Friday, September 11, 2015

Is America Following the Collapse Path of Rome?

We have blogged about this before because a handful of years ago we noticed that America has gone on a stadium-building-spree.

Here in Minnesota we built the Gophers a new stadium and the Vikings are going to move into their billion dollar new stadium next year!  Also our MN Twins baseball team just got a gorgeous outdoor stadium not too many years ago.

So what's going on?  Why are building all these lavish entertainment venues when the country is in the midst of a debt crisis that is about to explode?

Turns out Rome was doing the same thing before they collapsed.  They wanted to make sure the masses stayed constantly entertained so they wouldn't take the time to look at the catastrophe that was brewing in the government treasuries and the military losses they were starting to suffer on their borders.

Sound familiar? on.

The fall of Rome was a culmination of several external and internal factors. Now it seems America is falling down the same path. 

Great Wall of China

By 220 A.D., the Later Eastern Han Dynasty had extended sections of the Great Wall of China along its Mongolian border. This resulted in the Northern Huns attacking west instead of east. This caused a domino effect of tribes migrating west across Central Asia, and overrunning the Western Roman Empire.

Open borders

Illegal immigrants poured across the Roman borders: Visigoths, Ostrogoths, Franks, Anglos, Saxons, Alemanni, Thuringians, Rugians, Jutes, Picts, Burgundians, Lombards, Alans, Vandals as well as African Berbers and Arab raiders.

Will and Ariel Durant wrote in “The Story of Civilization” (Vol. 3 – Caesar and Christ, Simon & Schuster, 1944, p. 366): “If Rome had not engulfed so many men of alien blood in so brief a time, if she had passed all these newcomers through her schools instead of her slums, if she had treated them as men with a hundred potential excellences, if she had occasionally closed her gates to let assimilation catch up with infiltration, she might have gained new racial and literary vitality from the infusion, and might have remained a Roman Rome, the voice and citadel of the West.”

Loss of common language

At first immigrants assimilated and learned the Latin language. They worked as servants, with many rising to leadership. But then they came so fast they did not learn Latin, but instead created a mix of Latin with their own Germanic, Frankish and Anglo tribal tongues. The unity of the Roman Empire began to dissolve.

The welfare state

“Bread and the Circus!” Starting in 123 B.C., the immensely powerful Roman politician Gaius Gracchus began appeasing citizens with welfare, a monthly handout of a free dole (handout) of grain.

Roman poet Juvenal (circa 100 A.D.) described how Roman emperors controlled the masses by keeping them ignorant and obsessed with self-indulgence, so that they would be distracted and not throw them out of office, which they might do if they realized the true condition of the Empire: “Already long ago, from when we sold our vote to no man, the People have abdicated our duties; for the People who once upon a time handed out military command, high civil office, legions – everything, now restrains itself and anxiously hopes for just two things: bread and circuses.”

The Durants wrote in “The Lessons of History” (p. 92): “The concentration of population and poverty in great cities may compel a government to choose between enfeebling the economy with a dole or running the risk of riot and revolution.”

Welfare and government jobs exploded, as recorded in “Great Ages of Man – Barbarian Europe” (NY: Time-Life Books, 1968, p. 39), one Roman commented: “Those who live at the expense of the public funds are more numerous than those who provide them.”

Class warfare

City centers were abandoned by the upper class, who bought up farms from rural landowners and transformed them into palatial estates. The Durants wrote in “The Story of Civilization” (Vol. 3 – Caesar and Christ, Simon & Schuster, 1944, p.90): “The Roman landowner disappeared now that ownership was concentrated in a few families, and a proletariat without stake in the country filled the slums of Rome.”

Inner cities were destabilized, being also plagued with lead poisoning, as water was brought in through lead pipes. (“Plumb” or “plumbing” is the Latin word for “lead.”)

The value of human life was low. Slavery and sex-trafficking abounded, especially of captured peoples from Eastern Europe. “Slavs,” which meant “glorious,” came to have the inglorious meaning of a permanent servant or “slave.” (“Great Ages,” p. 18)


Taxes became unbearable, as “collectors became greedy functionaries in a bureaucracy so huge and corrupt.” Tax collectors were described by the historian Salvian as “more terrible than the enemy.” (“Great Ages,” p. 20).

Arther Ferrill wrote in “The Fall of the Roman Empire: The Military Explanation” (New York: Thames and Hudson Ltd., 1986): “The chief cause of the agricultural decline was high taxation on the marginal land, driving it out of cultivation.”

There was a loss of patriotism, wealth began to flee the empire, and with it, the spirit of liberty. President William Henry Harrison warned in his inaugural address, 1841: “It was the beautiful remark of a distinguished English writer that ‘in the Roman senate Octavius had a party and Antony a party, but the Commonwealth had none’ … The spirit of liberty had fled, and, avoiding the abodes of civilized man, had sought protection in the wilds of Scythia or Scandinavia; and so under the operation of the same causes and influences it will fly from our Capitol and our forums.”

