Friday, May 27, 2016

Doctors Worried About Super-Bug's Resistance to Antibiotics

Here in America we have become used to the idea that whatever problem we have...there's a pill for that.

Some years ago we started taking antibiotics for every little thing that ailed us.  We even started feeding them to all the farm animals we eat once the feedlots found out it could make the animals grow faster and also keep them from getting sick on massive feedlots.

But what happens when some type of bug comes around that antibiotics can't cure?

 Here's Why Doctors Are So Worried About the New Superbug

 A much-feared superbug gene has been found for the first time in the United States, and it has health officials very worried.

The gene, called mcr-1, was found in a woman from Pennsylvania who had a bad infection last month. In her case, it was an E. coli bacteria. But scientists say this particular gene can turn up in any bacteria, including strains that are already hard to treat, and that's what's scare. Here are a few things to know about mcr-1:

It spreads badness

Mcr-1 is found on a little piece of DNA called a plasmid, which bacteria can pass very easily from one to another. Plasmids can even be passed between species — a kind of interspecies bacterial sex. Patrick McGann at the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research outside Washington, D.C. likens it to a truck. "We refer to them as promiscuous plasmids," McGann said. "This truck comes up and it picks up a load and moves it to another loading dock." In this case the load is a gene that gives bacteria the ability to survive treatment with an important antibiotic. Bacteria are already able to mutate at a blinding rate, but plasmids provide an extra shortcut to mutation.

Public health experts have been screaming about antibiotic resistance for years. More than two million people in the U.S. are infected by drug-resistant germs each year, and 23,000 die of their infections, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. What the CDC fears is a return to the "pre-antibiotic era," when people died by the millions from infections such as pneumonia or strep throat, from infected cuts and scrapes and after childbirth.

Bacteria develop resistance to drugs quickly. By the time the first antibiotic, penicillin, was introduced in 1943, staphylococcus germs had developed resistance. It only took nine years for a strain of tetracycline-resistant Shigella to evolve after that drug hit the market in 1950. MRSA turned up two years after methicillin's development in 1960.

The last new antibiotic to be introduced was ceftaroline, in the cephalosporin class, in 2010. It took just a year for the first staph germ to emerge that resisted its effects. "Every currently available antibiotic is a derivative of a class discovered between the early 1900s and 1984," Pew's Antibiotic Resistance Project says on its website. Drug companies are reluctant to work on developing new antibiotics because they are not very profitable. President Barack Obama has made fighting antibiotic resistance a priority for his administration, but development of new drugs and tests takes years.


The Bible says there will be PESTILENCE in the Last Days.  Throughout history humans have had black plagues, typhoid, small pox and a myriad of other outbreaks that have killed millions.  Here in America we don't even give the possibility of a massive plague a passing thought!

"That could never happen here!  This is America!"

Just imagine the fear that would sweep the nation if some type of airborne disease starts wiping out thousands.  People would be scared to go the malls.  Schools would close, professional sporting events held in stadiums holding tens of thousands would be ghost towns, NASCAR races would be empty....and the American way of life would shut down causing serious consequences to our beloved economy.

We need to remember to give thanks to God for everyday where we enjoy getting out of bed, driving to work, going to a movie, taking in a baseball game, traveling in a jet to Cancun, buying anything our heart desires at the grocery store or mall....because a superbug sweeping the nation killing thousands would totally transform our normal lives.

We can certainly hope that an event like this won't transpire in America until after the rapture...but we need to remember that in these strange days in which we live...anything is possible.  Nobody owes America a forever life of health, wealth and longevity.

Thousands of Muslims Convert to Christianity After Reaching Europe

Could the mass migration of Muslims into Europe be one of God's Last Days plans to save souls before Christ comes for His bride?

Of course we have NO IDEA if these conversions are real...or just done because these Muslims are so desperate to have a reason NOT to be sent back to the Islamic nations from whence they came....but you can read the article and ponder it all for yourselves.

Thousands of Muslim migrants are converting to Christianity after they arrive in Europe, raising concerns they are being carried out in a cynical attempt to gain asylum.

One Evangelical-Lutheran church in Berlin has seen 1,200 Muslim converts in the past three years, while another 80 were baptised at a ceremony in Hamburg.

Now some church leaders have claimed the conversions are done under pressure - with the migrants being taken advantage of due to their desperation for a better life.

Pastor Gerhard Scholte, from the Reformed Keizersgracht Church in Amsterdam, suggested such mass conversions may be a form of 'abuse', according to The Daily Beast.

He said: 'It is taking advantage of people in weak positions and it’s all about the figures. That is abhorrent to me.

'Unless it saves lives, we are not eager to convert. In that case however, we convert anyone who wants to. This is what our church did to help Jews in the Second World War.'

Another official said such conversions were advantageous to applicants, because once converted they could not be sent home without their lives being at risk.

This was because in many Middle Eastern countries, turning one's back on Islam was punishable by death.

Recently one church in Hamburg converted 80 people from Iran and Afghanistan in one ceremony, reported.

Its pastor, Albert Babayan, says he has completed several hundred so far this year and is expected to top 500 by the end of December.

Photographs of the recent ceremony showed dozens of people lining up for the procession into the water, while others play tambourines and pray.


Islam Has A Problem!

Yesterday in North Dakota, Donald Trump said that radical Muslim terrorism is a global problem.  Of course the liberals are appalled when someone says that.  The liberals seem to believe that if they just keep repeating the phrase, "Islam is a religion of peace!" over and over again, that one day it will become a religion of peace!

How deluded they are....

Today we find an article quoting Yousef, the son of a Hamas leader in Gaza.  He has a book out called SON OF HAMAS if you are looking for a good read for this summer.

He converted to Christianity and fled to the US where he was granted political asylum.

Yousef mentioned that he first became acquainted with the Post when he was in an Israeli prison 20 years ago and he wanted to learn English and ended up gaining knowledge about the Jewish and Western world.

“I speak with the authority of experience, it is not from the books, it is not a second-hand knowledge that I got from somebody. I don't represent government or politicians - I represent myself," he continued, before wading into problems he sees in the Palestinian and Islamic world.

Yousef was raised hating Jews and hating anyone who didn't think just like Hamas....until one day Jesus found him.

Now Yousef has accepted Christ and rejected Islam.  He also has a love for Israel.  He has a message for the world about where Islam is heading...and he sounds a lot like Donald Trump.

He mentioned that he was raised to believe that Jews are the enemies of humanity and the Palestinians.

However, he continued, that was “until I came to experience what the Jewish nation really is...through witnessing the true democratic model in an ocean of darkness.”

Yousef recounted how he had witnessed a Palestinian mother send her five children on suicide attacks and how she would bless each one. The former Israeli spy said the mother did this to gain respect in society.

The collective mind of society is representing something, an ideology, a culture, a state of consciousness that is stuck in the 6th and 7th centuries in a tribal lust for power, he said.

“We cannot fool ourselves,” he continued, but “there is an Islamic problem,” going on to mention various radical Islamic terrorist groups such as Hamas, Hezbollah, Boko Haram and Islamic State.

“All of them are killing by the name of Allah,” he said adding that other religions do not act in such ways. “There is an Islamic problem and I think humanity needs to stand against this danger.”

Political correctness means to bury your head in the sand, but "the truth is that we are afraid and we are trying not to provoke them more, we are trying not to create a religious war. But there has been a religious war whether you like it or not.”

This threat needs to be faced with “courage,” said Yousef.

"To tell them no, Islam is a religion of peace. We just create the perfect climate for terrorists to keep on growing." Islam is a belief system and the world should unify against it just as it did against Nazism, he went on to argue.

