Friday, August 2, 2024

USA Readies Jets as Iran Threatens Israel

It all seems to be coming together.  Honestly if the rapture happened now and America was destroyed, all the pieces would be in place.


The United States will deploy additional warships and fighter jets to the Middle East to help defend Israel from possible attacks by Iran and its proxies, the Pentagon said.

Tensions remain high in the region over the assassination of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh in Iran and a key commander of the Lebanese militant group Hezbollah.

Missile defence forces were placed on a state of increased readiness to deploy, the Pentagon said, adding that its commitment to defend Israel was "ironclad".

Iran's leader Ayatollah Khamenei has vowed "harsh punishment" against Israel for the assassination of Haniyeh, and declared three days of national mourning.

The Hamas leader was killed in Tehran on Wednesday. Iran and its proxy in Gaza blamed the attack on Israel, which has not commented.

Haniyeh, 62, was widely considered Hamas's overall leader and played a key role in negotiations aimed at reaching a ceasefire in the Gaza war.

His death came just hours after Israel claimed it killed Fuad Shukr, the top military commander of Iran's proxy in Lebanon, Hezbollah.

A Pentagon statement said the new deployments would "improve US force protection... increase support for the defence of Israel, and ... ensure the US is prepared to respond to various contingencies".

Russia and Turkey Both Denounce Killing of Hamas Leader in Iran

The two nations who will join Iran to lead the Ezekiel 38 coalition have both denounced the killing of Hamas chief while he was in Iran for the swearing in of Iran’s new president.

Just a few hours before his death, Ismail Haniyeh was chanting “death to Israel!”, and “death to America!”, along with his Iranian hosts.  Now he’s dead and meeting Satan while Israel and America are very much alive.


Non-Western nations are condemning the assassination in Tehran of Hamas politburo head Ismail Haniyeh and holding Israel responsible, though it has not taken credit for the killing.

Russia, which hosted a Hamas delegation shortly after Hamas’s Oct. 7 massacre, and Turkey, whose president recently spoke of invading Israel, both denounced the killing.

Deputy Russian Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov said, ”This is an absolutely unacceptable political murder, and it will lead to further escalation of tensions.”

Turkey’s Foreign Ministry said, “We condemn the assassination of the leader of Hamas’s political office, Ismail Haniyeh, in a shameful assassination in Tehran.”

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Israel Whacks Hamas Chief in Iran

Yes, this is a huge deal!  Israel seems capable of killing their enemies anytime and anywhere they want!  The fact they were able to kill a top dog of Hamas while he was visiting Iran is very James Bond.  Now Iran will need to respond.  We are most likely eyewitnesses to the run up to Ezekiel 38.  What an exciting time to be alive!  

Also notice that Israel also killed a senior Hezbollah officer in response to the soccer field bombing.


The assassination of Ismail Haniyeh has the entire Middle East on an absolute knife’s edge.

When we wrapped up our ABC News coverage on Tuesday night, Israel had just announced they had killed a senior Hezbollah leader in Beirut, their targeted response to the Golan Heights rocket attack.

The question was when and how Hezbollah would respond, but the overriding sense was that both sides were likely to find a way not to escalate to all-out war.

That’s now been completely upended.

An attack in Tehran, the heart of Iran, killed the political leader of Hamas not long after he attended the inauguration of Iran’s new president at the invitation of the country’s supreme leader. Haniyeh was in their care. This is a huge deal.

Monday, July 29, 2024

America Not Ready for Major War

Of course the average American has no clue what technology will be used to fight a major war.  Just like when Desert Storm broke in 1991 and we all sat in amazement watching missiles with cameras fly down chimneys in Iraq, it will likely be the same story if America goes to war head to head with China and Russia.  But according to some reports we aren’t ready to fight.  If you were Russia and China reading this report while watching the confusion exploding in America, you might say, “let’s do this now!”


The country is unaware of the dangers ahead, and of the costs to prepare for them

General charles “cq” brown, the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, America’s top military officer, recently told the Aspen Security Forum, a gathering of the country’s foreign-policy elite, that the nation’s armed forces were the “most lethal, most respected combat force in the world”. Steely-faced, and to jubilant whoops, he declared: “I do not play for second place.” In reality, America’s military position is eroding. That is the message of a report published on July 29th by a bipartisan commission entrusted by Congress with scrutinising the Biden administration’s national defence strategy (nds), a document published two years ago.

Satanic Moments at Paris Olympics Opening Ceremony

Drag queens, perverted imagery and scrotums exposed at opening ceremony.  The author makes a point when he compares this debauchery to Russia’s opening ceremony 4 years ago.  He says that this perversion is what the West has become.  Russia sees this.  He then asks if we are really fighting on the right side as we fight against Russia which claims it wants nothing to do with Western influence on their families and children.  Good question?


Turkish President Hints at Attacking Israel

Most of my readers will recognize why Turkey threatening Israel is a really big deal in light of the Ezekiel 38 prophecy which is on the horizon.


 Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan on Sunday threatened to invade Israel. 

During a party meeting, the President stated: "We must be strong so Israel won't be able to do these things to the Palestinians. Just as we entered Karabakh and Libya, we will do the same to Israel. There's nothing left to do, we must be strong."

Erdoğan also noted that Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas was invited to speak before the parliament but has not responded to the invitation.

He emphasized that Turkey sides with the Palestinians and mentioned that the country has cut trade ties with Israel.

Since the war began, Erdoğan has gone on several diatribes against the Jewish state. A few months ago he said that “Netanyahu and his administration, with their crimes against humanity in Gaza, are writing their names next to Hitler, Mussolini and Stalin, like today’s Nazis,” said Erdogan.

The Turkish President also reiterated his support for Hamas, saying that no one could "make" Turkey "qualify Hamas as a terrorist organization.