More recently, John F. Kennedy observed, Jan. 6, 1961: “Present tax laws may be stimulating in undue amounts the flow of American capital to industrial countries abroad.”


Rome’s economy stagnated from a large trade deficit, as grain production was outsourced to North Africa. Gerald Simons wrote in “Great Ages of Man – Barbarian Europe” (NY: Time-Life Books, 1968, p. 39): “As conquerors of North Africa, the Vandals cut off the Empire’s grain supply at will. This created critical food shortages, which in turn curtailed Roman counterattacks.”

Debt preceded fall

Emperor Diocletian imposed wage and price controls and forbade people from changing professions. Choking taxes and personal debt caused many to abandon their mortgaged property and flee as ex-pats to live amongst the barbarians, renouncing their Roman citizenship. Diocletian responded by making it illegal to abandon one’s mortgaged property, thus permanently tying people to the land in what became the “feudal system” in the Middle Ages.

Enormous public debt and government bureaucracy crippled Rome’s economy. The Durants wrote in “The Lessons of History” (p. 92): “Huge bureaucratic machinery was unable to govern the empire effectively with the enormous, out-of-control debt.”

In “Great Ages of Man – Barbarian Europe” (NY: Time-Life Books, 1968, p. 20), Gerald Simons wrote: “The Western Roman economy, already undermined by falling production of the great Roman estates and an unfavorable balance of trade that siphoned off gold to the East, had now run out of money.”

Self-promoting and corrupt politicians

The Durants wrote in “The Lessons of History” (p. 92): “The educated and skilled pursued business and financial success to the neglect of their involvement in politics.”

Richard A. Todd wrote in “The Fall of the Roman Empire” (Eerdmans’ “Handbook to the History of Christianity,” Grand Rapids, MI: Wm. B. Eerdmans Co., 1977, p. 184): “The church, while preaching against abuses, contributed to the decline by discouraging good Christians from holding public office.”

Violent entertainment

The Circus Maximus and Coliseum were packed with crowds of Romans engrossed with violent entertainment, games, chariot races, and until 404 A.D., gladiators fighting to the death.

Gerald Simons wrote in “Great Ages of Man – Barbarian Europe” (NY: Time-Life Books, 1968, p. 20): “In the causal brutality of its public spectacles, in a rampant immorality that even Christianity could not check.”

Exposure of unwanted infants

Roman demographics changed as families had fewer children. Some would sell unwanted children into slavery or leave them outside exposed to the weather to die, as was the practice till 374 A.D.

The Durants wrote in “The Story of Civilization,” Vol. 3 – Caesar and Christ (Simon & Schuster, 1944, p. 134): “Children were now luxuries which only the poor could afford.”


Rome was corrupted with court favoritism, the patronage system, injustice in the legal system, infidelity, perverted bathhouses, sexual immorality, gluttony and gymnasiums (“gym” being the Greek word for “naked”).

Fifth century historian Salvian wrote: “For all the lurid Roman tales of their atrocities … the barbarians displayed … a good deal more fidelity to their wives.” (“Great Ages,” p. 13.)

Salvian continued: “O Roman people be ashamed; be ashamed of your lives. Almost no cities are free of evil dens, are altogether free of impurities, except the cities in which the barbarians have begun to live. … Let nobody think otherwise, the vices of our bad lives have alone conquered us. … The Goths lie, but are chaste, the Franks lie, but are generous, the Saxons are savage in cruelty … but are admirable in chastity. … What hope can there be for the Romans when the barbarians are more pure than they?”

Samuel Adams wrote to John Scollay of Boston, April 30, 1776: “The diminution of public virtue is usually attended with that of public happiness, and the public liberty will not long survive the total extinction of morals. ‘The Roman Empire,’ says the historian, ‘must have sunk, though the Goths had not invaded it. Why? Because the Roman virtue was sunk.’”

Military cuts

Though militarily superior and marching on advanced road systems, the highly-trained Roman legions were strained fighting conflicts from the Rhine River to the Sassanid Persian Empire. Roman borders were over-extended and the military defending them was cut back to dangerously low ranks.

The Durants wrote in “The Story of Civilization” (Vol. 3 – Caesar and Christ, Simon & Schuster, 1944, p.90): “The new generation, having inherited world mastery, had no time or inclination to defend it; that readiness for war which had characterized the Roman landowner disappeared.”

Terrorist attacks

Called the “Scourge of God,” Attila the Hun was thought to be the anti-Christ, as he devastated Europe with his half-million warriors.

Aquileia, one of the largest cities in the world at the time, was so completely destroyed that inhabitants ran into the ocean, hammered down logs and lived on platforms which grew into the city of Venice.

Ste. Genevieve called Paris to pray in 451 A.D., and for some reason Attila turned aside, sparing the city.

Pope Leo rode out to meet Attila in 452 A.D. and persuaded him not to sack Rome, delaying the city’s fall 24 more years.

Finally the barbarian Chieftain Odoacer attacked. Rome is considered to have officially fallen on Sept. 4, 476 A.D.


"But Dennis that could never happen here.  This is America!  The greatest country on earth!"

