Saturday, January 5, 2019

Transgender Man Sues Woman’s Football Team

How stupid do the liberal-leftists have to be (delusional?) to not see that if they continue down this road of  allowing people to self-indentify, that women’s sports could soon become a joke?  Once men realize they can play on women’s college teams and also collect women’s scholarships ($$) the real girls will be left out in the cold. 

The 46-year-old claims he was initially welcomed by the Minnesota Vixen football team, which was then part of the Independent Women’s Football League (IWFL), during pre-tryout practices in 2016. But when team owner Laura Brown learned that Ginther was actually a biological male, she informed Ginther that biological men were barred from playing in the league due to safety concerns.
As such, according to Greg Van Gompel, a team attorney, Brown offered Ginther a supporting role on the team as a coaching assistant or statistician.
Brown had no choice in the matter, Van Gompel added, because of IWFL policy which states, unequivocally: “A player may not play in the IWFL, unless they are now, and always have been, legally and medically a female, as determined by their birth certificate and driver’s license.”
Ginther turned down Brown’s offer, MPR News reported.
He told the news site that Brown called after his tryouts. “She said, ‘Well, your numbers were good. But in the process of drawing up player contracts, we looked at your social media and found out that you’re transgender.’”
Feeling “violated,” Ginther’s childhood friend and lawyer, Nicholas May, filed a discrimination suit on his behalf alleging that Brown’s decision — and the league’s gender rule — violated the Minnesota Human Rights Act, which bans discrimination against contractors over sexual orientation (the IWFL was a semi-pro league in which players paid to play instead of being paid).

Shocking Headlines on Ezekiel Coalition Forming

This would be cause for concern enough if the U.S. superpower was playing a robust and proactive role in the Epicenter. But it is all the more concerning with President Trump’s recent decision to remove all U.S. forces from Syria in recent months and his statement yesterday that Iran “can do what they want there (in Syria), frankly,”
It’s still more concerning when you look at the other countries in the Middle East and North Africa that the Kremlin is selling arms to and building alliances with.
I will provide more analysis on this soon. For now, take a look at these recent headlines and you’ll get a sense of what Putin is up to.

Palestinian Congressman Wipes Israel Off Her Map

Yep!  This is the same Arab woman who announced after she was sworn in, “We are going to impeach the mother-Fuc...!”  

The anti-Israel wing of the Democrat party is already making a stir on day one of its congressional tenure. 

The office of incoming Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., who claims Palestinian heritage, has placed a so-called correction on the map in her office, replacing the sovereign state of Israel with a post-it note that says “Palestine” on it. 

Friday, January 4, 2019

"Palestinian" Woman Sworn Into U.S. Congress

The Democrats are so proud of the diversity they have brought into Congress!  We have a bi-sexual woman who announces that she enjoys fornicating with either sex!  Splendid!!  We have a Muslim from MN who is anti-Semitic. Awesome!  We have a young Latina woman who seems totally clueless and unqualified to hold this office AND we have an Arab woman who identifies as a Palestinian and who was sworn on the Koran while saying Allah Akbar in her mind.

Oh yeah...and she seems to imply that Muslims helped found America because she used Thomas Jefferson's Koran for the swearing in.

As new Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) wore a thobe ― a traditional Palestinian dress ― to her swearing-in ceremony Thursday, women responded by tweeting photos of their own thobes in her honor.
Tlaib made history as the first Palestinian-American congresswoman and one of the first Muslim women in Congress, along with fellow new Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.). Tlaib announced last month that she planned to wear the Palestinian dress to the first day of the 116th Congress.
Tlaib told HuffPost in August that she was “going to be a voice for” Palestinians. 
“I look forward to being able to humanize so many of them that have felt ‘less than’ for so long,” she said at the time.
Tlaib planned to use Thomas Jefferson’s Koran for her swearing-in. Former Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.), who was the first-ever Muslim in Congress, used the same Koran in 2007.
“It’s important to me because a lot of Americans have this kind of feeling that Islam is somehow foreign to American history,” Tlaib told the Detroit Free Press. “Muslims were there at the beginning.”

Ummmm….NO...Muslims were NOT there at the beginning.  Thomas Jefferson was most likely NOT a Christian but he most certainly was not bowing to Allah and his worthless, lying, pedophile prophet, Muhammad.  He had a Koran in his library so he could read it and maybe gain some insight into the Muslim Barbary Pirates that the fledgling US Navy would end up going to war against.

