Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Pope Meets With LGBTQ

 The Pope sure keeps making the news.  A few weeks ago we see that he says there are many ways to God...and NOT just Jesus.  But we know that Catholics have been praying to dead people forever, so maybe that wasn't a total surprise but today we read that he's cuddling up to folks in the LGBTQ arena.

He certainly seems to be pushing for the ONE WORLD RELIGION where everyone can do as they want, pray as they want, just so long as they're spiritual and behave as "good people."  This is exactly what the WORLD wants!

Pope Francis met today with a diverse group of transgender, intersex, and ally Catholics, including a medical doctor who provides gender transition care. The group urged Pope Francis to move past the Church’s negative approach to gender-diverse people, and to encourage Church leaders to listen more attentively to the lives and faith of LGBTQ+ people.

The nearly 90-minute meeting was arranged by Sister Jeannine Gramick, SL, a U.S. nun who has ministered with LGBTQ+ people and their families for more than 50 years. The visit was sponsored by New Ways Ministry, a national Catholic outreach to the LGBTQ+ community, which Sister Gramick co-founded in 1977 with the late Fr. Robert Nugent, SDS.

Five of the group of 11 Catholics who met with the pope shared their testimonies with him, including:

Nicole Santamaria, an intersex woman from El Salvador who immigrated to the United States because of death threats.

Michael Sennett, a transgender man and a theology graduate student, who has been involved with church ministry for many years.

Deacon Raymond and Laurie Dever, pastoral ministers who are the parents of a transgender daughter, whose difficult transition led to a suicide attempt.

Dr. Cynthia Herrick, a medical doctor specializing in endocrinology and a co-director of a gender medicine clinic.

Here;  Pope Francis Takes Time To Meet with Apostate LGBTQ+ Group (complicitclergy.com)

Of course we don't condone gay people being killed or trans people being tortured and tormented by other people.  But we do want everybody to repent and accept Christ as the ONLY way to salvation.

  Telling people that everyone is OK and that they can keep living their confused and sin-filled lives is NOT the message of the Gospel.

So the Pope continues pushing for the role of FALSE PROPHET.  He's the dude who will join with the Antichrist in gathering people to a ONE-WORLD-RELIGION.  And this will all happen AFTER the rapture...so it's one more sign of the nearness of that day.

Global Public Debt to Exceed $100,000,000,000,000

Who holds all this debt?  What happens when people start getting late on payments?  What happens when citizens are in poor financial health and demand that the government take care of their needs?  The government is then forced to borrow more money by selling more debt.  What happens when the government can’t pay the interest on its own debt without borrowing more money to do it?  The whole Ponzi scheme starts to explode.


 WASHINGTON, Oct 15 (Reuters) - The world's total public debt is set to exceed $100 trillion this year for the first time, and may grow more quickly than forecast as political sentiment favors higher spending and slow growth amplifies borrowing needs and costs, the International Monetary Fund said on Tuesday.

The IMF's latest Fiscal Monitor report showed global public debt will reach 93% of global gross domestic product by the end of 2024 and approach 100% by 2030. That would exceed its 99% peak during COVID-19. It would also be up 10 percentage points from 2019, before the pandemic exploded government spending.


Monday, October 14, 2024

Hamas Admits 80% of Casualties Are Terrorists

As we expected….


 Recent reports from Israel’s Channel 12 indicate that Hamas privately acknowledged that approximately 80% of the casualties from the war against Israel were affiliated with the organization or are their family members. This revelation casts doubt on claims made by the Biden administration and the United Nations concerning civilian deaths.

Hamas has claimed that the total death toll in Gaza has reached around 40,000. However, it is crucial to note that the group does not differentiate between terrorists and civilian casualties in its figures, raising questions about the accuracy and reliability of this data. The Ministry of Health in Gaza, which operates under Hamas, reports that nearly 40% of those killed are adult males aged 18 to 59, a demographic that includes combatants.


Turkey Calls for Ezekiel 38 Alliance

We’ve got the mother load of prophetic stuff here!  Russia, Iran and Turkey alliance, Damascus mentioned and Turkey wants Muslim nations to attack Israel…again.


Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoǧa told local media on Saturday that Russia, Iran and Syria should do more to protect Syria’s “territorial integrity.” 

“It is essential that Russia, Iran and Syria take more effective measures against this situation, which poses the greatest threat to Syria’s territorial integrity,” Erdoǧan said when asked about the recent alleged Israeli airstrike in the nation's capital, Damascus. 

“We must be very strong so that Israel can’t do these things to Palestine,” Erdoğa said in his speech. “Just as we entered [Nagorno-] Karabakh, just as we entered Libya, we might do the same to them. There is nothing we cannot do. Only we must be strong.” 

The Turkish leader has also called for an “alliance of Islamic countries” to stop “Israeli arrogance.” 

Notably, some bible researchers have identified an alliance of Russia, Iran and Turkey as being the fulfillment of biblical prophecy, especially the War of Gog and Magog from Ezekiel 38. 


Sunday, October 13, 2024

“Human Life expectancy Won’t Increase By Much More”

 This article, and the “experts” they quote has to have God laughing at the folly of men and their thinking.  

A day is coming, way sooner than most people think, where if someone dies at age 100 they will be considered just a young child.  That day will be during the millennial reign of Christ.

And to say that humans simply weren’t made to live past 30-60 years is a massive joke considering that God made the first man, Adam, and he lived over 900 years!  

No doubt something happened on earth at the flood because people born after the flood could still live a long life, but went from 900 years down to 175 for Abraham.  And if you read the genealogy table after the flood it becomes obvious.


Olshansky explained that humans were not made to live as long as they do now, as the natural life expectancy for humans is 30 to 60 years.

"This means the vast majority of the population that now lives past age 60 is living on survival time that was manufactured by medicine," he said. "The power of medicine to extend human life is extraordinary."