About 300 years ago someone once said, "But Great Britain will NEVER falter!  She has ruled the world for centuries now and that will NEVER change?"

Before that someone said, "Viva La France!"

Before that someone said, "The Ottoman empire will rule forever!!!"

Before that someone said, "The Roman Empire will never be conquered!"

Before that someone said, "The Greeks are the greatest civilization the earth has ever seen!  We will rule the world eternally!"

I think you get the picture.

America is in a very dangerous place.  We have grown ignorant of history, apathetic about our enemies and complacent about our pending bankruptcy.

Yes, Jesus will never leave us....but God will one day tear America to shreds  That's a promise.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

How to Survive a Real Currency Collapse

Do you guys see all these ads that pander to Americans fear of losing all their wealth and stuff?  Of course our stuff is all purchased using US what happens if the globe suddenly decides they don't want to use US Dollars to buy and hold as a reserve currency anymore?  What if they come to realize that our paper money is only as good as the "faith and confidence" that is held by the US Government?  And what if that confidence in their ability to manage their debts and pay their obligations begins to collapse?  What if China and Russia decide to dump all their US Treasury Bonds at once and flood the market...driving up supply and shoving down the value of $trillions worth of Treasury Bonds?

Just for fun, check out what this article says that was emailed to me today.

Casey says – although few people realize it – America is on the brink of a major and unprecedented currency collapse, similar to what happened in Argentina in 2001, except on a much grander scale.

According to Casey:

We are exiting the eye of the giant financial hurricane that we entered in 2007, and we’re going into its trailing edge. It’s going to be much more severe, different and longer lasting than what we saw in 2008 and 2009… The U.S. created trillions of dollars to fight the financial crisis of 2008 and 2009. Most of those dollars are still sitting in the banking system and aren’t in the economy. Some have found their way into the stock markets and the bond markets, creating a stock bubble and a bond super-bubble. The higher stocks and bonds go, the harder they’re going to fall.”

What’s more, according to Casey, the average American is totally unprepared for when this next phase of the crisis hits:

This huge recession that started in 2007, and the bottom was 2009 and 2010, has cyclically recovered.  So, people think it’s going to be happy days again, but it’s not… You’re going to see very high levels of inflation. It’s going to be quite catastrophic.”

America’s Banks in Greater Danger than 2007/2008. Remember derivatives? The absurdly complex financial instruments that essentially caused the massive bank failures in 2008… and led to the biggest economic collapse since The Great Depression? Well, what if I told you the amount of exposure to derivatives the top 5 U.S. banks have – right now, today – is 45% LARGER than it was just before the collapse in 2008? That’s not a typo. The very same people that created the 2008 banking crisis are at it again -- having created another, much bigger ($273 TRILLION) derivatives bubble (versus $187 trillion in ’08).

Even the FDIC Admits it Can’t Handle Another Banking Crisis! Think your bank deposits are safe because they have FDIC backing? Think again. It was recently discovered that the Federal Deposit Insurance Commission – the group that insures deposits for U.S. bank accounts – will not be able to properly insure your deposits for at least the next 5 years! This is according to the FDIC’s own annual report! In other words, if there’s another crisis, the Commission has enough money in its insurance fund to cover just 1.01% of all the money in U.S. bank accounts (or about $1 for every $100 of yours).

Uncle Sam Wants Your Savings. Argentina did it in 2008… Portugal in 2010... France and Ireland in 2011… and Poland in 2013. Now Uncle Sam is finally starting to open up to the idea of nationalizing private citizens’ retirement accounts to pay the national debt. Most people don’t know this, but the U.S. Treasury has already raided the pension funds of government workers at least FOUR times since 2011 to plug federal spending deficits. Investing legend Jim Rogers says they’re going after private accounts next. Political insiders Newt Gingrich and Ron Paul agree, having recently revealed that plans are already in the works.

U.S. Banks No Longer Safest Place to Put Your Money. According to Global Finance magazine, who recently came out with its annual list of the 50 safest banks in the world, only 5 are U.S.-based, and the highest rank of any of those five is #39.

American Businesses Dying at a Record Rate. Earlier this year, in an eye-opening report, Gallup CEO and Chairman Jim Clifton revealed that “for the first time in 35 years American business deaths now outnumber business births.” Clifton continued, “I don’t want to sound like a doomsayer, but when small and medium-sized businesses are dying faster than they’re being born, so is free enterprise. And when free enterprise dies, America dies with it.” And it’s not just small and medium sized businesses feeling the pinch. The number of publicly traded U.S. companies filing for bankruptcy in a first quarter reached a 5 year-high in 2015. No one, including American behemoths McDonald’s (closing 700 stores this year), Proctor & Gamble (cutting 6,000 jobs), and Microsoft (cutting 18,000 jobs) is immune to the stagnating economy.

Just how bad could it get?

Casey explains:

What could happen? You could have lots of bank failures. You could have a stock market crash. All this money that the government has created has bulled up the stock market to new highs. So, the next step is likely to be down. A lot of people have assets in the stock market, and if they don’t, their pension funds are in the stock market. Most of the cities in this country have and most of the states in this country have gigantic pension liabilities that are underfunded, underfunded even though the stock market is at all-time highs and the bond market is in a super bubble.” 