Also, there is NO SUCH THING as Palestinian people.  They are simply Arabs who showed up to work for the Jews in the early 20th century.  They resented their Jewish employers and when the Arab armies told them to leave their homes so they could wipe out the Jews and give their homes and businesses to the Arabs, they readily complied!  When the Arab armies ended up losing to the Israelis then those Arabs became refugees.  After they were refugees for a handful of years, a lying sack of poo named Yassir Arafat invented the term Palestinian People and repeated the lie so often that now most of the world believes they are a separate people group.  But history will show there has NEVER been a Palestinian government, king, queen, coins, capital, army, borders, NOTHING!!  They are just Arabs that hate Jews.

Same as the Arabs who hated the Jews when they returned to Jerusalem from Babylon to rebuild the walls and Temple.

Nehemiah 2

But when Sanballat the Horonite, Tobiah the Ammonite official and Geshem the Arab heard about it, they mocked and ridiculed us. “What is this you are doing?” they asked. “Are you rebelling against the king?”

Thursday, January 3, 2019

Alarming Facts About America

I will post some of these facts found in the article, but go to the article if you want to read them all.

Just remember that the Bible says, "Destruction will come upon them suddenly".  It's possible that if Jesus tarries, America may implode before He returns.  We continue to HOPE that the rapture of the church is the match that lights the implosion...but there is certainly no guarantee that's how it's going to play out.

#3 60 percent of all Americans actually believe that they have seen a ghost.

#4 The middle class continues to decline, and at this point half of all American workers make less than $30,533 a year.

#5 Since 2007, the total amount of student loan debt in America has nearly tripled.

#6 The suicide rate in the United States has risen by 33 percent since 1999.

#7 Suicide is now the second leading cause of death for Americans from age 15 to age 24.

#8 According to the United Nations Population Fund, 40 percent of all births in the U.S. now happen outside of marriage. But if you go back to 1970, that figure was sitting at just 10 percent.

#13 Today, a million Americans are living in their RVS, and that number is rising with each passing year.

#14 Social decay is clearly evident even in our most prosperous cities.  One recent investigation found 300 piles of human feces on the streets of downtown San Francisco.

#15 62 percent of all U.S. jobs do not pay enough to support a middle class lifestyle.

#16 In 1980, the average American worker's debt was 1.96 times larger than his or her monthly salary. Today, that number has ballooned to 5.00.

#17 Over half the country now receives more in government transfer payments than they pay in taxes.

#25 According to the New York Times, approximately 110 million sexually transmitted diseases are present in America at any given time. (some folks have more than one disease)

#39 During 2018, the U.S. national debt increased by nearly 1.4 trillion dollars.  We are now almost 22 trillion dollars in debt, and there is no end to our debt problems on the horizon.

We believe that America was made great and exceedingly powerful by God to be used as His instrument to incubate and protect Israel.  But the day is coming (during the Great Tribulation) when GOD HIMSELF will return to fight for and protect Israel.  America will no longer be needed.  Maybe this helps to explain why America doesn't seem to be mentioned in any of the Last Days prophecies?

Even so, come Lord Jesus!

Muslim Doctor Story...Media Ignores

Can you even imagine the media coverage if a Christian white male doctor in Ohio bragged about purposely giving wrong med to blacks or Muslims?  The media would cover it 24 hours per day and Black Lives Matter would start marching!  But since it’s a Muslim woman doing the bragging against Jews the media is totally silent.
The mainstream media in America has completely ignored a bombshell story about a Muslim doctor in in Ohio who admitted to deliberately giving Jewish people the wrong medications.
27-year-old Lara Kollab was fired from her position as an Internal Medicine Resident at the Cleveland Clinic, Ohio, after tweets were uncovered in which she spread anti-Semitic hatred on Twitter for at least 6 years.
The tweets, collected by the Canary Mission website, include trivilization of the Holocaust, open support for terrorist groups and comparisons of Israel to Nazi Germany.
However, by far the most disturbing tweet was her response to another Twitter user when she remarked, “Hahha ewww..ill purposely give all the yahood the wrong meds.”

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

War With China Seems Inevitable

We have said it for years but history shows us that competing nations can start with currency wars which can lead to trade wars which can lead to shooting wars.  China is aggressively making islands in the South China Sea by dredging up sand and then sticking a flag in them and saying, “Don’t sail or fly anything close to our territory!”  Since the rest of the world is powerless to refuse that bogus claim, it’s up to the USA to keep sailing by and flying over these man-made islands. Wars and rumors of war is the file to put this one into.

