Crisis Spiral
Over the last week, it's becoming obvious that many countries in the Western World have drastically overspent. Now Greece, Spain or Portugal may be the first countries to face bankruptcy and/or default on their loan payments.
This is leading to fears of another global crisis spiral. The problem with spirals is that we can never know how deep they will go....or if this could be the trigger that could cause the global economy to spiral out of control.
BRUSSELS — Fears of another crisis spiral for the world economy deepened Friday after the Portuguese parliament defeated a government austerity plan, triggering renewed concern that the financial crisis in that country and in Greece could spread through the eurozone and spill across its borders.
Spooked investors worldwide were fleeing risky assets like stocks. And from Shanghai to Sao Paolo, people were awakening to the reality that what is happening in these European minnow states has vast implications for the fate of the fragile global economic recovery.
Read it here;,2933,584970,00.html
It's important to remember that during the Tribulation there WILL be a global financial system...but it's possible that this spiral (or some other one in the future) could tear down the existing system and thereby pave the way for a brand new one... A one world economy overseen by the LAST global leader....and his name is Antichrist.
It's a fact that when Jesus returns...he WILL be pulling down Antichrist...and we WILL be witnessing it all through the eyes of our glorified bodies.
Amen. Come Lord Jesus.