“When the president of the free world stands and says ‘Islam is a religion of peace’ he creates the create more terrorism,” asserted Yousef.

The Jewish people were able to overcome the Holocaust and instead of playing the victim card, built a democratic state, which sets a great example, concluded Yousef.

“I came from hell,” and “I love what Israel stands for.”


Amazing!  Only Jesus has the power to take a radical Muslim, hell-bent on killing Jews and destroying Israel and turn him around 180 degrees!

How is it possible that the liberals of America can't see that ISLAM HAS A PROBLEM!?  It is so obvious and confirmed by so many people who have left Islam that the ONLY explanation has to be that they are suffering from some type of spiritual delusion.

Maybe they have been blinded because they openly reject God by denying that He made this living miracle of plants, animals, rivers, oceans, mountains and mankind?

2 Thessalonians 2
They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. 11 For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie 12 and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness.

The Homo Push for Adult-Child Sex

The Bible is clear that men sodomizing other men is outside of God's plan so, by definition, it is considered perversion.

1 Corinthians 6
Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men 10 nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God

So it really shouldn't surprise us that the more sex men have with other men, the more perverse they become.  Ultimately their minds get given over and then their is no limit to the desires of their flesh.

The liberals think it's just great for a Boy Scout Leader to be openly gay....but the reality is that a HUGE connection exists between gay men and pedophilia.

Shocking allegations by former child actor Michael Egan against openly “gay” “X-Men” director and producer Bryan Singer have stunned Hollywood into relative silence. I say “relative silence” because, unless he’s a Catholic priest, the relativist left’s false narrative is that a “gay” man is always the victim and never the victimizer.

Nonetheless, this latest episode has once again shined the spotlight on the long-established link between the homosexual lifestyle/movement and pedophilia – a link that, despite “progressive” denials to the contrary, is hiding in plain sight.

Egan has filed suit against Singer and several other high-profile Hollywood figures for homosexually assaulting him and other boys repeatedly at several “‘infamous‘ coke and twink pool parties” back when Egan was 15 and Singer was 32. (In the “LGBT” vernacular “twinks,” also called “chicken,” are highly sought-after underage boys used for sex by adult “gay” men.)

Egan’s claims eerily mirror those of former child actor Corey Feldman who similarly alleged last year that such homosexual abuse is rampant, even systemic, in Hollywood.

But are these allegations really that shocking? Regrettably, the overwhelming weight of the evidence indicates that the abuse runs rampant well beyond just Hollywood.

To be sure, not all homosexuals are pedophiles. Yet a grossly disproportionate number of them are. I don’t write this to be insensitive, “hateful,” intolerant or “homophobic.”

It’s “just the facts, Ma’am.”

Consider, for instance, a study published in the left-leaning Archives of Sexual Behavior of over 200 convicted pedophiles and pederasts. It found that “86 percent of offenders against males described themselves as homosexual or bisexual.” This demonstrates, as notes Peter Sprigg of the Family Research Council, that “homosexual or bisexual men are approximately 10 times more likely to molest children than heterosexual men.”

This makes perfect sense when coupled with another 2001 study in the same peer-reviewed publication. It found that nearly half of all “gay”-identified men who participated in research were molested by a homosexual pedophile as boys: “46 percent of homosexual men and 22 percent of homosexual women reported having been molested by a person of the same gender. This contrasts to only 7 percent of heterosexual men and 1 percent of heterosexual women reporting having been molested by a person of the same gender.”

The connection between homosexual abuse and “gay identity” is undeniable. Although clearly not all “gay”-identified men and women abuse children, or were abused as children, the verifiable reality is that an alarmingly high percentage of them do and were. As with most forms of abuse, the cycle is both circular and vicious. “Born that way?” Not so much. “Made that way?” Sadly, it appears so.

But of equal concern is the fact that many of the most prominent “LGBT” activists across the globe have either overtly endorsed, or given their implicit approval of, what the left euphemistically calls “intergenerational intimacy” (read: child rape).

Take “marriage equality” activist Peter Tatchell, for instance. The GLAAD-affiliated blog “GoodAsYou” glowingly describes Tatchell as a “noted British rights activist.” He’s “one of the most widely respected leaders of the international LGBT movement” one of the blog’s commenters gushes.

Here’s what “widely respected” and “noted rights activist” Tatchell thinks of child rape. He wrote the following in The Guardian, one of the U.K.’s premier newspapers:

“The positive nature of some child-adult sexual relationships is not confined to non-Western cultures. Several of my friends – gay and straight, male and female – had sex with adults from the ages of nine to 13. None feel they were abused. … It is time society acknowledged the truth that not all sex involving children is unwanted, abusive and harmful.”

Or remember Kevin Jennings, President Obama’s “safe school czar” and founder of the sexual extremist group GLSEN?

Wrote the Washington Times of Jennings in 2009:

“A teacher was told by a 15-year-old high school sophomore that he was having homosexual sex with an ‘older man.’ At the very least, statutory rape occurred. Fox News reported that the teacher violated a state law requiring that he report the abuse. That former teacher, Kevin Jennings, is President Obama’s ‘safe school czar.’ …

“In this one case in which Mr. Jennings had a real chance to protect a young boy from a sexual predator, he not only failed to do what the law required but actually encouraged the relationship.”

Jennings later lied about the encounter until audio surfaced of him bragging on it. “I looked at [the boy],” he quipped, “and said, ‘You know, I hope you knew to use a condom.’”


"Oh ish" is what I say to Obama's safe school czar.  I have a feeling that we have no true idea how spiritually disastrous these past 8 years of Obama have been in leading our nation away from the God of the Bible.

Some men say that children are sexual beings and they are ready for sexual experiences MUCH earlier than our society allows...and the liberals are quick to remind us that ALL TRUTH IS RELATIVE.

"Just because you don't sodomize other men doesn't make it wrong!"

"Just because you are monogamous with your wife doesn't make adultery wrong!"

"Just because you didn't have intercourse with lots of women in college doesn't make it wrong!"

"Just because you only have one wife doesn't mean having 3 or 4 wives is wrong!"

"Just because you don't have sexual experiences with 10 year old boys and girls doesn't make it wrong!"

"Just because you don't enjoy sex with horses and sheep doesn't make it wrong!"

And then the final grenade they will throw, which they believe is a real ZINGER because its part of a Bible verse..."Don't judge lest ye be judged!"  That happens to be the most mis-quoted Bible verse EVER!

Jesus tells us there will be a special place in hell for these men who have done despicable things to little kids.  The vengeance will be HIS one day...hopefully soon.  In the meantime, let's stand for what the TRUTH of the Bible actually says, but let's remember to speak those truths in love.

Gay sex is wrong....because God's word says so.
Animal sex is wrong, adultery is wrong, fornication is wrong, polygamy is wrong and sex between a grown man and a little boy or girl is wrong too.

Romans 12:19 
Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” says the Lord.

"Radical" vs. "Moderate" Islam: A Muslim View

I believe we have all heard the politicians extolling the good virtues of the so-called "Moderate" Muslims and their "Moderate" views regarding Islam, the Koran, the Hadiths and also their views on non-Muslims. "These are Muslims we can work with!", we are told by our leaders.

But what if the term "Moderate Muslim", used by the West to try and describe who they can work with in the hell-hole Muslim world, was actually considered a slur in the Muslim world?  What if no real Muslim really aspires to be a moderate Muslim?

After his recent electoral victory, it emerged that Sadiq Khan, London's first Muslim mayor, had described moderate Muslim groups as "Uncle Toms" -- a racial slur used against blacks perceived to be subservient to whites, or, in this context, Muslims who embrace "moderate Islam" as, in his view, a way of being subservient to the West.

