Friday, February 13, 2015

1000 Year Mega-Drought

One of our favorite places to vacation is Arizona.  We love the desert in February or March and it's awesome to lay by the pool for a few days and escape Minnesota's winter!

But what happens when millions of people MOVE there and all want their own swimming pools, toilets, golf courses and car washes?

Well, you end up creating a massive water project like Hoover Dam to capture the winter rains and spring snow melt.

Cool!  But what happens if it doesn't rain or snow for 5 years?  10 years? 50 years?

Long "megadrought" likely in western U.S., study says

As bad as recent droughts in California, the Southwest and the Midwest have been, scientists say far worse "megadroughts" are coming -- and they're bound to last for decades.

"Unprecedented drought conditions" -- the worst in more than 1,000 years -- are likely to come to the Southwest and Central Plains after 2050 and stick around because of global warming, according to a new study in the journal Science Advances on Thursday.

"Nearly every year is going to be dry toward the end of the 21st century compared to what we think of as normal conditions now," said study lead author Benjamin Cook, a NASA atmospheric scientist. "We're going to have to think about a much drier future in western North America."

There's more than an 80 percent chance that much of the central and western United States will have a 35-year-or-longer "megadrought" later this century, said study co-author Toby Ault of Cornell University, adding that "water in the Southwest is going to become more precious than it already is."

Megadroughts last for decades instead of just a few years. The 1930s Dust Bowl went on for more than 35 years, Ault said.

The study is based on current increasing rate of rising emissions of carbon dioxide and complex simulations run by 17 different computer models, which generally agreed on the outcome, Cook said.

The regions Cook looked at include California, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, northern Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska, South Dakota, most of Iowa, southern Minnesota, western Missouri, western Arkansas, and northwestern Louisiana.

Looking back in records trapped in tree ring and other data, there were megadroughts in the Southwest and Central Plains in the 1100s and 1200s that lasted several decades, but these will be worse, Cook said. Those were natural and not caused by climate change, unlike those forecast for the future, Cook said.


NOOOOO!!!!!!!!   These droughts will even be worse because of man-made climate change!!!

Call Al Gore!  The ice is melting!  The deserts are drying!  The oceans are rising!  The volcanoes are erupting!  The earthquakes are rattling!  The rivers are drying!  And MAN IS CAUSING IT ALL!!!!'s another idea....shhhh!!!...I'll whisper it.....the earth is groaning and God is in control of it all.  It's longing for the Redeemer to return and set all things straight. 

Now seriously, to all my readers in Arizona who live in the SUPER DRY MAY want to consider selling your place and just renting instead.  If the water bill begins to be $1500 per month and starts to cost more than most folks spend on their may not be able to give your house away.

As a nation we have moved millions and millions of people to the driest places in the nation. Why? Sing with me now!....SEEMS IT NEVER RAINS IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA.

Where is Germany's Gold?

This article is quite amazing.  It's not from the National Enquirer but instead is written for Bloomberg News.

The nations of the earth, not just Germany, are asking America to give their gold back.  Will there be enough to go around?  What happens if all the nations were just trusting that the NY FED had their gold...but in reality the sold it to someone else long ago?  That would end up being quite the Ponzi scheme!

As you read the article see if you can't spot a lot of the concepts we have blogged about over the past 7 years.

Peter Boehringer hates the word “conspiracy.” It implies something crazy, and if you spend even a little time with the 45-year-old German, it becomes clear he’s driven by a desire for order. On a recent morning in Munich, he’s dressed in a cobalt blue shirt that matches his blue tie and blue eyes. His black hair is cropped close above his receded hairline. In his gray Volkswagen minivan, the cup holder contains two identical water bottles, each filled to the same level. At the end of a daylong interview, for which Boehringer has arranged an hour-by-hour itinerary, he sends a follow-up e-mail with a numbered summation of points he’s made. No. 2 says that the crusade he’s been waging for the last three years is simply about transparency. “Questions,” he writes, “by definition cannot be ‘conspiracy theories.’ ”

Boehringer is a gold bug, a member of the impassioned tribe of investors and academics who distrust central banks and paper money, unless the governments that print it will exchange the cash for gold or silver from their vaults. He has an asset management firm that invests his own money and that of clients in gold, silver, and mining stocks, and he’s a founder of the nonprofit German Precious Metal Society, which educates the public about “the craziness of unbacked monetary systems,” he says. In short, Boehringer is worried that the global economy is built on a fiction of currencies that aren’t backed by precious metals. Which is why he set out to make sure the gold that Germany and other nations say they have actually exists.

