Friday, June 3, 2022

More Warnings that America Isn’t Generating Enough Electricty

 It would sure seem that America is not on the right track.  It’s hard to imagine that with all of our technology and all of our resources that we could be talking about rolling blackouts, but that’s exactly what’s being discussed.


More evidence of that came with the recent closure of the Palisades Power Plant in MichiganThe 811-megawatt nuclear plant was shut downon the same day that the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) issued a report saying the U.S. electric grid doesn’t have enough generation capacity and that blackouts are almost certain to occur across the country this summer.

In particular, NERC noted that the Midwest is facing a capacity shortfall that could lead to a “high risk of energy emergencies during peak summer conditions.” Palisades was located in the heart of the Midwest, immediately adjacent to the area served by the Mid-continent Independent System Operator (MISO), the region that NERC identified as being particularly short on juice. NERC said the MISO region has 3,200 megawatts less generation capacity this summer than it did in 2021. Despite this loss of generation capacity, NERC expects demand in the region to increase by about 1.7 percent this summer and warned that “extreme temperatures, higher generation outages, or low wind conditions” will mean that MISO will have a “higher risk” of “load-shedding to maintain system reliability” — the industry’s preferred term for rolling blackouts.

Thursday, June 2, 2022

California Suffers through Worst Drought Ever

 The extremes continue.  Driest ever conditions in California.


Water restrictions began Wednesday for 6 million residents in Southern California, as the state enters its third year of severe drought and what water officials say is the state's driest year on record.

The program will end on June 30, 2023. 

About 27 million Californians get their water from the State Water Project, "a multi-purpose water storage and delivery system that extends more than 705 miles — two-thirds the length of California," according to the California Department of Water Resources. 

MWD has made an effort to switch its member agencies to getting their water from the SWP network to the Colorado River or groundwater. However, the departments impacted by Wednesday's rules still must rely on SWP as a resource to meet demand. 

Though, many of the state's largest water resources have been depleted by the persistent drought.

Watersheds have been getting below-average precipitation since October 2019, and "despite substantial precipitation in October and December 2021, precipitation in Northern California from January through March 2022 fell to the driest levels on record," MWD wrote in April.

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

WHO Urges Gays Not to Skip Pride Celebrations Because of Monkeypox

 It’s a fact that when gay men go to gay pride festivals they see other gay men and have a great desire to have gay sex.  It’s also a fact that gay men are almost never monogamous.  It’s also a fact that gay sex with numerous strangers is not good for your health.  You can get many nasty diseases and illnesses, the latest of which is monkeypox.  Maybe the World Health Organization should hi-light the terrible health statistics of gay men and encourage men NOT to have sex with other men.  But alas, that will never happen because how can we celebrate a lifestyle while warning about the health risks at the same time?  God appears to have “given this group over” to the lusts of their flesh and the group appears to be receiving “in themselves the due penalty of their perversion.”

Also remember that their biggest sin is NOT gay sex.  It’s rejecting Jesus.  That’s the sin that will condemn all people to hell.


“It’s important that people who want to go out and celebrate gay pride, LGBTQ+ pride, to continue to go and plan to do so,” Andy Seale, a strategies adviser in the WHO Department of Global HIV, Hepatitis and Sexually Transmitted Infections Programmes, said during a press briefing on Monday, according to The Hill.

“There is no specific transmission route that we need to be worried about,” Seale said. “It really is connected to the fact there have been a couple of events that have perhaps amplified the current outbreak.”

Last week, WHO issued “public health advice for gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men.”

“It is important to note that the risk of monkeypox is not limited to men who have sex with men. Anyone who has close contact with someone who is infectious is at risk. However, given that the virus is being identified in these communities, learning about monkeypox will help ensure that as few people as possible are affected and that the outbreak can be stopped,” the guidance said.

Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Muslims Turning to Christ Despite Threats and Persecution

 Jesus is calling those whose names are in the Lamb's Book of Life.  It doesn't matter where they are or whether or not they have ever held a Bible or been in a church.  He's saving those whom he will save.

All across the Middle East and North Africa, people are turning away from Islam and following the risen Jesus.

But in Libya, new believers often face hostility both from authorities and from their families. Why would they risk persecution to follow Jesus?

