Sorry for the lack of recent posts but we had family at our place over Christmas and it seemed there just weren't many spare, quiet minutes to be found.
I found this great article on what we can expect to be coming according to God's prophetic word. For many of us, we may not find anything brand new here...but if you are like me, it is affirming to find other prophecy watchers who are saying and thinking the same things.
Given that the United States, or any semblance thereof, is not mentioned in Bible prophecy, one has to take into account the how, why, and 'so what' of that particular implication.
If the US is not here, who then fills that vacuum? Who sets the precedence for a global order? What is the reserve currency the whole world leans upon for stability in the global markets? Logic and history tells us, that if the US isn’t filling that role, someone will. How and when does the world get from the current status quo, to one in which it isn’t?
So it is with the outline of Bible prophecy, I am 100% certain. It’s when we get into the subsections of the outline that my certainty drops to between 60-75%. IOW, I’m certain on the order of things, not so certain on the specifics of how those things come to pass. Here is the order:
The imminent Rapture of the Church (1 Thess. 4:13-18; 1 Cor. 15:51-55)
The 70th Week of Daniel (Daniel 9:24-27, particularly vs. 27; Jeremiah 30:7-11)
The Second Coming (Matt. 24:29-31; Rev. 19:11-21)
The Millennium (Isaiah 65:17-25; Revelation 20)
The Eternal State (2 Peter 3:10-13; Revelation 21-22)
Now, there are other events which must take place, to which I am 100% certain on their fulfillment, but not 100% on the when. These are:
The utter destruction of the city of Damascus (Isaiah 17)
The temporary desolation of Egypt (Isaiah 19)
The Gog-Magog War (Ezekiel 38-39)
The signing of a peace covenant (Daniel 9:27; Revelation 6:1-2)
So where on God’s timeline are we, seems to be the reoccurring question that gets so often asked? So here is what we know as of now (December 2014):
The United States is in an increasingly rapid state of decline, particularly in three areas: spiritually, culturally, and economically
The economic decline appear to be intrinsically linked to the spiritual and cultural decline as the US embraces its national, post-Christian statu
The US economic decline is having a weakening effect on the US military, and our ability to project our force, and a strong image around the world
Paganism, secular humanism, and the normalization of aberrant sexual, cultural lifestyles and belief systems, appear to be filling the void of a declining Christian worldview (Days of Noah and Lot; Luke 17:25-30)
The revival of cultural paganism (Neopaganism) is in conjunction with trans-humanism, which is fast becoming a reality due to advancements in technology
The US Dollar is currently the world’s reserve currency for fiat systems. Factors that are negatively and positively impacting that standing are:
1.$18T in US debt (negative)
3.Rapid changes in currency technology challenging the current fiat system (both)
4.Instability in other currencies (positive)
5.Busts, booms, and general fickleness of the markets (both)
6.Increasing polarity in the US government (negative)
7.Economists and heads of state are currently planning for, and/or prepositioning themselves for the collapse of the US economy.
8.Global interconnectedness has reached an all-time high, and is partly due to the dependency on the US Dollar system, and the rise of the Internet age.
9.The EU is continuing in its growing pains. Economic woes and a rise in nationalism seem to be equally as troubling, as its burgeoning Muslim population. Either way, it’s not looking good like a good place to retire if you’re a Jew
Here is what I expect to occur due to the aforementioned realities:
10. The collapsing of the US Dollar (due to the global dependence on it for economic stability) presents the ‘perfect storm’ crisis that globalists need, in order to bring about a new order
11. Saudi Arabia will continue its oil output in order to:
- Weaken its enemies who rely on oil revenues
- Destroy the US fracking industry
12. Events are continuing to drive the world’s attention back to the Middle East in respects to Iraq, Iran, and Israel. Despite President Obama’s best efforts, events are compelling US forces to return to Iraq.
I think there are two powerful forces currently fighting it out on earth right now. One group wants things to stay the way they are, because they are making money and living fat and happy. This would be groups like the Saudi’s, major energy providers, and anyone tied up with and making a healthy living under the current Petro-Dollar/fiat system. They want things to stay the same and they use oil and other energies, as an economic weapon.
The other group, has grander plans, and sees the US Dollar dominance, as a hindrance to their globalist agenda. So they are actively working to debase the Dollar, and by so doing, can get the world onto a new, global, digital currency in which they control. I imagine that these are the movers and shakers in new technologies and multinational corporations, politicians of all stripes, those in the central banking industries, and the like. And seeing, as we are $18T in debt, one can guess which side is currently winning.
Then of course, there is God, who has the first and final say in all things. (Isaiah 46:9-10)
My best guess, all things considered, is that we are in a five year window awaiting major, radical, global realignments. If you’d have asked me that five years ago, I would have told you about the same…and yet, here we still are. But I’m no prophet. I’m only a man armed with an informed opinion. But unknown to us five years ago, was that certain things had to transpire that I think will make things significantly different in the days, weeks, months ahead. These are the “black swan” events that will have to play out in the next few years:
1. Israel is no longer interested or invested in playing the ‘two-state’ solution game. They’ve been trying this for the past 21 years, and it has utterly failed each time.
2. Israel realizes it can no longer depend on the U.S. for its “Iranian Problem” and realizes that their window for stopping Iran’s ambitious, nuclear program is quickly coming to a close and even with the 2016 elections, that may be too late. Events are going to force Israel to act unilaterally.
3. If Russia risked military incursions into Georgia, Ukraine and Crimea before their financial woes, imagine what President Putin will do when his country’s economy is in a freefall.
4. The U.S. is significantly weaker than it was during the last financial crisis of 2008. Echoes of 1928-29 keep being rehashed in the news, and it is possible that another stock market collapse will effectively do, what 2008 could not.
5. President Obama has/is continuing to rule through executive legislation that seems intent on dividing and weakening the U.S.
6. The upcoming 2016 elections may prove the most contentious yet, depending on whether President Obama and the Democrats intend to go quietly into the night, or have a few tricks left up their sleeve. They can’t be too thrilled at the prospect of a Republican triumvirate.
The news media keeps telling us everyday that the US economy continues to get better and better. Gasoline prices are now under $2 /gallon all across the nation so consumers are feeling better. Unemployment filings are down to their lowest level in 5 years and the stock market closed at an all time high so...what could possibly go wrong?
Remember friends....nothing has been "fixed" in America. The clear warning we all received in 2008 when our financial house nearly collapsed has not been rebuilt on a firm foundation. It was simply pasted over with "money" that was created out of thin air by adding some $zeros to the nations financial columns.
One day it will all come crashing down. We don't know when but we shouldn't be surprised if it comes crashing in on us like a tsunami coming across a calm ocean.
"While they are saying, 'peace and safety', destruction will come on them suddenly."