One of Iran's highest clerics apparently shares the same convictions. After asserting that "revolutionary Islam is the same as pure Muhammadan Islam," Ayatollah Tabatabaeinejad recently said:

"Some say our Islam is not revolutionary Islam, but we must say to them that non-revolutionary Islam is the same as American Islam. Islam commands us to be firm against the enemies and be kind and compassionate toward each other and not be afraid of anything..."

According to the AB News Agency,

"Ayatollah Tabatabaeinejad stated that revolutionary Islam is this same Islam. It is the Islam that is within us that can create changes. The warriors realized that Islam is not just prayers and fasting, but rather they stood against the enemies in support of Islam."

How many Muslims share these convictions, one from a Sunni living (and now governing) in London, the other from a Shia living and governing in the Middle East?

According to an Arabic language article, (in translation) "The Truth about the Moderate Muslim as Seen by the West and its Muslim Followers," by Dr. Ahmed Ibrahim Khadr in 2011:

"Islamic researchers are agreed that what the West and its followers call 'moderate Islam' and 'moderate Muslims' is simply a slur against Islam and Muslims, a distortion of Islam, a rift among Muslims, a spark to ignite war among them. They also see that the division of Islam into 'moderate Islam' and 'radical Islam' has no basis in Islam -- neither in its doctrines and rulings, nor in its understandings or reality.

Khadr makes other charges outside his chart, including that radicals want religion to govern society, while moderates believe religion has no role in public life, that it must be practiced in private; that radicals take the text of the Koran and hadith literally, while moderates rely on rationalism, and that the first loyalty of radicals is to Islam -- a reference to the Islamic doctrine of "Loyalty and Enmity" -- while the first loyalty for moderates, regardless of their religion, is to the state. Radicals, he charges, also marvel that the moderate "finds hatred for non-Muslims unacceptable."

Khadr's conclusion is that, to most Muslims, "moderate Muslims" are those Muslims who do not oppose -- and who actually aid -- the West and its way of life, whereas everything "radicals" accept is based on traditional Islamic views.

If true -- and disturbing polls certainly indicate that Khadr's findings are prevalent -- the West may need to rethink one of its main means of countering radical Islam: moderate Muslims and moderate Islam.


Wow!  That sure sticks a finger in the eye of what the liberal Democrats in America have been saying about "Moderate" Muslims.

As we have said all along, who is the REAL MUSLIM?  Is is one who believes the Koran and accepts that Allah is the ONLY way and that the world should be conquered for the glory of Allah?--or--one who doesn't know and doesn't care what the Koran says, seldom attends Mosque, seldom bows 5 times per day to Allah and certainly doesn't live his life as a devout Muslim?

Think about it using your knowledge of people who call themselves Christians.  Radical Christians read their Bibles and attend Bible study.  They most certainly LOVE to go to church on Sundays and exercise their spiritual gifts for the benefit of their church. They believe that Jesus is the only name given to men for salvation and they understand that Christ's call to go and make disciples is the most important thing they can do while on earth.

So what's a "Moderate" Christian?

"Yeah, I don't have time to read the Bible...if I do...I stay away from the OT crap about some angry God and try to stay on the positive passages in the NT talking about love and acceptance."

"I sometimes go to church, but I find that the golf course or my fishing boat is where I feel closest to God."

"I kind of like what Oprah says about it not being possible that Jesus is the ONLY way.  That seems totally unfair...and MY God would never be so intolerant as to send a bunch of people to hell just cuz they didn't know about Jesus.

"Yeah, I make pretty good money at the office and I like to give to charity cuz it makes me feel good!  Just last year I cut a check to UNICEF for $100...and I always drop my change in the bin at McDonalds to help the Ronald McDonald yes, I would say I'm very charitable!"

You get the point.  Is a "moderate" Christian really a christian....or does he just think he is?

Is a 'moderate" Muslim really a Muslim....or does he just think he is because he was born a Muslim?

Jesus clearly told us that we will know others based on the fruit they bear.  He also told us that only a few were on the path to salvation and that most are on the wide road leading to destruction.

Are you on the path or the road?

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Ever Heard a Sermon Against Gluttony?

Have you ever heard a sermon on gluttony?  I haven't.  I have definitely heard plenty of preachers preach against homosexuality, perversion, adultery and pornography....but how come no one preaches against gluttonous people?

Maybe because there are too many of them sitting in the pews and leading their churches?  Maybe the pastor himself struggles with gluttony so certainly it would be embarrassing for him to preach on it, right?

If  a church would refuse to let an adulterer or a practicing homosexual serve as a leader or on staff....why would they allow a gluttonous person to serve on staff or be in leadership?

The Sin That's Eating Christians Alive

He's crafty. He's wily. He's a wolf in sheep's clothing. Many of us stop him when he comes at us with something we recognize as wrong like being tempted to pilfer funds no one will ever know are gone, go to a movie with that man or woman from the office who acts so much more interested in us than our spouse, drink and drive and hang out with folks who do. We can easily (I hope) say, "No!"

He's far more clever than to tempt us with the obvious. He's got his hand in something far more deadly than any of the things we ordinarily think of as sin, and yet it is one of the seven deadly sins. I am talking about the thing I've never heard even one pastor preach about or even talk about—gluttony, the sin that's eating Christians alive.

What Is Gluttony?

Several times the Bible mentions those who are gluttons and advises people not to associate with someone who is a glutton. The Weymouth New Testament translates one of the "acts of the flesh" listed in Galatians 5:19-21 as "riotous feasting," while the Wycliffe Bible calls it "immeasurable eatings." Others translate it as "orgies, wild parties, revelries" (Galatians 5:19-21, Weymouth New Testament, Wycliffe Bible, NIV, NLT, NKJV). These are all words for gluttonous behaviors.

The definition of a glutton is "one given habitually to greedy and voracious eating" (Webster's Dictionary online). Synonyms are overeater, hog and stuffer (Webster's Dictionary online). I will admit, this was my rebellion of choice. I saw it as the "sanctified sin" because I had never heard a pastor say it was wrong to eat until you were stuffed.

As a matter of fact, most joked from the pulpit about the upcoming church carry-in supper as one where everyone would have to wear expandable clothes. As a sugar and comfort food addict and glutton, that just justified my chosen rebellion.

I Wore My Rebellion

At 430 pounds, I wore my rebellion where all could see it. There was no hiding my sin. It was always with me, but then no one dared mention it to me lest I point out their third piece of pie.

Yet, my sin, like many others God steers us away from, was killing me, eating me alive. I thank God for a rude cardiac surgeon who bluntly told me I'd be dead in five years if I didn't lose at least 100 pounds and keep it off. That was a wake-up call. However, it took several more years and many more circumstances before I owned my addiction.

Acting Against My Addiction

As any addict knows, to recover I had to do a 180-degree turn-around. I had to give up those things I craved, the things that if I ate them, I couldn't stop. I had to face my emotional demons and recognize how they impacted my relationship with God.

I changed physically. To date I've lost 265 pounds. I changed emotionally. I fully embrace my emotions and learn from them and how to handle them. I changed spiritually. I accept the glorious grace, strength, mercy and mystery of who God is and how He works in my life.

I stay away from foods with sugar and flour or that combination. This is true any place I am, even when others are eating other things. I stay true to my commitment because I have made an obedience commitment to my God to want Him more than the things I crave.

In addition, I am aware people are watching me to see if I stay true to the journey God to which has called me. It is even more motivation to be obedient.

Hell of Food Addiction

I pray for divine encounters with people who suffered like I did for years because I know they want a way out of the hell of food addiction. Satan has gripped them by the stomach and won't let go. The way out is not easy, but it is possible when we submit totally to Him and desire to be transformed, changed from the inside out (Romans 12:2).

