Saturday, September 28, 2024

Man Charged With Exposing Himself to Children

Today we read the story of a man who exposed himself to some kids and he was arrested.  He should probably just claim to be a drag queen and that exposing himself to kids is part of what they do for entertainment purposes!  If he did this he would probably be invited to be Grand Marshall at next years LGBTQ Pride parade....where men can freely expose themselves to children along the parade route.

A man who worked at a Ham Lake gymnastics studio was arrested Friday after reportedly exposing himself in front of children.

Charging documents from Anoka County show Kyle Pekula, 26, of Isanti is facing a criminal charge of fifth-degree sexual conduct, a misdemeanor charge.

According to the charging document, the incident occurred at 4:47 p.m. at Carrara West Park in Blaine. Blaine police met with a woman and her 12-year-old son, who told officers he had been sitting on a picnic table with his brothers when an adult man approached them.

The man, later identified as Pekula, sat with the kids and began talking with them. Reportedly Pekula then exposed his penis from a leg hole of his shorts and grabbed a Cheeto, asking the kids if they wanted to “feed the animals.” The children said no.

 Isanti man charged for allegedly exposing himself in front of children - 5 Eyewitness News

Trans Boy Kicked Off Girl’s Volleyball Team in Florida

 I’ve seen these sympathetic articles about the effeminate male who thinks he’s a girl and the big, bad bullies who won’t let him play girl’s sports.  But I wonder if the Washington Post would ever do an article about the poor girls who trained all their lives for an event only to be destroyed at the State meet by a boy who thinks he’s a girl?  Don’t hold your breath.

I’m going to guess that humans have had tiny, effeminate, no-muscle men with us for some thousands of years.  It doesn’t mean they are women.  


Until recently, Norton had worked at the high school Elizabeth attended. But last fall, an armed officer with the Broward County Public Schools Police had told Norton she was under investigation for allowing Elizabeth to play girls sports. District leaders banned Norton from the building. They discussed the investigation on the local news, and soon, everyone in Coconut Creek seemed to know Elizabeth is transgender. (Norton asked The Washington Post to use the child’s middle name to protect her privacy.)

In the nine months since, school officials had talked about Elizabeth as if she were dangerous, but Norton knew they couldn’t possibly be picturing the 16-year-old who stood at the edge of the driveway in Taylor Swift Crocs. This girl loved Squishmallows and Disney World. She had long red hair, and she was so skinny, the principal described her to investigators as “frail.”

Elizabeth didn’t have an advantage, Norton thought. She was a normal teenage girl, and yet her very existence had thrust them into one of the nation’s most contentious debates.

Hezbollah Leader Killed by Israel

 There should be singing and handing out sweets in Israel today!  They killed one of most important Jew haters on earth!  Article says they “started airing Koran verses after his death.”  I wonder if one of the verses read was “I will curse those who curse you”? 😄

DUBAI, Sept 28 (Reuters) - Lebanon's Hezbollah confirmed on Saturday that its leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah was killed.

The group said in a statement it would continue its battle against Israel "in support of Gaza and Palestine, and in defence of Lebanon and its steadfast and honourable people".
Israel said earlier on Saturday it had killed Nasrallah in an airstrike in Beirut's southern suburbs a day earlier.
Hezbollah's Al-Manar TV started airing Koran verses after the announcement of Nasrallah's death.

Friday, September 27, 2024

War is Good for Business and Great for Profits

 If your business is making missiles and selling them to the military, then thank God for your business because it has kept our nation safe from tyrants and despots who would love to destroy us.

But we also know that money is a root of all kinds of evil.  So when your business is making missiles and you realize that war uses thousands of missiles, and that you will get a huge order to re-supply the military with may want to start lobbying for more war.

Eisenhower called it the MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX and warned everyone that they would be very hard to stand against.

“In the councils of government we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex.”

Such were the words of former President Dwight D. Eisenhower, a moderate Republican who previously served in the US Army as Supreme Commander of Allied Forces in Europe during World War II. Like Major General Smedley Butler, who served in the armed forces one generation before him, Eisenhower saw the nexus of private profit and military might firsthand. His successive political experience led him to coin his now-famous term for the phenomenon, which in earlier drafts of his farewell address he called the military-industrial-Congressional complex.