"Turkey is a country that speaks openly with Hamas leaders and firmly backs them,” stated Erdogan.

Trump Assassination Attempt

If you pull up Google News you won’t see anything about the Trump shooting a few weeks ago.  Some GOP members are crying “foul” against this news gathering source, saying that Google wants to direct the news and support Democrats rather than report the news and stay neutral.  We wouldn’t disagree that that’s certainly a possibility knowing that there are probably zero Trump supporters hired by Google.

So we decided to look it up and see if the MSM is still reporting the Trump shooting and are happy to see that ABC just ran this article.


Something seemed off from the moment Beaver County SWAT sniper Gregory Nicol spotted a man skulking around the outskirts of the site where former President Donald Trump was about to take the stage on July 13.

From his second-floor post inside the AGR complex at the fairgrounds in Butler, Pennsylvania, Nicol noticed the young man in a gray T-shirt, lurking.

"He was looking up and down the building ... It just seemed out of place," Nicol, assistant leader of the Beaver County SWAT team, told ABC News in an interview airing Monday at 7 a.m. ET on "Good Morning America." "I'll just didn't seem right."

Nicol noticed an unattended bike and backpack. And he saw the man looking up and around, then pulling a rangefinder from his pocket. There was no apparent reason to have a distance-gauging device at a political rally featuring the man who, in a few days, would accept his party's presidential nomination. The sharpshooter snapped pictures of the suspicious-looking man and the bike, then flagged it to fellow snipers from his team assigned to the event and called it into the command group.

Nicol would be the first officer to issue a warning about 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks. Within an hour, Crooks would open fire from the roof of that very building, less than 200 yards from the rally's stage, wounding Trump on live TV, killing one person in the crowd, and critically injuring two more.

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Putin Issues Nuclear Warning

We are certainly going back to a full blown Cold War with Russia. We have no idea if Putin will end up playing the leader of Magog to fulfill Ezekiel 38 but he certainly seems to have all the attributes.  If he doesn’t he certainly has been setting the stage for the dude who will.


Earlier this year, the U.S. deployed what is known as the Mid-Range Capability missile system to the northern Philippines. The system fires SM-6 and Tomahawk missiles. Putin has previously said intermediate-range missiles had been used in Denmark for drills.

In late June, Putin said Moscow would restart production of these short- and intermediate-range, nuclear-capable missiles.

Kremlin spokesperson, Dmitry Peskov, said earlier this month that "all the attributes of the Cold War with the direct confrontation are returning."

"If the United States carries through these plans, we will consider ourselves to be free from our unilateral moratorium on deploying intermediate- and shorter-range strike weapons, including measures to raise the capabilities of coastal defense troops of our Navy," Putin said during a speech in the Russian city of St. Petersburg on Sunday, according to Russian state media.

Hezbollah Rockets Hit Soccer Field in Israel

 The powers of earth who want Israel destroyed, so the prophetic promises made to Israel can also be destroyed, just keep backing Israel into a corner.  Netanyahu will return to Israel and the war council will meet.  We are guessing that Hezbollah/Lebanon will be the focus of Israel’s wrath and war will result.  Meanwhile this retaliation by Israel will further stoke the world’s hatred of Jews and Israel.  As Jew-hatred increases around the world, look for Jews to continue to leave their host nations and return to the Promised Land.


The Biden administration is highly concerned that a rocket attack from Lebanon that hit a soccer field in the Golan Heights and killed 12 children and teenagers could lead to an all out war between Israel and Hezbollah, U.S. officials tell Axios.

The big picture: The administration for months has worried that both Israel and Hezbollah are miscalculating as they escalate their rhetoric and fighting on the ground while thinking they can avoid an all-out war.

  • U.S. officials are also concerned that without a ceasefire in Gaza, a war between Israel and the Lebanese militant group is becoming more likely, which would exacerbate the regional crisis and draw the U.S. deeper into the conflict. 
  • "What happened today could be the trigger we have been worried about and tried to avoid for 10 months," a U.S. official told Axios.

Driving the news: The IDF said twelve people were killed and more than 30 were wounded when a rocket exploded in a soccer field in the Druze village of Majdal Shams in the Golan Heights.

  • IDF spokesman Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari said Hezbollah was responsible for the attack. 
  • Hezbollah denied it fired the rocket and said it had no connection to the incident.

Hagari called it the "most serious targeting" of Israeli civilians since the Oct. 7 Hamas attack on Israel.

  • An IDF official told reporters in a briefing that Hezbollah fired a rocket with an unusually large warhead in retaliation for an Israeli strike earlier on Saturday that killed four members of the Lebanese militant group.
  • Hagari said it was an Iranian-made Falaq-1 rocket with a 100-pound warhead and that only Hezbollah holds such rockets in Lebanon. A U.S. official said the U.S. assessment is that the rocket was fired by Hezbollah.
  • Hezbollah officials told the UN the incident was the result of an Israeli anti-rocket interceptor hitting the soccer field, a U.S. official said. The IDF denied that was what happened.
  • Israeli foreign minister Israel Katz told Axios "the Hezbollah attack crossed all red lines and the response will be accordingly."

The latest: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke to Sheikh Muafak Tarif, the spiritual leader of the Druze community in Israel, and said Hezbollah will pay a heavy price for the attack, the Prime Minister's office said.

  • The Israeli security cabinet will convene on Sunday to discuss the response to the attack. 
  • Israeli law requires the security cabinet to approve military operations that could lead to war.

Acting Lebanese Prime Minister Najib Mikatti condemned "all acts of violence and aggression against all civilians" and called for an immediate halt to violence. 

  • "Targeting civilians is a flagrant violation of international law," he said