It seems the world has gone crazy...and who remains to set it right? North Korea has publicly slapped U.S. power right square in the face, and our response is to offer them more money, food and liquor if Kim Jong promises not to hit us again. Does anyone out there believe that other tyrants, despots and psychos aren't paying close attention to how the powers of the world simply fold up, cry and whine while they write a "not too harsh" letter and enclose another blackmail check?? How can anyone, liberal or conservative, not realize that such behavior is making the world more dangerous day by day?
Let's remind ourselves of the current flash points....Pakistan, Iraq, Iran, North Korea, Sri Lanka, Hamas in Gaza, Hezollah in Lebanon, Russia, Egypt, Afghanistan, Darfur, Congo, Turkey, Somalia....and that's just off the top of my head.
Two days ago, in North Korea, World War III officially got underway – the war that would pit “crazy” states such as North Korea and Iran, for example, against states we shall characterize as “moderate,” including Egypt, Gulf states, and Saudi Arabia, which at this time leads the Arab initiative for peace with Israel.
Ever since Sunday, the world has gone crazy, and this crazy world is monitoring with horror the struggle between the “moderate” and “crazy” states. The problem is that some of those crazy states – Iran, Pakistan, and North Korea – already have, or will have, a nuclear button to push, while the moderates, headed by the United States, are not eager to rush into battle.
Read full article here;,7340,L-3722339,00.html
We will remind you that we have written about Pakistan in the past because it is probably the most dangerous place in the world....if it tips over, the rest of the world will need to struggle to survive because the Taliban and Al qaida could grab control of the 35 nuclear missiles already set and ready to target and fire. And I heard a Pakistani general yesterday say that they are currently fighting for their very survival. I also heard rumor that the Taliban has figured out where some of the nuclear missiles are hidden and are currently fighting towards those sites.
Does any reader doubt that the Muslim extremists would fire those missiles at "great satan" (the U.S.) and "little satan" (Israel) just as soon as humanly possible? Is everyone getting the vibe that man is coming to an end of his abilities to solve the colossal problems he has created? Is it becoming fairly obvious why so many around the world are hoping and looking for a supernatural savior? Do we Christians understand and believe in our hearts that Jesus is the ONLY true savior and that all other hopes of mankind will lead them to hell? Does that fact break our hearts to realize how many of our friends and family will be forever in hell? Are we doing something about that EVERY SINGLE DAY? Can anyone share with me what can possibly be more important than helping the Lord of the Harvest during this unique moment in time?