Almost half of Germany’s gold resides at 33 Liberty St., the headquarters of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, 80 feet below street level in a vault that sits on Manhattan’s bedrock. In 2012, Boehringer started a campaign on his blog to bring it home. He argued the gold should be shipped to the German central bank in Frankfurt. The hoard, amassed during Germany’s postwar boom, had never been subject to a published bar-by-bar physical review by its owners.

Less than 175,000 metric tons (386 million pounds) of gold have been mined in all human history, according to the World Gold Council. Melt it all down—King Tutankhamun’s death mask, the bars in Fort Knox, your wedding ring—and it would form a cube 21 meters on each side, reaching just one eighth the height of the Washington Monument. A 1-kilogram gold bar is the size of a flip phone and could buy a BMW.

Boehringer cites an anecdote from almost a century ago to argue that Germany has failed to zealously protect its gold holdings. In the 1920s the president of the German central bank, Hjalmar Schacht, paid a visit to the New York Fed and its founding president, Benjamin Strong. In an episode recounted in his 1955 autobiography, Schacht wrote, “Strong was proud to be able to show us the vaults which were situated in the deepest cellar of the building and remarked: ‘Now, Herr Schacht, you shall see where the Reichsbank gold is kept.’ ”

The two bankers waited as New York Fed staff sought the German stash. “At length we were told: ‘Mr. Strong, we can’t find the Reichsbank gold.’ ” Schacht comforted the flabbergasted Fed banker: “Never mind; I believe you when you say the gold is there. Even if it weren’t you are good for its replacement.” The men left without the German seeing his bars, instead accepting their existence as a matter of trust.

“Some things didn’t add up,” he says, especially the trust-based monetary system. “I saw how destructive paper money could become.” Concluding that precious metals were a reliable store of wealth, he became a gold evangelist, blogging and starting his money-management business in 2003. Three years later he founded the German Precious Metal Society, which organizes conferences and speeches on topics such as gold price manipulation and trends in gold demand in Asia. It was through his activism that the Taxpayers Association of Europe found Boehringer, and they started their campaign.

Boehringer speculates that individual bars may have several owners, perhaps as the result of bars being leased, sold, or subject to complicated financial arrangements. “I can’t prove it,” he adds, saying the onus of proof should be on the central bankers, not him. He isn’t alone in raising doubts. John Hathaway, co-manager of the $1.3 billion Tocqueville Gold Fund, says Germany might need the slow, seven-year repatriation window to unwind complex financial arrangements by which the gold was loaned out, perhaps several times. Their questions about multiple owners aren’t completely out of left field, as there is a loan market in which gold bars are put up as collateral and then sold to third parties for the duration of the deals.

See it all here;

Let's review;
-paper money ALWAYS fails
-the same gold bars might be owned by multiple people but no one knows it
-America has ruled the world for 70 yrs because we have had the gold
-Germany collapsed once before because of misuse of paper money
-Something isn't adding up in our global financial system.
-It all seems based on trust, which can be a hard commodity to measure
-The nations of the world are increasingly interested in taking their gold back home
-We aren't sure that The Fed in NY actually has the gold they claim to have held for other nations
-The Bible says that the world's financial system is going to suddenly collapse in Last Days
-If the nations realize that The Emperor Has No Clothes...the trust could vanish overnight.
-the derivatives markets around the world may unravel if nations take back their gold
-the derivatives markets could be worth $50-100 trillion and would tank the world if they fail
-most of the world has put their hope in wealth and riches as their false god
-God will destroy all false gods

Friends, this article COULD be pointing to another trigger that COULD collapse the entire global financial system as we know it.