I have immeasurable compassion for those who are where I was. It's why I write books. When I was super morbidly obese, I wouldn't ask for help, but I would read a book. I just couldn't find one written by someone who had been where I was and had overcome.

It's why I speak and do radio and TV interviews. God has given me a platform. I use every opportunity to make the church aware that they must wake up to Satan's tactics before it is too late.


So we followers of Christ claim to abhor drug addicts, alcohol overuse, porn use, adultery, fornication and gay sex....but we give a big pass on food addiction?  How does that make sense?

"But Dennis, some people are born that way and they simply can't help eating so much because they are big boned and have slow metabolisms and they simply can't push themselves away from the table!"

Uh huh....and there we go again with the "I was born this way can't change!" argument.

If the Creator of the universe can make planets and stars and He also claims to know every hair on your head....I think he can also change the sinful addictions we may have been born with...including an addiction to food.

Proverbs 28:7
The one who keeps the law is a son with understanding, but a companion of gluttons shames his father.

Lesbian Finds Jesus and Changes Her Life

Of course for the past 10 years we have all heard the incessant battle cry of LGBT advocates yelling, "We/they were BORN THIS WAY!" whatever you want, live however you want, copulate with anyone or anything you want but don't keep yelling BORN THIS WAY if you also claim to be a believer in the Word of God and a follower of Christ.  The entire point of the Gospel is that WE WERE ALL BORN THAT WAY...born into death and sin.  We are BORN sinners!

Some are born with a bend towards selfishness in that they struggle with sharing more than anything else!  Some are born with a struggle against gluttony.  They were born with an addiction to stuffing themselves and end up obese.  Some were born with a struggle to tell the truth...they are pathological liars....but here is the point, there is healing for EVERYONE through the power of Jesus.

"But Dennis, certainly you don't believe that Jesus can change a person's gay desires and take away a lesbian's desire to be sexual with other women?"

Yep...I believe the Creator of the Universe, who can create stars and planets, can also change a gay person's desires, an obese person's food addiction, a selfish man's heart and any other sinful behavior that we need changed.

It took me a couple of years before I could work up the courage to go back home for a visit. I wouldn't go alone and took my girlfriend, Ann, and her daughter, with me. My mom was very warm and welcoming, even loving toward all three of us. I thought perhaps things had changed in the nearly seven years I'd been gone.

She pulled me aside and said, "Michelle, I love you, and you are all welcome to stay here tonight, but you'll have to sleep in separate rooms."

I was mad, but I understood and appreciated the forewarning. We went to a hotel.

Mom continued to love on us by sending cards and money on birthdays and holidays. I joked it wasn't fair Ann got the same amount of money on her birthday as I did from my parents.

I was beginning to calm down, to live a more stable life, one that wouldn't cause the neighbors to blush. Normal. I thought perhaps I should also pursue a more normal religious identity. I was still seeking God. I knew I couldn't return to mainstream Christianity, just the thought of it still gave me the heebie-jeebies, but I had a deep longing I couldn't satisfy. I was still writing, reading and viewing porn.

I began studying Kabbalah and the Zohar (both Jewish mysticism), and I decided I needed to talk to a rabbi, to learn as much about the foundational aspects of Judaism as possible before I could truly attain proficiency in Jewish mysticism. At the time, this seemed to fall within the realm of "normal" for me. I met with a rabbi in the Reformed tradition, one who assured me it was OK to continue my life as a practicing lesbian.

Although the thought of entering a Christian church or speaking to any of my former mentors and friends who were Christians almost sickened me, I could read the Bible if I was doing it to pursue Jewish knowledge. I stuck to the Old Testament, which kept me safe from the pesky and disturbing writings of Paul. I couldn't deal with Jesus either, but that was OK for now. He seemed safely ensconced in the New Testament.

What I didn't intend during my course of study was to have feelings about God emerge. I began to sense an awareness of Him again. My previous experiences into other forms of spirituality (or non-spirituality) had always been to soothe an ache, but had always been unsuccessful. They were fun, scary, encouraging or wishful, but never fulfilling. I began to pray the serenity prayer and the 23rd Psalm.

More than a year passed as I met with the rabbi once a week, alone and in a small group. I rarely went to synagogue. I am an introvert by nature, and couldn't seem to break into this Jewish family in any meaningful way. Finally, Rabbi M. told me it was time to pick a date for my official conversion ceremony.

Within days of the announcement, I received devastating news. Aunt Jan, dearly beloved and only 11 years older than me, had died unexpectedly. My entire family felt this loss deeply. I drove with my girlfriend to Oklahoma to the funeral.

As I sat in the funeral home chapel, listening to a sermon by a very inexperienced friend of my uncle's, I heard a voice say to me, "You can't give up Jesus."

I turned my head to the left and to the right, but no one was looking at me.

"You can't give up Jesus."

Again, I looked around and no one was paying any attention to me. It repeated again, and perhaps one more time.

I found myself saying, "I can't give up Jesus. I can't give up Jesus."

The voice of the minister had faded. I wasn't aware of anything except that thought. I knew to convert to Judaism was to deny Jesus. It turned out I wasn't prepared to do that.

Strangely, even in spite of hearing an audible voice inside my head, I continued to be lost. I searched on the internet for an acceptable church. When I would find a local church that accepted and endorsed the gay lifestyle, I would get excited and go try it out. However, I never went back to any of those churches. It was as if there was a heavy cloud over every single one of them. It was like a giant room lit with only a few 25-watt bulbs. Any church that would accept me as a practicing lesbian lacked all credibility with me. I knew it was wrong, and having someone tell me it was right made me lose all respect for their authority.

I began reading theologians in what is called Progressive Christianity such as Marcus Borg and John Shelby Spong. While their theology was appealing to someone who wanted Jesus without sacrifice, Christ without obedience, I was still hungry. The intellectual spin was interesting, but didn't sound the bell of truth in my spirit. I had experienced a relationship with God when I was a child. I longed to be deeply loved and cherished by Him.

Excerpt from Prodigal Pursued by Michelle X. Smith. Former Assistant District Attorney, Michelle spent nearly 25 years as an out, loud, and proud lesbian. A feminist, separatist and anarchist, she wandered through New Age beliefs, witchcraft, Buddhism, agnosticism and all the other "isms" available to explore. At last she encountered the undeniable, indescribable love of Jesus, and everything changed. Today Michelle not only reaches out to touch the LGBT community with the love of God, but also speaks to the church, sharing a message of hope to those who feel they have lost a   loved one to the LGBT lifestyle.


How tragic that so many churches have now caved into the WE WERE BORN THIS WAY argument. They no longer share the love and truth with their gay parishioners.  How much longer before they refuse to share the truth with their adulterous or fornicating parishioners?  How much longer before they refuse to say the word SIN from the pulpit?

"Here at the Valley of the Good Shepherd, we choose not to talk about divisive we steer clear of sermons on sin, repentance and hell and we also limit our use of the Bible from the pulpit because our studies show that a lot of people are offended by large parts of the Bible...and we want to be a welcoming place, not a place where people feel uncomfortable or convicted of anything."

Ish!  No wonder Jesus said he is going to vomit the Last Days churches out of his mouth!  He definitely should!

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Cemetery of the Giants

Genesis tells of a time, before Noah's flood, when fallen angels put together a plan to corrupt the gene-pool of mankind and create mutant-hybrids called Nephilim.  Throughout history, cultures from around the world tell of a time when there were giants among them.

So is it all true?  Where are these giants today?  We know they were killed in the flood but then Genesis 6 says they came back after the flood too....and Joshua finds giants in the Promised Land when Noah sends him to spy it out.

