Saturday, March 15, 2025

Columbia Warns Students Who Post About Hamas and Palestinians

 I hope they do deport this dude, Mahmoud Khalil.  It’s one thing to be a U.S. citizen and speak poorly of America and speak kindly of a terrorist organization.  It’s quite another to be a guest in America and use the freedoms WE have provided and the education that we have provided, to then lead protests on college campuses that are against our government and for our enemies.  The  Green card we gave you spells that out.  Hey Mahmoud, there are dozens of Muslim countries you can go to and scream your hatred about Jews and Israel…so pick one and we’ll see that you get flown there.

Can you imagine the outrage of the Left if white men on campus were organizing a “black people back to Africa”, protest because of the rampant crime committed by blacks in America?  They’d have a cow.  But because the protests are making Jews feel afraid, they are fine with it.


A few days after the arrest of Mahmoud Khalil, a leader of the pro-Palestinian protests at Columbia University in New York, the university's administration called an urgent meeting for foreign students and senior faculty members on Thursday. The message was clear: international students must refrain from publishing content related to Gaza, Ukraine and protests sparked by Khalil's arrest.

The meeting took place in the Pulitzer Building, one of the university's landmarks. The room was packed, with a tense atmosphere. Some students took notes while others stared in shock at the speakers.

Prof. Stuart Carl, an expert on the U.S. Constitution’s First Amendment, told students that the Trump administration's new policy of deporting international students who joined protests against Israel could jeopardize their academic futures and personal freedom.

"If you have a social media account, don't be filled with articles about the Middle East," Carl warned. When a Palestinian student objected, Journalism School Dean Jelani Cobb was even more direct: "No one can protect you. This is a dangerous time."

Friday, March 14, 2025

God Detests Anyone Who Does This

 As I watched a video yesterday of the first cross-dressing Congressman giving a speech, I thought about how far America has fallen in regards to our Judeo-Christian values.  Here we have a man, dressed up as a woman, giving a speech on how bizarre the behavior of the Republicans has been…because they are overly concerned about men using women’s bathrooms, men competing against women in high school and college sports.

When God was preparing the Israelites to take over the Promised Land, he gave them many instructions.  He did not want them doing the very things that the people who were being driven out were doing!

One of the things that God told them was Deuteronomy 22:5, “A woman must not wear men’s clothing, nor a man wear women’s clothing, for the Lord your God detests anyone who does this.”

It’s always been a curious conversation to me;  can God love someone but also detest that person at the same time?

Some say yes and falls into the category of “hate the sin but love the sinner.”  And I agree with those instructions for us followers of Christ, but if God is never changing and He said he detests people who cross dress and pretend to be the other sex, then He hasn’t changed His mind on this.  He wants men to act like men and women to act like women.

Agree or disagree?

Thursday, March 13, 2025

Shocking Developments Alongside USA Spiraling Debt

 We have read that USA has to refinance $7 trillion in Government bonds this summer.  That means that they have to go back on the bond auction floor along with the $1 trillion we just needed to sell to finance the overspending we’ve already done in in last 5 months.  What Ray is talking about when he warns of “supply-demand problems” is that an over supply of paper bonds all dropped on the auction floor at the same time could make for a shocking development.  What happens if the world doesn’t want to buy $8 trillion (remember $1 trillion is $100 bills stacked in a pile reaching over 600 miles into the sky) of our paper promises?  Then we have to promise higher interest rates.  And now instead of paying $68 billion per month in interest it jumps to $168 billion.  The rats on the ship recognize that it’s starting to sink and everyone heads for the lifeboats to sell all their bonds.  USA has no option but to print paper money that no one wants because the faith and confidence is gone.

Some are saying that Trump is threatening tariffs to temporarily drop the stock market so trillions of dollars will flee into the safety of government bonds…thereby increasing demand and getting ready for the flood of supply.  We don’t know if this is true.  I believe Trump is smart enough to have this as a plan.

The world could certainly turn on America.  America may very well be all alone at the end of the age.  Europe is filled with woke people and Muslims who are sensing weakness.  1/2 of America is literally in tears of hatred over the other 1/2.  It’s an interesting time!  And Jesus is in control of it all!  He knows exactly where this is going.


