Another Iranian Announcement About 12th Imam
For those of you who already get Joel Rosenberg's emails, you will have seen this already.
For those of you who don't, I wanted to post his comments about Iran and the 12th Imam.
An apocalyptic, genocidal death cult is in power in Iran. The mullahs in Tehran
believe we are living in the end of days and that the way to hasten the coming
of their so-called Islamic messiah known as the Twelfth Imam is to annihilate
Judeo-Christian civilization as we know it. I've been writing and speaking about
this for years, trying to help the West understand how a fanatical version of
Shia End Times theology is driving Iranian foreign policy. Now we have fresh
evidence that this is not fiction; it is all too true.
"For the first
time, Iran's highest-ranking military official has tied the reappearance of the
last Islamic messiah to the regime being prepared to go to a war based on
ideology," notes Reza Kahlili, the former Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps
officer turned spy for the CIA. "'With having the treasure of the Holy Defense,
Valayat (Guardianship of the Jurist) and martyrs, we are ready for a big war,'
Defense Minister Ahmad Vahidi said, according to Mashregh news, which is run by
the Revolutionary Guards. 'Of course this confrontation has always continued;
however, since we are in the era of The Coming, this war will be a significant
war.' Shi'ites believe that at the end of time great wars will take place, and
Imam Mahdi, the Shi'ites' 12th imam, will reappear and kill all the infidels,
raising the flag of Islam in all corners of the world."
Kahlili, as you
may recall, is now an American citizen and is the author of a book about his
life in the CIA. Last year, in an article Reza published on his blog and sent
out around the world, he renounced Islam and explained that he had become a
follower of Jesus Christ. Reza's latest article is important and I encourage you
to read the full version which you'll find linked on my blog. You should also
watch the video at the end of the article that is an excerpt from an Iranian
documentary called "The Coming." It explains how recent geopolitical events are,
in the view of Shia eschatology experts, signs that we are living in the last
days and that the Twelfth Imam or "Mahdi" is coming to earth at any moment to
establish a global Islamic kingdom or "caliphate" to rule the world.
I explain in my two recent novels, The Twelfth Imam and The Tehran Initiative,
Shia Muslim leaders are convinced that the Mahdi's arrival and reign is imminent
and that the way to hasten or accelerate his return is to either: A) annihilate
Israel (which they call the "Little Satan") and the U.S. (which they call the
"Great Satan"); or B) to acquire the nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles
necessary to annihilate Israel and the U.S. and then let the Mahdi finish the
job when he arrives.
Joel's blog can be seen here;
If you want to find out more about what the Iranian Leaders are telling the people of Iran to prepare them for this video from Iran. It's called THE COMING IS UPON US.
See it here;
Please notice in the video that one of the Shiite prophecies says that whoever can kill the king of Saudi Arabia (who is of the Sunni sect, Wahhabi) will for sure see the return of THE BLESSED MESSIAH, THE PERFECT HUMAN BEING, AKA: THE 12TH IMAM.
Is it any wonder the leaders of Saudi Arabia hate Iran? Is it any wonder that news reports from a few years back claimed hat Saudi Arabia had given Israel the green light to use their air space if need be to launch an attack on Iran?
There can be no doubt that Satan has been involved in the cooking of this big old mess.
As you learn about who they claim the 12th Imam is and what he is supposed to do when he arrives....pull out your Bibles and read about who the Antichrist is and what he is supposed to do when he arrives.
You will find out that they sound eerily similar.