He continues…

Now, when interest rates inevitably go up from these artificially suppressed levels where they are now, the bond market is going to collapse, the stock market is going to collapse, and with it, the real estate market is going to collapse. These pension funds are going to be wiped out.  Then what’s going to happen? This is a very bad situation. The U.S. is digging itself in deeper and deeper.”


So listen up folks!!  According to Casey, the sky is falling and you better buy his newsletter so you can learn how to make 700% while all the other schleps are tumbling into the sea with their bankruptcy notices strapped around their necks!

But hold on!.... is some of what he says actually true?

Yep!  Actually what he says in this article is a lot of common sense things that we have been saying for years now!

If we are in the Last Days and America is going to implode and set the stage for the Antichrist to set up a New World Order....does Jesus care if you make 700% on your investments because you bet on America's currency collapse?


"But Dennis, Jesus told about the parable of the talents where he gave thousands of dollars to three different men and he was most impressed with the one who made the most money!! maybe Jesus wants us to buy Casey's newsletter so WE can make lots of money!" better re-read that parable.  Jesus wants us using our spiritual gifts, talents, passions and strengths to increase the kingdom during the few short years we have here on earth.

Remember, the people we call "least" here on earth may very well be called "greatest" when we see them crowned in the Kingdom of God.  The little lady reading her Bible and interceding in prayer while she moves spiritual mountains, tears down strongholds and builds hedges of protection may be virtually unknown by anyone around her....but she may have more wealth stored up in heaven than Donald, Hilary and Bill Gates have stored up here on earth!

Friends, don't be surprised if America falls into a gigantic hole made from trillions of dollars of debt that they will never be able to repay unless they devalue the currency like the governments of Germany, Argentina, Bolivia, Zimbabwe and numerous others have done throughout history.

Things will not ALWAYS be as they are now.  Nations ALWAYS rise and nations ALWAYS fall. God ordains it.

Is The End Really Near?

Israel is miraculously a nation again and the Jews have returned to her from all over the world!  This is major prophetic sign that happened in 1948 and continues to unfold before our eyes. (Read Ezekiel 37)

Now we have Jew-hatred raising it's ugly head again all over the world.  A sure sign that Satan is getting ready to pounce again.

ISIS is killing everyone who won't worship Satan as they demand and destabilizing the entire Middle East.  Muslims are flooding into Europe as they claim to be fleeing war in Syria and Iraq....but are they really planning on becoming Germans and Austrians....or will they start to demand that Germans all become Muslims or wage jihad against their host countries?

Earthquakes, famines, floods, violence, sexual perversion, America thumbing it's nose at God, gay marriage, boys claiming to be girls and demanding to change with the girls in their locker room, wild weather, wild fires, wild crazy can it all get??

But is this REALLY THE END that Jesus told us all to watch for?

The signs—the last of the four blood moons, the biblical Shemitah, rise of end-time "Babylon," the Supreme Court decision legalizing same-sex marriage, the dangerous Iranian nuclear deal and a world drowning in debt and dangling on the edge of economic catastrophe—seem unmistakable now.

While harbingers of the apocalypse have been gathering for decades, most of the world has been largely oblivious to the gathering tempest and prophetic warnings.

This is changing with the sudden appearance of global instability—geopolitically, financially and culturally—as the world undergoes a remarkably ominous transformation.

Today, the world is facing moral and social chaos, spiritual deception, proliferation of the occult, a spate of historic natural disasters, worsening worldwide drought, record-breaking extreme weather and the growing risk of a nuclear conflagration.

Franklin Graham, president of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, says the "defining moment" for America and humanity has arrived.

"As a nation we have arrogantly turned our back on God, and I believe God's judgment will come against our country," Graham says.

Now, as the world awaits whether the last of the four blood moons and the biblical Shemitah will bring economic collapse, war, other calamity or the fulfillment of prophecies related to Israel, Rabbi Jonathan Cahn says, "We are now witnessing what appears to be a perfect prophetic storm."

"For years, I have been warning that America was progressing down a course of apostasy and judgment," says Cahn, author of the New York Times best-selling books The Harbinger and The Mystery of the Shemitah. "The harbingers have all manifested, the national departure from God is accelerating almost exponentially, America's relationship with Israel is at an all-time low, and now with the striking down of the biblical definition of marriage, the very order of God, we have a crossed a fateful line. It is all converging."

In interviews during the past nine months, several dozen highly respected Bible prophecy scholars told Charisma that they agree the world is now experiencing an unparalleled acceleration and convergence in end-time signs.

Dr. Tim LaHaye, Joel C. Rosenberg, Dr. Chuck Missler, Paul McGuire, Pastor Greg Laurie, Dr. Robert Jeffress, Sid Roth, Rabbi Jonathan Bernis, Dr. Thomas Ice, Dr. Ron Rhodes and others said that while they may disagree on the prophetic significance of the blood moons and Shemitah prophecies, they overwhelmingly agree that the world is in the run-up to the end-time events predicted by the biblical prophets.