The scourge of war profiteering was already well understood in Eisenhower’s day, with journalists having castigated the merchants of death who armed all sides in World War I and the War of the Pacific, but economic developments since the 1940s have accelerated the trend with military contractors and private mercenaries siphoning off billions of dollars in taxpayer funds.

The military-industrial complex now threatens not only public investment but human civilization itself, according to author and professor Dr. Ken Hammond.

The expert in East Asian and Global History joined Sputnik’s The Critical Hour program Tuesday to discuss how the influence of weapons manufacturers has brought the world to the brink of war with Russia and China.

“It’s a money laundering scheme in a number of ways,” said Hammond, responding to news that the Biden administration is preparing to ship $567 million in lethal aid to authorities in Taiwan.

“Stuff that’s laying around in military warehouses – obsolete equipment – they’re going to ship that off to Taiwan as part of the ongoing efforts to poke China in the eye, provoke situations there, create a lot of public consciousness of tension and conflict and fear about the situation between the United States and China.”

“They’re basically giving away these weapons to Taiwan, and then they’re going to turn around and buy new ones to replace those,” he explained.

“So that, too, is a giveaway to the defense industry, the so-called defense industry – the war industry, really. It’s part of an ongoing relationship between the military-industrial complex and their control of the American government. So there’s really no surprise here.”

The United States has committed to recognizing the territory of Taiwan as part of the People’s Republic of China in at least three formal declarations, including the 1972 Shanghai Communiqué negotiated under former President Richard Nixon and two subsequent agreements in 1979 and 1982. The issue represented an important part of the diplomatic efforts necessary to normalize relations with Beijing, opening the country up to global capital and manufacturing. But the US has increasingly sought to provoke China on the sensitive issue in recent years, shipping arms to Taiwanese authorities and dispatching ships to the Taiwan Strait.

Beijing has called for the United States to respect Chinese sovereignty and refrain from interfering in the internal matter. China considers Taiwan an inalienable part of its sovereign territory and opposes any official contacts between the island and foreign countries. Beijing has repeatedly said that the One-China principle is a political foundation of China-US relations and that violations by Washington of its own obligations have been jeopardizing cooperation between the two countries, threatening peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait.

Moscow has backed China on the issue, reaffirming its commitment to the One-China principle and recognizing Taiwan as an inalienable part of China in a number of official statements.

“Between these different [arms] shipments… this adds up to about a billion dollars,” said Hammond of recent US guarantees to Taiwanese authorities.

“What could they be doing with that billion dollars to house people who are living in tents and cardboard boxes on the streets of our cities? What could they do with that billion dollars to improve health care in this country? What could they do with a billion dollars to help out kids in our schools so they get a better education?”

“This is just pouring good money after bad down the drain of warfare and warmongering that doesn’t serve the interests of the American people and ultimately doesn’t even serve the interests of the people of Taiwan,” he said, claiming the Democratic and Republican parties are in a competition to see “who’s going to be the most warlike in our relationship with China.”

“[Taiwanese people] don’t want a war… but that’s what the United States is trying to provoke,” noted Hammond.

Here;  US War Profiteers Bring World To Brink Of Armageddon | ZeroHedge

War has been with humans since the beginning and it's not going away anytime soon.  Only when the Prince of Peace comes will men think of melting their swords into plows.

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Back to the Cold War: Russia Uses Mexico as Hub for Spy Base

 Most of us remember in 1989 when the Berlin Wall came down and the Soviet Union started to roll up.  I remember thinking, "Wow!  The USA will literally have no enemies to be worried about!  Maybe war will start to become a thing of the past?"

Of course in 1989 I wasn't a regular Bible reader so couldn't have really told you anything about the prophecies or words of Jesus, specifically his words of, "There will be wars."

35 years later we are reading headlines about Russian nuke bombers having to be challenged by US fighter jets off the coast of Alaska and Japan.

Today we see this headline about Russia using Mexico as a place where they can office as they attempt to spy on the USA.

Russian intelligence services are building up their presence in Mexico for spy operations targeting the United States, a return to Cold War tactics by an increasingly aggressive regime, according to U.S. officials and former intelligence officers.