Mere days after Chinese President Xi Jinping vowed to "resolutely" defend China's security interest - a veiled reference to maintaining its domination of the South China Sea - has published details from a speech delivered two weeks ago by one of China's leading military commanders where he outlined a strategy to rebuff the US Navy should it take an even more interventionist posture within the nine-dash line.

Rear Admiral Lou Yuan told an audience in Shenzhen that the simmering dispute over the East and South China Seas could be decisively ended by sinking two US aircraft carriers.

Taiwan’s Central News Agency reported that Admiral Lou gave a long speech on the state of Sino-US relations, where he declared that the trade spat was "definitely not simply friction over economics and trade," but a "prime strategic issue." And that if China wants the US to back off, it must be willing to attack US ships when they intrude in Chinese territory.

War With Russia is Inevitable

There are 33 reasons proving that Putin is preparing to start World War III.
1. Several years ago, I wrote about the face-off between American paramilitary forces (i.e. Academi, formerly Blackwater) and Russian paramilitary forces (i.e.  Vnevedomstvenaya Okhrana) in Ukraine. America and Russia are already spilling each other’s blood.
2. Also in May of 2014, the Western media was suspiciously silent about the Russians airlifting critical supplies which would be used to support a war effort in Eastern Ukraine. Yet, Russia’s Novostinews service is openly reporting  that Ammunition for Special Forces is being airlifted for Slaviansk Operation.”This is highly significant because Ukraine Denetsk region is asking to join Russia. Other regions are likely to follow. Russia is further airlifting ammunition into the same region. Even Ray Charles could see that this constitutes preparations for war in Ukraine and that this ammunition has gone to support the paramilitary forces fighting in Ukraine!
3. According to a Russian navy blog, published in May of 2014, Russia simulated an American nuclear attack involving submarines, bombers and land-based missiles and this massive drill was coordinated under the direct supervision of Putin at the Defense Ministry’s headquarters in Moscow. The nuclear drill simulated a massive retaliatory nuclear strike in response to an enemy attack. This was a live fire drill and involved a Sineva ballistic missile that hit a target on the Kula testing range on the Kamchatka Peninsula. Subsequent warnings were issued to civilian aircraft to stay clear of the massive war games area.
4. Also in the same time frame, Russia’s LifeNews began reporting that Russia’s Ministry of Civil Defense, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters has issued travel restrictions to all employees like the country’s firefighters, ambulance drivers and rescue troopers. Additionally, a similar travel ban is imposed for parts of employees under the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MVD) including tens of thousands of police officers, prison guards, and other law enforcement agencies like the Federal Drug Control and the Federal Migration Service. Others listed in the travel ban are personnel with access to state secrets, like certain employees of the Foreign Ministry. According to estimates, the total number of travel-restricted personnel number around 250,000 people.

Monday, December 31, 2018

Prophecy Conference Saturday January 5

I know MANY of my readers follow and attend Jan Markell's conference every fall.  She is going to California this week to speak at a prophecy conference with Jack Hibbs, Amir Tsarfati and others THIS SATURDAY.

If you are interested in watching the conference live they will have live streaming available.  The conference is called PROXIMITY and it plays live on January 5.

Watch it here;

Thanks Ron G. for letting us know these details.

Top 10 Bible Prophecy Stories of 2018

For my regular readers these 10 items of prophecy headlines probably won't come as a surprise, but it's a great list that is amazing to look at and study.  At no other time in human history has the convergence of prophetic events happened as they are happening today.

1. Nationalism is Scorned and Globalism is Celebrated 

Globalism took center stage in 2018, so much so that President Donald Trump stuck it to the globalists by once against stating that he is a nationalist.   
2. Israel Celebrates Her 70th Anniversary and America Moves Her Embassy to Jerusalem 

In Matthew 24:34 Jesus gives a prophecy  that the generation living during predicted events  will not pass away until the events occur. Israel became a nation in 1948. Psalm 90 says a generation is 70 years.  The Bible refers to the Tribulation as the "70th Week of Daniel." 
3. In 2018 "Birth-Pangs" Became Apocalyptic 

Throughout the year, we watched heart-wrenching photos and videos of unprecedented disasters that are just a foretaste of what will happen in the Tribulation or the "Time of Jacob's Trouble."  Many commentators called these global disasters "apocalyptic" or "of biblical proportion." 

