I plucked this article from the Nearing Midnight section in Rapture Ready. They have 2 new articles for it every Monday morning and it reflects what’s on the minds of the two guys who are in charge. It would appear that September is going to be a month where the globalists are going to get together a lot and decide the fates of everyone else when it comes to climate change, farming, eating meat, driving cars, carbon credits and how best to worship Mother Earth. Of course there will be zero conversation about worshiping the Creator but only on worshiping the created things.
A glance at the UN calendar for September clearly reveals their agenda. I took the following from https://www.un.org/events/81993:
September 7, 2023: International Day of Clean Air for Blue Skies
September 16, 2023: International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone layer
September 18-19, 2023: SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) Summit
September 20, 2023: Climate Ambition Summit
The quote below is taken from the UN’s website regarding the upcoming SDG Summit, September 18-19, during which time the globalists at the UN will ask the leaders of the world to commit to a seven-year initiative to achieve all the SDG goals of Agenda 2030:
The SDG Summit in September 2023 must signal a genuine turning point. It must mobilize the political commitment and breakthroughs our world desperately needs. It must deliver a rescue plan for people and planet.
At the center of this rescue plan, Heads of State and Government must recommit to seven years of accelerated, sustained, and transformative action, both nationally and internationally, to deliver on the promise of the SDGs. Leaders can show their resolve by adopting an ambitious and forward-looking political declaration at the SDG Summit and presenting global and national commitments for SDG transformation.
I know the readers of the Nearing Midnight column recognize the agenda behind the UN’s call to action regarding the so-called climate emergency. It’s all about the formation of a one-world government on the wings of crisis, which the globalists claim requires their solution. But it’s all a ruse.
Is it not also revealing that they are thinking in terms of a “seven-year initiative”? Since it doesn’t involve Israel, it’s not the covenant that will start the Tribulation. But wow, they are thinking in terms of a seven-year agreement!
It’s nothing short of prophecy coming to life. The SDGs go far beyond their contrived climate emergency; they point to a world where a totalitarian government enslaves people under a communist regime. The Bible says this will happen during the Tribulation.
Here are just a few of the fallacies that lie behind the power-hungry oligarchs at the World Economic Forum (WEF), UN, and many other organizations telling us that a one-world government is the only answer to the current climate emergency.
They are the ones damaging the environment. The last phrase of Revelation 11:18 aligns well with the deception agenda of the climate alarmists that call for draconian measures to avoid certain doom.
“The nations raged, but your wrath came, and the time for the dead to be judged, and for rewarding your servants, the prophets and saints, and those who fear your name, both small and great, and for destroying the destroyers of the earth.” (Emphasis added)
The globalists are themselves damaging the environment with fires and train derailments spilling hazardous materials. The frequency of these things suggests that an evil motive lies behind most, if not all, of these catastrophes. They start the fires and then tell us that “climate change” is the culprit.
The sight of chemical trails in the sky is not the illusion of conspiracy theorists. One day this past summer, I looked up to see at least fifteen trails left by planes all bunched together in the western sky. They couldn’t be contrails because we never have so many planes flying that close to our home in such a short time, and the pattern in the sky was larger and lasted much longer than with contrails I had seen in the past.
In his book, Spirit of the Antichrist, Volume One, pastor and prophecy speaker J.B. Hixon devoted an entire chapter (pages 111-129) to evidence regarding the geoengineering of weather by the government. He listed fourteen articles from Popular Science magazine from 2005 to 2021, all dealing with the science of changing weather patterns through geoengineering.
Those warning us of the changing weather patterns are the very ones manipulating them so they can claim that they are evidence of the “climate emergency.”
Scientists don’t agree that a climate emergency exists. Just last month, a group of 1,609 scientists from all around the world, including 321 such U.S. professionals, signed a statement stating that there “is no climate emergency.” They said, “The coalition pointed out that Earth’s climate has varied as long as it has existed, with the planet experiencing several cold and warm phases.” (https://www.ntd.com/over-1600-scientists-sign-no-climate-emergency-declaration_938916.html)
The promoters of the climate emergency fraud know it’s a lie. The behavior of those shouting the loudest for drastic action betrays their words. Many of them own multiple mansions (some at sea level), possess multiple cars and yachts, and fly all over the world in private jets. Their multiple failed predictions of doom fail to wake up those deceived by the fallacy of their repeated warnings of doom.
The world leaders who will agree to the seven-year plan of the UN at their meeting later this month are also well aware that there’s no crisis; it’s all about a quest for power and riches. They believe their obedience to the agenda will be rewarded in the future.
This great deception of our day, and it’s certainly not the only one, reminds me of the first words Jesus spoke when asked about the last days. “Take heed that no man deceive you” (Matthew 24:4). Even the lies of globalists reveal that we live in the last days.
The sad reality for this world is that Satan’s deception will get a whole lot worse after Jesus takes us to Heaven, although it’s difficult for me to imagine a greater acceptance of outright lies than what we already see happening today. How close must we be to our homegoing if we are already witnessing such mass deception on such a vast scale?
Will September be a month to remember with the UN furthering its one-world government agenda on the road to unwittingly fulfilling more prophecy? That’s likely to happen.
Could this be the month of our homegoing? Only time will tell. But if our calendars should turn to October and we are still here, please know that Jesus is coming for us very, very soon. He will keep His promise to take us home before His wrath descends on the world.