On the face of the earth, there is less than 1/10,000ths of humans that are going to read this article.

Of those there is going to be an even smaller amount that are going to understand that it could be a trigger to collapse.

It keeps leading me back to what Jesus said, "Wide is the road that leads to destruction and MANY will be on it.  Narrow is the path that leads to eternal life and FEW will find it."

Also, "But the cares of this world and the desire for riches made it so they never matured.' (in their Christian faith)

Now throw in the millions of "Christians" who have succumbed to Wealth and Prosperity Preachers...and you have the recipe for a SERIOUS problem in the land.

"Why God?!?  Why did you take all of our money!  Don't you realize we were comfortable, lazy, apathetic and complacent...and we liked it like that??  WHYYYYYY!!!!"

Our Rights Are Given to Us By God

I hope you have all been praying for Alabama Supreme Court Justice Roy Moore.  He is in the middle of a hurricane!  The forces of gay-dom have descended on him like flies on a cow-pie.

In a contentious 25-minute interview with Alabama Supreme Court Justice Roy Moore on Thursday, CNN “New Day” co-host Chris Cuomo discussed Moore’s refusal to adhere to a federal judge’s ruling on same-sex marriages.

Cuomo and Moore disagreed on whether or not the federal court decision was binding to the point that it required the state of Alabama to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples. But they also continued the argument to the point of where certain rights originate, to which Cuomo argued they came from man and law, and not from God.

Exchange as follow:

MOORE: I believe that’s a matter of law because our rights contained in the Bill of Rights do not come from the Constitution, they come from God. It’s clearly stated –

CUOMO: Our laws do not come from God, your honor, and you know that. They come from man.

MOORE: Let me ask you one question. Let me ask you one question, Chris. Is the Declaration of Independence law?

CUOMO: You would call it organic law as a basis for future laws off of it?

MOORE: I would call it the organic law because the United States code calls it organic law. It is organic law because the law of this country calls it the organic law of the country means where our rights come from. And if they come from there, men can’t take it away.

CUOMO: Our rights do not come from God. That’s your faith. That’s my faith, but not our country. Our laws come from the collective agreement and compromise.

MOORE: It’s not a matter of faith, sir. It’s a matter of organic law, which states, ‘We hold these truths to be held equal and endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.’ And the only role of government is stated in the next sentence is to secure those rights for us. The government starts taking those rights away from us, then it’s not securing and it is defiling the whole purpose of government.

Please watch the interview here;

The forces of Gay-dom simply can't figure out that discrimination against certain members of the human race because of color, nose size, height, clearly NOT THE SAME AS discriminating because of a behavior.

A man who has the desire to bugger another man has all the same rights as any other man....THEY ARE EACH ALLOWED TO MARRY ONE WOMAN.

The problem is that the forces of gay-dom want to have SPECIAL RIGHTS.  These rights have NEVER been allowed in the history of mankind.

The framers of our Constitution CLEARLY believed that our Creator gave us these rights....and it's up to the government to help free men keep them.

The uber-liberals, like Cuomo, vehemently disagree.

Can you see how civil wars start?

Can you see how persecution has arrived for those who fear God?

Can you see how this story ties into the previous blog post asking if a Bible believe will ever be able to be elected as President again?

Can you see how God's judgment would be just if it fell on the USA any day now?

Media Goes Insane Over GOP and Evolution

I may have asked it before, but I'm going to ask it again....Do you believe we will EVER be able to elect a God-fearing person to President of the USA again?

"So Mr. Smith, are you comfortable with evolution as a FACT of how all life can be explained?"

"  I don't believe evolution does anything to explain how life first formed on earth...but I'm not here to answer that...I want to talk about trade, deficits, keeping America great!"