Dr. Jack Graham says there is little question now that "this very well could be the terminal generation."

"Everyone senses right now who's got their ear in Scripture and is listening to the Spirit of God that something great, something cataclysmic, something strategic, is going to happen in the world," says Dr. Graham, pastor of the 40,000-member Prestonwood Baptist Church in Plano, Texas, one of the largest and fastest-growing megachurches in America. "People are talking about it everywhere that something big is about to happen, and so this is just another element of awareness—the blood moons' phenomena—that we can't go on the way we're going."

A sizable portion of the public concurs. A recent poll commissioned by Rosenberg, a New York Times best-selling author of numerous prophecy books, found 41 percent of Americans believe events such as the rebirth of the nation of Israel, the growing threat of war in the Middle East, widespread national disasters and the serious threat of a global economic depression are evidence that "we are living in what the Bible calls the last days."

"The polls show the highest percentage of both Christians and the general public who recognize we may well be living in the very times our Lord and His prophets warned would exist just prior to the end times," says LaHaye, a renowned prophecy expert, minister and co-author of the Left Behind series of end-time novels that sold 80 million copies.

"Actually, we have many more signs of the coming end of this world than any generation before us. Israel being drawn back into the Holy Land ... is the most obvious. However, He gave several others, like the 'gospel of the kingdom will be preached throughout the world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come' (Matt. 24:14). Thrilling reports from the Wycliffe Bible translators ... give us just cause for believing we could be living in the last days."

'Something Is Coming'

Today, many sense "something is coming" as the last of the four blood moons, the biblical Shemitah, Sir Isaac Newton's end-time prediction known as "Newton's Riddle" and other potential prophetic signs converge this fall and throughout 2016.

The blood moons have drawn worldwide media attention. Only three times in the past 500 years have four blood moons occurred back to back and on major Jewish holy days. Each time marked a significant event in Jewish history. In 1493, the Jews had been expelled from Spain, and Columbus had discovered the New World—a sanctuary for Jewish people. In 1948-49, the modern state of Israel was founded. In 1967-68, the Six-Day War was followed by the reunification of Jerusalem to Israel.

The fourth tetrad began April 15, 2014, on Passover. In October last year, the second blood moon appeared on the Feast of Tabernacles or Sukkot. Blood moons this year land on the same holy days, including the final one this September.

"What's occurring now has only occurred three times in the past 500 years, and each occurrence brought tragedy and triumph for the Jewish people," says Cornerstone Church Pastor John Hagee, author of the New York Times best-selling book Four Blood Moons.

At the same time, financial experts are expressing concerns that unprecedented levels of worldwide debt and economic turmoil roiling Europe, Asia and other parts of the globe could lead to economic catastrophe.

Cahn has warned that he believes a "great shaking" is coming. In The Harbinger, he revealed that the same nine prophetic manifestations, or harbingers, that appeared in the last days of ancient Israel before its destruction have now reappeared in America. In The Mystery of the Shemitah, Cahn unveiled a seven-year biblical pattern that has marked the greatest stock market crashes in history, the collapse of economies, the rise and fall of nations, world wars, global cataclysms and end-time events. 

What Cahn describes as the "Super Shemitah"—the Year of Jubilee that comes at the end of seven cycles of the seven-year Shemitah, the Hebrew word for the "release" of debts detailed in Deut. 15:1-3—begins on Yom Kippur, or September 23, and runs through September 2016.

"Whether it comes in this time parameter of the Shemitah or the year following or not, I believe a great shaking is going to come to this land and to the world that will involve the collapsing of the American economy, the financial realm and the removal of blessing and prosperity," Cahn told those gathered at the Prophecy in the News conference earlier this year in Orlando, Florida.

"The shaking doesn't have to take place in the Shemitah (year), but I believe we need to be ready. I believe one of the reasons (God) led me to write The Harbinger and led me to write (The Mystery of the Shemitah) is because he wants the dots connected when this comes. Will there be judgment or revival? The answer is there can be both. In fact, there can be revival through judgment. But we have to be ready. The hour is late."

Dr. Chuck Missler, a prophecy expert, former corporate executive and founder of the Koinonia House ministry, says the biggest threat facing America involves the nation's historic levels of debt. A recent study by the McKenzie Global Institute found the nation's total debts, including unfunded liabilities, is not the $17 trillion politicians often cite, but rather $210 trillion—a figure "larger than the estimates of the total wealth of planet Earth," Missler says.

"It doesn't take great scholarship to realize that's unstable, it can't endure, and those debts will never be repaid by any legitimate currency," Missler says. "So there is an implosion or collapse of some kind that is inevitable. We don't know the timing or the form it will it take. ... But the people who are bona-fide experts in this area are in agreement that there is a correction overdue."

Peter Schiff, an economist, frequent guest on national news programs, chief executive officer of Euro Pacific Capital and author of The Real Crash: America's Coming Bankruptcy, says the financial system is in a "big bubble" that is "going to burst."