Bridgewater founder Ray Dalio on Wednesday warned that a significant supply-demand problem regarding U.S. debt could have a profoundly disruptive impact on the global economy.

It is the latest in a series of stark warnings about America’s mounting debt from the U.S. hedge fund billionaire, with the country’s national debt currently standing at more than $36.2 trillion.

“The first thing is the debt issue, we have a very severe supply-demand problem,” Dalio told CNBC’s Sara Eisen at CONVERGE LIVE in Singapore. ”[The U.S. has] to sell a quantity of debt that the world is not going to want to buy.”

He said this was imminent and of “paramount importance.”

The U.S. deficit needs to go from a projected level of 7.2% of gross domestic product to about 3% of GDP, Dalio said.

“That’s a big deal. You are going to see shocking developments in terms of how that’s going to be dealt with,” he added.

Asked whether the U.S. debt problem could lead to a period of austerity, Dalio said the issue could result in a restructuring of the debt, the U.S. applying pressure on other countries to buy the debt, or even cutting off payments to some creditor countries.

“Just as we are seeing political and geopolitical shifts that seem unimaginable to most people, if you just look at history, you will see these things repeating over and over again,” Dalio said. “We will be surprised by some of the developments that will seem equally shocking as those developments that we have seen.”

His comments, made on the same panel as Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff, come amid a tariff roller coaster ride for markets in recent days.

Trade policy uncertainty has added to a sense of unease on Wall Street, with investors concerned about the impact of a brewing trade war on the global economy.

President Donald Trump’s trade policies, which appear designed to rebalance the economic order in America’s favor, include tariffs against Canada, Mexico and China.

Tariffs ‘to cause fighting between countries’

When asked about the potential consequences of a simmering trade dispute, Dalio described the current state of affairs as “an extension of the patterns of history” — and singled out 1930s Germany as one example.

Dalio said there was a write-down of debt at that time, alongside a hike in tariffs to boost revenue and a buildup of its domestic base. “Be nationalistic, be protectionistic, be militaristic. That is the way these things operate,” he said.

“The issue is really the confrontation of all of this, the fighting of all of this. So, tariffs are going to cause fighting between countries,” Dalio said, adding that he was not necessarily talking about a military confrontation.

“But think about U.S., Canada, Mexico, China, and all of those types of fighting. There will be fighting, and that will have consequences, and I think that’s the main thing to pay attention to,” he said.

Dalio said he was sharing those views as a politically neutral observer, comparing his approach to that of a mechanic or doctor. “I’m not an ideologue,” he added.

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

US Deficit Breaks Record in 2025

 How long can USA keep spending money it doesn’t have?


The U.S. debt and deficit problem worsened during President Donald Trump’s first month in office, as the budget shortfall for February passed the $1 trillion mark even though the fiscal year is not yet at the halfway point.

Government spending eased slightly on a monthly basis though it still far outpaced revenue, according to a Treasury Department statement Wednesday. The deficit totaled just over $307 billion for the month, nearly 2½ times what it was in January and 3.7% higher than February 2024.

Receipts and expenditures set records for the month, a Treasury spokesman said.

For the year, the deficit totaled $1.15 trillion through the first five months of fiscal 2025. The total is about $318 billion more than the same span in 2024, or roughly 38% higher, and set a record for the period.

Net costs to finance the $36.2 trillion national debt edged lower to $74 billion for the month. However, the total net interest payments year to date rose to $396 billion, just behind national defense and health. Social Security and Medicare are the largest costs in the U.S. budget.

Iran to Trump; “Do whatever the hell you want”

There is no doubt Iran has been cheating on its promises to not seek nuclear weapons.  So what does the world do?  Let’s remember a few things about Iran is that their leaders chant “death to Israel! Death to America!” to open many of their government meetings.  Let’s also remember that many of their leaders are “twelvers” which means they believe that the 12th Imam will come to earth when enough chaos, mayhem and wars have broken out.  That will be the conditions necessary for his return.  So we probably should not let folks like this get a bomb.  