"So Mr. Smith, is it safe to say you deny the preponderance of evidence supporting what the vast majority of scientist have clearly shown?"

"Can we please talk about trade!"

"So Mr. Smith, can you tell us why you feel the POTUS should be willing to support discrimination against gays...because you have clearly come out in favor defining marriage as one man and one women."

"Can we please talk about issues of how I would run the administration of this country if I'm elected?!"

On Thursday, the media went collectively insane over Governor Scott Walker’s failure to answer a question about his beliefs on the theory of evolution. A questioner asked Walker earlier this week in London, “Are you comfortable with the idea of evolution? Do you believe in it?” Walker said he would “punt” on the issue, adding, “That’s a question politicians shouldn’t be involved in one way or another. I am going to leave that up to you. I’m here to talk about trade, not to pontificate about evolution.”

This led to blaring headlines throughout the media. Huffington Post said Walker “dodged” the question. The Daily Beast accused Walker of being “bland,” “stupid,” and “moronic.” Talking Points Memo reported that Walker would “rather talk about cheese than foreign policy or evolution.” Bloomberg ran a thorough piece about all the 2016 GOP candidates’ positions on evolution, headlined “Punt, Fumble, or Touchdown? These GOP Candidates Won’t Endorse Evolution.”

Welcome to the 2016 presidential cycle. While ISIS burns Jordanian pilots and beheads American journalists, while the economy teeters on the brink, while Obamacare rolls out, while racial divisions plague America, the media have focused, laserlike, on the issue that matters most: opinions on Charles Darwin.

Just as in 2012, when opinions about condoms trumped opinions about the national debt, so in 2016, Democrat-supporting media will attempt to paint Republicans as religious rubes still fighting the trumped-up Scopes Monkey Trial. Americans will be informed that Scott Walker’s position on the Cambrian explosion matters more than Hillary Clinton’s celebration of more than a million abortions per year in the United States, including 11,000 late-term abortions. Scott Walker and company will be lectured on geology, but nobody will ask Hillary Clinton to take a look at an ultrasound.

Now, every Republican candidate would be well served to explain his personal belief in microevolution – not because the question matters deeply to policy, (It doesn’t.) but because he will be asked the question, and the answer is obvious. There are still significant debates regarding macroevolution in the scientific community – the notion of how species evolve into different species – given that Darwinian evolution suggests graduated equilibrium (constant and gradual evolution over time), rather than punctuated equilibrium (explosions of evolution in short periods of time), and graduated equilibrium does not match the fossil record. Nonetheless, Republicans should not be afraid of stating their personal positions on the science of evolution or the age of the universe as a general matter.
However, there is little doubt that the media are now playing a “gotcha” game, in which Republicans are asked questions that have no bearing on public policy to drive wedges into the conservative base, while Democrats are allowed to ignore serious scientific questions that have real public policy consequences. For example, in 2008, Jim Vandehei of Politicoasked Republican candidates if they believed in evolution. That question has no impact on public policy. None. You can believe in evolution and still believe that local communities have a right to decide educational standards; you can believe in fundamentalist creationism and believe that the Department of Education should set broad national policy. But that’s not the point. The point is that Republicans and their supporters are dolts.
Welcome to persecution!  If you dare to say you believe that God created life on are a dolt!
If you dare to say that you believe God creates human life at are an idiot!
If you dare to say that marriage, by definition, is one man and one woman til death do them are an intolerant hater!
So...we can see the writing on the wall.  What shall we say?
"As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord."

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Can The Bank Actually Take Your Money?

Many folks in America are looking for a safe place to keep their money.  They have a feeling that something big could happen and they are more concerned with the return OF their principal than they are with the return ON their principal.

Of course that means that even though the banks are paying 0% interest to hold your money, (the lowest interest rates EVER in the history of mankind) this hasn't stopped people from putting $$billions into their local and national banks.

So what happens if the banks start to fail when the next collapse happens?

"Well Dennis, that won't be a problem because all my accounts are FDIC insured."

