Saturday, November 7, 2020

Israeli Minister Warns of War in Middle East if Biden Wins

 Of course there is a lot riding on WHO becomes the next POTUS.  Obama went on his famous "world apology tour" and flew to Egypt and said he was sorry for how America treated Muslims and Muslim countries.  He then ostracized Israel and had the worst relations with Netanyahu.  And then he signed a horrendous deal with Iran and sent them plane-loads of cash in exchange for nothing but their promises to not build a bomb.

Trump did a 180 on all this.  He then went to work on a peace deal that the Arab nations are now normalizing with Israel!  Amazing!  And if Biden is elected he will almost certainly do a 180 on everything Trump has done to secure peace in the Middle East.

Israeli Settlements Minister Tzachi Hanegbi warns that a Biden presidency could ignite war in the Middle East, while Egypt fears Biden would aid the resurgence of Islamists in the region.

Hanegbi pointed out that Biden has indicated he will resurrect America’s nuclear agreement with Iran which was cancelled by the Trump administration.

For Israel, this would represent an existential threat to national security and drastically increase the chances of war with Tehran.

“If Biden stays with that policy, there will, in the end, be a violent confrontation between Israel and Iran,” said Hanegbi.

Meanwhile, other Middle Eastern countries such as Egypt are concerned that a Biden administration would mirror Barack Obama’s policies, which led to Islamists being empowered in the region.

Obama spearheaded the disastrous interventions in Syria and Libya which led to the rise of ISIS and the international migrant crisis.

Obama also suspended aid to Egypt after popular protests ousted Islamist President Muhammad Morsi in 2013.

“Egyptians are likely to be concerned about a revival of Obama’s democracy agenda which meant actively encouraging political participation of Islamists,” reports Arab Weekly.

So in other words, if Biden wins, Americans have at least four more years of disastrous foreign interventions to look forward to.


Trump was the most popular President in Israel since Harry Truman, maybe more.  Of course they want him to win.  It's not looking good for Trump's chances as of this writing unless massive voter fraud can be proved and as of now there are lots of rumors of exactly that.

So for now let's just file this article under "Wars and Rumors of War"

Friday, November 6, 2020

Could Trump Still Win?

 This next article is unverified but it’s so fun to think about that I felt I had to post it!  It says that Homeland Security controlled official ballots and had a secret watermark on them. Dems didn’t know about it so all the other ballots they printed and sent out will be tossed out and Trump will win by landslide!  Trump had set a sting-trap for the vote fraudsters...or so it says.  This would end up being the story of the century!


Consider: Dept of Homeland Security controlled "official ballots" production. Dems print extras, not knowing about non-radioactive isotope watermarks on "official ballots". Military sting operation. After weeding out all counterfeit ballots, Trump landslide confirmed.

Each ballot has a bar code that tells the machine exactly what kind of ballot it is — there can be thousands of varieties in a single election — and then determines from a database of voter registration records which person on the list should receive that particular ballot.

Standing near the printer are stacks of massive rolls of white paper that will eventually become ballots for millions of American voters. On this day, the company is producing mailings for Iowa, Nevada, Arizona and Georgia

The watermark is detectable under 640nm wavelength and also the individual printers of the ballots have the same micro dot signature so fraudulent ballots will be easy to detect and investigate. All printers have a micro dot signature that is like a fingerprint for that specific printer. Every ballot, real or fake, can be traced back to the source. This could get very interesting…

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Just One More Reason Bible Believers Like Trump

 Trump’s press secretary, Kayleigh McEneny, asked Americans to join her in a live prayer group to pray for this election. Can you even imagine a DFLer asking such a thing?  They booed the mention of God at their national convention.  Keep praying folks!  It’s not over til it’s over!


In a tweet sent out the day before, McEnany wrote: “Who would want to join a LIVE prayer group tomorrow?”

This tweet appears to be a follow-up to a previous tweet on election day where she wrote in all caps: “GOD IS IN CONTROL!!”