Russia has added dozens of personnel to its embassy staff in Mexico City in the past few years, even though Moscow has only limited trade ties with the country. U.S. officials say the trend is concerning and believe the extensive buildup is aimed at bolstering the Kremlin’s intelligence operations targeting the U.S., as well as its propaganda efforts aimed at undermining Washington and Ukraine.

The Biden administration has raised the issue with the Mexican government, a U.S. official told NBC News. “Russia has really invested in Mexico in terms of seeking to extend their presence,” the official said.

The Mexican Embassy and the Russian Embassy did not respond to a request for comment.

CIA Director William Burns said earlier this month his agency and the U.S. government are “sharply focused” on Russia’s expanding footprint in Mexico, which he said was partly the result of Russian spies being expelled from foreign capitals after Moscow’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

“Part of this is a function of the fact that so many Russian intelligence officers have been kicked out of Europe. … So they’re looking for places to go and looking for places in which they can operate,” Burns said in London this month when asked about suspected Russian spying out of Mexico. “But we’re very sharply focused on that.”

Russia’s actions in Mexico reflect a more aggressive posture by its intelligence services across multiple fronts, as the Kremlin seeks to silence critics abroad, undermine support for Ukraine and weaken Western democracies, former intelligence officials said. That approach has included sabotage and attempted sabotage in Europe, assassination plots, relentless cyberattacks and large-scale global disinformation campaigns, according to U.S. and European officials.

Here;  Back to the Cold War: Russia uses Mexico as a hub for spying on the U.S. (

Probably another good reason to have strong security on our Southern no one can get in unless we KNOW who they are and figure out if they are coming in with nefarious intent.

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Pope Francis Continues to Set Up the One-World-Religion

 We know it's coming.  But how in the world could any follower of Christ come to the point where they believe that Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism and Climate Change religion all point to the same thing?  

Because the world has been deceived into believing that people are basically good, God loves everyone SO MUCH that He can overlook sin so that there really isn't going to be any hell or punishment or wrath.

Pope Francis has told an interreligious meeting in Paris that the multi-faith group must be open to guidance “by the divine inspiration present in every faith” in order to establish peace in the world.

In an address to the 38th “International Prayer Meeting for Peace” organized by the ecumenism-driven Sant’Egidio Community, Pope Francis urged the more than 150 gathered representatives of “Christian Communities and of the world’s great religions, as well as civil authorities” to “nurture fraternity between peoples in our time.”

 The gathering, which took place from September 22-24, included speakers such as Justin Welby, the Anglican archbishop of Canterbury, Chems-Eddine Hafiz, the rector of Paris’ grand mosque, Haïm Korsia, the chief rabbi of France, and French President Emmanuel Macron.

Noting that the meeting finds its origin in Pope John Paul II’s 1986 Meeting for Peace in Assisi and thanking the Sant’Egidio Community “for the passion and creativity with which it continues to keep the spirit of Assisi alive,” Pope Francis expressed his hope that, while holding differing “religious beliefs,” including Catholicism, Protestantism, Islam, Buddhism, Shintoism, and Judaism, the group had “experienced the power and beauty of universal fraternity.”

“This is the vision our world needs today,” the Pope added, stressing that “the goal” of interreligious dialogue, like that of the Sant’Egidio Community meeting, is “to establish friendship, peace and harmony, and to share spiritual and moral values and experiences in a spirit of truth and love.”

Here;  Pope Francis tells interfaith meeting: ‘Divine inspiration’ is ‘present in every faith’ - LifeSite (

They take the words of Jesus, "...and the greatest of these is love," and twist them.  As long as you have love in your heart for other people everyone will be just fine!

The Truth is that "God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son so that whoever believes in him will not perish but have eternal life."

So that means that anyone who DOESN'T believe in him WILL perish and WON'T have eternal life.

The world loves to skip that part.

Iran; The Pot Calling the Kettle “Black”

 It is common knowledge that Iran is a leading sponsor of terrorism.  Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthis are all supported by Iran.  Who gave Hezbollah the rockets to launch into Israel?  Iran.  Who has Hezbollah called as their butts are getting kicked in by Israel?  Iran.

So pretty funny to see Iran’s President referring to Israel as a “terrorist state.”  Sadly, most of the liberal/Democrat voters in America are already siding with Hamas so we won’t be totally surprised when they start supporting Hezbollah and chanting against Israel.


