Saturday, March 12, 2016

The Pope Video

Please watch this short video of the Pope declaring that "we are all believers."  Believers of what?

The video then shows a Buddhist, a Muslim, a Catholic and then has them all say into the camera, "I believe in love."


Read the article and watch the video and be convinced that we are in the very Last Days.  The Pope is playing his part in setting up the one-world-religion and maaybe even campaigning for the final role of False Prophet?

So let's be ready to stand for the Truth that this satanic world hates.  Let's proclaim that Jesus is the only way!  Let's prepare ourselves for persecution and decide today how we will live so when we stand in front of Jesus we won't be ashamed.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Methodists Restarting BDS War With Israel

According to this article, it seems that the Methodists in America are continuing down a road of cursing Israel and buying into all the lies thrown out by the PLO.

The United Methodist Church is following in the footsteps of the Presbyterian Church (USA), the United Church of Christ and the United Church of Canada, who all passed resolutions boycotting and divesting from the State of Israel.

In a sort of blundering naiveté, the United Methodist Church is ignoring what is surely inevitable: the very divestment they ostensibly imagine will stop the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians may actually serve to exacerbate it.

"Not all is lost. Many of the delegates to the General Conference come from Africa. They have witnessed jihad up close and personal and will likely have a much more sympathetic view of Israel's predicament than many of the delegates who live in the relative safety of the United States." — Dexter Van Zile, Christian media analyst.

"The BDS Movement has already fulfilled part of its potential – as a stalking horse for those seeking to destroy Israel by other means. ... It's committed not to peace but to a piecemeal elimination of Israel." — Dr. Harold Brackman, Simon Wiesenthal Center.

On May 10, 2016, the General Conference of the United Methodist Church (UMC) will gather at the Oregon Convention Center, hosting thousands of Methodist leaders, delegates and visitors.

This leading policy-making event meets once every four years to revise church law and adopt resolutions on current moral, social, public policy and economic issues. The conference also approves plans and budgets for church-wide programs.

This year, four new proposals in support of the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement are being prepared for consideration of the general assembly during the 10-day event.

UMC is following in the footsteps of the Presbyterian Church (USA), the United Church of Christ and the United Church of Canada, who all passed resolutions boycotting and divesting from the State of Israel. The Methodists, however, are not waiting for their General Conference to get the ball rolling. In January, the UMC pension fund, last valued in 2014 at $20.9 billion, voted in favor of divesting from five Israeli banks.

According to US News and World Report,

"The pension board's decision came at a time when divestment is gaining momentum among liberal Protestants as a tool to pressure Israel over its policies toward Palestinians. Last year, the United Church of Christ voted to divest from companies with business in the 'Israeli-occupied' territories. The Presbyterian Church (USA) took a similar vote in 2014."

UMC, which represents 13 million members worldwide, is marching to the tune of the BDS drummer, banging away at the same tired anti-Israel melodies that falsely target Israel as an "evil, colonialist, imperialist" empire whose "illegal occupation of Palestinian lands" and its "apartheid" discriminatory behavior is unjustly directed against the civil rights of the "suffering Palestinians."


How sad.  How misguided?

On the one hand you have the nation of Israel who has been a beacon of freedom and democracy in the Middle East and on the other hand you have group of Arab-Muslims who are controlled by Hamas (violence is their name) on the Gaza Strip and Fatah of the West Bank whose President is a confirmed terrorist named Abu Mazen.   And yet the bleeding liberals of the world refuse to see the significance and danger of their support of Muslim extremists that rule these lands.

We all know that God clearly said He will bless those who bless Israel and curse those who curse I'm going to suggest that if the Methodists continue down this path of cursing Israel....things will not go well for them.

We can expect the world to continue to turn against Israel.  The Bible says that one day they will be standing all alone.  It should be in all our prayers that the USA continues to stand alongside Israel at least until Jesus returns for His bride, the Church.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Collapse of Italy's Banks Could Bring Chaos

Isn't it funny how just a few years ago the media was all over how bankrupt Greece, Italy and Spain are?  And then one day, suddenly Greece was "bailed out" (so media believe it's fixed) and Italy somehow also got off the hook of its financial mess.

But was anything really fixed in Greece or Italy?