Huh....well what happens when you find out that the FDIC only has about $1 in reserve to pay for every $100 they have insured?

"Well Dennis, that won't be a problem either because the Federal Gov't would have to bail out the FDIC and make me whole."

Huh....well what happens when the Federal Gov't is hopelessly bankrupt?

Well friends, welcome to Cyprus.  Last year their banks started to fail and the TOOK THE MONEY from the folks who had savings and checking accounts with them.  It's called a BAIL IN...not to be confused with a BAIL OUT.

I think you get the picture....

The Bail-In: How You and Your Money Will Be Parted During the Next Banking Crisis

There will be no more taxpayer bailouts for the Big Wall Street banks. That much has been established by the lobbied to death Dodd-Frank banking reform (yeah, right) bill.

However, instead of taking money from the government (taxpayers), the principal has been established that the next source of money for profligate banks will be your deposit accounts. Yeah, that’s right, the money to stabilize the banking sector during the next crisis will come out of your savings and checking accounts.

To add insult to injury – since the banks pay you zero percent on your savings account in the first place – the banks have the right to confiscate your funds if they crash the economy again as they did in 2008. Remember the Great Recession? It’s coming again to a bank near you.

How can they do this, you ask?

Simple. When you deposit money in a checking or savings account, that money no longer belongs to you. Technically and legally, it becomes the property of the bank, and the bank just issues you what amounts to an IOU. As far as the bank is concerned, it’s an unsecured debt.

The way Dodd-Frank has managed to screw things around, derivatives (bets banks have made in the Wall Street casino) have priority over your checking and savings accounts when it comes to paying off their debts. And don’t think that the FDIC (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation) will save your money. The assets of the FDIC are minuscule (in the billions) compared to the valuation of outstanding derivatives (in the trillions). Your deposits are protected only up to the $250,000 insurance limit, and also only to the extent that the FDIC has the money to cover deposit claims or can come up with it.


The Bible has always been clear....everything we see is one day going to be burned up.  Peter then goes on to ask us what kind of people are we supposed to be now that we know this?

Are you a person who wakes up and counts his money every day as you add up your stock portfolio and bank accounts?

Are you a person that believes his paper money is going to provide him absolute security for the rest of your life?

Are you a hoarder of money and find it difficult to share your material goods with other brothers and sisters?

Have you been involved in a fight with your family or siblings over an inheritance?

Have you been at odds with a brother or sister-in-Christ over money?

Do you find it impossible to part with even 10% of everything God has given you when the offering plate comes around?

If we find ourselves in any of these categories, we should repent and fix much as it's possible for us to fix.

I have no idea if America might collapse before the rapture.  But I can say that it would certainly be within God's character and history to tear down ANY false gods and idols from a society so that they may begin to be purified.

Jesus, please forgive us if we spend more time counting and worrying about our money than we spend in time worshiping and glorifying you.

Hat tip to Tom F.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Radical Atheist Kills Three Muslims

When radical Muslims stormed a Kosher market in France and killed some Jews, Obama declared it was a "random act of violence on folks who happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time."

Please tell me you are kidding......

Nope.  He saw no connection between Muslims picking out Jews to gun down.

So I wonder what he will say about these Muslims gunned down in North Carolina?  Was it just a coincidence that they were all Muslims?  Or did the murderer have a beef with Muslims....just like the Muslims in France had a beef with Jews?

A radical atheist is in police custody after allegedly murdering three young Muslims in the North Carolina college town of Chapel Hill, media reports indicate.

According to the British newspaper the Independent, the three Muslims, who were all from the same family, were in their home when a 46-year-old man identified by police as Craig Stephen Hicks gunned them down.

The victims have been named as Deah Shaddy Barakat, his wife Yusor Mohammad, 21, and her sister, Razan Mohammad Abu-Salha, 19.

Barakat was a dental student at the University of North Carolina. According to the Independent, he had spent time as a volunteer giving free dental care to Palestinian children.

His Twitter account features posts about local sports as well as matters relating to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.