"It will have a terrible impact," Schiff says. "Americans are able to live beyond their means because of the overvalued dollar. When the dollar collapses, Americans will no longer have that luxury. Our standard of living will be greatly reduced."

Are Globalists Planning a World State?

Meanwhile, geopolitical and prophecy experts are sounding the alarm that secret trade pacts, laws undermining American sovereignty and upcoming United Nations summits on "sustainable development" and climate change are just a ruse to create what is, in effect, a world state. Critics have described the U.N. plans as a "blueprint for governing the entire planet."

At the same time, world leaders are calling for a "world political authority" to address climate change, global poverty and other crises. The Guardian described this proposed body as "a kind of super-U.N. to deal with the world's economic problems and injustices."

"It almost feels like pages being ripped out of a Left Behind novel," says Dr. Tom Horn, a prophecy expert, lecturer and radio host.

Recently, U.S. Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Alabama, criticized President Obama for pushing global trade pacts that would create a "secret Pacific Union"—compromising America's sovereignty and transferring power to "an elite set who dream of writing rules in foreign capitals."

"We already see this happening," says Laurie, pastor of the 15,000-member Harvest Christian Fellowship in Riverside, California, and president of Harvest Crusades. "There was a statement by Chuck Hagel, our former secretary of defense, who said he sees a New World Order emerging, and he wasn't saying it critically. I thought, 'Wow, he's really right.' Things are shifting dramatically around the world."

Lt. Gen. William G. "Jerry" Boykin, executive vice president at the Family Research Council and former U.S. deputy undersecretary of defense, says the world is "definitely moving toward global Marxism."

"Remember, Karl Marx's goal was to dethrone God and destroy capitalism," Boykin says. "Once you remove God, you are on the path to Marxism, and I believe very much that this is an end-time strategy of the enemy."

The concerns about globalism and the push for "global governance"—a term Hudson Institute Fellow Dr. John Fonte says is merely a "sugar-coated" euphemism for a "world government"—come as people are being conditioned to believe that the answer to humanity's problems is to have a "one world" society with a global government, cashless society and universal religion. Fonte, author of Sovereignty or Submission: Will Americans Rule Themselves or Be Ruled by Others?, says "an attempt" to create a global political and economic system with a "single global authority" is now underway.

"In a way, this is neo-Nimrodianism—you know the global governance effort," Fonte told Charisma. "It's a type of substitute religion—global governance."

In recent years, prophecy experts have expressed growing alarm at this trend—asking whether the end-time geopolitical, economic and religious system known as "Mystery, Babylon" and "Babylon the Great" in Revelation 17-18 is rising. As examples, they note the New York skyscraper that replaced the Twin Towers destroyed in the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks is now called the One World Trade Center, and the European Parliament building in Strasbourg, France, was inspired in part by the Tower of Babel—the center of the first world government ruled by Nimrod, an archetype of the Antichrist. The EU employs the Tower of Babel as a symbol of unity and several EU buildings feature paintings and statues of a woman riding the beast—an image from Revelation 17-18.

"Never before since the Tower of Babel have we seen the emergence of what (former Secretary of State) Henry Kissinger called 'The New International Order,' the rise of global governance or global government and the plan to unify all the world's religions into a one world religion," says Paul McGuire, a prophecy expert, Fox News and History Channel commentator and co-author of The Babylon Code: Solving the Bible's Greatest End Times Mystery. "In addition, the nation of Israel, miraculously restored as a nation in 1948, is at the center of this push towards globalization as the world community increasingly unites in its attempt to make Jerusalem an international city."

Dr. Jack Graham says globalization is setting up the world for the "last world dictator—the Antichrist—to control the economy, control people and control the world." "It's the next big thing," he says. "There is no question that there is now the potential of a world government—the New World Order, the kingdom of the Antichrist. All these (recent events) point to this reality."

In his interpretation of Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar's dream, the biblical prophet Daniel predicted four great empires would arise in history followed by a final one.

"The Revived Roman Empire is arising now as Daniel predicted," McGuire says. "It is the final beast and it represents the European Union, and I believe the United States integrated into a trans-Atlantic union, and very possibly, the unification economically of 10 regional global governments called unions around the world."

The Four Horsemen Are Riding

While only God knows whether the last of the four blood moons, the biblical Shemitah and other events signal the beginning of end-time events, Jim Bakker, host of The Jim Bakker Show, says there are "more fulfilled biblical last days" prophecies converging now than ever before.

"The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are out of the barn. They are riding," Bakker says. "I believe with all my heart that this year, in the next few months, that it's the 'beginning of sorrows.' I believe we are moving full-blast into that event. America is not going to be the same. The world is not going to be the same."

As the world watches these events unfold, LaHaye says Jesus encouraged His followers to not let "your heart be troubled" because "I will come again and receive you to Myself that where I am, there you may be also" (John 14:1-3).

"Obviously, those who know Him as their Savior and Lord need not worry or be troubled, for we are waiting for His soon call to heaven," LaHaye says. "How soon? No one knows. But of this I am persuaded: We are very close to the 'end times.' "


It certainly seems that SOMETHING IS COMING.

