This is pretty encouraging to read! When even a liberal like Bill Maher begins to realize the stupidity of vaccine mandates, mask mandates and the fear of Covid that so many liberals seem to actually enjoy, it's a good step in the right direction!
"But Dennis, that's so stupid! No one "enjoys" a pandemic!"
I think you are wrong. I think we have all known people who are happiest when they have something to complain about. The mass delusion that seems to have infected most of the godless folks who currently inhabit the Left, has turned them into fearful little children who yearn for the government to make them all safe again. But until the government tells them that it's safe to go outside they will continue to mask while sitting in their cars and homes all by themselves. They will also continue to get as many jabs as the government tells them and will look at anyone who objects to mandated jabs as, "science deniers who need to be dealt with if they are to remain in the 21st century!"
HBO’s “Real Time” host Bill Maher ranted against the heavy-handed COVID mandates and essentially declared that the pandemic is “over” on his show Friday, telling his audience, “We have to get back to life.”
Maher started off the panel discussion segment by feigning relief over Fauci giving the green light to celebrate Halloween this year. The HBO host contends that’s been his “position since the beginning of this,” according to Fox News.
“Just resume living,” he advised his audience. “I know some people seem to not want to give up on the wonderful pandemic, but you know what? It’s over. There’s always going to be a variant. You shouldn’t have to wear masks. I should be to … I haven’t had a meeting with my staff since March of 2020. Why?”
“Also, vaccine, mask, pick one! You’ve got to pick. You can’t make me mask if I’ve had the vaccine,” Maher asserted.
Maher proceeded to grill Sen. Chris Coons (D-DE) over the matter since “it’s the Democrats” who are so adamant about enforcing COVID restrictions. He’s also stated previously that the leftist media has scared the crap out of Americans over COVID.
“I travel in every state now, back on the road, and the red states are a joy and the blue states are a pain in the a**. For no reason,” Maher remarked.
“One of the critical things that’s being discussed right now by President Biden, one of the things we have to recommit ourselves to, is supporting vaccination around the rest of the world,” Coons defensively replied. “There’s still a lot of countries that are very, very minimally vaccinated because if a variant develops out in the world that is able to defeat the vaccine, we are all the way back to the beginning. So in the United States, in most of the western world, we’re ready to be done with this, but we’re not done until the world is safe and we’re not safe as a world until the world’s vaccinated.”
“Except the world recognizes natural immunity. We don’t,” Maher argued, “because everything in this country has to go through the pharmaceutical companies. Natural immunity is the best kind of immunity. We shouldn’t fire people who have natural immunity because they don’t get the vaccine. We should hire them. Yes?”
“If someone is having tested with antibodies,” the congressman conceded.
“Well, OK. But you know, people who’ve had it – I’ve had it,” Maher pointed out. “I mean, I shouldn’t be tested anymore. I got the vaccine.”
“And if someone’s willing to be a fireman, if someone’s willing to be a policeman, if someone’s willing to go into a burning building and says, ‘I’m just not that afraid of COVID and I don’t want to take the vaccine,’ that should be enough,” Flanagan asserted. “You shouldn’t be losing a job, you shouldn’t be furloughed without pay, the guy that saves lives because he doesn’t want to take the vaccine. It’s ridiculous.”
Maher also noted that he had seen individuals outside “alone walking with a mask,” commenting, “it’s so stupid.”
“It’s an amulet, you know? A charm people wear around the neck that wards away evil spirits. It means nothing,” he posited. “I mean, can’t we get people to understand the facts more?”
Maher then referred to a poll that shows 41 percent of Democrats believe that unvaccinated people have more than a 50 percent risk of hospitalization when it’s actually “0.89%.” Maher added that it’s “0.01%” for vaccinated individuals.
“So in both cases, the correct answer is less than 1%. They thought it was over 50. How do people, especially of one party, get such a bad idea? Where did that come from?” he wondered.
Coons tried to argue that “we frankly shouldn’t let up on the urgency of still promoting vaccination” so that “we can enjoy reopening our society.”
Maher wasn’t having any of that kind of argument. He pointed to the death of former Secretary of State Colin Powell, who had multiple myeloma cancer and Parkinson’s disease but reportedly died of “complications from COVID.”
“We have to get back to life,” Maher declared. “I mean, you might look at the sporting events that are … all three sports are playing now including basketball, which is inside. Nobody seems to be having super-spreader events. I mean, you know, it was great. It was so much fun having a pandemic but, you know, buh-bye.”
Here; Bill Maher declares the pandemic is over: 'red states are a joy and blue states are a pain in the a**' (
We can pray that some more liberals with a voice will continue to wake up and realize they have all been deluded by a "pandemic" which has a 99.9% survival rate unless you are cancerous, diabetic, obese, or all of the above. The fact that more children were murdered in Chicago last year than were killed in all the USA by Covid, and yet the Left continues to demand that all children get jabbed...should tell you without a doubt that there is a delusional agenda going on here. We ARE being prepped to obey. We are being prepped to "take the mark for the good of society."
Thankfully we WILL be gone before that mark, spoken of in Revelation 13, becomes a reality.