A friend sent an article that has caused me to think a little deeper about this whole Syria mess.
First off, we need to understand that "...the whole world is under the control of the evil one." 1 John 5
And if that is the case, (which clearly it is) then we can expect that Satan has his henchmen that he runs around as power brokers. Most probably have no idea that they are playing into the evil one's hand....they probably think they are running after power and money. I'm also guessing that few of them recognize that the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil.
Also we need to understand that most of us sitting in our armchairs in America have NO CLUE about pipelines running across Syria or the liquid natural gas (LNG) that Qatar has amassed by the billions of tons that they would love to sell to Europe. So it would be safe to say that while we walk around on the chess board...we only occupy a tiny little space as a teeny pawn while a lot bigger game is being played all around us.
And yes, I know that our eternal lives as children of the King and the Bride of Christ puts all of us BELIEVERS in a highly honored place...that's not the part of the story I am thinking about. For now, I am just trying to think about how Satan is pulling the world along towards Armageddon.
With that as a backdrop....what if all this talk about USA attacking Syria really had something to do with a battle with Russia over natural gas?? What if this whole dust up is really over the $trillions of oil and natural gas that needs to be moved through the Middle East? What if the USA is using the chemical weapons in Syria as an explanation to the American people of why we need to attack....when in reality it is really fighting a war with Russia over the control of natural gas?
Think about it....if the love of money is THE ROOT of all kinds of evil...and men in Chicago are willing to kill each other for $20....why wouldn't nations be willing to kill thousands over a battle for $trillions??
The whole world is reacting to President Obama’s decision for America to attack Syria over an alleged chemical attack because Assad’s forces had been accused of using chemical weapons several times in the last year, including the August 21st attack in the suburbs of Damascus. However, a number of news analysts such as Pat Buchanan and Ron Paul have called this a “False Flag” attack.
The Pentagon is moving a sixth warship armed with cruise missiles to the eastern Mediterranean Sea, giving the U.S. more firepower for a possible attack on Syria in response to alleged use of chemical weapons, a U.S. defense official said. According to reports, the guided-missile destroyer Stout will soon join four other missile-carrying U.S. destroyers within range of Syria. Each destroyer can carry up to 90 cruise missiles which have a range of nearly 1,000 miles. Whether they will acknowledge it in public or not, the international community and the United Nations look to the American Empire to supply its massive military force to solve international conflicts.
What is happening in Syria will not only affect America, Russia, Great Britain, China, Syria, Iran, and Israel. It will affect the entire world because Syria, controlling major oil assets off its coast, occupies a critical position in the global oil economy. It is possible for oil prices to go through the roof, and that would send a tsunami across the global economy. There have been reports put out by big banks like SocGen and Goldman Sachs that oil could soar to $150 a barrel if the Syrian conflict goes hot and draws in Russia and China.
Russia now controls the oil coming out of Syria and being sold throughout Europe and China. However, there appears to be a battle for the control of that oil.
The Nabucco Agreement was signed by a handful of European nations and Turkey back in 2009. It was an agreement to run a natural gas pipeline across Turkey into Austria, bypassing Russia again with Qatar in the mix as a supplier to a feeder pipeline via the proposed Arab pipeline from Libya to Egypt to Nabucco (is the picture getting clearer?). The problem with all of this is that a Russian backed Syria stands in the way.
Qatar would love to sell its LNG to the EU and the hot Mediterranean markets. The problem for Qatar in achieving this is Saudi Arabia. The Saudis have already said "NO" to an overland pipe cutting across the Land of Saud. The only solution for Qatar if it wants to sell its oil is to cut a deal with the U.S.
Recently Exxon Mobile and Qatar Petroleum International have made a $10 Billion deal that allows Exxon Mobile to sell natural gas through a port in Texas to the UK and Mediterranean markets. Qatar stands to make a lot of money and the only thing standing in the way of their aspirations is Syria.
The US plays into this in that it has vast wells of natural gas, in fact the largest known supply in the world. There is a reason why natural gas prices have been suppressed for so long in the US. This is to set the stage for US involvement in the Natural Gas market in Europe while smashing the monopoly that the Russians have enjoyed for so long. What appears to be a conflict with Syria is really a conflict between the U.S. and Russia!
The main cities of turmoil and conflict in Syria right now are Damascus, Homs, and Aleppo. These are the same cities that the proposed gas pipelines happen to run through.
If Obama attacks Syria, some analysts believe Vladimir Putin is prepared to strike Saudi Arabia. This could stop the flow of oil from the Middle East. The United States government could go into a state of emergency and immediately restrict private access to fuel in this country in order to conserve the reserves inside of the United States! This would paralyze our economy. Grocery stores, major retail outlets, and pharmacies which operate on real time delivery principles would be virtually empty in matter of days. It is not inconceivable that banks would be closed and martial law established. Obviously, this is a worst case scenario.
Holy melt down!! That does sound like a worst case scenario!!
Could we be there? Are we now being pulled along by the Prince of this World towards a time that Jesus warns us about? "If those days were not cut short, NO FLESH would survive."
The next WWIII could really be a doozy. Mankind has had 70 years now to perfect our nuclear, chemical and biological weapons. If the nations of the world start shooting at each other with all that crap....no flesh would survive unless Jesus returns to put an end to it all.
Continue to look up!! These are incredibly exciting times!!
Thank you Jesus for all you have done and are about to do! Amen!!
Hat tip to Adam G.