(comments below come from article on ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG)

The Italian banking system is a "leaning tower" that truly could completely collapse at literally any moment.  And as Italy's banks begin to go down like dominoes, it is going to set off financial panic all over Europe unlike anything we have ever seen before. 

I wrote about the troubles in Italy back in January, but since that time the crisis has escalated.  At this point, Italian banking stocks have declined a whopping 28 percent since the beginning of 2016, and when you look at some of the biggest Italian banks the numbers become even more frightening.  

On Monday, shares of Monte dei Paschi were down 4.7 percent, and they have now plummeted 56 percent since the start of the year.  Shares of Carige were down 8 percent, and they have now plunged a total of 58 percent since the start of the year.  This is what a financial crisis looks like, and just like we are seeing in South America, the problems in Italy appear to be significantly accelerating.

So what makes Italy so important?

Well, we all saw how difficult it was for the rest of Europe to come up with a plan to rescue Greece.  But Greece is relatively small they only have the 44th largest economy in the world.

The Italian economy is far larger.  Italy has the 8th largest economy in the world, and their government debt to GDP ratio is currently sitting at about 132 percent.

There is no way that Europe has the resources or the ability to handle a full meltdown of the Italian financial system.  Unfortunately, that is precisely what is happening.  Italian banks are absolutely drowning in non-performing loans, and as Jeffrey Moore has noted, this potentially represents "the greatest threat to the world s already burdened financial system"...

I know that a lot of people have been eagerly anticipating a complete and total global economic collapse for a long time, and many of them just want to "get it over with".

Well, the truth is that nobody should want to see what is coming.  Personally, I rejoice for every extra day, week or month we are given.  Every extra day is another day to prepare, and every extra day is another day to enjoy the extremely comfortable standard of living that our debt-fueled prosperity has produced for us.

Most Americans have absolutely no idea how spoiled we really are.  Even just fifty years ago, life was so much harder in this country.  If we had to go back and live the way that Americans did 100 or 150 years ago, there are very few of us that would be able to successfully do that.

So enjoy the remaining days of debt-fueled prosperity while you still can, because great change is coming, and it is going to be extremely bitter for most of the population.


I put the last paragraphs in bold so that you would maybe re-read them.

It's true that we have become so spoiled that we could barely survive the way things were just 40 years ago.  I grew up at a time when when our family had one car and it was even't a very good one. My dad had an MBA and an important job downtown but he RODE THE BUS everyday after walking through dark and snow for 3 blocks to the bus stop!  

Today if your 16 yr old child has to RIDE THE BUS (Heaven forbid!!) instead of drive their own car to can cause a mental and emotional breakdown for your child. (I witnessed this first hand)

Our family vacation consisted of going to see my grandparents for a week in the summer.  We NEVER ate at restaurants and NEVER went to places like Disneyworld....but neither did any of the kids I hung out with so no one really cared.

For sure those of us who read God's Word should be able to look around the world and understand that life as we know it could change in the blink of an eye and NEVER BE THE SAME.  The reason I post so many articles about these topics is because it is my hope that my readers and I will not be totally surprised, shocked and blown away if/when the meltdown happens.

Jesus told us not to fear.  He told us that he would take care of us whether we were in jail, penniless, persecuted, beaten down or even about to be martyred for our faith.

So let's all have our eyes open to the events transpiring around us.  Let's keep looking up as we watch for Jesus to return for us....but let's not be surprised if some serious shaking happens to America, and the World, which rocks a lot of people's foundations.

"Give us our daily bread and forgive us of our sins as we forgive those who sin against us.  Save us from time of trial and deliver us from evil."

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

World is Getting Worse & America Won't Save It

Many of you have heard of Dennis Prager and either read his books and/or heard him on his nationally syndicated radio show.

He is probably one of the most logical, rational voices on the airwaves today.  He also happens to be Jewish.

Check out what he is saying today.

I cannot imagine any thinking person who does not believe the world is getting worse.

The number of slaughtered and the number of refugees from slaughter is immense and growing.

Islamic State now controls territories from Afghanistan to West Africa. Libya is in the process of being added to that list. And other sadistic Islamist movements hold additional territory.

According to Pew Research, approximately 10 percent of world Muslims have a favorable opinion of the Islamic State and terror against civilians. That's more than 100 million people.