4.  U.S. Troops Pull Out of Syria 

In late-December President Trump stated that he will pull all U.S. troops out of Syria. While opinions vary and Christians and Kurds will be further slaughtered by evil forces, this opens a pathway from Iran to Israel. Iran now has a perfect land bridge to Israel. Russia, Turkey, Sudan, Libya, "and many nations", will join in this attack.  
5. The Decline of the Character of Mankind; A Depraved Mentality (Romans 1); Lovers of Self (II Timothy 3); Godlessness, Immorality and Lawlessness Abound - A Return to the Days of Noah 

In 2018 we watched:

  • Massive voter fraud
  • Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh is falsely accused in the name of politics
  • Witches curse Kavanaugh and President Trump in public ceremonies
  • Literal demonic hatred expressed towards Christians and Conservatives
  • Clergy bless abortion clinics
  • Drag queens appear everywhere and heavily at children's events and one seminary in St. Paul, MN
  • Child drag queen performer "Desmond the Amazing" is declared by some to be the "the future of America."

#6. The Tragic Rise of Evil 

The Bible says that in the last days "evil will wax worse and worse." (II Tim. 3:13)  This year we have seen paganism and witchcraft soar as Christianity declined and Millennials said they did not need God.  
#7.  Shocking Escalation of Apostasy and Mocking of Bible Prophecy

Just when you think apostasy and false teaching can't get any worse, it does! The New Apostolic Reformation is a global movement ravaging many churches with strange signs, wonders, and miracles that are not of God. Some of these folks celebrate their out-of-control "drunk-in-the-spirit" activity. Who could  have imagined that India's Kundalini spirit would actually enter the evangelical church? 

#8. Intrusive Technology Invades Homes and Paves the Way for the Antichrist 

This year we have learned we are being watched or listened to 24/7 by big tech. This was also the year the tech companies admitted they had an agenda. 
Artificial intelligence can far exceed the human brain and A.I. can make images of people that look human.  
Facebook, Google, Apple, Microsoft, Twitter, and more, are the new "masters of the universe" but hate righteousness and will likely hand their tools over to the Antichrist. 

#9. The Crisis in the Vatican 

If the False Prophet comes out of Catholicism, we have seen its evil in the last year with one scandal after another. Pope Francis seems to look the other way, focusing on his own agenda.  
#10. Third Temple Talk Activity Accelerated

The Antichrist will allow the third Jewish Temple to be built in Jerusalem early in the Tribulation. Preparation for that Temple accelerated in 2018. The Temple Institute announced the birth of a perfect red heifer in Israel that could be used in Temple ceremonies.  

The Sanhedrin hosted the dedication of the altar for the Third Temple with 70 nations invited to observe in December.  


No one knows the day or the hour that Jesus is going to return with the sound of the trumpet to take His bride to the place he has been preparing, BUT with all the major events happening at the same time WE SHOULD NOT BE SURPRISED when it happens!  Because we are not in the darkness about what is coming!!  The rest of the world is, but we aren't!

1 Thess. 5
But you, brothers and sisters, are not in darkness so that this day should surprise you like a thief.

Brazil Moving Embassy to Jerusalem

Jerusalem continues to be in the headline news.  The nations of the world are literally shaking about what to do about Jerusalem.  Of course this is a fulfillment of Bible prophecy and should be counted as one more SIGN that is converging which would point to the return of Christ.  First He comes for His bride and then He returns (7+ years later) to rule and reign on earth for 1000 years.

FROM TIMES OF ISRAEL: Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told Brazilian Jewish leaders on Sunday that Brazilian President-elect Jair Bolsonaro informed him that he would like to relocate the Latin American country’s mission from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.
“It’s a question of when, not if,” Netanyahu said, according to a source present at the meeting. The statement came after Netanyahu and Bolsonaro met on Friday, and after an Israeli government source insisted Saturday that Brazil’s embassy move to Jerusalem was merely “a matter of time.”
“We will be starting a difficult government from January, but Brazil has potential,” Bolsonaro said Friday, indicating that his Israel visit would come, in part, to reciprocate Netanyahu’s trip to Brazil. “So that we can overcome obstacles, we need good allies, good friends, good brothers, like Benjamin Netanyahu.”
Netanyahu’s is the first-ever visit by an Israeli prime minister to Brazil.