Lest you had any doubts about what Islamists believe about Jews, Christians and Jesus....we have a video Christmas message given to us from a Muslim in the UK. I will post some of the transcript below;
Hello to all of the non-Muslims. Christmas is a period when many events and many views are heard. In particular at this time of the year people think about Jesus – 'Issa (peace be upon him). Jesus was not a Christian, and, in fact, if Jesus was alive today he would be following the Muslims and Islam. Indeed, 'Issa (peace be upon him), said that the messenger Muhammad (SAW) would come after him, and he gave him one of the names which Allah has mentioned in the Koran – Ahmad. And indeed 'Issa was a Muslim. There are many people who want to attribute things which are not correct to 'Issa (peace by upon him). For example, that he believed in confession – confessing to a person to be forgiven for your sins. That he believed in Original Sin – that you are born sinful. That, in fact, they say that he allowed to eat and drink whatever you wish; and, in fact, he said: 'Give unto Caesar what is Caesar's, and give unto God what is God's,' whereas we know about the life of Jesus – 'Issa (peace be upon him) – that he rose against the Roman emperor in his time. He forbade cheating in the market. He forbade the promiscuity, and he forbade the Jewish judicial system in his own era.
"And, in fact, he said that you worship, and you obey, and you follow none but Allah. And that is the true message of Jesus as found in the Koran and in the statements of the Messenger Muhammad (SAW). And in this spirit as well, the Muslims – those who had the attribute of commanding good and forbidding evil – should realize that Christmas has many evils associated with it. Every true Christian, as well, knows that this has nothing to do with Christianity. This pagan festival where there is promiscuity, the abuse of alcohol, domestic violence, and all kinds of crimes. Break up of families, which are associated with it, is something which the Muslims must put on their agenda to forbid, and to invite people away from this debauchery into Islam – the pure way of life. And, indeed, Jesus will return one day and he will break the cross and he will pray behind the Muslims and he will declare with them that indeed, he believes in the finality of the Messenger Muhammad (SAW) and in al-Islam."
You can read the rest here; http://www.memri.org/report/en/0/0/0/0/0/0/5949.htm
Really?? Jesus would be a Muslim and wouldn't hang out with the Jews...even though he is one? And Jesus would come and confirm the message given by Muhammad?...who happens to be an illiterate pedophile who was inhabited by a false spirit sent from Satan in hopes to pervert the TRUE GOSPEL given on earth over 700 years earlier?? How could Jesus have been a Muslim when Islam didn't even exist until 700 years after Jesus left this earth?????
Holy jihad!! This whole Islam thing is not going to end well. For one thing I believe that they believe MORE STRONGLY IN MUHAMMAD than most people who call themselves Christians BELIEVE THAT JESUS IS GOD. So they have the power of conviction behind them. And when you stand that up against a bunch of lukewarm people claiming to be Christians....and then throw in a big dose of power given by the Prince of the Earth....you have a recipe for chaos.
Now, let's complicate things a bit further. What if you knew this guy who gave the message had has finger on the trigger to about 8 nuclear weapons that were mounted on missiles and pointed at Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, and 6 more were hidden on freighter ships on the high seas within a few hundred miles of the U.S. coast? What if you knew that he believed that the whole world needed to be engulfed in chaos to allow the 12th Imam to return to earth to rule...and that he will bring Jesus with him when he comes?
We don't need to pretend too much longer....because Iran's leaders may be days or months away from having the capability to bring global chaos....and THEY DO BELIEVE that the 12th Imam is already here and just waiting to be revealed when the chaos reaches a crescendo.
Even so....Come Lord Jesus! What an exciting time to be alive!!
Hat tip to Tom F.