So who is going to stop them?  Denmark, France and UK?   No.  It will almost certainly fall on USA and Israel.

Also remember that the Antichrist who will come to earth after the rapture will almost certainly be mistaken for and accepted by the Muslims as the 12th Imam.


 President Masoud Pezeshkian said Iran would not negotiate with the US while being threatened, telling President Donald Trump to “do whatever the hell you want,” Iranian state media reported on Tuesday.

“It is unacceptable for us that they [the US] give orders and make threats. I won’t even negotiate with you. Do whatever the hell you want,” state media quoted Pezeshkian as saying.

Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said on Saturday that Tehran would not be bullied into negotiations, a day after Trump said he had sent a letter urging Iran to engage in talks on a new nuclear deal.

While expressing openness to a deal with Tehran, Trump has reinstated the “maximum pressure” campaign he applied in his first term as president to isolate Iran from the global economy and drive its oil exports down towards zero.

In an interview with Fox Business, Trump said last week, “There are two ways Iran can be handled: militarily, or you make a deal” to prevent Tehran from acquiring nuclear weapons.

Iran has long denied wanting to develop a nuclear weapon. However, it is “dramatically” accelerating enrichment of uranium to up to 60 percent purity, close to the roughly 90 percent weapons-grade level, the UN’s nuclear watchdog, the IAEA, has warned.

Iran has accelerated its nuclear work since 2019, a year after then-President Trump ditched Tehran’s 2015 nuclear pact with six world powers and reimposed sanctions that have crippled the country’s economy.

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Benefits of Homeschooling

 Not a huge surprise here.  Turns out kids are more likely to be less depressed and anxious when they understand that God created them for a purpose and they are not descended from pond scum and a random explosion in the universe.

As U.S. public school scores plunge yet again, a new study shows homeschool students are more likely to report positive mental health outcomes, to be married and have children, to volunteer in their communities, and to believe in God. 

The report's findings come as President Donald Trump contemplates returning most of the federal government's role in education back to the states and eventually abolishing the U.S. Department of Education.

Compared to the other groups, long-term homeschoolers -- those who spent at least eight years being educated at home -- reported the lowest levels of depression and anxiety, were the least likely to say they "feel helpless dealing with life's problems," and "exhibited the highest levels of optimism, gratitude, and life satisfaction," found a report titled "Diverse Outcomes for a Diverse Population," released early last month. 

Cardus, a Christian think tank based in Canada, interviewed adults aged 24 to 39. Long-term homeschoolers, who spend at least eight years being educated at home, "were more likely to be married, had the lowest divorce rate, and had more children, on average," according to the latest Cardus Education Survey.

Here;  Numerous Benefits Of Homeschooling Detailed In New Survey

As more stories surface about school districts and teachers conspiring to hold back information from parents, (not sharing that their daughter is now identifying as a boy and has changed their name from Amanda to George) we would expect parents to continue looking for alternative education experiences for their children.

Why Is Trump So Concerned About Panama Canal?

 Why did Trump come out so quickly with his talk about the Panama Canal?  Because China seems to be prepping for war with Taiwan, which means USA will also instantly be at war with China the day they invade.  And China operates ports at both ends of the canal…and Trump is probably wise to not think that’s likely not in the best interest of USA.


Although Panama technically owns the canal, China operates ports at both ends of it. This gives Beijing the opportunity to militarize its control over it with dual-use infrastructure, potentially positioning it to deny access to the critical waterway, particularly to the United States.

Today, China is the canal’s second-largest customer, behind only the United States. Some believe that Beijing’s influence has already led to disproportionately higher transit costs for the United States and that it violates Panama’s neutrality policy that was negotiated by a treaty with the United States in 1978.

The Trump administration believes that the treaty has already been broken, so U.S. action is justified. It also believes that Beijing’s de facto controlover the Panama Canal poses a direct threat to U.S. economic, military, and geopolitical interests in the region and the world.

The administration is correct in its assessment.

