Friday, July 8, 2016

Woman and "Unborn Baby" Killed, Killer Charged with Two Counts of Murder

It seems that the "great delusion" that God spoke of in 2nd Thessalonians may be casting it's shadow on America.


Because so many Americans believe that abortion isn't killing a baby...they prefer to call it "removing the fetus" or "terminating the pregnancy," but either way, they would never dream of calling it murder.

So how is it possible that if a man kills a pregnant woman that even liberals will agree he should be charged with two counts of murder?

Or how about if a man murders a pregnant woman who is 12 weeks along, even the liberal media will refer to the baby as "her unborn baby".....yet they won't dare say that abortion is the killing of "her unborn baby"?


Case in point, check out his article about a woman who was killed....along with her 12 week old "unborn child".

The murder of a woman and her unborn child in Idaho is making a huge impact in Austin.
39-year-old Jennifer Nalley was one of the founders of a history-making roller derby group in Texas, a teacher, friend and daughter who changed hundreds of people's lives.

It was in Idaho where she learned she was pregnant.

According to her parents, Nalley was excited at the idea of becoming a mother.

On July 4, she was out celebrating the holiday with her family. Her parents tell KVUE that when she came home to her cabin, her ex-boyfriend was there waiting for her. When she asked him to leave, she turned around and he shot her multiple times in the back.

Nalley and her 12-week-old unborn baby were killed.

“It’s just hard to comprehend how somebody could do such a thing,” her father said, two days after learning her body was discovered by family members in their Idaho cabin.

“I just wonder if the guy knows how much he’s hurt people, and what a terrible thing he did.”

Police arrested 39-year-old Erik Martin Ohlson in connection with her death. Ohlson is charged with two counts of first-degree murder. One for Nalley and one for her unborn child.

Ohhhh!!!  Now I get it!!!  If the woman was excited to become a mother of another human....then the liberals call it a baby!!  But if the woman isn't excited about it and wants the baby killed so she won't have to deal with the's called "terminating a pregnancy".  Perfect delusion!!

The dude will be charged for murdering an unborn human!!  But legally the lady could have killed the baby on the EXACT SAME DAY and she would be given a lollipop and gone out for beers with her friends following the "termination of her pregnancy."

As Billy Graham has always said:  the blood of millions of innocent babies is crying out to their Creator for JUSTICE!!

Make no mistake friends, justice will come to this nation in the form of judgment.  I hope it happens after the rapture of the church....but I will not be totally surprised if it comes before.

Suspect in Dallas Shootings "Wanted to Kill White Officers"

By now, you all know that a sniper in Dallas shot and killed 5 officers and wounded 7 more.  The officers were all in one area of Dallas as they policed a peaceful protest happening because of two black men killed by police in St Paul and Louisiana.

A suspect in the ambush of 12 Dallas police officers "wanted to kill white people, especially white officers," and was upset about recent police shootings, the city police chief said Friday.

Authorities killed the man after a standoff in a garage at El Centro Community College in the early hours of Friday morning, after several hours of negotiations. After exchanging gunfire with him, they "saw no other option" but to kill him by detonating a bomb, Brown said.

"Other options would have exposed our officers to grave danger," he said.

Authorities did not identify the suspect. A senior law enforcement official told NBC News he is believed to be Micah Xavier Johnson, 25, from the Dallas area.

The sniper attack on the officers — which started Thursday night just before 9 p.m. local time following a peaceful protest over back-to-back police shootings of black men elsewhere in the country this week — killed five officers and injured seven.

"The suspect said other things that are part of this investigation so that we can make sure that everyone associated with this tragic event is brought to justice," he added, but didn't go into further detail.

Before he was killed, the suspect told a hostage negotiator that he "was upset about Black Lives Matter." The movement was again in the spotlight this week after two police shootings of black men: Alton Sterling in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, was killed Tuesday, and Philando Castile was killed Wednesday in Falcon Heights, Minnesota — prompting demonstrations across the nation, including Thursday's in Dallas.