"There were giants in the earth in those days..." Gen 6:4

It seems that mankind has questioned the reality of the existence of giants at least since giants were mentioned in Genesis.

Nearly every place around the world has legends of giants dwelling in the land. Greek and Roman mythology mentions the Titans and Norse mythology contains stories of the Frost giants of Jötunheim.  

Well known first-century Jewish historian Flavius Josephus wrote about the history of the Jewish War in 79 AD and spoke of giants:

"There were giants. Much larger and shaped differently than normal people. Terrible to behold!"

Many of these stories are not limited to the ancient past but are also part of our more recent history.

When Abraham Lincoln made his first visit to Niagara Falls in 1848, he wrote of giants in his notes:

When Columbus first sought this continent - when Christ suffered on the cross - when Moses led Israel through the Red Sea - nay, even when Adam first came from the land of his Maker - then as now, Niagara was roaring here. The eyes of that species of extinct giants, whose bones fill the mounds of America, have gazed on Niagara..."

In his autobiography, "Buffalo" Bill Cody wrote the following words about a legend recounted to him by members of the Sioux tribe.

It was taught by the wise men of this tribe that the earth was originally peopled by giants, who were fully three times the size of modern men. They were so swift and powerful that they could run alongside a buffalo, take the animal under one arm, and tear off a leg, and eat it as they ran. So vainglorious were they because of their own size and strength that they denied the existence of a Creator. When it lighted, they proclaimed their superiority to the lightning; when it thundered, they laughed.

This displeased the Great Spirit, and to rebuke their arrogance he sent a great rain upon the earth. The valleys filled with water, and the giants retreated to the hills. The water crept up the hills, and the giants sought safety on the highest mountains. Still the rain continued, the waters rose, and the giants, having no other refuge, were drowned.

It is interesting that much of giant lore includes descriptions of a flood sent by God (or the gods) to destroy these wicked people. Could it be that while the Bible contains the true history of our past, these groups are simply repeating their own distorted versions of world history prior to and perhaps after the dispersion at Babel?

Many such stories contain exaggerations but is it reasonable to automatically reject every one of these traditions, or, like most legends, is there possibly some truth behind the them, as is often the case?

The Biblical support for the existence of giants is overwhelming although many details as to their nature and number are still debated.  What is perhaps more controversial today is the quest to find giants remains.

Many claims of giant skeletons have been made over the past few centuries, especially in the nineteenth century. 

One such place can be found in Ecuador known as the "The Cemetery of the Giants".

Father Carlos Vaca was a priest in Ecuador in 1964 when villagers contacted him to examine some strange bones that had been found. The bones were eventually taken to Austria for further analysis and would be featured in an exhibit, Unsolved Mysteries. 

The bones were deemed to be human and samples contained a complete shinbone. Whoever belonged to the skeleton stood at a whopping 7.6 meters tall (25 feet). The site of the skeletal discoveries was named Cemetery of the Giants by the locals.


Do I have any doubt there were mutant-humans, perverted by Satanic angels, roaming the earth at one time?


Do I believe Satan could use "strange flesh" again in the Last Days when he pulls out all the stops to try to break God's Word and kill as many people as he can before God saves their souls?  Could that strange flesh be giants or also include "aliens" that the people of earth today would totally believe "evolved" as a life form on some distant planet?


Do I believe that Jesus maybe hinted to such a time happening again in the Last Days?'s very possible.

Matthew 24:37 
As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man.

Genesis 6
9 This is the account of Noah and his family.
Noah was a righteous man, blameless among the people of his time, and he walked faithfully with God.

(note that some commentaries translate BLAMELESS as UNCORRUPTED...meaning that Noah's DNA was pure and had not been mingled with the seed of Satan)

Even ol' honest-Abe Lincoln believed there had been giants in the land;

When Abraham Lincoln made his first visit to Niagara Falls in 1848, he wrote of giants in his notes:

When Columbus first sought this continent - when Christ suffered on the cross - when Moses led Israel through the Red Sea - nay, even when Adam first came from the land of his Maker - then as now, Niagara was roaring here. The eyes of that species of extinct giants, whose bones fill the mounds of America, have gazed on Niagara..."

NYC Protects 31 Gender Identities

Not too many years ago, if you were applying for a job, or college admission or Social only had to know the two genders, either MALE of FEMALE.

Today, if you live in NYC you better get familiar with all 31 gender choices...or you could end up in a heap of trouble.

Individuals living in New York City can choose from a minimum of 31 different gender identities, many of which allow them to fluctuate between some version or combination of male or female identities.

Businesses that don’t respect and accommodate an individual’s chosen gender identity risk incurring six-figure fines under rules implemented by the city’s Commission on Human Rights.

The list of protected gender identities is available online and includes options such as “gender bender,” “two spirit,” “third sex,” “androgynous,” “gender gifted,” and “pangender.” A city official speaking on background confirmed to The Daily Caller that all of the listed identities are protected by the city’s anti-discrimination laws, but said that the list was not exhaustive.

The city does not provide definitions of the various gender identities, but TheDC was able to define several of them from glossaries provided online by the University of Wisconsin and the University of California Berkeley.

Someone who identifies as “genderqueer,” for example, is a “person whose gender identity is neither man nor woman, is between or beyond genders, or is some combination of genders.”

A “gender bender” is someone “who bends, changes, mixes, or combines society’s gender conventions by expressing elements of masculinity and femininity together.”

Similarly, someone who is “gender fluid” is a person “whose gender identification and presentation shifts, whether within or outside of societal, gender-based expectations.”

If someone self-identifies as “androgynous,” it means they are “appearing and/or identifying as neither man nor woman, presenting a gender either mixed or neutral.”

“Two spirit” individuals are Native Americans “who have attributes of both men and women, have distinct gender and social roles in their tribes, and are often involved with mystical rituals (shamans).”

If someone is “pangender,” their “gender identity is comprised of all or many gender expressions.”

The full list of gender identities can be viewed online in a document provided by the city’s Commission on Human Rights.

The city’s gender identity guidance was issued in December but has been the subject of ongoing media attention in the past week. As noted by law professor Eugene Volokh, businesses can be fined up to six figures for knowingly using the “wrong” pronouns to refer to a customer or employee.


Holy confusion!!

You know what this is folks?  It's simply the Prince of this World going on full attack mode against the Word of God.  And sadly, most Americans no longer believe the Word of God to be a valid source of authority or morality we end up with 31 genders, gay marriage, polygamy, bestiality, 70% of black children born out of wedlock, divorce so rampant that 25 year anniversaries are rare, etc...

Genesis 1:27
So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.

Genesis 5:2 
He created them male and female and blessed them. And he named them “Mankind” when they were created.

Also, I want to emphasize a paragraph from above when it touched on Native American Indians;

“Two spirit” individuals are Native Americans “who have attributes of both men and women, have distinct gender and social roles in their tribes, and are often involved with mystical rituals (shamans).”

Yep...just a thought here for any of you who haven't thought about it...WHY do you think that God allowed the white man to TOTALLY DESTROY the Native Americans while in the process of setting up America as the most powerful, wealthy nation to EVER be present on planet earth?

Think about it.......

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Nationwide Crime Wave is Building

Let me start out by saying that BLACK LIVES MATTER movement is a racist lie.  The movement only seems to care about white people killing black people but doesn't seem to bat an eye when black people kill other black people.

"No justice!  No peace!  No justice!  No peace!"

