Saturday, May 4, 2019

More Chatter Concerning US Civil War

As the great divide between Left and Right continues to widen, more folks are realizing that the gap is never going to come back together.  It’s only going to get worse. Some folks are realizing and verbalizing that if Freedom in America is to continue that drastic measures need to be taken soon.  If Trump did what this guy is recommending, it would be the start of next Civil War.

To be clear, yes, I’m talking about armed, law-abiding citizens all across America who are willing to defend America from the traitors who are trying to destroy it.
From idiotic lunatics who would push America into an all-out economic collapse (Ocasio-Cortez) to high-level treasonous criminals who armed America’s enemies with nuclear weapons and leaked U.S. military secrets to China and Iran (Barack Obama), all those who threaten the United States of America must be identified, arrested and removed from power as part of the process of restoring the rule of law in America.
I don’t have any special inside information of what Trump is planning, and I don’t speak for Trump in any way. But some of the actions that Trump could take to restore the rule of law in America and eliminate the sabotage actions of the domestic enemies currently operating in America include the following:
  • Deploy the military police nationwide to arrest and detain the CEOs of all tech companies and financial institutions that are systematically de-platforming conservatives, Trump supporters and Christians.
  • Every CEO of every tech company (Google, Twitter, etc.) or financial institution (Chase, Mastercard, GoFundMe, etc.) that has de-platformed users for being conservatives must be charged and prosecuted for willfully denying Americans their basic civil rights to engage in speech and commerce.
  • The domain names of all such tech companies and financial companies should be seized by the State Dept. and held in escrow until such time that the corporations sign consent decrees that guarantee the freedom of speech and freedom of commerce for all Americans, without interference, shadowbanning, de-platforming or algorithmic censorship.

Friday, May 3, 2019

Rick Warren and Pope Push Chrislam

99% of rat poison is good rat food, but 1% is poison and will kill the rat.  Rick Warren may have some great sermons and great books that may have helped many find Jesus, but now when he tells his followers that Allah and Jesus are the same God...he reveals himself as a wolf in sheep’s clothing.  Jesus warned us to watch out for these, even more so as His return nears.

I updated this 5/6/19 so make sure to go the links below and discern for yourselves about Rick Warren. 

When we first showed you how false teacher Rick Warren was creating an end times hybrid that we called ‘chrislam’, quite a number of his followers wrote in to defend him. They called us “liars” and said that we were ‘attacking God’s anointed’. But after they read some of his quotes about Muslims and Christians ‘serving the same God’, and leading prayer to ask forgiveness from Allah, even his loyal followers began to ‘get the picture.
Here is that quote with a link to Warren’s A Common Word site where the entire letter is posted:
 “Before we “shake your hand” in responding to your letter, we ask forgiveness of the All-Merciful One and of the Muslim community around the world.” – Rick Warren, one of the main signers of the Yale Covenant For Islam and Christian Unity
The things we post may make you mad if you are a follower of an end times apostate, but I promise you this. What you read here on this site has been throughly researched, and to the very best of our knowledge is 100% true. We have never knowingly published a falsehood, and never will. So since people are once again showing interest in Chrislam and Rick Warren, I thought it might be edifying to see what Rick has been up to, and what other people are now also promoting this false teaching that Islam and Christianity can somehow ‘unite for the common good’.

Update 5/6/19
One of my readers sent me a YouTube Link that you can watch here;

In the Rick Warren interview he clearly says that he doesn't believe that Muslims worship the same God as he does because they aren't worshiping Jesus Christ.  However, in the link from NowTheEndBegins above, you can also see where Rick signed a letter asking the Muslims for forgiveness and playing with the words that Muslims use for Allah.

Are we supposed to evangelize the lost world??  YES!  YES!! YES!!! 

Are we going to have any lost souls willing talk to us if we tell them, "You're going to hell!", right when we meet them??  No! No!! NO!!!

So love your neighbors and build relationships while you are praying for your lost neighbors, but never deny that Jesus Christ is God and had NOTHING to do with forming Islam, praying to Allah or sending a pedophile prophet named Muhammad.

Birth Rates Lowest EVER!

God said from the beginning that children are a blessing.  To be childless was devastating.  So Satan has spent a few centuries now convincing us that kids are too expensive, too problematic and inconvenient.  So we have killed 50,000,000 using abortion and with birth control can avoid ever having any kids!  So kiss your social security goodbye.

