and likely will cripple U.S. freight and the economy overall, and maybe this is deliberate. Biden's handlers and cabinet are the true policy writers, and they know full well what the damage will be as the vaccine mandates take effect and millions of workers refuse to comply. Either they don't care, or, they hope to make hay with the ensuing chaos while blaming the vaccine refuseniks.
I suspect they did not think there would be so much opposition in America to the mandates, so Plan B is to spin the narrative to their advantage by crashing the system a little early and those who remain unvacinnated will be painted as the villains in the short term just for quitting our jobs or being fired for non-compliance.
The inevitable dollar devaluation and stagflation
The bigger problem which almost no one in the mainstream is talking about is the effect of money creation and price inflation on the supply chain. For one, helicopter money through stimulus checks has caused a flood of demand for overseas goods, which dilutes the buying power of the dollar because now there are more and more dollars chasing less and less available goods. The goods are becoming more valuable to foreign manufacturers than the dollars Americans are trying to trade for them.
Stimulus measures in the U.S. have the peculiar benefit of shifting inflationary damage offshore for a time, because the dollar is the world reserve currency (for now). Banks and corporations around the globe continue to hold dollars in reserve for future trade, but this could change quickly.
The Federal Reserve and the government have created at least $6 trillion in new money in the span of a mere 18 months according to official estimates. Foreign holders of dollars are losing buying power the longer they continue to keep these reserves. It's only a matter of time before they begin to liquidate on a large scale. As this happens, all those dollars held overseas will come flooding back into the U.S. and with them comes crushing price bubbles.
I believe incredibly high shipping prices are in part a representation of dollar devaluation. If I am right, then shipping and container prices will remain relatively high compared to pre-pandemic and pre-stimulus levels even as retail demand falls. The falling dollar might not be immediately visible to the public or markets, but the supply chain burdens and price spikes will be punishing American consumers from now on.
The powers-that-be clearly benefit from economic disaster in the U.S., so applying any practical fix would be contrary to their agenda. The more economically destitute a population becomes, the more desperate they are. The more desperate they are, the more they tend to submit to control on the promise that they will be secure in the necessities of life. A hungry citizen is a compliant citizen. And a broken supply chain is a great way to inspire such fear.
Here; Here's Why U.S. Supply Chain Problems Will Only Get Worse (prophecynewswatch.com)
We wonder if these events may happen in America to crush the wealth and prosperity false gospel preached by Joel Osteen and numerous others? Maybe God will use these events to remind His bride to be more reliant on Him rather than the Amazon Truck delivering all your daily bread?
Here's what we do know; The Joy of the Lord is my strength! No matter what happens in the coming weeks, months and years, let's remember that it is only temporary and that this world is not our home. Let's be different than all the other folks who have no hope except in government. Let's be different than the folks running around terrified of Covid. Let's be salt and light up until the trumpet blows.
Marantha! Come Lord Jesus!