A radical atheist?  Is that like a new classification of radicals?

Of course we have no idea if the murdered Muslims were wonderful, innocent, loving people just minding their own business....

When ever some dies, the people interviewed always say, "She was just so loving and kind!  She was just a great person and everyone liked her!"

Seldom do you hear, "He was a dork and a bastard.  I'm glad someone took him out as all he did was take up space."

Notice the last line of the article.  The murdered man had posts on social media relating to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.


And he gave free dental care to Palestinian children....hmmmmm.....

I wonder if the murdered man was cursing Israel on his social media?

Friends, every single day HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF HUMAN SOULS leave this earth and head for their eternal destination.  Most of them are heading to eternal destruction.  Sadly, I'm gonna take a wild guess and say these three murdered Muslims are not with Jesus their Savior today....because they never accepted him as Savior.  Instead they hoped that Muhammad and Allah would save them....only to discover that those false gods only led them down the wide road to eternal destruction.

Sobering thoughts.  Let's be busy spreading the Good News that Jesus IS ETERNAL LIFE!

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Muslim Imam Begins to Tell the Truth

Many have wondered why the so-called "moderate" Muslims haven't spoken out against all the radical Muslims.

It has been said that the radical Muslim will cut your head off while the moderate Muslim holds your legs down.

You will have to decide if that's true.

But there is one Imam in Brooklyn who is blasting other Muslim leaders for filling Muslim minds with hatred.

A Brooklyn imam blasts Islamic leaders, saying they have turned religious Muslims into ticking time bombs who hate Christians, Jews, atheists and everyone else.

This is a remarkable speech given by Tarek Yousef al-Masri, a Brooklyn imam, on January 9, 2015, in the wake of the Paris terror attacks.

He explains that “Muslims of the religious sector” have become ticking time bombs, and he blasts the Islamic leaders who teach hate and violence.

“When a sinner repents, the first thing he does is make a bomb,” he states.

According to al-Masri, prominent religious figures in the Muslim world have distorted the Koran and instilled profound hatred in its followers. The result is that Muslims are contributing “nothing to human civilization,” he asserts with passion.

This video, presented by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), is 10 minutes long but well worth the time. If more imams would speak like this, perhaps they could set the foundation for peace.


We need to pray for the people who are trapped in the satanic lies of Islam.  Further, we need to pray for courageous Muslims (like this Imam) to stand up against those Muslims who are so willing to commit all of these unspeakable, heinous, barbaric acts.

Also, please remember that as much as we love the Jews and Israel, most of them are also lost in a fog and have not found Christ....which is also true of MOST Americans.

Our mission field is certainly the whole world....and most likely it starts with your next door neighbor or the person sitting next to you at work.

Iran Renews Hamas Funding

So wait....shouldn't the Persian-Muslim Shi'ite leaders of Iran NOT like Arab-Muslim Sunni leaders of the terrorist organization in Gaza called Hamas?


How come?

They share a common hatred of Jews and Israel.

In its mission to promote terror and destabilize the Middle East, the Islamic Republic rekindled its relationship with Hamas, helping to fund its terror activities against Israel.

After two years of chilly relations between Iran and Hamas, the Islamic Republic has renewed its funding of the terror organization operating mainly out of Gaza, Israel’s Walla News reports.

A “senior security official” told the news site that a short while after the conclusion of Operation Protective Edge, Iran and Hezbollah reestablished their connections. Israel’s security establishment is keeping a close watch on the budding relationship, tracking Hamas’s attempts to rebuild its military power and to raise funds around the world.

“The sums are not as large as Qatar gave [Hamas], but the move is substantial,” the official told Walla, adding that Iran was trying to strengthen the terror front facing Israel’s south.

Iran openly declared its intention to destroy Israel by arming terrorists in Judea and Samaria. Hamas, in turn, thanked Iran for its support.