Shut up!  Go home!  Pull up your pants!  Go get a free education and get a job!  Then quit complaining that you are victims and that it's everyone else's fault that you are poor, uneducated and have 3 kids from 3 different fathers. Look in the mirror!  Slavery has been over for 150 years now....and it never happened to you anyway! happened to your great, great, great, great grandpa....and you never met him and quite sure you have no idea what his name even was! that I got that rant out of the is the article about what can be called the "Ferguson Effect".  Basically what happens is that police have nothing to gain to get out of their car at 2 am and ask a group of black men standing on the corner, "what's up?"  The police have seen the news.  They know if they get in a fight and pull their gun...they may end up in jail better to just move along, pretend you didn't see it and let the liberal idiots figure out how they want to police the black communities responsible for a disproportionate amount of murders.  And now crime is exploding because the black folks are feeling the lack of police doing police work.

Check out this paragraph from the article:
As I know from interviewing police officers in urban areas across the country, they now encounter racially charged animus on the streets as never before.

Yep!  Another NEVER found in the news!

Federal Bureau of Investigation Director James Comey has again drawn the wrath of the White House for calling attention to the rising violence in urban areas. Homicides increased 9% in the largest 63 cities in the first quarter of 2016; nonfatal shootings were up 21%, according to a Major Cities Chiefs Association survey. Those increases come on top of last year’s 17% rise in homicides in the 56 biggest U.S. cities, with 10 heavily black cities showing murder spikes above 60%.

“I was very worried about it last fall,” Mr. Comey told a May 11 news conference. “And I am in many ways more worried” now, he said, because the violent-crime rate is going up even faster this year.

Mr. Comey’s sin, according to the White House, was to posit that this climbing urban violence was the result of a falloff in proactive policing, a hypothesis I first put forward in these pages last year, dubbing it the “Ferguson effect.” The FBI director used the term “viral video effect,” but it is a distinction without a difference. “There’s a perception,” Mr. Comey said during his news conference, “that police are less likely to do the marginal additional policing that suppresses crime—the getting out of your car at 2 in the morning and saying to a group of guys, ‘What are you doing here?’ ”

The reaction to Mr. Comey’s heresy was swift. White House spokesman Josh Earnest immediately accused the FBI director of being “irresponsible and ultimately counterproductive” by drawing “conclusions based on anecdotal evidence.”

Mr. Comey’s dressing-down was the second time he has been rebuked by his bosses for connecting the crime increase to a drop in proactive policing. Last November, President Obama accused Mr. Comey of trying to “cherry-pick data” and pursuing a “political agenda” after the FBI chief spoke of the “chill wind” blowing through American law enforcement since the Michael Brown shooting in Ferguson, Mo., in August 2014.

But the evidence is not looking good for those who dismiss the Ferguson effect, from the president on down. That group once included Richard Rosenfeld, a criminologist at the University of Missouri, St. Louis, who was an early and influential critic. Mr. Rosenfeld has changed his mind after taking a closer look at the worsening crime statistics. “The only explanation that gets the timing right is a version of the Ferguson effect,” he told the Guardian recently. “These aren’t flukes or blips, this is a real increase.”

A study published this year in the Journal of Criminal Justice found that homicides in the 12 months after the Michael Brown shooting rose significantly in cities with large black populations and already high rates of violence, which is precisely what the Ferguson effect would predict.

A study of gun violence in Baltimore by crime analyst Jeff Asher showed an inverse correlation with proactive drug arrests: When Baltimore cops virtually stopped making drug arrests last year after the rioting that followed the death of Freddie Gray while in police custody, shootings soared. In Chicago, where pedestrian stops have fallen nearly 90%, homicides this year are up 60% compared with the same period last year. Compared with the first four and half months of 2014, homicides in Chicago are up 95%, according to the police department. Even the liberal website Vox has grudgingly concluded that “the Ferguson effect theory is narrowly correct, at least in some cities.”

Despite this mounting evidence, the Ferguson effect continues to be distorted by its critics and even by its recent converts. The standard line is that it represents a peevish reaction from officers to “public scrutiny” and expectations of increased accountability. This ignores the virulent nature of the Black Lives Matter movement that was touched off by a spate of highly publicized deaths of young black men during encounters with police. As I know from interviewing police officers in urban areas across the country, they now encounter racially charged animus on the streets as never before.

Accountability is not the problem; officers in most departments are accustomed to multiple layers of review and public oversight. The problem is the activist-stoked hostility toward the police on the streets and ungrounded criticism of law enforcement that has flowed from the Obama administration and has been amplified by the media.

“In my 19 years in law enforcement, I haven’t seen this kind of hatred towards the police,” a Chicago cop who works on the tough South Side tells me. “People want to fight you. ‘F--- the police. We don’t have to listen,’ they say.” A police officer in Los Angeles reports: “Several years ago I could use a reasonable and justified amount of force and not be cursed and jeered at. Now our officers are getting surrounded every time they put handcuffs on someone.” Resistance to arrest is up, cops across the country say, and officers are getting injured.


The Bible tells us that violence will increase as the Last Days come upon us.  It says men will be brutal, lovers of violence.

So WHO do you think the liberals are going to get to police the morally and financially bankrupt black cities across America? Who would want to risk jail or being the subject of a viral video every time you step out of your car?

(Cricket chirping sound)

Clearly, the atheistic liberals are making their beds that they will be forced to lay in during the Great Tribulation...which will happen AFTER the rapture and will commence its 7 year countdown when the Antichrist brokers a peace agreement with Israel and her neighbors.

Matthew 24
21 For then there will be great distress, unequaled from the beginning of the world until now—and never to be equaled again.

Absolutely No Absolutes in America Anymore

Some of you probably get emails from American Family Association as I do.  Today this one rang true to me as I read an article this morning about NYC having 31 official genders that fall under city wide protection, anti-discrimination and hate speech laws.

The secular liberals (or progressives, as they call themselves) are pushing their agenda at full tilt across the country. Now they are pushing the idea that males who “self-identify” as females should be able to use the restroom, locker room, or fitting room of their choice. If you have a problem with that, then you are bigot according to the progressive movement. 

These people, led politically by President Barack Obama and his administration, are basically at war with 1) traditional Americans, 2) the Judeo-Christian value system, 3) common sense, and 4) millennia of history. Progressivism is a worldview fundamentally based on the philosophy of humanism. Humanism is based on atheism or agnosticism. That is to say, there is no God to govern the individual or the community on planet Earth. Or, if there is a God, He has no concern for human affairs. Therefore, it is up to humans to make our own rules for life. And we make those rules up as we go along. 

There are some variations of the definition I’ve just laid out, but basically, this is an accurate description. President Obama, for example, says he is a Christian, but then says: “I believe that there are many paths to the same place, and that there is a higher power, that we are connected as a people.” So he is not, technically, an atheist. However, judging by his words and his presidential decrees, he is a universalist. And universalism is fundamentally incompatible with Christian doctrine. So Obama would describe himself as a Christian who does not believe in the exclusivity of Jesus Christ as the only way to know God or to reach heaven in the afterlife. This is like saying one plus one is two, but if someone wants to believe one and one equals three, that may also be true. 

Of course, the president is not alone. There are millions of Americans who would describe themselves this way. These folks believe mutually exclusive claims of truth can both be true at the same time. “What’s true for you may not be true for me,” they would argue. This is not the same as respecting another person’s beliefs that might be different from yours, which is a commendable American tradition that promotes public civility and discourse. Their words propose the theory that Christianity, Humanism, Buddhism, Islam, Voodoo, and Hinduism can all be true at the same time. That is completely and obviously illogical, but you will hear some otherwise really smart people insisting that all teachings of all faiths can be true. Well, every faith except Christianity – because Christianity is exclusive, so it must be relegated to the trash heap of contemporary religions. 