Just one other example of what happens to nations who reject God/Jesus.
Hundreds of years ago it would be your kids doing the work to take care of you in retirement. Today it’s everyone’s kids, collectively, doing the work to take care of every retiree.
Hundreds of years ago it took several other people in a household to care for the elderly. Today it takes a certain number of workers paying into the system to support each retiree receiving benefits.
They call this the ‘worker-to-retiree ratio’.
And the Social Security Administration (SSA) has said that they need a MINIMUM of 2.8 workers paying into the system for every one retiree collecting benefits.
You can probably see that maintaining this delicate balance requires steady population growth; every generation has to be large enough to support the previous generation.
If population growth trends get too far out of whack, it means there will either be too few workers, or too many retirees…
And that’s exactly what’s happening now: people are simply having fewer children.
In the Land of the Free, birth rates are the lowest levels EVER since they started keeping records decades ago.
And this has been a long-term problem: fertility rates were already in decline when the 2008 financial crisis accelerated the trend.
Researchers estimate that 4.8 million babies were never born as a result of the Great Recession.
Some of the reasons are pretty obvious– kids are expensive. And they aren’t getting any cheaper.

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Stop Using Poverty as a Reason for Muslim Terrorism

We've all heard the left say something like, "The poverty and hopelessness is a breeding ground for Muslim terrorists.  Once we lift them from poverty, Muslim terrorists will be a thing of the past."

Don't believe it for a second.  Muslim terrorists exist because they BELIEVE 100% in Islamic theology which says that Allah will reward anyone who dies in jihad by ushering them directly into heaven upon them blowing themselves up.  Probably why they all say, 'Allah Akbar!" before they pull the trigger...which means ALLAH IS GREATER! 

So the news that wealthy terrorists were responsible for the Sri Lanka massacre of Christians on Easter Sunday will NOT fit the Left's it probably won't make the rounds of CNN, NBC, CBS and BBC.

It turns out that the Islamist terrorists who slaughtered more than 350 people in Sri Lanka came from one of that country's wealthiest families. This news will surely come as a surprise to those who have become accustomed to hearing political leaders and pundits claim that poverty is what drives young Muslims to become terrorists.

The whole premise behind the more than $10 billion that the United States gave to the Palestinian Authority from 1994 to 2017 was that Palestinian unemployment will lead to Palestinian terrorism--so we better give them money, and lots of it.

Fortunately, the Trump administration has reduced that aid, at least for now. Tragically, some Democrats in Congress are urging the administration to renew the aid. It seems that they haven't learned anything from history--that is, the long history of well-to-do, educated Palestinian Arabs choosing to become terrorists. Not to mention the physicians and academics who head terrorist organizations.

Every few years, some American reporter in Jerusalem is shocked to discover this reality. I recall how The Washington Post's Jerusalem bureau chief, William Booth, was positively stunned in 2016 when he realized that the latest Palestinian suicide bomber was affluent and educated.

The bomber, Abdel Hamid Abu Srour, "did not grow up in a refugee camp," Booth reported. He was "a Palestinian preppy, the scion of a well-to-do and well-known clan of eight prosperous brothers, who own and operate a string of furniture outlets and are rich enough to take their young sons for holidays in Jordan and set them up with their own shop selling clothes."

One uncle, Mahmoud Abu Srour, told Booth: "We are financially comfortable, you could say very comfortable." At a family gathering to mourn Abu Srour's death, his teenage cousins "wore pricey watches, skinny jeans and fancy sneakers."

Not only that, but ISIS killers are even more educated than their neighbors: "Foreign recruits from the Middle East, North Africa and South and East Asia are significantly more educated than what is typical in their region."

And very few of them are unemployed:  "The vast majority ... of Daesh [ISIS] recruits from Africa, South and East Asia and the Middle East ... declared having an occupation before joining the organization."

Advocates of Palestinian statehood promote the poverty-causes-terrorism myth because it advances their agenda. It's the theory of "give them stuff, and all will be well." In Israel's case, it's "give them money, give them Israeli territory, give them a state."

Myths die hard. But the evidence is overwhelming that poverty is not what causes Muslims--whether Palestinian or Sri Lankan--to become terrorists. It's time to acknowledge the real causes of Arab and Muslim terrorism: radical Islam, Arab nationalist supremacy, and, of course, old-fashioned anti-Semitism.


I realize that Muslims are lost without Jesus Christ.  I also realize that followers of Christ need to take the Gospel to them.  But some folks on the Left that claim to be Christians involved in some mainline denominations would disagree.  In their minds, they think Muslims are worshiping the same God of the Bible and the reason a FEW BAD APPLES blow themselves up is because they are ignorant and poor.