The ‘Panama Strategy’ Goes Global

In the larger picture, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) through its Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) has deepened its presence and influence in Latin America, as it has in many strategic areas around the globe. The BRI, also known as “One Belt, One Road,” is a global infrastructure and investment scheme to insert Chinese money, influence, and personnel into nations worldwide by building needed infrastructure such as roads, railways, ports, and energy pipelines.

BRI participation typically weakens foreign governments by leaving them deep in debt to Beijing, resulting to some degree in a loss of sovereignty or control over Chinese-built ports and other infrastructure.

Panama’s relinquishment of economic control of the canal to Beijing is a great example of the CCP’s overarching strategy. Its “Panama Strategy” is a systematic way of gaining control over the world’s strategic waterways, shipping lanes, and ports.

This strategy’s main elements involve establishing a global naval presence, extending influence through its BRI deals, and building military sites and artificial islands in key locations around the world. The goal is to expand the Chinese regime’s power in order to overturn the U.S.-led global trading system and its open shipping lanes policy. The Panama Canal isn’t the first, but it is one of many strategic waterways that China controls through either infrastructure investments, or a military presence through its BRI program, or with both.

Beijing’s Big Board Game

For Beijing, the most critical area is the South China Sea. With about $3 trillion worth of trade (one-third of global shipping) passing through it annually, China has built artificial islands and military installations in the region to assert its dominance. Of course, this poses a direct challenge to U.S. security guarantees to nations in the region, from Taiwan to South Korea and Japan. This has led to rising tensions with neighboring countries and global powers, especially with the United States and Taiwan.

The Strait of Malacca is another narrow passage for global trade with a heavy Chinese naval commercial presence established through the BRI. With 60 percent of its imports and 80 percent of oil imports from the Middle East passing through the strait, it’s a strategic vulnerability to Beijing.

The CCP also exerts significant influence in the Suez Canal Economic Zone. Egypt is a BRI participant, and this vital passage linking the Mediterranean Sea to the top of the Red Sea enables China to monitor and potentially control trade between Europe, Asia, and Africa.

Monday, March 10, 2025

Palestinian Activist Detained by ICE

 The Left is going to have a cow over this one!  As you read below you will quickly figure out why.  However let’s change the headline and make up a different, but equal, headline;  “white supremacy activist from Russia detained by ICE.”  Would the Left be applauding or would they be clapping?  I think we know the answer.


Demonstrators plan to rally in New York City on Monday to demand the release of Mahmoud Khalil, a Palestinian activist and Columbia University graduate arrested by federal immigration agents — a detainment that President Donald Trump said was the "first arrest of many to come."

Khalil, who helped organize the school's pro-Palestinian rallies, was hauled away from his university-owned apartment Saturday night by Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents after he was told his student visa was being revoked, his attorney said in a statement. Attorney Amy Greer added that ICE was informed that Khalil is a permanent resident with a green card but "detained him anyway." 

The arrest seems to be a result of Trump's push to deport international students who protested against the war in Gaza

Trump said Khalil's arrest was the first of many to come. 

"We know there are more students at Columbia and other Universities across the Country who have engaged in pro-terrorist, anti-Semitic, anti-American activity, and the Trump Administration will not tolerate it," he wrote on Truth Social. "Many are not students, they are paid agitators. We will find, apprehend, and deport these terrorist sympathizers from our country — never to return again."

Don’t Forget the Lord Your God

 As you read the Old Testament and are reminded how rebellious the Israelites were to God, it’s hard not to see how America has followed in their footsteps.  And yes, I realize that God has a covenant of blessing and curses with Israel but I also know that God is never changing. If He doesn’t relish the Jews forgetting the Lord when they get rich and build houses and are satisfied with food, then one could apply the same logic to America.  Our forefathers were God fearing people who scratched this nation into existence with much blood, sweat and tears.  Now that we have food on every corner and most folks live in nice houses and apartments with running water, flush toilets, washing machines, stoves, fridges and soft beds, we have forgot the Lord who blessed us with all of it.  In fact the Democrats, which make up about 50% of voters, had no problem booing God at their national convention.  And more recent, Kamala ridiculed a person who was at one of her campaign stops who dared to say, “Jesus is Lord!”