Iran is helping Hamas to rearm despite Egypt’s attempts to weaken the terror organization, which has been accused of promoting violence against the Egyptian security apparatus. According to the official, “Hamas faces difficulties in acquiring weapons of quality because Egypt has established a buffer zone on its border with Gaza and ruins more smuggling tunnels every day.”

With its renewed acquisition of weapons using Iranian funds, Hamas has returned to producing domestic-made rockets and has stepped up launching tests, firing them into the sea.

“Hamas has returned to producing rockets at a faster pace than in the past, but they do not use standard materials or a proper assembly line and therefore are required to test their rockets,” the official said.

Hamas was firing the rockets into the sea not only to test them, but also as a show of force, he added.

Arab news outlets reported over the weekend that Hamas, Hezbollah and Iranian officials met in Lebanon to review Iranian funding of these organizations. The reports did not indicate who specifically participated nor did they reveal the outcome.


With articles and headlines like this all over the internet, how is it possible that the World can be so blind to the fact the the enemies of Israel are gathering and making agreements to plan the next Holocaust?

Well, they can't see it because they are actually being led along as willing participants.

Why do you think so many US colleges are divesting from Israel?  Why is Jew hatred rising all over Europe?  Why is the EU demanding that the Arabs get another nation called Palestine right along Israel's border?  Why is the United Nations?  Why does Team Obama detest Netanyahu and make demands of Israel that no other nation on earth would ever comply to?

Psalm 83
With cunning they conspire against your people;
    they plot against those you cherish.
4 “Come,” they say, “let us destroy them as a nation,
    so that Israel’s name is remembered no more.”
5 With one mind they plot together;
    they form an alliance against you—

Russia Pushing USA Out of Middle East

Remember, friends...we watch Russia closely because one day they are going to be a big player in the Middle East.  Ezekiel 38 is still on the horizon.

WASHINGTON – Vladimir Putin’s visit to Egypt marks a low point in U.S.-Egyptian relations, weakening an alliance formed 35 years ago, when President Carter negotiated the Camp David Accords with Egyptian President Anwar El Sadat and Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin, contends a retired Army general.

Retired Maj. Gen. Paul Vallely, a founding member of the Citizens’ Commission on Benghazi, told WND the Russians filled a void after the Obama administration cut off military supplies and equipment to Egypt in response to the overthrow of the Muslim Brotherhood-backed president, Mohamed Morsi, which set the stage for Gen. Abdel-Fatal al-Sisi to become president.

Vallely noted that in October 2013, after the Obama administration suspended military aid to Egypt, Sisi turned to Russia. The move was followed by Putin’s first visit to Egypt on Feb. 12-13, 2014, which resulted in Cairo’s decision to purchase some $2 billion of weapons from Russia.

Retired Air Force Lt. Gen. Tom McInerney, another founding member of the Citizens’ Commission on Benghazi, concurred.

“It is amazing how fast the Obama administration has turned some of our most loyal allies against us. Egypt was the keystone of our Mideast Policy for 40 years,” McInerney said.

Egypt is “vital,” he said, “because it controls the Suez Canal, plus airspace to enter and exit the Middle East as well as the crucial partner in the Israeli Peace Treaty, and we have now forced the Egyptians to look to Russia for support. How could we let this happen?”

“Russia has stepped up to provide the arms Egypt needs to defend itself against the radical Islamic terrorists al-Sisi faces on all sides,” Vallely said.

He was referring to a report that Saudi Arabia has agreed to finance the weapons Egypt purchases from Russia.

Valley said the Obama administration has managed to reverse some nearly 35 years of U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East, with Egypt now returning to Russia. Egypt had a close relationship with the Soviet Union had in era of President Gamal Abdel Nasser, from 1956 to 1970.

“Egypt has a real concern about security, and the United States is not there to help as we should be helping,” Vallely said.