The suspect told the hostage negotiator he was upset about the shootings.

"The suspect stated he wanted to kill white people, especially white officers," Brown said.


Obama is already using the shooting to blame high powered guns.

For Bible readers we already know this type of violence and hatred is going to continue.  We also know that racial discord is going to get worse.

Matthew 24
6 You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. 7 Nation will rise against nation, (race will rise against other race) and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. 8 All these are the beginning of birth pains.

When Jesus says these are the BEGINNING of birth pains...we all know that birth pains get worse and worse as the birth of the baby nears.

The Day of the Lord is the "baby" that is coming.  Jesus says that this "day" that is coming will be so bad for the inhabitants left behind (not included in the rapture) that unless he returned to earth to shorten those days, NO FLESH on earth would survive.

The Day of the Lord will end with the physical return of Christ to earth...and everyone will see it and know it.

Luke 17:24
For the Son of Man in his day will be like the lightning, which flashes and lights up the sky from one end to the other.

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

How America Could be Crippled for a Decade

We have blogged frequently about America's Achilles heel....our power grid.  We have become so dependent on electricity for everything from water to cell phones that if terrorists or an act of God were to turn off our electricity for a few weeks or a few months that most Americans would die.

"Oh Dennis.....that could never happen here!  This is America!  Someone smart will certainly step forward and find the switch to turn it all back on!"

 We are not ready for either the hand of God or the hand of man when it comes to protecting our sensitive electrical power grid. A bad solar flare or an electro-magnetic pulse attack by America’s enemies would result in the death of most of our citizens within five years.

Powerful solar flares can damage integrated circuits and our electrical transmission systems.  The chance of a devastating event is much higher than most people assume. In fact, NASA estimates a 12 percent chance of a really bad solar flare within the next decade. The scariest part of this scenario is that we already came within a week of this nightmare happening in 2012. A train of “coronal mass ejections” created a stream of high energy particles strong enough to melt our electrical grid. The storm only missed Earth by an astronomical whisker. 

As it stand right now, when this eventually happens (and it will) high energy particles will penetrate our “planetary shield”—the magnetosphere—literally melting hundreds of massive transformers. It would take years to manufacture, transport and replace these essential transformers. In the meantime, water treatment pumping stations, as well as every other modern convenience, would cease to function.

If a trip back to 1800’s sounds romantic, think again. Without clean water, millions would die within weeks. Without working transportation or refrigeration our food supply and distribution system would collapse and antibiotics would begin degrading. Those without refrigerated insulin would die first, followed by the deaths of millions more from cholera and dysentery (from drinking unclean water) and from starvation.

Forget the zombie apocalypse. This is a real world disaster. Good neighbors would soon become desperate and social order would break down as parents did anything they had to do to feed their children. Bad people would be free to pillage because experts predict law enforcement would be crippled as any kind of electrical communications would die and officers would rush home to protect their own families. 

When we were last hit with a super energetic solar storm in 1859 the “high-tech” infrastructure of the day consisted only of telegraph lines and stations. The lines melted and papers caught on fire on telegrapher’s desks.  But 1859 gravity-fed water systems and local farms meant that life continued without interruption. Our complete dependence on the technology we take for granted means we would not be so lucky today.

Unlike the “Carrington Event” in 1859, we now also face the wrath of man when it comes to damage to the electrical system modern civilization so depends upon.

The effects of an EMP attack on our technology are nearly identical to those caused by a severe coronal mass ejection. An EMP could be triggered by a high altitude detonation of a nuclear weapon over America. From the ground it would likely not be seen, heard or felt but even without blast damage the consequences for our electrical system would be nothing short of devastating.

Our government has recently awoken to the warnings of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), NASA and various other government studies and even a dire assessment by Lloyd’s of London. Recent announcements have been issued that promise our government officials will gather together scientists and agency officials to examine the clear and present danger that could turn America into a third-world nation in a blink of an eye.