Donald Trump may think he’s going to make America great again but if the majority doesn’t fear God and continue to ignore all that God has commanded, MAGA isn’t going to happen.


Deuteronomy 8

10 When you have eaten and are satisfied, praise the Lord your God for the good land he has given you. 11 Be careful that you do not forget the Lord your God, failing to observe his commands, his laws and his decrees that I am giving you this day.12 Otherwise, when you eat and are satisfied, when you build fine houses and settle down, 13 and when your herds and flocks grow large and your silver and gold increase and all you have is multiplied, 14 then your heart will become proud and you will forget the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery. 

End of the Age Assessment

Yes, Trump is pushing back against the delusion that has taken over a huge number of Americans.  How did they become delusional and give up their common sense?  Let’s look at Romans 1 and see what happens to people when they enter into full rebellion against their Creator, never repent and double down on wickedness every chance they get.  They end up with a depraved mind.  I believe that a lot of folks who actually sit in the WOKE churches of America are suffering from this infected mind as well…which is doubly sad.  They’ve hired wolves dressed as sheep to tell them what their ears want to hear, “God loves you and everything you do is wonderful!  Furthermore God loves everyone and as long as you follow your heart, you’re following God!”

A lie from the pit of hell.


Romans 1

26 Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. 27 In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.

28 Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done. 29 They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, 30 slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; 31 they have no understanding, no fidelity, no love, no mercy. 32 Although they know God’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them.


It is the “times of the signs,” as my great friend Chuck Missler used to say.

Chuck has been in Heaven for a few years now, so he has missed seeing, from this earthly vantage point, the signs proliferating at an amazing pace. Perhaps he is, as he often proposed when teaching about our future life in that eternal, glorious place, “watching from the balconies of Heaven.”

Whether Chuck is seeing all that is now taking place here on earth or is too busy in other ways in that magnificent place God prepared for him, the signs Chuck often assessed while going about the world in his powerful ministry are exploding all around us—those left here to “watch,” as Jesus instructed (Mark 13:37 and Luke 21:28).

We endeavor in this column, as do other “watchers” in their various forums, to observe the signals of the approaching Tribulation—Daniel’s seventieth week.

The greatest general sign in these times so near that seven-year era, the second half of which Jesus called the worst time of human history (Matthew 24:21), is that Israel is back in the land. Other general signs, as I view them, are:

  • The entire world is beginning to turn against Israel, God’s chosen nation and people (Zechariah 12:1–3).
  • There is a cry for peace, with a two-state solution involving Israel and its enemies to divide God’s land (Joel 3:2).
  • There is a drive-by anti-God force—the Ephesians 12:6 cabal, to tear down the US and all sovereignty of nations.
  • Wickedness is growing to the Sodom and Gomorrah level, with insanity gripping the world in the way described by the Apostle Paul’s Romans 1:28 “reprobate mind” diagnosis.
  • Apostasy is on the rise (2 Thessalonians 2:3), with the pope of the Catholic Church saying every religion has a way to salvation.
  • Technology, through AI and other phenomenal so-called advances, is gushing this generation toward a time of Antichrist’s worldwide control (Revelation 13:16-18).

While there isn’t enough space in this commentary to deal with all these matters, we’ve done so over the preceding months and years. So, I would like to consider here only two specific, most-pointed prophetic elements that are, at this precise moment, on the verge of fulfillment. Certainly the stage is being set for these occurrences to suddenly burst upon this “time of the signs.”

First, I want to consider the Isaiah 17:1 passage involving the destruction of Damascus.

Dynamics affecting this volatile region of Syria have seemingly ignited into an unstoppable circumstance. The removal of dictator Bashar Al-Assad of Syria opened the way for a new anti-Israel regime, composed of several terrorist group leaderships, to take control. The situation now appears to be near exploding into an action by Israel that could cause all of the Middle East to erupt into conflagration.

Here is that prophecy:

“The burden of Damascus. Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap” (Isaiah 17:1).