Iran’s President Masoud Pezeshkian, in an address to the UN General Assembly on Tuesday, demanded a global response to Israel’s assault on the Hezbollah terror group.

“Israel’s state terrorism in Lebanon cannot go unanswered,” Pezeshkian said. “Responsibility for all consequences will be borne by those governments who have thwarted all global efforts to end this horrific catastrophe.”

Pezeeshlian also accused Israel of committing genocide in Gaza, where he said it had been defeated, and of backing terrorist groups such as ISIS.

The Iranian president’s first address to the General Assembly came a day after he said that in a CNN interview that Hezbollah “cannot stand alone” against Israel and called on the international community to “not allow Lebanon to become another Gaza,” in response to a question on whether Iran would use its influence with Hezbollah to urge restraint.

Shortly before Pezeshkian spoke at the UN General Assembly, a US media report said Hezbollah asked its Iranian patrons to attack Israel as the Israel Defense Forces increased pressure on the Lebanese terror group over the past week, but so far, Tehran has rebuffed the request.

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

That Day When the US Government Took Everyone’s Gold

The video I posted yesterday on how money became worthless makes it sound like everyone who watches the video should consider trading all their paper money for gold.  And maybe we all should?  Of course today Gold is at a record high price but that could be because more people are waking up to the fact that paper money, backed by nothing, is not a place to store wealth.

But if paper money and gold money have always been at war because the governments would rather print paper money and not live within a budget, why wouldn’t the government just TAKE everyone’s gold and order that everyone trade it in for paper money?

“Oh Dennis…the government would never do that!  They can’t just take things from you!  That’s like stealing!” 

Well, they already take income tax, property tax, capital gains tax, sales tax, gasoline tax and inheritance tax…so why wouldn’t they take all your gold when their paper money becomes worthless?  They did it once and they will do it again.

So for all the gold bugs out there who think they are going to survive a collapse and live off their gold, the government probably has other plans for you.


Executive Order 6102 is an executive order signed on April 5, 1933, by US PresidentFranklin D. Roosevelt"forbidding the hoarding of gold coingold bullion, and gold certificates within the continental United States." The executive order was made under the authority of the Trading with the Enemy Act of 1917, as amended by the Emergency Banking Act in March 1933.

The stated reason for the order was that hard times had caused "hoarding" of gold, stalling economic growth and worsening the depression as the US was then using the gold standard for its currency.[4]

On April 6, 1933, The New York Times wrote, under the headline Hoarding of Gold, "The Executive Order issued by the President yesterday amplifies and particularizes his earlier warnings against hoarding. On March 6, taking advantage of a wartime statute that had not been repealed, he issued Presidential Proclamation 2039 that forbade the hoarding 'of gold or silver coin or bullion or currency', under penalty of $10,000 fine or ten years' imprisonment or both."[5]

The main rationale behind the order was actually to remove the constraint on the Federal Reserve preventing it from increasing the money supply during the depression. The Federal Reserve Act (1913) required 40% gold backing of Federal Reserve Notes that were issued. By the late 1920s, the Federal Reserve had almost reached the limit of allowable credit, in the form of Federal Reserve demand notes, which could be backed by the gold in its possession (see Great Depression).,in%202023)%20per%20troy%20ounce.

Monday, September 23, 2024

How Money Became Worthless

 For many of you that have been reading my blog for years, you know that we’ve been talking about the fact that every time the Fed prints money, it makes the money already in existence worth less.  That’s just a simple fact.  Eventually, you have to print more money just to pay the interest on the loans the government already took out.  It’s just a giant Ponzi scheme.  This video is the best I’ve seen in explaining  HOW the USA got the privilege of being the worlds only reserve currency.  It also explains when and why we went off the gold standard in 1971.  It also clearly explains why 75 years ago a carpenter could go to work while his wife stayed home and raised 8 kids.  One worker could keep a family of 10 in food and clothes.  Today that would be impossible.  Why?  Because our money is not just worth less…it will soon be worthless.

We believe we are in the very last days of our current monetary system.  The collapse of this current system will be shocking to the whole world.

Will we be around on earth to witness this collapse?  Maybe.  But we think it might also be one big reason of why the rapture could be really close.  We KNOW that the rapture event will collapse the current financial system.