Our Master told us not to fear.  All of these things MUST HAPPEN but He promised that He would never leave us.

Could the trumpet blow at any time calling all Christ followers into the clouds and forever leaving behind our houses, savings, 401k's, cars, trucks and campers and instantly making them MEANINGLESS??


Could we be here in America to actually witness the downfall and collapse of the US dollar with would lead to rioting, neighbors turning on neighbors, lawlessness and the government turning on its citizens??


Should we reconcile ourselves so that we are ready for either way it goes down?


Will I be surprised if the trumpet blows any time now?


Are we all eager to see our Lord and Savior, Jesus the Christ??


If you answered, "no!" to that last should have a little talk with Jesus and ask him why you aren't eager to meet him face to face.

So let's stay busy folks!!  Things are calm today in America!  The roads are wide open to drive anywhere you want!  The cell phones and internet are up and functioning so you can call or write anyone you want!  The mail service works so you can send a card of encouragement to anyone you want!!....but it might not always be like let's keep pushing to make believers and disciples while the light is still shining!!

Amen!  Even so, Come Lord Jesus!

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Your Sin Will Find You Out

Sometimes we think that our sins will never be discovered.  We think we can look at that porn site and it won't hurt anybody!  Or we think we can hire a prostitute while we are out of town and no one could ever know!  After all, "What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas!...right?


Pastor and Beloved Professor Who Was Outed as Ashley Madison User Commits Suicide

Dr. John Gibson, 56, a communications professor at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary in New Orleans, Louisiana, was among millions of individuals who were listed in the highly publicized Ashley Madison hack last month, according to the Daily Mail.

Gibson, a married father of two, was found dead on August 24 by his wife, Christi, just six days after millions of names were publicly leaked by the hackers.

“It was a moment that life doesn’t prepare you for. I had to call my kids,” Christi Gibson told CNN Money. “How do you tell your kids that their dad is gone and that he took his own life?”

In a suicide note, Gibson mentioned Ashley Madison and apologized over the fact that his name was found in the member list. He also addressed some of the other issues that he had been facing, including depression; the pastor had struggled in the past with addiction as well.

“What we know about him is that he poured his life into other people, and he offered grace and mercy and forgiveness to everyone else,” Christie said. “But somehow he couldn’t extend that to himself.”

His wife said that she would have forgiven him, but that the revelation that he was a member “carried such a shame” for Gibson.

An article released by New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary two days after the professor’s death described him as a “beloved professor,” recounting how Christie Gibson had discovered her husband unresponsive in the couple’s campus home August 24, before calling emergency services, who were unable to revive him.

“Gibson served as youth minister and senior pastor at numerous churches in Louisiana and Mississippi,” the statement read. “At the time of his death, Gibson was pastor of First Southern Baptist Church in Pearlington, Miss., a community located on the banks of the Pearl River.”


Of course the atheists just love stories like this because they love to catch Christians in stories of hypocrisy.

In reality, ALL HUMANS are hypocrites in some way, shape or form.  Being a Christian doesn't mean that we will EVER be perfect...but hopefully we will be less sinful this year than we were last year.  Hopefully our thoughts will be more God-honoring this year than they were last year.  And hopefully if we are going to go and point out a speck in our brother's eye we should be sure that we have removed the plank that is in our own eye and do it with extreme humility and love.

I feel sorry for this man and his family.  His sin found him out and he simply couldn't handle facing the consequences.

Blood Rave Coming to Amsterdam

Remember friends, the Bible talks A LOT about blood.  Leviticus warned the Israelites that the life was in the blood and there were laws against drinking blood.  Is it any wonder that Satanic movies seem to have such a love for blood?

So check out this party being planned in the country that brought us legal hallucinogenic drugs and legal prostitution.

The Netherlands will have its first ever “Blood Rave” – a dance party where dancers are sprayed with 5 thousand liters of blood – in Amsterdam on Halloween night.

The event has been posted on Facebook, but with no specifics except for the date – October 31st – so far. A total of 728 guests have indicated that they are going.

One of the organizers, who want to remain anonymous due to the nature of the event, told the AD that this is will be the first blood party in the world and the demand for it is high.

The Blood Rave is based on the opening sequence of the 1998 vampire movie Blade. The opening shows a club full of dancing people suddenly sprayed with blood. The organizers want to use the same elements to recreate this scene. “In real life it is just more extreme.” one said to the newspaper. In terms of attendees, they expect somewhat “freaky” people in terms of personality.

The organizers want to host a Halloween event that if focused less on pumpkins and kids and is “rawer and more exciting”. They are still trying to figure out whether it will be possible to use real blood, but that is what they want. “After a long search we have developed a special sprinkler system with pipes running across the ceiling and thus making us able to spray blood over the crowd. We’ve already tested it a number of times a substance resembling blood”, one of the organizers explained. “It is pushing the borders, but we want to see how far we can go.”


