Saturday, June 6, 2020

German Official Denounces COVID as a "Global False Alarm"

The COVID statistics and fears continue to NOT play out as we were told they would.  As we have already mentioned, here in MN we have had 1000+ deaths and 800 of those were people already in Long Term Care facilities and the other 2000 had underlying health issues.

Old people die from something.  The death rate of old humans is 100%  The people who died in MN were statistically going to die in the next year anyway.  This report out of Germany claims the same thing.

Now were are reading that some dude in Germany has leaked out a report the powers of the world are going to quickly try and deny.

As always, you will have to read and decide for yourselves whether this is true, plausible or false.

Germany’s federal government and mainstream media are engaged in damage control after a report that challenges the established Corona narrative leaked from the interior ministry.

Some of the report key passages are:

The dangerousness of Covid-19 was overestimated: probably at no point did the danger posed by the new virus go beyond the normal level.
The people who die from Corona are essentially those who would statistically die this year, because they have reached the end of their lives and their weakened bodies can no longer cope with any random everyday stress (including the approximately 150 viruses currently in circulation).
Worldwide, within a quarter of a year, there has been no more than 250,000 deaths from Covid-19, compared to 1.5 million deaths [25,100 in Germany] during the influenza wave 2017/18.
The danger is obviously no greater than that of many other viruses. There is no evidence that this was more than a false alarm.
A reproach could go along these lines: During the Corona crisis the State has proved itself as one of the biggest producers of Fake News.
So far, so bad. But it gets worse.

The report focuses on the “manifold and heavy consequences of the Corona measures” and warns that these are “grave”.

More people are dying because of state-imposed Corona-measures than they are being killed by the virus.

The reason is a scandal in the making:

A Corona-focused German healthcare system is postponing life-saving surgery and delaying or reducing treatment for non-Corona patients.

Berlin in Denial Mode. The scientists fight back.

Initially, the government tried to dismiss the report as “the work of one employee”, and its contents as “his own opinion” – while the journalists closed ranks, no questions asked, with the politicians.

But the 93-pages report titled “Analysis of the Crisis Management” has been drafted by a scientific panel appointed by the interior ministry and composed by external medical experts from several German universities.

The report was the initiative of a department of the interior ministry called Unit KM4 and in charge with the “Protection of critical infrastructures”.

This is also where the German official turned whistleblower, Stephen Kohn, work(ed), and from where he leaked it to the media.


Hat tip to Dave G.

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Iran, Turkey, Russia and China Celebrate Collapse of America

Every Bible reader needs to see this headline from Jerusalem Post and realize that all these players are mentioned in the Last Days prophesies. And of course America is not. Iran, Russia and Turkey are the main players in Ezekiel 38. How close are we to hearing the trumpet call? When this happens we believe the disappearance of millions of Americans will seal the doom of America.

Authoritarian regimes throughout the world are pushing narratives that appear to gloat over and celebrate that chaos unfolding in the United States. On Monday, Iran’s media pushed stories that highlighted the “collapse,” while quoting Russian sources portraying that the US is flailing about as its world order comes crashing down.

The US became the world’s most powerful country, a global hegemonic superpower, after the Soviet Union and its client states fell apart in 1989. However, Russia, China, Iran and increasingly Turkey have all awaited the period when the world would become multi-polar again. They have sought to work more closely together, and they have sat frequently at global forums that the US does not attend.

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

China Considers Plans for GMO Soldiers

Just imagine the possibilities if you took the courage of a lion, the strength of a bear, the eye site of an eagle and the speed of a cheetah and put all those things into a human being! Just imagine the soldier you could create! Imagine the fear you would generate in your enemy to see these terrifying creatures coming at them at full speed. Also please remember that this wouldn’t be the first time that evil forces on earth modified the genetics of humans. Satan and his fallen angels did it in Genesis 6 and caused God to send a Noah’s flood. Jesus warned us that before He returns that the world would be “as it was in the days of Noah.” Could he be giving us a hint that humans would be genetically perverted again? Could this be the final straw where God says “Enough!”

CHINA may be planning to genetically-modify its soldiers for an army of Terminator-style super troops, a defence think tank has warned.
Experts at Rusi say GM soldiers could be faster, stronger and cleverer than their battlefield opponents and even feel no pain.
Their DNA could also be adapted to help them recover more quickly from injuries or give them superior hearing and night vision.
Rusi’s Professor John Louth said: “The threat is obvious and real. Chinese money could be stealing a march on western armed forces and that is deeply concerning.”
The warning comes after Chinese scientist He Jiankui said he used gene-editing technology to make GM babies.
“GM technology is proven with plants, it could absolutely be applied to the person,” Prof Louth added.
“In China, it is reasonable to assume that they are enhancing their battlefield soldiers on all these fronts.”
China jailed Dr Jiankui for “illegal medical practices” over his claims to have made three babies immune to HIV.

Monday, June 1, 2020

A Few Thoughts on Minneapolis Protests, Riots and Looting

Here are just a few thoughts to ponder surrounding the riots and protests that were sparked when a white officer knelled on the neck of a black man in Minneapolis and he died while saying repeatedly, "I can't breathe!" 