This was just the latest from a slew McEnany’s faith-themed tweets including another one from election day which read: ““How great is our God, sing with me How great is our God? You’re the name above all names You are worthy of our praise And my heart will sing How great is our God!”

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Top Money Manager Sees U.S. Splitting Into More Than One Nation

 It's now Tuesday morning and as most of us predicted we still don't know for sure if Biden or Trump will be our next President.  In looking at the vote totals it would seem that the nation is about evenly split between Trump voters vs. Biden voters.

But how about California and their 55 electoral votes??  If you add up all the electoral votes that MN, WI, ND, SD, MT, NE, KS, IA and MO have you still won't come up with 55!  The DFL loves to call them "Flyover states".  Maybe it's time to start looking at breaking up CA?  Maybe it should be 3 states?  Maybe then one of those states could turn Red and give their votes to Republican nominee?

We do know that this divide can't continue for too much longer as the hatred and animosity between Left and Right has become insurmountable.  We have sisters and brothers who can't stand each other because one is Trump and the other is Biden.  We have Aunts and Uncles who refuse to talk to nephews because one is for Trump and the other is Biden.  And those of us on the Right actually believe that the Left has been overcome by some delusional, demonic force.  Most have become godless, city dwellers who want nothing to do with the God of Creation, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the Trinity, the God of the Bible, Jesus Christ.  And those on the Left actually have convinced themselves that Trump is like Hitler and those who vote for him are Nazis.

Today we find an article from one of the top money managers in the country.  He is famous because he called some of the last big drops and he also called Trump to win in 2016 when no one else did.  Today he is asking if U.S. may split up.  We have been asking that question for the past 4 years as well.  We just wonder how it could be done without massive bloodshed?

Gundlach Sees U.S. Plausibly Splitting Into 'More Than One Nation'

On the eve of one of the most contentious presidential elections in recent history, DoubleLine CEO Jeffrey Gundlach said on Monday that it was “plausible” that the U.S. could split into more than one nation in the coming years. The remark came near the end of a webcast featuring the high-profile bond fund manager and David Rosenberg of Rosenberg Research.

“We have so much discord and we have a constitution that is very old” and hasn’t changed very much, he said. If the Bill of Rights were put to a vote today, he said it is doubtful that all of it would be approved. Property relations, upon which the Constitution placed a premium, are out of whack in his view.

Today, there is a meaningful segment of the American public that is willing to riot, to “get rid of the police,” and to allow unlimited immigration. Another very large group of people wants no part of this.

The situation already is manifesting itself in the decision of many affluent Americans to relocate during the pandemic. “You can’t find a moving company to get you out of southern California,” he noted.

Gundlach and Rosenberg agreed that Western democracies were facing a unique set of challenges and simply are failing to deliver satisfactory outcomes for their citizens. Economic growth has declined over the last two decades, leaving many millions of people feeling marginalized.

Rosenberg called it “perverse irony” that China is emerging from the Covid-19 pandemic in a much stronger position than most other nations. But he and Gundlach concurred that China's dictatorship is producing a rising living standard that western democracies can not rival.

The trends are not encouraging. “We are 10 years away from China supplanting the U.S. in PPP (purchasing power parity) terms,” Rosenberg said. Neither participant addressed the question of how long China's communist government can sustain its skilled manipulation of the economy.

Regarding the presidential election, Gundlach said he still believed President Trump would be re-elected, but he had far less conviction about who would win than he did in 2016. Four years ago, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was a candidate with massive baggage. Gundlach was among very few observers who predicted Trump's victory early in the 2016 election cycle.

The present situation is quite different. “Whoever loses will throw a fit” and litigate, Gundlach predicted. If Biden were to lose, America could easily see demonstrations, rioting and other forms of social unrest, he said.

Covid-19 could play a major role in depressing turnout among young voters in key Midwestern states like Wisconsin, Michigan and Ohio, where there are huge universities, some with 100,000 students and major liberal, affinity demographics. In this pandemic era, these universities are partially open.

Rosenberg agreed with Gundlach that the polls could be off, but he questioned whether polls showing former Vice President Biden with an 8% to 10% lead could be completely wrong. Most, Rosenberg noted, were off by no more than 3% four years ago.

