Hollywood Leads Millions to Christ
Of course we all know how damaging Hollywood films of late have been to our society. The silver screen has pumped out more adultery, fornication, materialism and debauchery than one can possibly imagine.
But let's remember a promise from scripture that says, "What Satan means for evil God uses for good for those who love him."
It today's Wall Street Journal (of all places) there is an excellent article that talks about the biblical films made that have lead millions of people to Christ.
Then there is Warner Brothers' 1979 film "Jesus." Based on the Gospel of St. Luke, the film, funded in part by money raised by Campus Crusade for Christ founder Bill Bright, did poorly at the box office. But in 1981, Campus Crusade began translating it for use in the mission field. Known as "The Jesus Film," the movie has now been translated into more than 1,100 languages. Seen by literally billions of people around the world, it is arguably the most watched film ever—with many millions of viewers professing faith in Jesus Christ as a result. It is still being shown world-wide today.
Lastly there is Cecil B. DeMille's "The King of Kings," the spiritual predecessor to "Jesus." Its viewership was estimated at over 800 million people by 1959. Because it was produced as a silent film, Protestant and Catholic missionaries alike were able to use it for decades to share the Gospel with non-English-speaking peoples. According to DeMille's autobiography, during the Korean War Madame Chiang Kai-shek sent an emissary to DeMille seeking a copy of the film to show in P.O.W. camps.
Please access and read the entire article here; http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703916004576270452682016860.html
In the article there is a powerful story about a Nazi who beat to death a Christian and then converted to Christianity himself and saved many from death.
Our God is an awesome God. Even in the pits of hell that were visible in the concentration camps of WWII...He was powerfully at work...and thanks to some older movies produced in Hollywood, the Body of Christ has been built up all over the world.