Are there some bad police officers in America?  Absolutely!  No doubt there are some violent, sadist, men who are attracted to the idea that they can use force legally!  Why do men rob banks?  Because that's where the money is!  Why are so many pedophiles attracted to the ministry and to schools?  Because that's where the children are!  In the same way, there are some violent men who want to legally carry and club, a gun and handcuffs and rough up as many people as they legally can.  Of course when you have millions of people in law enforcement, you are going to get a few bad apples.

It would appear that this Mpls police officer overstepped his bounds when he knelled on the neck of a black man for over 8 minutes.  And it is being reported that the deceased was already handcuffed!  Why wasn't he just put in the back seat of the car?  Why wasn't he allowed to sit up alongside the car after he was handcuffed?  How much mayhem can the dude do after he was cuffed?  But maybe this officer got a lot of extreme satisfaction from torturing another human being...and for that he was fired and will probably go to jail.  Also his wife just filed for divorce, so he has just lost everything, which maybe he deserved.  And maybe the 3 other officers that were with him will also end up in jail.  They have already been fired.

But would it change the narrative at all if we found out that the dead black man was highly intoxicated on alcohol and drugs and that he had stolen cigarettes and was passing fake money which he KNEW was fake?  Would it calm the rioters if they found out that George didn't have such a big heart after all?  What if the autopsy discovers he didn't die from a knee to the neck but that he died of alcohol poisoning, drug poisoning or suffered a panic attack that put his diseased heart into a heart attack?

We are guessing that wouldn't change a thing.  In fact you could expect more riots IF that white officer is found anything less than guilty of murder.

On display this past week was how quickly people can turn into animals.  Some of the animals were home-grown right in Mpls.  And some of them were part of a radical group, called ANTIFA or Black Lives Matter, which get flown into any city where they believe they can fan the flames and throw gasoline on the fire.

We are guessing that the damage they did to over 200 buildings and businesses will reach into the tens of millions.  And that doesn't include the jobs that will be lost when all those workers have no business in which to do their jobs from.

Humans are wicked to the core.  Who can know their hearts?  They invent ways of doing evil almost all the time.

Do white people suffer from racism more than black, brown, yellow or red people?  No.  Of course this fact doesn't fit the narrative that the media and Hollywood want to they don't bring it up.  If a black person kills an Asian person in Chicago, that probably doesn't quality as "news" for CNN, CBS, NBC, etc...  If a black officer beats a black man or woman who was doing something they shouldn't be....we might not see that video clip.  The media seems to only be appalled when a white officer does something foul to a black person.  Only then is it deemed "newsworthy".

Did you know that black people account for about 13% of the U.S. population but are involved in over 50% of the murders and violent crime committed here?  Why is that?  Can it be blamed on slavery that happened here up to 150 years ago? 

We think not.  The problem has a lot to do with the fact that 70% of black babies born in America are born out of wedlock.  There are a disproportionate amount of black males who are raised without a loving father to discipline them and to lead them.  As a rule, women can't raise men on their own.  It's a fact that the jails of America are filled with men who didn't have a loving father by their side.

And of course at the very heart of it all is Satan working his power of lawlessness on the folks all over the world.  "The whole world is under the control of the evil one."

Mankind has a problem that only Jesus can fix.  How many people that showed up to start fires, loot stores and fight with the police do you suppose started their days off with reading the Bible, praying to Jesus and giving thanks for their food and clothes?  I'm guessing NONE!  If they had, they wouldn't have been there.

We hope and pray that Jesus comes quickly to snatch His bride from this earth, because it would appear that we are seeing how things were in the "Days of Noah".

Could America be Hit With a "Bankruptcy Pandemic"?

We read last week that 17 million people missed making their credit card payments.  They sent in NO MONEY.  We also read that millions are now in arrears on their car and truck payments.  Today we saw this headline.

Coronavirus Could Create a 'Bankruptcy Pandemic'

With a pandemic temporarily closing many businesses and stifling consumer demand, whole industries, especially those that recently leveraged their balance sheets to take advantage of near-zero interest rates, are seeing their profits disappear virtually overnight, leaving too little cash flow to cover debt payments owed to creditors. 

This could set up the perfect storm for a huge wave of bankruptcies in the weeks and months ahead, says Stuart C. Gilson, the Steven R. Fenster Professor of Business Administration at Harvard Business School. 

“There is a realistic probability that we could indeed see a ‘pandemic’ of bankruptcy filings in the near future,” Gilson says. “The pandemic analogy is particularly apt, in that if the number of new filings is sufficiently high, the bankruptcy courts, like hospitals treating COVID-19 patients, could be overwhelmed.” 

Several US businesses have already filed since the coronavirus started rocking the US economy in mid-March, including Neiman Marcus, J. Crew, Dean & DeLuca, CMX Cinemas, and Gold’s Gym. The latest: JCPenney on May 15 filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection after 118 years in business. 