The reason more Muslims don't blow themselves up is because they aren't very good Muslims.

Remember, the leader of ISIS has his Doctorate in Islamic Studies from Baghdad he's no poor, ignorant, dummy.

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

5 Gays Beheaded in Saudi Arabia

We wonder where the LGBTQI protestors are?  Oh yeah...since it’s a Muslim country, and the left wants to keep using their COEXIST bumper stickers...they will be silent, just like when ISIS throws gays off the roof.
FIVE of the 37 men beheaded in Saudi Arabia last week were secret gay lovers according to Saudi reports. The men from the Shia minority were reportedly tortured into terror confessions.
One of the 37 “militants” ruthlessly executed during a single bloody day last week is said to have admitted to having sex with four of the others during torture. The men were all beheaded as is Saudi law for engaging in gay sex.
The regime also beheaded a number of individuals who were teens when they were first arrested.
Abdulkarim al-Hawaj was detained when he was a schoolboy (Naya Daur)
Abdulkarim al-Hawaj, now 21, was beheaded in front of a sick crowd after being accused of being a “terrorist” for sending the message about a protest when he was just 16.
According to The Star another victim, Munir al-Adam, was just 23 when he was arrested in 2012 and reportedly had his feet so badly beaten he was forced to crawl on his hands and knees for days.

There Will Be Pestilence

Wow!  Have you seen the MSM telling us that 200 million pigs have been wiped out from disease?  What happens when a nation like China has way more men than women (because of One Child Policy) and those men can’t find a wife or find enough to eat?  Maybe pestilence evolves into Wars & Rumors of War?  Maybe the folks from China march across the dried-up Euphrates river some day?
African Swine Fever is the greatest threat to global food production that we have seen since World War II ended.  As you will see below, the disease has now spread “to every province in mainland China”, and it has now infected “an estimated 150-200 million pigs”.  To put that number in perspective, that is more pigs than the entire U.S. pork industry produces in an entire year.  In other words, the equivalent of the entire U.S. pork industry has just been wiped out.  On top of that, African Swine Fever has also spread to Cambodia, Tibet, Romania, South Africa and Vietnam.  The losses are staggering, and this crisis continues to get worse with each passing week.
When I use the term “plague”, I am not using it lightly.  I have never heard of a single disease wiping out this many farm animals before.
Have you?
We are potentially talking about an absolutely crippling blow to the global food supply.

NY Times On Wrong Side of History Again

This article is more blowback from the cartoon we showed you a few days ago showing Netanyahu as a dog leading around blind Donald Trump.  Imagine if they had portrayed a Muslim, a lesbian or a black person as dog leading someone?  They would have been destroyed!  But the leftists yawn as they continue to stumble in the darkness.  Maybe the cartoon they should have published would show leftist dogs leading around the blind New York Times?

Imagine if the New York Times cartoon that depicted Israel's Prime Minister as a dog had, instead, depicted the leader of another ethnic or gender group in a similar manner? If you think that is hard to imagine, you are absolutely right. It would be inconceivable for a Times editor to have allowed the portrayal of a Muslim leader as a dog; or the leader of any other ethnic or gender group in so dehumanizing a manner.
What is it, then, about Jews that allowed such a degrading cartoon about one of their leaders? One would think that in light of the history of the Holocaust, which is being commemorated this week, the last group that a mainstream newspaper would demonize by employing a caricature right out of the Nazi playbook, would be the Jews. But no. Only three-quarters of a century after Der Stürmer incentivized the mass murder of Jews by dehumanizing them, we see a revival of such bigoted caricatures.
The New York Times should be especially sensitive to this issue, because they were on the wrong side of history when it came to reporting the Holocaust. They deliberately buried the story because their Jewish owners wanted to distance themselves from Jewish concerns. They were also on the wrong side of history when it came to the establishment of the nation-state of the Jewish people, following the Holocaust. When it comes to Jews and Israel, the New York Times is still on the wrong side of history.
I am a strong believer in freedom of speech and the New York Times has a right to continue its biased reporting and editorializing. But despite my support for freedom of speech, I am attending a protest in front of the New York Times this afternoon to express my freedom of speech against how the New York Times has chosen to exercise its.

Tuesday, April 30, 2019

NASA Preps for Asteroid Apocalypse

It’s interesting that John wrote in Revelation that he saw something that looked like a huge mountain that was all ablaze that got thrown into the sea.  The impact did something to turn 1/3 of the sea red like blood, kill 1/3 of sea life and destroy 1/3 of the ships on the sea.  Of course this happens after Jesus takes His bride off the planet and so will affect those left behind.  They don’t know it but maybe they are starting to prepare for that day when they see the fiery mountain set on a collision course with earth that can’t be avoided.