This is good news, even if almost criminally late and even though it comes without any appropriations, but citizens should be concerned that being so late, the focus of government will be to save government.

“Continuity of Government” is the term for sheltering favored officials and their families from nuclear attacks in well-fortified and provisioned facilities while citizens are left to wait for coordinated relief. In the case of either an EMP attack or a severe coronal mass ejection, that help could come according to some studies, only after as many as 80-90 percent of us had died. 

“Hardening” the grid is possible to protect our systems from a meltdown. This is an infrastructure project that should have started years ago. Pre-placement of emergency food and medicine and distribution plans aimed at average citizens should be developed right now in case hardening comes too late.


Here's the deal people....God is no respecter of people or nations.  As Pastor Jeffress just said, "God doesn't get all misty eyed when he hears the Star Spangled Banner and sees the American flag go by in a parade."

Nope.  When God says, "Enough!" America will disappear from planet earth never to be heard from again.

Do I think that is going to happen before the rapture of the church?

I actually don't.  I don't believe that the collapse of America would fit into Jesus' prophetic words about the "days of Noah" I personally believe that America will be here until the rapture of the church at which point I believe the removal of millions of it's most moral and honest citizens will lead to America's demise.

But as followers of Christ should we be less in love with the things of this world and more reliant on the mercy of God?

Yes, I believe that is true.

Understanding that America COULD collapse any day is a big step towards understanding that God is in control of all things.....not Obama, not Clinton, not Trump, not Congress, not the Pentagon, not the Bilderbergers, not the Illumnati....only God will allow nations to be torn down or built up.

But the fact the people are openly talking about America's destruction may be a foreshadowing for what's around the corner during the Great Tribulation.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Turkey Making New Enemies, Frustrating Old Friends

Turkey is in the news again today.  We believe the news is very prophetic in that on the same day they apologized to Russia they were also making friends with Israel.

Most prophecy watchers believe that Turkey will play a part in the Ezekiel 38 prophecy so we watch them closely.

Check out this first paragraph from the NYT and imagine the scene of 1,000,000 Turks in the street waving red flags as they celebrate the victory of Islam throwing over Western Christianity some centuries ago.  Also notice the language that President Erdogan uses in forcing people to the heel of Islam.

ISTANBUL — Turkey’s president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, strode onto a stage a month ago looking down upon a sea of a million fans waving red Turkish flags. They were celebrating the 15th-century conquest of Istanbul by the Ottoman sultan Mehmed II, the golden moment of Turkey’s Muslim ancestors triumphing over the Christian West.

“The conquest means going beyond the walls that the West thought were impervious,” Mr. Erdogan said as the crowd roared. “The conquest means a 21-year-old sultan bringing Byzantium to heel.”

The spectacle, complete with a fighter-jet sky show and a re-enactment of the conquest with fireworks and strobe lights, projected an image of unity and command, of a nation marching together toward greatness, drawing on the achievements of a glorious past. But that soaring vision is being grounded by sobering realities.

Mr. Erdogan, who long professed a foreign policy of “zero problems with neighbors,” now seems to be mired in disputes with just about everybody and just about everywhere. Kurdish and Islamic State militants have struck Turkey 14 times in the past year, killing 280 people and sowing new fears. The economy has suffered, too, as the violence frightens away tourists.

At the same time, Mr. Erdogan has become increasingly isolated, frustrating old allies like the United States by refusing for years to take firm measures against the Islamic State. He has recently gotten serious about the militant group, but that appears to have brought new problems: Turkish officials say they believe that the Islamic State was responsible for the suicide attack that killed 44 people on Tuesday in Istanbul’s main airport, a major artery of Turkey’s strained economy.

He has helped reignite war with Kurdish separatists in Turkey’s southeast, and hundreds of civilians have died in the fighting, which began last summer. He alienated Moscow last fall when Turkish forces shot down a fighter jet that he said had strayed into Turkish airspace.