Watch this documentary if you want to be a whole lot smarter on how we got here:

Doomsday Glacier Collapsing

 When humans start to believe they are a random chance creation on a rock hurtling through space without  a driver, they tend to get very panicky.  “How are we gonna stop the ice from melting?  How are we going to cool the planet?  How are we going to stop another ice age?”

Bible readers don’t panic because we know who made the bus and who is driving the bus.  We know that nothing is happening outside his control.  Probably just one more reason the world hates us.


Since 2018, experts leading the International Thwaites Glacier Collaboration (ITGC) have been investigating the dynamics of Thwaites.

The researchers have been up close and personal with Thwaites, breaking through ice and using underwater robots to exhaustively study this massive glacier and comprehend its possible downfall.

Retreat of the Doomsday Glacier 

The extensive and painstaking research has unveiled some rather disconcerting findings.

Thwaites is not just in retreat, but it’s retreating at an incredible speed that is set to increase in the future, according to Rob Larter, a marine geophysicist at the British Antarctic Survey and an essential member of the ITGC team.

“Thwaites has been retreating for more than 80 years, accelerating considerably over the past 30 years, and our findings indicate it is set to retreat further and faster,” noted Dr. Larter. 

Collapse of the Doomsday Glacier

When it comes to future forecasts, optimism is scarce. The scientists predict that Thwaites and the Antarctic Ice Sheet could completely collapse within the next 200 years.

The Doomsday Glacier contains enough water to boost global sea levels by more than 2 feet. This amount of sea level rise could put coastal communities underwater worldwide, from Miami and London to Bangladesh and the Pacific Islands.

Making matters even worse is the fact that Thwaites acts similarly to a cork, preventing the colossal Antarctic Ice Sheet from cascading into the ocean. The collapse of the Doomsday Glacier could ultimately cause sea levels to rise by a staggering 10 feet.

Israel Strikes Hezbollah Targets in Lebanon

  • For weeks it’s been a missile here a bomb there.  Back and forth they went.  Then Israel b,ew up the pagers and walkie talkies of Hezbollah.  Today it would appear is the start of “gloves off” fighting between the two.
  • How can tiny Israel with only a few million people hold back the world?
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  • Dozens were killed and scores wounded in Israeli airstrikes in Lebanon on Monday, officials said. The strikes followed Israel’s military warning to civilians to leave areas where the Iran-backed militant group operates. 
  • Earlier strikes Monday appeared to be the widest in geographic range simultaneously conducted by Israel in Lebanon since the war in Gaza began, after the two sides exchanged their most intense fire of the conflict over the weekend.
  • As fears of a wider regional war grow, Hezbollah’s second-in-command said “a battle without limits” was underway and the group launched some of its deepest strikes inside Israel in decades.
  • Meanwhile, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is considering a plan to force all Palestinians out of northern Gaza to lay siege to Hamas and force the release of hostages.

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Hezbollah Says “All Red Lines Crossed”

Yes folks!  We are literally watching the making of prophetic history playing out before our eyes.  God is not done with Israel.  Its enemies are at the gates and the world has already turned on Israel in its war against Hamas.  Watch closely.


Even though a lot of people out there don’t seem to realize it yet, we are watching history in the making.  Israel and Hezbollah have both been preparing for a final showdown for many years, and now here we are.  I have a feeling that both sides have more surprises up their sleeves, and in the months ahead we are going to witness things that we have never seen before.  Of course we have never seen thousands of pagers and walkie-talkies suddenly explode before either.  During a speech that was delivered on Thursday, Hezbollah’s leader Hassan Nasrallah publicly declared that “all red lines have been crossed by the enemy” 

Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah declared Israel’s surprise pager and handheld radio attacks a “declaration of war” and dared the Jewish state to invade Lebanon. As he spoke, Israeli forces carpet bombed the terror group’s strongholds.

In a televised address Thursday, Nasrallah acknowledged that Hezbollah “received a heavy, painful blow,” saying that Israel’s decision to detonate scores of pagers and other electronic devices earlier this week amounted to “a major aggression” that will not go unanswered.

“These massacres amount to war crimes or a declaration of war,” Nasrallah said, promising “a crushing response from the axis of resistance.”

It sounds like he is saying that Israel and Hezbollah are now officially at war.

And of course that would be an accurate assessment of the current state of affairs.