Shariah law is the laws that are in the Koran and other Islamic writings. Fundamentalist Muslims believe that the ONLY law that is valid is Shariah law. As muslims move into western countries, many ARE NOT assimilating. In fact they are demanding that their host country change the rules to please them. I ask you...if you moved to Iran with your family...would you start protesting in the streets because the schools didn't close down for Christmas? If you moved to Saudi Arabia, would you start protesting in the streets that there wasn't any beer served with your pizza? Of course not!! So why is The West bending for Islam? Why are we not demanding that they assimilate just like the past immigrants of Germans, Irish, Norwegians, Swedes, etc...? Because we believe that "tolerance" will bring us love and peace with our neighbors...which is false.
This is not true. "Press 1 for English, 2 for Spanish" will NOT be a good thing to unify our culture. It will break it apart. Would America have survived if today all our phone calls said, "Press 1 for German, 2 for Swedish, 3 for Italian, 4 for Norwegian, 5 for Spanish, and 6 for English"??
I am posting an article below that talks about Shariah law on the increase in Great Britain. The writing is on the wall for Europe and if Jesus tarries for another 20 years, I think we will see Spain, France, and Great Britain be taken over by Islamic majorities. The Muslim voters will simply use the democratic tolerance allotted to them by their host countries to vote in the politicians of their choosing...who will roll back freedoms for non-muslims and institute laws as stated in the Koran.
It's already sliding that way. Read the article here;
Please remember to pray for Islam that the light of Christ will shine through and break the bonds that Satan has used to tie up the worshipers of allah...a pagan moon god.