Rosenberg also argued that, from an economic viewpoint, either a red wave or a blue wave was preferable to the split decision—with Biden winning the White House and Republicans retaining the Senate—that Gundlach said was possible. Gundlach believes there is a significant subset of the electorate that dislikes the Democratic agenda and simultaneously views President Trump as a "monster."

If this line of reasoning is accurate, some of these folks could split their ticket and vote for Biden and GOP congressional candidates. The proof of this thesis on election night could come in Texas. Two years ago, that state's governor, Greg Abbott, received almost 400,000 more votes than its junior senator, Ted Cruz.

If that divided goverment scenario materializes, Sen. Mitch McConnell will still control the Senate and “all he’ll do is a $500 billion stimulus.” That won’t be "nearly enough" to fill the output gap, Rosenberg argued.

Without a stimulus, both men agreed that the economy could experience an eviction crisis that could turn into a mortgage crisis as cash-strapped landlords are forced to default on their mortgages.


Please remember that God knew the outcome of this election before He formed the heavens and the earth.  He is not on His throne biting His nails as he anxiously awaits the outcome of Pennsylvania. 

Monday, November 2, 2020

Resisting Voting for the Demonic

Make no mistake about it, the DFL has now embraced a demonic agenda. They flush God/Jesus from all things, they encourage perversion in our children, they celebrate the murder of babies and they reject the truth that Satan and his demons prowl around looking for someone to devour.  Satan loves it when folks don’t believe he exists and that he is just part of the rejected mythology that the Left is so positive doesn’t exist.  Pray and vote!  Maybe God/Jesus will have mercy on us for a few more years!  Maybe he will let America stand with Trump until the trumpet blows calling us all home!  Wouldn’t that be grand?


In the supposedly thoroughly demythologized modernist era, the worldview that inspired Bosch's art is regarded as now discarded by truly enlightened people.  The art of Bosch, the literature of Dante, Milton, and Goethe, plus the works of theologians over two millennia are considered products of mere superstition.  For secularist moderns, the Devil and his minions are caricatures, a matter of laughter, a trendily chic way to hoist the Church with its own petard.  Who takes the demons seriously?

This in spite of the fact the twentieth and twenty-first centuries have seen the most hideous manifestations of the demonic, much of it accepted and even intensified by the disbelieving, the disengaged, and the "tolerant."  It is indisputable that the Bosch depictions of satanic tortures became reality in the death camps, where human victims endured the agonies of vivisection under the knife of Joseph Mengele; in Unit 731, where men and women were mere specimens for medical experiments; and within the USSR's gulags and detention centers, where dissidents diagnosed with "sluggish schizophrenia" had poison pumped into their veins to cure incorrect thinking.

Even now, right here in America, similar demonic tortures are openly endorsed and performed.  Some are overtly advocated, such as the Church of Satan that recently raffled off an abortion and claimed abortion as a rite protected by freedom of religion.  But dismemberment of the unborn is seen by millions, including some in the churches of our land, as an absolute right.  The result is 61,000,000 unborn children dead.  In addition, the cult of death that is the "T" wing of the LGBTQ+ movement sees as a positive good the drugging and mutilation of children in order to make them faux replicas of the sex opposite of that they were born as.

In short, the gruesome record of the twentieth and now the twenty-first century is there for all to see, but skepticism about demonic influence still reigns among the academic, political, and literary cognoscenti, most of whom deny the existence of the Devil and demons and many of whom deny even the distinction between good and evil.

There are many, some even claiming to be Christians, who do not even see or hear the demon birds standing in the voting line.  Those devilish birds have chirped in the citizen's ears about the death of innocents as a positive "choice" and a human "right" for so long it has deafened many consciences.

But there is a clear choice all people who still have lively consciences.  Be it an openly Satanic cult or a political party, any entity that is openly embracing death as a human right and a positive good for the human race should and can be resisted. 

Tuesday, resistance to the demonic can be shown by voting "no" to the party committed to death and destruction.