Many of you have heard of Dennis Prager and either read his books and/or heard him on his nationally syndicated radio show.
He is probably one of the most logical, rational voices on the airwaves today. He also happens to be Jewish.
Check out what he is saying today.
I cannot imagine any thinking person who does not believe the world is getting worse.
The number of slaughtered and the number of refugees from slaughter is immense and growing.
Islamic State now controls territories from Afghanistan to West Africa. Libya is in the process of being added to that list. And other sadistic Islamist movements hold additional territory.
According to Pew Research, approximately 10 percent of world Muslims have a favorable opinion of the Islamic State and terror against civilians. That's more than 100 million people.
The Iranian regime has just increased the reward it will give to anyone who murders Indian novelist Salman Rushdie, is increasing its repression at home, now has more than a hundred billion additional dollars to spend on terror and regularly calls for the annihilation of Israel.
Iran just received from Russia the most powerful anti-aircraft weapons that exist outside the United States, making a successful air attack on Iran almost impossible.
Europe is allowing in another million migrants from the Middle East, few of whom share Europe's primary moral values. One consequence is that European women are being sexually attacked in increasing numbers. Another is that European countries are making criticism of Muslims or Islam — no matter how rational the critique — a crime punishable by jail time and/or fines.
The only thing stopping regular mass murder of Europeans and Americans is increased European and American police work. And no one believes that this will suffice to prevent future attacks.
As its universities make clear, the West is committing suicide. At UCLA one doesn't have to read a single play by Shakespeare in order to receive a degree in English. But one is fully indoctrinated regarding "White Privilege," "systemic racism," "income inequality," "homophobia," "hate speech," "climate change" and whatever radicals care about.
A Republican presidential debate opens with a comment by the leading Republican candidate about the size of his penis. And the audience cheers.
The American president, a black man elected in the hope that he would unify the races, has overseen the greatest rift between the races since the 1960s. His repeated references to "Ferguson," reinforcing the lie that a white policeman killed an innocent black teenager for no reason other than the young man's race, is only one such example. One result is a rhetorical (and increasingly lethal) war on police that has led many officers to minimize proactively policing largely black areas.
The Democratic presidential race is between a socialist who has contempt for capitalism, the only economic system that has ever lifted large swaths of humanity out of poverty, and a woman who is so corrupt that she should be serving time in prison, not campaigning for president.
Meanwhile, the Republican race is led by a man who has mocks a POW as a loser; who repeats the libel that George W. Bush knew there were no WMD in Iraq; who calls for the killing of terrorists' families; and, who, as noted, proudly talks to America about the size of his sexual organ.
Many generations have believed that the world was getting worse. But since 1776, there was a great nation that one could still rely on to stem the decay. Now that great nation, under the influence of its own elites, men and women of the left, is itself in decay.
So, who can save the world now?
Voices like these seem to be crying in the wilderness with no one to hear them or believe them! The media keeps repeating the same story that EVERYTHING IS GOOD! and they base their opinion on the stock market index, consumer spending and real estate prices.
Wow. Is that really how shallow we have become? Can we not recognize all the rumblings that are taking place all over the world? Do we not realize that America is the WORLD'S LAST, BEST HOPE and when we implode there will be NO ONE to stand in the way of Russia, Iran, China and all the other players waiting to fill the power vacuum?
"Oh Dennis, you are such a downer! It figures you would agree with this Prager dude that the world is getting worse! I don't buy it! Life has never been better! Gasoline is cheap, we got new stadiums going up all over, I just financed my $70,000 pickup truck at 0% for 7 years, I can live with my girlfriend with no shame or guilt and porn is now FREE on the internet! What's your problem? Do you just spend your days looking for bad stuff to kill our buzz...or what?"
Of course the history books of the world are filled with nations who thought they would ALWAYS be sitting on top and that NOTHING would ever change....until it did.