The central teaching of Christianity is that Jesus Christ suffered and died on the cross as the sacrifice for the sins of the world. God, the Bible says, requires that we believe in that sacrifice and submit our lives to following Christ. First Timothy 2:5-6 says: “For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all. …” What Jesus came to save people from was sin, death, and hell. 

Now, either what I have just laid out is a true statement from God or it is not. It can’t be both. 

Certainly, we have had our national problems, as human institutions always have had and always will have. But America, for most of her history, has held to the Judeo-Christian value system to guide our path of understanding and govern our social morals. We used to teach our children love of country, respect for authority, and the Ten Commandments in school, at home, and in church. Not too long ago, we had reverence for the things of God. Today open sacrilege is the norm, especially in popular culture. We think we can make up our own truth instead of submitting to the truth of Scripture. 

Such fantasy is ultimately a path to destruction, which will most certainly be visited on us should we not turn back to God in humility and repentance. If we are to survive as a nation, we must rebuild a society whose values reflect the truths of the one true God.

Tim Wildmon, President
American Family Association

"Today I feel like an otherkin....more like my spirit animal...a she-wolf.  I want to be treated as a female wolf if you need me, just howl."

"But Gary, you're a full-grown man! even have kids by your two ex-wives."

"You WILL treat me as a she-wolf today or I will have you fired for discrimination and hate speech!  NYC says I can identify as anything I want and use any locker room or restroom that makes ME most comfortable!  Now start howling for hateful bigot!"

Seriously....don't you think Jesus has to be close to coming for his save us all from the progressive, liberal atheists who we have allowed to take control of this once God-fearing nation?--or---maybe Jesus is going to make His bride watch for a while the consequences of our apathy and see what happens when we forget that our ONLY purpose, to be left on earth after salvation, is to be SALT AND LIGHT?

Revelation 3
16 So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth. 17 You say, ‘I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.’ But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked. 18 I counsel you to buy from me gold refined in the fire, so you can become rich; and white clothes to wear, so you can cover your shameful nakedness; and salve to put on your eyes, so you can see.

Monday, May 23, 2016

100 Schoolchildren Possessed by the Devil

It's being reported from Peru that over 100 kids in the same school are being tormented by the devil. Their symptoms are convulsions, terror, muscle spasms, unconsciousness and reports of being chased by a man in black.

Almost 100 schoolchildren are thought to have been 'possessed' by the devil - and see visions of a man in black trying to kill them.

In what has been described as a mass case of demonic possession, the pupils in Peru are experiencing seizures alongside their horrifying halluncinations.

Experts have struggled to explain the strange goings-on, which also include widespread convulsions and fainting at the school , reportedly built on a Mafia graveyard.

According to local reports, as many as 80 students at the Elsa Perea Flores School in northern Peru’s Tarapoto have been experiencing the supposedly contagious ‘condition’ since last month.

Children aged between 11 and 14 are reportedly fainting and having strong muscular convulsions.

Shocking video footage shows pupils who are barely conscious, repeatedly screaming, and who appear to be delirious.

Doctor Antony Choy told national channel Panamericana TV: "We don’t understand how this has kept on going on.

"We know it started on 29th April and now it is still happening. Now there are almost 80 pupils [still affected]."

Elsa de Pizango, a concerned mother whose daughter has experienced some of the symptoms, said: "She fainted in school. They didn’t say anything at the hospital. She just fainted. She keeps on spitting froth from her mouth."

A pupil, not named in local media, described their experience: "It’s disturbing for me to think about it. It’s as if someone kept on chasing me from behind. It was a tall man all dressed in black and with a big beard and it felt like he was trying to strangle me.

"My friends say I was screaming desperately, but I don’t remember much."

Another schoolgirl said she had trouble breathing and was desperately holding her neck as if someone was strangling her. According to her friends, she kept screaming: "Take it out."

Another anonymous girl, aged 13, told local media: "Several children from different classrooms fainted at the same time. I got nauseous and started vomiting. I heard voices. A man in black chased me and wanted to touch me."


The link to the article above also includes a video shot from someone's cell phone who witnessed some of these strange events.  You need to watch it and decide for yourselves.

Are they demon possessed?  We have no idea.

Could they be demon possessed?  Absolutely.

We know with 100% certainty that IT IS NOT THE HOLY SPIRIT causing this chaos, fear and it's safe to say that something Satanic is causing these kids to shake, tremble and cry out in terror.

Mark 1
22 The people were amazed at his teaching, because he taught them as one who had authority, not as the teachers of the law. 23 Just then a man in their synagogue who was possessed by an impure spirit cried out, 24 “What do you want with us, Jesus of Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are—the Holy One of God!”

25 “Be quiet!” said Jesus sternly. “Come out of him!” 26 The impure spirit shook the man violently and came out of him with a shriek.

Lessons From Venezuela Coming to America?

My readers are aware that Venezuela is imploding.  It's a mess of corruption, socialist ideas and spending too much money based on your projected future oil sales that led to her downfall.

So could this happen in America?  If the food lines were to start here could folks really start eating dogs, cats and birds as they are in Venezuela?

The full-blown economic collapse that is happening in Venezuela right now is a preview of what Americans will be experiencing in the not too distant future.  Just a few years ago, most Venezuelans could never have imagined that food shortages would become so severe that people would literally hunt dogs and cats for food. 

But as you will see below, this is now taking place.  Sadly, this is what the endgame of socialism looks like.  When an all-powerful government is elevated far above all other institutions in society and radical leftists are given the keys to the kingdom, this is the result.  

Food shortages, looting and rampant violent crime have all become part of daily life in Venezuela, and we all need to watch as this unfolds very carefully, because similar scenarios will soon be playing out all over the planet.

The funny thing is that Venezuela actually has more "wealth" than most countries in the world.  According to the CIA, Venezuela actually has more proven oil reserves than anyone else on the globe - including Saudi Arabia.

So how did such a wealthy nation find itself plunged into full-blown economic collapse so rapidly, and could a similar thing happen to us?

The president of Venezuela has declared a 60 day state of emergency in a desperate attempt to restore order, but most people don't anticipate that it will do much good.  Social order continues to unravel as the economy systematically implodes.  

The Venezuelan economy shrunk by 5.7 percent last year, and it is being projected that it will contract by another 8 percent in 2016.  Meanwhile, inflation is raging wildly out of control.  According to the IMF, the official inflation rate in Venezuela will be somewhere around 720 percent this year and 2,200 percent next year.

Crowds of people in Venezuela have stolen flour, chicken and even underwear this week as looting increases across the country in the wake of shortages of many basic products. Many people have adopted the habit of getting up in the dead of night to spend hours in long lines in front of supermarkets. But as more end up empty-handed and black market prices soar, plundering is rising in Venezuela, an Opec nation that was already one of the world's most violent countries.

There is no official data, but the Venezuelan Observatory for Social Conflict, a rights group, have reported 107 episodes of looting or attempted looting in the first quarter of 2016. Videos of crowds breaking into shops, swarming on to trucks or fighting over products frequently make the rounds on social media, though footage is often hard to confirm.

One example of this looting took place on May 11th.  Thousands of hungry people stormed Maracay Wholesale Market in central Venezuela, and the police seemed powerless to stop them...

Ramón Muchacho, Mayor of Chacao in Caracas, said the streets of the capital of Venezuela are filled with people killing animals for food.

Through Twitter, Muchacho reported that in Venezuela, it is a "painful reality" that people "hunt cats, dogs and pigeons" to ease their hunger.

You may be tempted to dismiss these people as "barbarians", but someday Americans will be doing the exact same thing.

There has been a breakdown of basic social services in Venezuela as well.  Acute shortages of drugs and medical supplies are having absolutely tragic results.  When I read the following from the New York Times, this crisis in Venezuela become much more real to me...

