Men Are Born to Cheat
The Bible says that all humans are born with sin embedded into our very cores. We are born that way. Some are born with a bend towards gluttony, some towards idolatry. Others are born with a bend towards perversion...which may include homosexuality, bestiality, etc... And I believe it is safe to say that just about ALL MEN are born with the desire to have sex with multiple women.
The gay agenda has been to convince society that since gays are born that way...then to deny them their desires is tragically wrong. And now that this argument has caught speed in society....we knew it would only be a matter of time until someone pointed out the obvious that men are born with the desire to have sex with MORE THAN ONE WOMAN...and to deny them this is like putting us in a cage that can lead to anger, frustration and contempt...and who wants that??
Monogamy is failing men.
Not only is it failing them, but it's a "socially compelled sexual incarceration" that can lead to a life of anger and contempt, or so says Eric Anderson, an American sociologist at England's University of Winchester and author of the provocative new book, The Monogamy Gap: Men, Love, and the Reality of Cheating (Oxford University Press, $49.99).
Cheating, however, serves men pretty well. An undiscovered affair allows them to keep their relationship and emotional intimacy, and even if they're busted it's a lot easier than admitting that they wanted to screw someone else in the first place, he writes.
In his study of 120 undergraduate men, 78 percent of those who had a partner cheated, "even though they said that they loved and intended to stay with their partner." Contrary to what we may think, most men aren't cheating because they don't love their partner, he says; they cheat because they just want to have sex with others. And society shouldn't pooh-pooh that.
Monogamy's stronghold on our beliefs -- what he calls monogamism -- brings ostracism and judgment to anyone who questions or strays from its boundaries. That doesn't make sense to Anderson, who wonders why we stigmatize someone who has a fling more than couples who divorce -- throwing away a marriage rich in history and love, upsetting their kids' lives -- over something like sex.
Monogamy isn't the only "proper" way to be in a relationship, and he says it's time that society finds "multiple forms of acceptable sexual relationship types -- including sexually open relationships -- that coexist without hierarchy or hegemony." It's especially important for today's young men, for whom monogamous sex seems more boring than in generations past because of easy premarital sex and pornography.
Of course it is Satan who has always been out to destroy God's stated plan to have one women leave her family and be united with one man so that the two should become one. He realizes that if he can tear this fabric apart that society won't last long and that pain, unwanted pregnancy, abortion, fatherless children, crime rates and ultimately anarchy will be the result.
If he can get society to believe that gay sex is OK and shouldn't be restrained...then it can't be long until society is FORCED to accept bi-sexual sex and marriage, bestiality, multiple wives...and ultimately some woman is going to want to marry chimpanzee...and who will have any right to stop her?? Why should marriage be confined to two humans when orangutans hold 99% of the same DNA as humans? After do you TRULY define what is human?
Friends, I think it is becoming painfully obvious that we ARE ALREADY ON the slippery slope. And once you are on that slope and sliding towards the abyss there is really nothing you can do to stop the slide and reverse course.
Of course our God is a God of miracles so can certainly pull us up out of the miry clay and set us on a the straight path.....but it will take the nation to repent like they did in Nineveh when Jonah warned them to repent or be destroyed...and I simply don't see any signs of a great Holy Spirit revival yet happening in America.