When Does the Civil War in America Start?
Did you get to watch the Kavanaugh hearings yesterday? We had Democrat Senators asking the nominee if he could explain the references to "ralph" and "farting" in his High School yearbook.
We have now reached the point of no return. These hearings will affect America, and HOW Dems and Reps will interact together, for a generation.
Kavanaugh has worked with hundreds of women in his professional career and ALL OF THEM speak of him in glowing terms. But in the very last hour, Democrats roll out a woman who has no facts that can be corroborated but claims that teen-age Kavanaugh threw her on a bed and squeezed her breasts and "she felt like he was goin to rape me or maybe even accidently kill me because he was so inebriated."
Did the person do it? Nope. But she "felt like" it was going to happen....so in the mind of the "feelings crowd"...that's as good as done! A boy squeezing your breasts at a high school keg party is now just as bad as actual rape and murder...as long as you FEEL like it could happen.
Maybe something bad did happen to her at age 15? Maybe some boy did push her on a bed and dry-grind on her thigh while squeezing her breasts? Maybe she was drunk? Maybe she can't remember any other details because she was confused? And if she was confused on all sorts of questions on the night how can she be 100% sure it was Kavanaugh on that night?
And now, with this hearing, we have ONE MORE MASSIVE DIVISION between Left and Right.
The Left is all screaming that Kavanaugh is an animal who has to be stopped and the Right is watching the Left page through his High School yearbook asking questions about drinking and farting comments and concluding the Democrats have seriously lost their minds.
If every good and decent person who wants to serve as a judge or politician is now going to have to hand over their Year Books and discuss everything they ever did or said from grade school, junior high or high school, WE ARE NOT going to get any good and decent people to stand up.
The Left is convinced they are correct and that every woman who points a finger needs to be believed.
The Right is convinced that they are correct and that the FBI shouldn't be called upon to make an investigation into everyone's High School yearbooks from 40-50 years ago. The 6 background checks that this judge has already endured should be enough to qualify his adult character.
So how much longer can we stay together in these "United States" when Left and Right is so polarized?
We already have the Left screaming at restaurants, elevators and public places at ANYONE they disagree with and bullying them to leave. These bullied folks rightfully fear for their safety. How long until the Left feels justified to hit, kick, punch and ultimately kill those with whom they disagree?
On the Right, we have people making threats against those with whom they disagree, using Twitter, and other social media. How long can this go on?
Dave Hodges of The Common Sense Show wonders as well;
The Kavanaugh Nomination Could Be the Trigger for Civil War In America
Rooted in the bowels of political change, there is a progressive schema that most political change follows. First, let’s have no doubt about what is going in this country. We are in the midst of a Bolshevik Revolution where good old fashioned Soviet ie (communist) values are being imposed on conservatives on a progressive scale. the violent conflict that is coming is inevitable, unless there is divine intervention.
In this paradigm, there are seven stages that a nation goes through on the path to civil war and they are as follows
- Political Discourse
- Polarizing Disagreement
- Harassment of the opposition by one or both sides
- Violence
- Assassinations
- Extreme Civil Unrest
- Civil War
I believe it is possible that we will witness the fulfillment of all seven stages if Kavanaugh is confirmed and the Republicans hang on to the majority in the House of Representatives and the Senate. In this case, the left will totally abandon all pretense with civility and their true Bolshevik nature will be fully exposed. At this point, American cities will look like Serbia of the 1990’s and Beirut of the 1970’s where nobody is safe.
Here; http://www.thecommonsenseshow.com/the-kavanaugh-nomination-could-be-the-trigger-for-civil-war-in-america/
"A nation divided against itself will not stand."-Jesus