Sammy works with a ministry that operates out of Europe but involves Libyans reaching other Libyans. He says the whole perception of Islam is in flux, especially among young people.

He gives two major reasons. “The first involves the extreme Islamic movements, like ISIS or al-Qaeda. Most Muslims really dislike those movements, and they see it as a corruption of Islam.”

“Secondly, the elder generation is telling stories about women, about family, about how to live, that are completely disconnected with the modern reality that young people grow up in.”

In fact, many Libyans now identify as non-believers. Sammy says that’s the first step for some people. They know they are not Muslims, but they still want to learn about who God is. “We often spend three to five years interacting, talking and sharing, and listening to the same individual before they reach a stage of understanding that Christ actually died for them.”

Ask God to strengthen and grow the Libyan Church. Pray also that Libyan Christians would encourage each other as they face these many challenges.

Libya once served as a hub for ancient Christianity. Since the Muslim conquest, believers have been few and scattered. Sammy says, “Think of the joy of working in Libya at this point in time. For the first time in 1,200 years, there are the small beginnings of a new Libyan church. That is so exciting.”

Here;  Libyan Muslims turning to Christianity despite persecution - Mission Network News (

We are of the opinion that this news can be taken as one other sign that the return of Jesus to take his bride from the earth, is close.  As we have blogged about for the past 15 years, Jesus is saving millions of Muslims through dreams and visions.  One statistic out of Iraq suggested that 80% of all Muslims were being saved through dreams and visions.

Salvation is from the Lord.  The Holy Spirit awakens us from our sin nature.  We are DEAD in our sin and need life breathed into us.  God makes it possible for us to open our minds to Jesus.  Jesus' work on the cross conquers death for all who repent, confess and believe.

Islam didn't save these people.  Jesus saved them from Islam.  And all those ex-Muslims are now our brothers and sisters in Christ.

Monday, May 30, 2022

A Culture that Kills its Children has no Future

 This article is ironic in that it comes from a very liberal source lamenting the tragic shooting in Texas.  But they fail to see that the headline they chose to talk about the deaths of Texas school kids should be the headline they choose to talk about the millions of kids murdered in the womb by their own mothers.  A nation that murders its own children LEGALLY really doesn’t have a future.  


Violence begets injury begets death, and any culture debased to vacillating between violent struggle and idle nihilism is shuddering toward its end as a culture of death. And a culture of death is like a prophecy, or a sickness: It bespeaks itself in worsening phases. Right now, we find ourselves foreclosing upon our own shared future both recklessly and deliberately—and perhaps, gradually, beginning to behave as if there is no future for us at all; soon, I sometimes worry, we may find ourselves faced with a darkening present, no faith in our future, and a doomed tendency to chase violence with violence.

The murders in Uvalde barely begin to describe the scale of American violence, but they do provide insight into its character. School shootings are only a subcategory of mass shootings, which are themselves only a subcategory of gun crime. America sharply surpasses other comparably developed countries in each of those classes of violent crime. A country in which those indicators aren’t necessarily signs of terminal decline is conceivable. But these aren’t the growing pains of a society making difficult advances toward an orderly peace. These are the morbid symptoms of a society coming undone, and they arise largely from policy choices made by interested parties with material motives.

10 Weeks of Wheat is All That’s Left

 The world is running out of food.  Americans won’t starve but millions of folks around the world who get by on $5 per day will.  Notice in this last paragraph the word EVER is used.  It certainly seems that the world is heading towards a crescendo of events that man won’t be able to fix.  But lest you worry like the rest of the world, please remember that God has this all under control and it’s going exactly as He planned. “There will be famines.”


Menker said droughts across the world are contributing to declining wheat resources. Menker said global food supplies are also being impacted by climate change and fertilizer shortages.

"We currently only have 10 weeks of global consumption sitting in inventory around the world. Conditions today are worse than those experienced in 2007 and 2008," she said.

"It is important to note that the lowest grain inventory levels the world has ever seen are now occurring while access to fertilizers is highly constrained," she said. "And drought in wheat growing regions around the world is the most extreme it's been in over 20 years. Similar inventory concerns also apply to corn and other grains."