Here is an article that explains this developing danger of war in the Middle East:

The Sunni radicals that have taken over Syria are demanding that all Israeli forces must leave Syrian territory. On the other side, the IDF is hammering military targets in southern Syria with a blistering wave of airstrikes, and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu insists that any military forces aligned with Hayat Tahrir al-Sham will not be allowed south of Damascus. Do you understand what this means? It means that Damascus is now right on the front lines of a conflict between Israel and Hayat Tahrir al-Sham that is rapidly heating up. If all-out war erupts, Damascus is likely to be absolutely devastated.

Of course, many prominent buildings in Damascus have already been turned into piles of rubble, but now it appears that things could be about to go to the next level.

Israeli Defense Minister Israel Katz has confirmed that IDF airstrikes are being conducted in southern Syria, and he is warning that any attempt by forces aligned with Hayat Tahrir al-Sham to enter the security zone in southern Syria “will be met with fire”…

Israel confirmed it is conducting strikes in southern Syria, as the new Syrian government calls for the full withdrawal of Israeli forces from Syrian territory.

“We will not allow southern Syria to become southern Lebanon,” Israeli Defense Minister Israel Katz said regarding the strikes. “Any attempt by the Syrian regime forces and the country’s terrorist organizations to establish themselves in the security zone in southern Syria will be met with fire.”

Katz said the Israeli Air Force is “now attacking strongly in southern Syria as part of the new policy we have defined of pacifying southern Syria.” (“Is The Stage Being Set for Damascus to Be Utterly Destroyed and Turned into a Heap of Ruins?” Michael, Rapture Ready News, February 27, 2025)

The other most pressing matter that’s key in these “times of the signs,” I believe, is things coming to a potentially violent head regarding Iran’s nuclear development program. Middle East Bible prophecy expert Bill Salus writes about this Jeremiah 49:34 prophecy concerning a coming disaster to Elam, the very area in which Iran’s nuclear laboratories are thought to be within the Bushehr mountain range.

Sunday, March 9, 2025

New Jersey’s First Islamic City

Islam continues its slow and steady takeover of every Western nation that have allowed Muslims to freely come.  “Freedom of religion!”, is their reasoning to never question Islam’s motives.  But Islam is a political ideology no different than Nazism.  Islam is a blight on every nation that it settles.  Here in Minneapolis the Muslims have expanded in such numbers that CALL TO PRAYER can be heard in downtown for Ramadan.  When you hear that noise it can be interpreted as Satan’s dinner bell and also an announcement to the city, “see losers!  I’m winning!”  Islam is all about dominance and submission.  And since they are not FOR Jesus, they are against Him.

Today we read of New Jersey…who’s next?


 “Because of our unity, we have three Muslim councilmembers sitting on the council at the same time. And because of our unity, one of our brothers, who was the councilman of the Sixth Ward, is now representing us in the 35th legislative district.” — Councilman Shahin Khalique

A shocking transformation is unfolding in Paterson, New Jersey, where local officials are rapidly reshaping the city into an Islamic stronghold. Once a beacon of American industry and blue-collar resilience, Paterson has become a case study in how unchecked Islamic immigration, demographic shifts, and political pandering can erode a city’s original identity.

Islamic Officials, Islamic Agenda

Muslim elected leaders with deep ties to radical Islamic organizations are prioritizing Islamic identity over American values, steering Paterson away from its historical roots. Every policy change, symbolic gesture, and political appointment moves the city closer to becoming an Islamic enclave.

Hilal Lighting Ceremony: A Symbol of Islamic Dominance

The latest development? The Hilal Lighting Ceremony, a city-endorsed event marking Ramadan, held in the heart of “Little Palestine”—Palestine Way. This was no mere religious event but a thinly veiled political rally for Palestinian nationalism.

Officially renamed in 2022, Palestine Way cements Paterson’s transformation into a de facto Palestinian enclave, complete with flags, street signs, and businesses mirroring the very nations many residents supposedly fled. The area is home to an estimated 15,000 Arabs, dominated by Palestinian presence. Main Street, now a mile-and-a-half-long strip lined with Palestinian flags, Arabic signs, and halal restaurants, is more than cultural representation—it is a territorial claim.