The problem with telling lies is that you have to tell more and more lies to cover up the initial lie you told.
Witness Islam and the massive amount of proven lies that this religion expects it's followers to believe.
"The promises God made to Abraham flow through Ismael." (whopper lie) That's why the Bible clearly has God calling himself the "God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob" because God new liars would surface in the future and tell lies.
"The Jews never had a Temple on the Temple mount!" (huge lie) So how come they keep finding massive amounts of evidence that the Jews have been on that land since King David 3000 years ago?
"Islam is a religion of peace founded by a peaceful man named Muhammad." (massive lie) The people of ISIS, HAMAS, HEZBOLLAH and the other 45 Muslim terrorist organizations are actually acting much like Muhammad acted....he killed anyone who disagreed with his vision of Islam or he subjected them to slavery or 2nd class citizenship if they refused to convert to Islam.
In an interview with Sky News Arabia on April 20, Egyptian intellectual Dr. Khaled Montaser referred to the "scientific-miraculous" nature of the Quran (i'jaz) as a "great delusion" and "an anesthetic or a nice sedative" for the Arabs and the Muslims, making them feel superior: "we are superior," "we are the best," "we are the greatest."
Montaser, head of the Dermatology Department of the Suez Canal Authority, linked this "delusion" to the prevalence of Islamic terrorists. "As Muslims," he said, "we pay a steep price for this. We are at the tail end of all the nations."
"Among the names of all those who detonated explosive belts in Europe or America," he went on, "one cannot find a single Hindu or Buddhist name. They always have Muslim names. Furthermore, how come Muslims always oppose modernity?"
"Our interpretation," he went on, "is in conflict with modernity..."
"They insist on screaming their religion out loud: 'I am a Muslim!' They are always screaming that they are the only ones in possession of the truth, that they are the best, the only ones to be spared the Hellfire. They carry these notions with them wherever they go... Where does extremism come from? People, we must admit -- as our president has often said -- that there are elements in our books of heritage that incite to this. We must admit this... As a thinker trying to fix this, I must find this shocking. The reality is bitter. As Muslims, we pay a steep price for this. We are at the tail end of all the nations."
Sixteen years ago, Dr. Montaser published a book in Arabic entitled, "Wahm al-I'jaz al-Ilmi" ("The Illusion of the Scientific-Miraculous Nature [of the Quran]"), in which he called for purging from Islam all materials that contradict scientific findings.
Montaster attributed the attempt to read science into the Quran stems from feeling of inferiority that Muslims feel in relation to the West.. "The Arab individual is paralyzed," he said.
"He cannot walk from his bedroom to the kitchen and from there to the street without a fatwa from his cleric. 'What should I do? How should I sleep? How should I have sex with my wife?' And so on and so forth. He is constantly in need of someone to reassure him. But the scientist cannot provide such reassurance."
Because Muslims, he said, claim that "every new invention has already been mentioned in our Quran and the Hadith [collection of Muhammad's sayings]," the Quran is God's unaltered word and contains "scientific" facts and data that have been there for all eternity and have only been discovered by researchers in modern times. Therefore, the Quran's miracles will never cease, and its message is universal, for all humankind throughout the ages.
This combining of science and miracles helps Muslims defend against any treatment of the Quran as merely a historical document, the way in which some scholars view the Bible. While Muslims like to quote any work that highlights the historical, rather than divine, nature of the Bible, they always say the opposite about the Quran.
This morning I heard on CBS News that Belgium had some type of explosion that authorities were calling terrorism.
I yelled at the TV, "What kind of terrorists were they? PETA terrorists? Lutheran terrorists? Buddhist terrorists?"
Of course neither the TV nor CBS News gave an answer...but we know without hearing that it was a MUSLIM TERRORIST who probably screamed "Allah Akbar!" before blowing up.
Let's continue to pray for these lost Muslims who have been so deluded by Satan that they are on a fast path to hell. Let's pray that the Holy Spirit puts salve in their eyes so they can see and unstops their ears so they can hear.
Otherwise it only takes 10% of the Muslims (100,000,000 people) to make a terrorist mess of the entire world.