It's ironic that Obama gave his "President of the World" speech in Egypt.  He ended up turning his back on Egypt's President Mubarak a few years later and allowed crazy, radical Muslims to step in and overthrow him during the Arab Spring.  He actually gave the protesters his blessing.  Well those same protesters ended up electing the Muslim Brotherhood Terrorist Organization to run their government and the military said, "No way!" and threw him out and threw him in jail.  Last week they announced they were going to execute over 180 Muslim Brotherhood leaders for crimes against the government.  USA cut off their military funding to the civilized military government and today we have Putin/Russia showing up in Egypt to promise them support and help.

I have no idea how Russia is going to keep going as their economy and currency continue to fall apart...but let's remember that Hitler built up Germany's military to an enormous power just a hand full of years after hyper-inflation had destroyed Germany's clearly it can be done.

Here is one more paragraph from the above article that sums up things well and makes me wonder if God allowed Obama to lead us right into the Last Days....

“With the Obama administration supporting the al-Qaida militia in Libya and the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, it’s a great illustration how an errant foreign policy undertaken by the U.S. State Department and a White House national security team has managed to drag the United States down lower and lower in credibility throughout the Middle East.”

Remember that Libya is a named player in the Ezekiel 38 coalition that will be led by Russia in the VERY Last Days.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Divorce One of Your Wives and Marry Another

As we already know, divorce court is a big problem when the definition of marriage was, "one man and one woman."

But what kind of massive chaos will be created when polygamy becomes the law of the land? Imagine the custody battles?  How about Social Security spousal benefits?  How about pensions that pay for worker and spouse?  How about medical insurance for "the family"...if that family has 3 women and 1 man?

(Reuters) - The husband in a household featured on reality show "Sister Wives" has legally divorced one of the four women he lives with and married another, a spokesman for the show said on Wednesday.

Kody Brown and the four women he calls his spouses live in Nevada and have 17 children. Their life has been broadcast on the TLC cable channel since 2010. Legally, Brown is married to only one woman, even though he says all four are his wives.

While previously living in Utah, the family legally challenged the state's ban on consenting adults cohabiting in a marriage-like relationship when they are already legally wedded to someone else.

Last year, a U.S. District Court judge finalized his earlier ruling that struck down that provision, in a case that the Utah attorney general's office is appealing.

Brown and the women he calls spouses, Meri, Christine, Janelle and Robyn, are part of the Apostolic United Brethren, a Utah-based church that follows a plural marriage doctrine. Last season, the program followed their move from Utah to Las Vegas.

"We have chosen to legally restructure our family," the Brown family said in a statement. "We made this decision together as a family."

In the arrangement, Kody Brown divorced Meri and married Robyn, said Raul Rojas, a spokesman for the TLC show.

A Clark County, Nevada, marriage record said Kody Brown and Robyn Brown obtained their marriage license in December.

Celebrity website TMZ reported that the divorce and marriage was meant to ensure Robyn's children have access to insurance and similar benefits. Rojas declined to confirm that.

Polygamy is illegal in all 50 U.S. states. Critics of the practice say it denigrates women and places them in a subservient position in relation to their husband.


Critics say it denigrates women??  Who are you to judge??  If 4 women want to marry one man, or if 4 men want to marry one woman....what business is that of yours?  Who are you to deny the happiness of 4-5 people all making a modern family?  Read your Bible!  Kind David had wives, Solomon had wives, Abraham had wives!  Quit trying to tell everyone else what's right and wrong!

The slippery slope has been crossed.

Quiz for you....without using the Bible (since USA no longer considers it a credible source) please make a case for ONE MAN AND ONE WOMEN being the only way to describe marriage.

Can't do it?

Then get used to the freakiest marriages coming your way.

Jesus himself told us that a man and women (one man and one woman) will both leave their families and be united as one.  That IS what marriage is....til death do you part, in sickness and in health, in poverty and in wealth.  A man and woman who both love The Lord and commit themselves to each other until The Lord comes for them in the rapture or one of them goes to be with The Lord.

Christ has one bride and that is The Church.  He already paid the bride-price for us and is coming soon to marry us and we will live with Him forever.  He loves us even though we are hopelessly unworthy and have acted like adulterous pigs through most (all?) of our engagement period.