International partners, including the European Space Agency (ESA), will also be a part of the simulation. The drill is said to be a  “tabletop exercise” that will simulate just how a planetary asteroid emergency would play out in real time. Although an emergency on this scale has never happened, and factors such as the location of impact will have a massive effect on the response to such a globally catastrophic event.
According to the Metro UK, disaster planners from Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) will join with NASA to hold a “make-believe apocalypse” intended to “inform involved players of important aspects of a possible disaster and identify issues for accomplishing a successful response.” The scenario will begin with the fictional premise that on March 26, astronomers “discovered” a near-Earth object (a comet or asteroid which comes within 30 million miles of Earth and one they consider potentially hazardous to Earth), NASA wrote.
At first, scientists said there is only a one in 50,000 chance this thing will hit us. Within weeks, those odds become one in 100, reported Science Alert. There are bits of good news and bad news about this approaching object, dubbed 2019 PDC. The good news is 2019 PDC doesn’t exist at all. It’s a completely fictional, imaginary apocalypse. The chance of impact, in actuality, is zero. But it makes for a good simulation and practice for an asteroid apocalypse.

Monday, April 29, 2019

NYT Publishes Anti-Semitic Cartoon Then Apologizes

It's like the spiritual forces of darkness simply can't contain themselves!  They are SO HOWLING MAD that Trump got elected, Netanyahu got re-elected and that Trump is the best supporter of Israel EVER in it's 70 year history....that they simply can't help but expose their seething anger.

The NY Times went so far as to publish a cartoon similar to what the Nazi's were publishing during WWII.

They have since apologized...but maybe this error will further seal their doom.

On Saturday, the Times tweeted an acknowledgment that the cartoon included “anti-Semitic tropes.”
The paper said that its opinion section would later publish its own response.

“We are deeply sorry for the publication of an anti-Semitic political cartoon” tweeted New York Times Opinion on Sunday. “Such imagery is always dangerous, and at a time when anti-Semitism is on the rise worldwide, it’s all the more unacceptable.”

“We have investigated how this happened and learned that, because of a faulty process, a single editor working without adequate oversight downloaded the syndicated cartoon and made the decision to include it on the Opinion page,” the message continued.

New York Times Opinion says that “the matter remains under review, and we are evaluating our internal processes and training,” adding that “we anticipate significant changes.”

Israel’s Public Security Minister Gilad Erdan compared the Times caricature to “Nazi propaganda from the period of the Holocaust” and said that whoever is responsible for its publication should be fired.

The comparison was to a cartoon that appeared in Lustige Blätter, a German satirical magazine which, during the Nazi era, frequently featured anti-Semitic caricatures and illustrations that also targeted enemies of Germany, such as Winston Churchill and Franklin Roosevelt. The cartoon, published in 1940, includes the caption: “England’s leadership is in good hands,” and shows a stereotypical-looking Jew leading Churchill.


Another Ezekiel 38 Headline

We must be getting really close to the Great Tribulation because the prophetic headlines are popping up like popcorn in a popper.
Turkey, Russia, and Iran on Friday condemned the U.S. decision to recognize Israeli sovereignty over Syria’s occupied Golan Heights.
In a joint statement, the three guarantor countries of the Astana process for peace in Syria reaffirmed their strong commitment "to the sovereignty, independence, unity and territorial integrity of the Syrian Arab Republic and to the purposes and principles of the UN Charter."
The statement came during a two-day meeting in Nur-Sultan, the recently renamed Kazakh capital, following an international meeting on Syria in the Astana format.
On March 25, U.S. President Donald Trump signed a presidential proclamation officially recognizing the highlands on the border with Syria as Israel's territory.
Israel seized the Golan Heights from Syria during the 1967 Six-Day War.
It occupies roughly two-thirds of the wider Golan Heights as a de facto result of the conflict.
It moved to formally annex the territory in 1981 -- an action unanimously rejected at the time by the UN Security Council.
The guarantor countries underscored that the UN principles should be universally respected and that no actions, no matter by whom they were undertaken, should undermine them.
"In this regard they strongly condemned the decision of the US Administration to recognize Israel's sovereignty over the occupied Syrian Golan Heights, which constitutes a grave violation of international law, particularly the UN Security Council resolution 497, and threatens peace and security in the Middle East," read the statement.