Brace Yourselves
As we all have heard by now, Obama will be meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, next week. All early reports is that it isn't going to be a, "how can we help each other" type of meeting. Obama is expected to press Israel into some sort of bogus agreement to try and strong arm Israel into doing something that it shouldn't. As we have already said, if the U.S. starts turning on Israel....we all need to brace ourselves as citizens of the U.S. because we will be inserting ourselves in God's domain.
Fully believing that humans are capable of solving all things, check out what Senator Mitchell believes;
President Obama's special envoy to the Middle East, former Senator George Mitchell, says conflicts are created by human beings and can also be resolved by human beings.
If Senator Mitchell happened to be in our adult ed class, we might all remind him of Ephesians 6, that tells us our battle (conflict) is not against flesh and blood but against the evil forces in the heavenlies...that would be Satan.
Man's pride simply seems to know no bounds. We will just NEVER matter how many times we keep repeating the same mistakes...all the way back to the tower of Babel, when men first believed they could be God.
You can read it here what the "experts" have to say about peace in the middle east and how man might accomplish it;
What is tragic is to think back to how President Washington, Lincoln, Truman and other presidents who presided over difficult times, always deferred to God to help guide this country. We obviously have not been perfect...but at least these leaders understood who holds the earth in His hands.
This administration seems to believe that man is going to solve it all....from global warming, to financial meltdowns, wars, nuclear bombs, famines, etc... And the more we look inward for man's power....the more we are going to be withdrawn from God's will.
Brace yourselves. It's certain to be a wild ride.