We have been saying this for years now, but one day America will lose the economic privilege that it's had for the last 75 years. Ever since WWII we have owned the printing press to the world's only reserve currency. That means that we can spend money beyond our means and just print more to pay principal and interest. What a deal!
But those days could be coming to an end. The Bible says that one day, during the Great Tribulation, that everybody will require some type of mark to buy or sell anything. That also means that cash will not be used. Dollars in your wallet will be good for nothing.
It would also hint that the whole world will be using the same financial system. Right now I believe there are over 190 different currencies and that is problematic for someone who would like to take control of the entire global system. Too many central bankers making too many decisions on how to keep their currencies and economies afloat. It will need to be centralized.
We continue to hope that Jesus is coming soon and when he snatches millions of Americans off the earth this could certainly be a reason for the confidence in the US Dollar, and other currencies, to collapse.
Since the arrival of COVID-19 and the subsequent decision to lockdown entire cities and nations, world economic activity has significantly decreased. When normal recessions strike, they typically involve only one nation or a single region.
But the COVID Recession has hit the whole world at once. This is the first time every nation has simultaneously seen a decline in output since the Great Depression.
Despite the scale of this economic disaster, many economists are calling for a quick V-shaped recovery once the coronavirus is brought under control. But is this likely? No. Even if the virus disappears tomorrow, we won't see a V-shaped recovery. Why? Because of central bank policies and unrestrained government spending.
The world's central banks (the U.S. Federal Reserve, the European Central Bank, the Bank of Japan, and others) have made reckless policy decisions for decades. But their bad policy decisions kicked into overdrive following the Great Recession of 2008-2009.
After September 11th, central banks pushed out artificially low interest rates. These low rates, along with other poorly thought out government policies, blew a massive housing bubble. When the bubble burst, central bankers and politicians rewarded corrupt and incompetent bankers and business executives with huge bailouts.
Unrestrained by a gold standard, they created new currency to fill the holes created by bad decisions, mismanagement, and misallocation of resources. They propped up a broken financial system and blew yet another asset bubble in the process.
When COVID popped that bubble, we saw a new round of bailouts and central bank schemes to elevate financial markets and avoid the inevitable. We also saw direct government payments to individuals in the hope of "stimulating" the economy. This is only possible because governments can create new currency at will.
The U.S. dollar and every other national currency in the world is a fiat currency. This means they aren't backed by anything but a government promise. They only have value because governments say they do. They're nothing but pieces of paper or ones and zeros in a computer, and that means governments can create as much currency as they want to with the click of a button.
Fiat currencies don't have the value of those backed by gold, silver, or other hard assets. This means politicians and central bankers can create new currency out of thin air to fund an endless array of stimulus programs, welfare benefits, and schemes to bailout and enrich their friends.
For decades, and especially since the Great Recession, these politicians and central bankers have done everything in their power to avoid the pain of a recession or even a protracted stock market decline. But no matter how hard they try to avoid the inevitable, a day of reckoning is coming.
They've distorted the free market, and they can't hold off the consequences forever. The bill will soon come due. COVID didn't cause the coming crisis. It only accelerated it.
Once the world experiences a massive inflationary spiral, the current monetary system (in place since 1971) will come to an end. A new monetary system will rise from the ashes. What will it look like? We don't know for sure. But in all likelihood, it will be built upon some sort of digital currency. Already the world's central banks are lining up to launch their own cryptocurrencies.
China is currently testing its own state-sponsored cryptocurrency, and dozens of other nations have already announced plans to launch their own. Just last week, news broke of the U.S. Federal Reserve partnering with MIT to develop its own digital currency.
If government cryptocurrency replaces paper currency, individual freedom and liberty will disappear. Governments will be able to "turn off" an individual's cryptocurrency. That means if you do something the government doesn't approve of, they'll be able to shut down your ability to buy and sell. This shouldn't surprise you either.
The Bible says this is precisely what will happen in the end times. The Antichrist will establish a global system of commerce. His system will play a part in every economic transaction on earth. It will be so dominant, no one will be able to buy or sell anything without approval from the Antichrist (Revelation 13:17).
We're fast approaching a time the prophets warned about. We're in the midst of a global pandemic (Luke 21:11). Israel is back in the land (Jeremiah 23:7-8). The Jewish people are back in Jerusalem (Luke 21:24-28). And the Gospel is being preached throughout the world (Matthew 24:14).
The end times are drawing near. The tribulation, the Antichrist, and global government are part of the world's immediate future. But don't despair, this also means Jesus is on the brink of return (Revelation 22:20). He will establish an everlasting kingdom (Daniel 2:44) with no more death or crying or pain (Revelation 21:4). So keep your eyes fixed on Him!
Here; https://www.prophecynewswatch.com/article.cfm?recent_news_id=4235
Most of us in America have never experience crushing financial pain. Almost none of us have ever missed a meal. If we lose our jobs there is always unemployment benefits and welfare benefits and even food banks in local towns to make sure no one starves.
But what happens if all of that is pulled away in a very short period of time?
Can we trust Jesus to "Give us our daily bread?"
We may soon find out.