The Iranian regime has just increased the reward it will give to anyone who murders Indian novelist Salman Rushdie, is increasing its repression at home, now has more than a hundred billion additional dollars to spend on terror and regularly calls for the annihilation of Israel.

Iran just received from Russia the most powerful anti-aircraft weapons that exist outside the United States, making a successful air attack on Iran almost impossible.

Europe is allowing in another million migrants from the Middle East, few of whom share Europe's primary moral values. One consequence is that European women are being sexually attacked in increasing numbers. Another is that European countries are making criticism of Muslims or Islam — no matter how rational the critique — a crime punishable by jail time and/or fines.

The only thing stopping regular mass murder of Europeans and Americans is increased European and American police work. And no one believes that this will suffice to prevent future attacks.

As its universities make clear, the West is committing suicide. At UCLA one doesn't have to read a single play by Shakespeare in order to receive a degree in English. But one is fully indoctrinated regarding "White Privilege," "systemic racism," "income inequality," "homophobia," "hate speech," "climate change" and whatever radicals care about.

A Republican presidential debate opens with a comment by the leading Republican candidate about the size of his penis. And the audience cheers.

The American president, a black man elected in the hope that he would unify the races, has overseen the greatest rift between the races since the 1960s. His repeated references to "Ferguson," reinforcing the lie that a white policeman killed an innocent black teenager for no reason other than the young man's race, is only one such example. One result is a rhetorical (and increasingly lethal) war on police that has led many officers to minimize proactively policing largely black areas.

The Democratic presidential race is between a socialist who has contempt for capitalism, the only economic system that has ever lifted large swaths of humanity out of poverty, and a woman who is so corrupt that she should be serving time in prison, not campaigning for president.

Meanwhile, the Republican race is led by a man who has mocks a POW as a loser; who repeats the libel that George W. Bush knew there were no WMD in Iraq; who calls for the killing of terrorists' families; and, who, as noted, proudly talks to America about the size of his sexual organ.

Many generations have believed that the world was getting worse. But since 1776, there was a great nation that one could still rely on to stem the decay. Now that great nation, under the influence of its own elites, men and women of the left, is itself in decay.

So, who can save the world now?


Voices like these seem to be crying in the wilderness with no one to hear them or believe them!  The media keeps repeating the same story that EVERYTHING IS GOOD! and they base their opinion on the stock market index, consumer spending and real estate prices.

Wow.  Is that really how shallow we have become?  Can we not recognize all the rumblings that are taking place all over the world?  Do we not realize that America is the WORLD'S LAST, BEST HOPE and when we implode there will be NO ONE to stand in the way of Russia, Iran, China and all the other players waiting to fill the power vacuum?

"Oh Dennis, you are such a downer!  It figures you would agree with this Prager dude that the world is getting worse!  I don't buy it!  Life has never been better!  Gasoline is cheap, we got new stadiums going up all over, I just financed my $70,000 pickup truck at 0% for 7 years, I can live with my girlfriend with no shame or guilt and porn is now FREE on the internet!  What's your problem?  Do you just spend your days looking for bad stuff to kill our buzz...or what?"

Of course the history books of the world are filled with nations who thought they would ALWAYS be sitting on top and that NOTHING would ever change....until it did.

Monday, March 7, 2016

Could Hillary Really Get Indicted for a Crime?

Our election process has certainly been....entertaining.

The rumors are flying all over the board.  Some are saying that the NYT has a "bombshell" interview with Mr Trump and are waiting to release it until after he gets the GOP nomination.

Today we hear the rumor that Hillary Clinton may be in real trouble.

As Hillary Clinton's e-mail scandal continues to haunt her and her candidacy, many have asked, “Will she ever be indicted?” The New American has asserted time and again that since the former secretary of state clearly violated federal law on thousands of occasions by transmitting and storing highly classified information on her unsecured, unauthorized, private server, she should be indicted. Now, it appears that indictment may be closer than some would think.