Wow....they want to see "how far we can go"....and about all that's left in the "never been done" column is spraying the party goers with 5 thousand liters of blood on Halloween night.

Surely this world has to be close to the Sodom and Gomorrah-like conditions right before God totally destroyed them.

Remember, our BLESSED HOPE lies in 1 Thessalonians chapter 4.  Before God pours out his holy and righteous wrath against this sin-filled world, He will send Jesus to collect his bride which consists of all followers, alive and dead, of Christ.  The Holy Spirit has currently been restraining the power of Satan on earth....but when all people filled with the Holy Spirit are removed from earth and go to meet Jesus in the clouds....Satan will be unrestrained and God's wrath will also be unleashed.

What follows will be a time on earth that will be so catastrophic and terrifying that Jesus said that if he didn't return to cut those days short that NO FLESH on earth would survive.

Watching what the unrepentant earth is up to (like blood raves in Amsterdam) should give followers of Christ an idea of how close we are to the return of Christ and also should encourage us to get busy and stay busy doing the Master's work....while there is still time.

John 9
4 As long as it is day, we must do the works of him who sent me. Night is coming, when no one can work. --Jesus

ISIS May Use Refugee Crisis to Infiltrate Europe

We have all seen the tragic pictures of all the Syrian and Iraqi refugees risking lives to flee the horrors of Muslim-on-Muslim violence that has consumed their countries.  Your heart goes out to these gorgeous little children who are caught up in the crisis....but what happens to Europe if hundreds of thousands of devout Muslims come crashing into their secular nations?

Furthermore, with the stampede of Muslims crashing through European borders, how can anyone be sure that ISIS, Al Qaida or other Muslim-terror groups aren't going to be stampeding into Europe along with everyone else?

As the migrant-train standoff entered its second day in Hungary, with thousands of mostly Syrian refugees seeking passage to Germany, it’s time the West recognized this shift in Muslim populations for what it is, say American activists who have been warning of a “fifth column” for years.

Author Robert Spencer wrote Sept. 4 in Front Page Magazine, “This is no longer just a ‘refugee crisis.’ This is a hijrah.”

Hijrah is the Islamic doctrine of migration, which is a form of stealth jihad.

“To emigrate in the cause of Allah – that is, to move to a new land in order to bring Islam there, is considered in Islam to be a highly meritorious act,” Spencer wrote. He cited the following Quranic text:

“And whoever emigrates for the cause of Allah will find on the earth many locations and abundance,” says the Quran. “And whoever leaves his home as an emigrant to Allah and His Messenger and then death overtakes him, his reward has already become incumbent upon Allah. And Allah is ever Forgiving and Merciful” (Quran 4:100).

And now, looking at Europe and America, a migration invasion of a much greater magnitude is underway.

Evidence of that invasion came in February when an ISIS operative confirmed what many already suspected – the Islamic State is using the refugee crisis to form a fifth column of Muslim fighters inside Western nations.

The Syrian operative claimed more than 4,000 trained ISIS gunmen have already been smuggled into Europe – hidden among innocent refugees, reported the Express, a British newspaper.

Hungary’s prime minister, Victor Orban, was lampooned in the European media Thursday for writing an op-ed in which he stated Hungary was blocking the Muslim migrants to preserve its Christian heritage.

But more European leaders should be as astute as Orban, says Clare Lopez, a senior Middle East analyst for the Center for Security Policy.

“Today, it is the nation-state system and any concept of national sovereignty that is under concerted attack by the forces of the global jihad movement,” Lopez told WND. “Jihad is not only a violent phenomenon but can be pursued by many other means, including hijra.”

The ISIS smuggler, in his 30s with a neatly trimmed black beard, revealed to BuzzFeed that the ongoing clandestine operation has been a “complete success.”

“Just wait,” he smiled. “It’s our dream that there should be a caliphate not only in Syria but in all the world and we will have it soon, God willing.”

“They are going like refugees,” he explained. “Others just go to Europe to be ready.”

The Islamic State operative spoke exclusively to BuzzFeed on the condition of anonymity and is believed to be the first to confirm plans to infiltrate Western countries, although similar statements have been made through unconfirmed ISIS Twitter accounts.


There can be no doubt that Islam has its power in Satan.  Muhammad was a murderer, rapist and child molester who loved violence and killed anyone who disagreed with his made-up theology.  True followers of Islam ARE NOT THE MODERATES.  The true followers are the ones who imitate their prophet, Muhammad....and those folks look a lot like ISIS, Al Qaida, Hezbollah, Hamas and all the other demonic organizations that claim Allah as their god.

Sadly, Europe is already POST-CHRISTIAN.  That Holy Spirit is dwelling in a very small percentage of inhabitants in all European and Scandinavian countries.  So who is left there to be salt and light as the demonic horde continues to infect their societies?  Who can stand against the political correctness that has silenced most of Europe's conservative, Bible believing people?

Islam has wrecked the nation of Syria...and now the infection is going to spread even deeper and further into Europe.

Don't be discouraged though.....God is in control and even this mess has been ordained as we usher in the very last days.