By morning, three newborns were already dead.

The day had begun with the usual hazards: chronic shortages of antibiotics, intravenous solutions, even food. Then a blackout swept over the city, shutting down the respirators in the maternity ward.

The U.S. government is mismanaging our money too.  During Barack Obama's eight years in the White House, the U.S. national debt has risen by more than eight trillion dollars.  We waste money in some of the most bizarre ways imaginable, and at this point our national debt is nearly the double the size it was just prior to the last major financial crisis.

Institutional destruction is also a legacy of the Obama regime.  With each passing day, our society resembles the Republic that our founders originally intended less and less, and it resembles socialist dictatorships more and more.  We may as well not even have a Constitution anymore, because at this point nobody really follows it.

The third thing that Business Insider mentioned, "nonsense policy-making", is a perfect description of what has been going on in Washington D.C. these days.  Perhaps that is why Congress only has a 12.8 percent approval rating right now.

Lastly, thievery and corruption are also out of control in our nation too.  The elite and special interest groups spend massive amounts of money to get their favorites into office, and in turn those politicians shower their good friends with money and favors.  It is a very sick relationship, but that is how our system now works.

We are sitting on the largest mountain of debt in the history of the planet, and our debt-fueled prosperity is completely dependent on the rest of the world lending us gigantic amounts of money at ridiculously low interest rates and continuing to use our increasingly shaky currency which we are debasing at a staggering pace.
We consume far more than we produce, and unlike Venezuela we aren't sitting on hundreds of billions of barrels of oil.  The amount of "real wealth" that we actually have does not justify our current standard of living.  The only way that we are able to live the way that we do is by stealing consumption from the future.  

One study has found that our debt level is the highest that it has been since the Great Depression of the 1930s, and yet we continue to race down this road to economic oblivion without even thinking twice about it.

What you sow is what you will reap.

And just like Venezuela, America will ultimately reap a very bitter harvest.


Can I remind you that Hugo Chavez, the dead leader of Venezuela, was elected with a substantial majority vote?  Yep!  The people wanted him to run things!  They loved his promises of giving them more free stuff by taking it from the rich people and "corrupt" corporations.

Can I also remind you that he was a hugging-buddy with Iran's President Ahmadinejad?  Remember Ahmadinejad who famously denied the Holocaust ever happened while at the same time threatening to destroy Israel?

So is it possible that in the process the leaders of Venezuela cursed Israel?  Is their implosion due to the fact that Venezuela elected leaders who cursed Israel?

Watch Hugo openly curse Israel here;

Could the same thing happen in America if our leaders continue walking the line between BLESSING Israel and CURSING Israel?

"But Dennis, that could never happen here!  This is America!  We are the wealthiest, healthiest, smartest, proudest, tech-savvy, tolerant and gay-accepting nation to ever be on planet earth!  This type of chaos could never happen here....I don't care what our leaders do with tiny, insignificant pastor told me that once Jesus came, The Church replaced Israel and that God has no further plans for them anyway!"

So sad how many "good" people in America actually think like this.

ISIS Executes 25 Using Nitric Acid

The list of atrocities continues building for the brutal group called ISIS that is empowered by their worship of Allah.

Today we read that they threw 25 people into vats of acid.

ISIS has executed 25 civilians by throwing them in a basin of nitric acid, sources report, according to The Christian Post.

The 25 civilians were accused of spying on the terrorist group. Their execution is one in a long list of recent ISIS atrocities. 

Recently, ISIS militants burned down the home of a Christian family. A young girl, dying from burns in her mother’s arms, told her mother to “forgive them.”

In addition, ISIS executed 11 citizens of Mosul, an Iraqi town controlled by the terrorist group, on charges of using mobile phones. ISIS also executed 250 women for refusing to marry ISIS militants.

The killing continues with this latest execution. 

According to, an anonymous source stated, "ISIS terrorist members executed 25 persons in Mosul on charges of spying and collaborating with Iraqi security forces. ISIS put the citizens in a large tub containing nitric acid inside one of its headquarters."

Nitric acid is a mineral acid which has corrosive properties and is very dangerous if it comes into contact with the human body. 

The militants reportedly tied the victims together with a rope and lowered them into the tub “till the victims’ organs dissolved.”


What's really strange is how the liberals continue to defend Islam.  No matter what Hezbollah, Hamas, ISIS, Boko Haram, suicide bombers, shoe bombers, plane exploders do IN THE NAME OF ISLAM AND ALLAH...the liberals come flying out of their homes saying "Islam is a religion of peace!"

It's hard to imagine what the liberals would be saying if it was followers of Christ blowing up and murdering people as they scream "For Jesus sake!" as they blow up babies, airplanes and shoot up night clubs in Paris.  Would those same liberals be coming out extolling the virtues of Christianity and insisting what a wonderful religion it was?

We think not....

More evidence that something DELUSIONAL is happening on planet earth.

2 Thessalonians 2:11 
For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie

3rd Temple Advocate Sworn into Knesset

As many of my readers know, there have only been two Temples in Israel, one that Solomon built and the one that replaced it, commonly  called Herod's Temple.

The Bible seems fairly clear that a 3rd Temple will be built in the VERY last days.  When it is built it will make it possible for the Antichrist to fulfill many unfulfilled prophecies.

So we WATCH for Jesus to return for His bride, the church, but we also WATCH all the events and conditions that Jesus told us to WATCH that we will not be surprised by His return.

Today we read that a major player in the push to build the 3rd Temple was just sworn into the Knesset.

It was only a year and a half ago that right-wing activist Yehuda Glick was dangling between life and death. After being shot point-blank four times by a terrorist, he managed to utter "Shema yisrael" (the Jewish declaration of faith that the devout strive to say before death) before falling into a dark sleep from which he arose ten days later. This week, following Minister of Defense Moshe Ya'alon's resignation, Glick is to be sworn in to the Knesset, which will make him perhaps the most controversial MK in the current government, having incited severe criticism from the Palestinians, the left, and the right.

"I feel that God hugged me, and that he didn't let me go for a minute while my life was in danger, wrapping me up in so much love," said Glick. "I was in such critical condition that a lot of people thought I wasn't going to make it, and that if I were, I'd be severely disabled for the rest of my life. And now here I am, standing on my own two feet and being sworn in to the Knesset. God must have thought I still have things to do in the Knesset. I'm glad to be alive and have God put his faith in me."


Also, if you are not familiar with The Temple Institute in Israel that is purposing to rebuild the 3rd Temple, you can visit their site here;

Many of the cups and ephods and everything else that will be needed by the 3rd Temple have already been made.  The Jews know that God will provide a way for them to build this and the support within Israel to build it is growing exponentially.

Please continue to pray for the Jews, Israel and the peace of Jerusalem.  Jews are coming to Jesus like no other time in history.  Judaism cannot save them....and the Bible seems clear that they will accept the Antichrist when he is revealed.  One Antichrist breaks the peace covenant that he helped form...Jesus says a time on earth will commence that will be so bad that if He didn't return at the battle of Armageddon to cut it flesh would survive.

Pray that the Jews will accept Jesus as Messiah before it's too late.

Matthew 24
21 For then there will be great distress, unequaled from the beginning of the world until now—and never to be equaled again.

22 “If those days had not been cut short, no one would survive, but for the sake of the elect those days will be shortened. 23 At that time if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Messiah!’ or, ‘There he is!’ do not believe it. 24 For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect. 25 See, I have told you ahead of time.

26 “So if anyone tells you, ‘There he is, out in the wilderness,’ do not go out; or, ‘Here he is, in the inner rooms,’ do not believe it. 27 For as lightning that comes from the east is visible even in the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man.