FOX News posted a video by Judge Andrew Napolitano (shown) to its website Thursday where the judge lays out the details for his belief that Clinton will be indicted in the coming weeks. In the video, Judge Napolitano says:

Just when everyone was becoming impatient with "when is the FBI going to make recommendations to the Justice Department about whether or not to seek indictments over the State Department's mishandling of state secrets — particularly by diverting those state secrets through a non-secure, private server in Mrs. Clinton's home" — lo and behold, the Justice Department has gone to a federal judge and sought immunity for the person who installed the server in Mrs. Clinton's home.

Judge Napolitano goes on to say that Brian Pagliano's immunity deal means that the “investigation has gone to the next step: that the Justice Department has convened a grand jury, that it presenting evidence to the grand jury, and it wants evidence from the young man that installed the server. And because he [Pagliano] asserted his Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination, they offered him immunity — meaning he cannot be prosecuted for the words that he used.”

The judge-turned-political-commentator also made the following points as proof of his assertion that a criminal indictment is upcoming:

• Immunity can be granted only by a federal judge.
• A federal judge would grant immunity only to help the government elicit testimony before a grand jury.

Because of those points, he says, “We know a grand jury is sitting, prosecutors are working on this, and they want to indict someone.” Napolitano says the Justice Department and a federal judge would not give Brian Pagliano immunity unless he could answer the question, “Who was present when the conspiracy was hatched — in the office of the secretary of state — to divert national security secrets from a secure venue to a non-secure venue?”

Judge Napolitano is not alone in his belief that Hillary or someone close to her will soon be indicted. Based on Pagliano's immunity deal, the Washington Times has drawn three conclusions — the same three drawn by Judge Napolitano:

1. The Justice Department has launched a grand-jury investigation into allegations of mishandling classified e-mails during the tenure of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
2. Pagliano has material evidence related to the probe as well as exposure to prosecution.
3. Granting him immunity was the only way to obtain the information.

The Times quoted Troy A. Eid, former U.S. attorney for the District of Colorado, as saying, “You can assume that there’s a grand jury,” adding, “You don’t go out and investigate unless you’ve got a grand jury because there’s no authority to do subpoenas or compel people to do anything. With immunity agreements, that means by definition that there’s a grand jury investigation that’s going on some place.”


All we can do is watch in amazement.

All who claim Jesus as savior can rest easy.  We don't have to worry, we don't have to fight and scream, we don't have to ruin our days or lose any sleep...because God is in control and we will certainly elect the leader that we deserve.

If we are a nation filled with selfish, arrogant, prideful liars....then why wouldn't we elect a selfish, arrogant, prideful liar?

Well, we may soon enough have our on the left and one on the right!

North Korea Threatens to Nuke USA

My, oh my!  North Korea is mad about the new sanctions the world has placed on them for all of their illegal nuke testing.

So today they threatened to nuke the USA.

That would be a bummer!

Seoul (AFP) - North Korea threatened "indiscriminate" nuclear strikes against South Korea and the US mainland, as the two allies prepared to kick off large-scale joint military drills on Monday.

The threat to carry out what it described as a "pre-emptive nuclear strike of justice" was made in a statement by the North's powerful National Defence Commission, citing the Supreme Command of the Korean People's Army (KPA).

It came just days after leader Kim Jong-Un ordered the country's nuclear arsenal to be placed on standby for use "at any moment," in response to tough new UN sanctions imposed over the North's fourth nuclear test in January and last month's long-range rocket launch.

Pyongyang has issued dire warnings of nuclear attack in the past, usually during periods of elevated military tensions on the divided Korean peninsula.

While the North is known to have a small stockpile of nuclear warheads, experts are divided about its ability to mount them on a working missile delivery system.

The National Defence Commission described the annual South Korea-US military exercises as "undisguised nuclear war drills" that threatened the North's national sovereignty, and vowed an all-out offensive in response to "even the slightest military action."

"The indiscriminate nuclear strike... will clearly show those keen on aggression and war, the military mettle of (North Korea)," said the statement published by the North's official KCNA news agency.


Of course we could laugh this off and realize that the leaders of North Korea are basically insane.

Some will say, "That's not even remotely possible!  They don't have the nuclear and missile technology capable of carrying out such a threat!"

I would probably agree with such a statement...but I also know that the world believed that North Korea was nowhere close to having a nuclear bomb....until they successfully tested one and surprised the world.

We can file this one under "Kingdom against Kingdom."