Worshiping Wealth
We believe it would be fairly obvious to even a casual observer, that America has bought into "the American dream"...but it has come at the expense of obeying Godly rules and biblical principles. We would not be the first society to fall into this earthly trap....but could we be the last?
Remember that patterns that the Israelites succumbed to. God told them to go settle in Canaan but told them not to be seduced by the lifestyle of the people they were overthrowing. But within a few years, they had married the foreign women, were enjoying their prostitutes and were even worshiping their gods. We might have read that story in Sunday school and said to ourselves, "those silly Jews...how could they have been so disobedient?" But let's have a look in the mirror!
God told us that as Christians, we were not supposed to fall into step with the patterns of this world. We were supposed to work for the kingdom and snatch people from the fire. Instead, we HAVE fallen in love with this world and have forgotten our eternal home. And to make matters worse, we have started worshiping the god of Mammon.
If God punished the ancient Jews for disobedience and lack of faith....what is coming for us?
While Prosperity Theology tends to be more associated with the charismatic segment of North American Christianity, it could be said that virtually all of North American Christianity has been infected with its influences. This perspective co-exists comfortably with the ideology of the American Dream. For centuries the “Christian nation” of America has been a land of opportunity, espousing upward mobility and success for all who seek it.
Every single false teaching or heresy mentioned in the New Testament epistles was associated with greed or an inordinate affection with money and wealth. This is evident today as it was then. If anything is different, it is that some of these heretical perspectives have become much more systemized than they were in New Testament times.
Read this article here by Wilfred Hahn. http://raptureready.com/featured/hahn/h28.html
Wilfred is a leading prophetic writer on the false god of wealth and how our worhip of Mammon is tying into the Last Days that many believe we are in.