The banks have closed in Greece to limit depositors pulling out all their money. The expectations that Greece will come up with some last minute deal to forgive their debt owed to European creditors and the IMF are starting to fall apart.
ATHENS, Greece — Anxious Greek pensioners swarmed closed bank branches and long lines snaked outside ATMs as Greeks endured the first day of serious controls on their daily economic lives ahead of a July 5 referendum that could determine whether the country has to ditch the euro currency and return to the drachma.
As strict capital controls took root Monday following Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras’ surprise weekend decision to call a referendum on international creditors’ latest economic proposals, Greece’s population tried to fathom the sheer scale of the changes on their daily lives.
Following a breakdown in talks between Greece and its creditors, the country is in the midst of the one of the most acute financial crises seen anywhere in the world in years. It’s running out of time to get the money it needs to stave off bankruptcy.
The Greeks have been using credit cards to finance their out-of-control spending on social programs and generous that the credit card payments are due they want the global bankers to issue them another credit card they can use to make the payments on the first credit cards!!
We in America want to look at the Greeks and say, "How could they be so stupid?" But of course all we need to do is grab a mirror and look in it!
America is currently having problems making payments on our $18 trillion debt even with interest rates at 1%!! How do you suppose we are going to make all the payments on that debt when interest rates go back up to 5 or 6%?
Answer: We won't be able to make them.
Then what?
Watch what happens in Greece and then multiply by 100 and watch the mess spread all over the globe.
Watch what happens when America can no longer afford to buy food stamps for 48 million Americans! Do you think those folks are suddenly going to rush out and get jobs at Burger King?
How do you suppose they are all going to feed themselves?
Do you believe they will be polite when asking others for food....or do you believe they may resort to theft and crime?
Do you think it's a coincidence that the U.S. Military is having a massive exercise called JADE HELM where they are practicing how to put down anarchy in large cities in the USA?
Perilous times are at hand folks. Fear not! Just keep looking up! Everything is falling into place...exactly as the Bible predicted.