As Gilson explains in this Q&A, bankruptcy doesn’t necessarily mean the death of a company, and in fact, it can actually be the very thing that saves a business, assuming the courts can handle the flood that is likely coming. 

Dina Gerdeman: What impact do you expect COVID-related bankruptcies to have on the bankruptcy system? And what does that mean for business owners who are seeking protection? 

Stuart Gilson: The global economic impact of the pandemic has already been catastrophic in terms of lost output, employment, and financial wealth. But many expect this to be followed by significant aftershocks in coming weeks and months, as quite possibly record numbers of businesses (and individuals) default on their debt, restructure, or go bankrupt. The number of US business bankruptcy filings in the first quarter of this year is already up substantially over prior years, and some believe the number of filings over the next couple of years could top what we saw during the 2008-2009 Global Financial Crisis, when there were more than 100,000 business bankruptcies. Some analysts are forecasting that by the end of 2021 up to 20 percent of high-yield corporate bonds could be in default. 

What makes the current financial crisis unique is that the economic harm caused by forced shutdowns is being felt by broad swaths of the economy and the population—large public companies to be sure, but also small- and medium-sized businesses, individual households, and cities and states. And all of these entities (with the exception of US states) can in principle file for bankruptcy protection. But all such cases, whether corporate, personal, or municipal bankruptcies, are processed through the same United States Bankruptcy Court system, and are overseen by the same pool of federal bankruptcy judges, who currently number about 350 only. The bankruptcy process also requires the active participation of skilled legal and financial professionals, who are also available in only limited quantities. 

So it is certainly conceivable that if too many new cases arrive at the same time, companies could be much less well-served by the bankruptcy reorganization process, and emerge in much less sound financial condition (or not emerge at all). Overcrowding would cause cases to be processed more slowly, leading to longer stays in the bankruptcy “hospital.”


Let's remember that America can't be found in Bible prophecy.  That should tell us that America has to start shrinking in power and importance if we are as close to the very Last Days as many people believe.

Is it a coincidence that America's FALSE IDOL of SPORTS has been instantly torn down at the same time our false idol of MONEY is being torn down?  I just heard a sermon that said that America has a false idol of SECURITY, and they we are willing to do almost anything to have security...including giving up our God-given rights.

Pray for America.  But more importantly pray for God's will to be done in America.  If this is the start of judgment against America for it's crime of killing babies in the womb AND forsaking the God of Israel, Isaac and Jacob while our churches preach false doctrine to the congregants that desire to have their itchy ears satisfied...then let God's will be done!!

My prayer is that my family, my readers and myself will continue to be salt and light up until the time we die or we hear the trumpet call of God and we are transformed in the twinkling of an eye to go meet Jesus in the clouds.

Troop of Monkeys Steal Blood Samples

Imagine walking across campus when a group of monkeys attack you and steal the stuff you are carrying. I’m reminded of the flying monkeys in the movie Wizard of Oz.

Last week, a laboratory technician was walking on the campus of a state-run medical college in Meerut, about 285 miles north of Lucknow, when a troop of monkeys attacked him, stealing blood samples infected with the coronavirus.
“Monkeys grabbed and fled with the blood samples of four COVID-19 patients who are undergoing treatment … we had to take their blood samples again,” said Dr SK Garg, a top official at the college. 
Garg said it was not clear if the monkeys could contract the coronavirus if they came into contact with infected blood.
“No evidence has been found that monkeys can contract the infection,” Garg told Reuters.

Sunday, May 31, 2020

Contact Tracing

Incredible. We are taking giant steps forward INTO the Antichrist system. And how many Americans can see at all what is happening?  Here is an article from the front page of Google News on contact tracing. The governments of the world want to set up a system to track down individuals who may have been exposed to Covid-19 in an attempt to see if they can isolate them (lock them up) so they don’t spread the virus. Now imagine if they change this to tracing people who refuse to get vaccinated?  Or tracking down people who refuse the “mark of the beast”?

To contain the spread of Covid-19, Alaska is planning to triple its number of contact tracers. Utah has retrained 150 state employees. And New York and other states are hiring thousands of people.
And that, health experts say, might not be enough.
To suppress their epidemics to manageable levels, countries around the world have turned to contact tracing — tracking down people who might have been exposed to the coronavirus to ensure they don’t pass it to others, a way of stalking routes of viral spread and severing them before they reach more people. And, to varying degrees, it has worked. But, for it to succeed in the United States, experts are cautioning that it’s going to take more people, more money, and more cooperation than the country has in place.
But some experts fear that the technique might not work as well in the U.S. as it has in other countries.
Many Americans may not understand they might be asked to quarantine for up to two weeks if they’ve been exposed, introducing logistical questions about how they wall themselves off from their families and avoid losing their jobs. People who have the virus might resist cooperating with tracers and divulging where they’ve been and with whom they’ve had contact. Experts wonder how compliant the public will be given that some individual responses to the pandemic — whether people wear a mask or feel they have a right to shop, drink, and worship when and where they want — have become political statements.