He had grown so alone that this past week he moved to make peace deals with Russia over the jet’s downing and with Israel over its killing of several Turkish activists on a Gaza-bound flotilla in 2010, after railing against both countries to voters.

Where Mr. Erdogan once held up Turkey as a model of Muslim democracy, he now frequently attacks democratic institutions. The editor in chief of Turkey’s largest daily has fled the country, and another is on trial on charges of revealing state secrets. The president has grown intolerant of criticism, purging his oldest allies from his inner circle and replacing them with yes men and, in some cases, relatives. (His son-in-law is the energy minister.)

Mr. Erdogan hints darkly in near-daily speeches on Turkish television that foreign powers are plotting to destroy him, and he has moved from a modest house in central Ankara to a grandiose, Persian Gulf-style palace on the edge of the city. Brown and pink buildings for his staff dot meticulously landscaped grounds so enormous that staff members are driven around in minibuses.

Now he has set his sights on a new target: transforming Turkey’s parliamentary system of government into a presidential one, a change his critics say could soon open the door to his seizing the title of president for life. On the night of the airport bombing, the Parliament, which his party controls, worked until 5:45 a.m. to pass sweeping legislation that will help pave the way by purging hundreds of judges from Turkey’s top two courts.

“The ship is going very fast toward the rocks,” said Ergun Ozbudun, a liberal constitutional expert who once defended Mr. Erdogan. “Pray for us.”


Notice how he has all the signs of a coming dictator?  He currently may be trying to change the constitution even now so he could be named PRESIDENT FOR LIFE.

Also of interest is that Daniel said that we can expect the Antichrist to come out of the people who destroyed the 2nd Temple in Jerusalem....which was the Romans.  The Eastern leg of the Roman empire was in Constantinople....which is today called Istanbul.  Notice that this article comes from Istanbul.

Do we believe he is a candidate for the Antichrist?

We have no idea.

Is Turkey an actual gateway or connection between the Western world of Europe and the Muslim Middle East?


Is Turkey seen as a "moderate" Muslim nation and a nation who could potentially sew together a peace agreement with Israel while at the same time making friends and double crossing her with Russia?


Will God allow Israel to be destroyed by this Russian-led coalition?

Nope.  Quite the opposite is actually what will happen.

Ezekiel 38
18 This is what will happen in that day: When Gog attacks the land of Israel, my hot anger will be aroused, declares the Sovereign Lord. 19 In my zeal and fiery wrath I declare that at that time there shall be a great earthquake in the land of Israel. 20 The fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, the beasts of the field, every creature that moves along the ground, and all the people on the face of the earth will tremble at my presence. The mountains will be overturned, the cliffs will crumble and every wall will fall to the ground. 21 I will summon a sword against Gog on all my mountains, declares the Sovereign Lord. Every man’s sword will be against his brother. 22 I will execute judgment on him with plague and bloodshed; I will pour down torrents of rain, hailstones and burning sulfur on him and on his troops and on the many nations with him. 23 And so I will show my greatness and my holiness, and I will make myself known in the sight of many nations. Then they will know that I am the Lord.’

As you can see, most watchers believe this event will happen after the rapture.


Because Jesus comes for his bride in secret during a time when earth is totally unaware of any supernatural events.  It's just like it was in the days of Noah....people eating drinking, building, planting, marrying, planning their weddings, etc....

Clearly, when Ezekiel 38 happens and burning sulfur falls on all the troops and the world sees that the God of Israel has supernaturally protected Israel while destroying the invading armies so the GOD MAKES HIMSELF KNOWS IN THE SIGH OF MANY NATIONS....this is not going to be a business as usual type of event.  This event will NOT fit into the category of "As it was in the days of Noah"

Just be aware....we have no idea when Jesus is coming for his bride....but don't be surprised if it happens a lot sooner than you think.