As we know there is much movement on the 3rd Temple. We know that the Antichrist will sit in it and declare himself to be god, so we know that it will need to be built. This could happen before or after the rapture but we know the Antichrist won't be revealed until after THE RESTRAINER is removed from earth.
Although July 4, is tomorrow, the US Embassy in Israel pre-emptively celebrated America’s 243rd Independence Day on Tuesday. The gala event was hosted by the US Embassy in Jerusalem. During his speech, the Ambassador, David Friedman, said: “leshanah Hazeh BiYerushalayim” (This year in Jerusalem).
At first glance, saying a phrase like ‘this year in Jerusalem’ may seem like a rather insignificant statement. But those who understand the wider context of the phrase are prone to interpret those words differently. That’s because there is a phrase that Jews proclaim during their prayers at the end of Yom Kippur and during the Passover feast that goes: “lshanah habah biyirushalayim habnuyah’’ (next year in the rebuilt Jerusalem). The phrase was initially coined by 11th century Spanish Rabbi Isaac Ibn Ghiyatt who wrote a poem called Yedidekha me-Emesh which contains the phrase. Last year, when the 242nd Independence Day celebration took place in Tel Aviv, Netanyahu relayed the passage to Friedman: “lshanah habah ’’ (next year in Jerusalem).
The ambassador said: “The Declaration of Independence provided that every human being was created equal and endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, including life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”
“The notion that essential human rights came from God and not man was a revolutionary concept. It made those rights permanent, undeniable and immune from the vagaries of politics, not only in the United States but around the world. How did our founding fathers know which rights God considered unalienable? Remember, the Declaration of Independence doesn’t just say these rights are important – it says these rights are divine. Well, I’m sure many of our founding fathers read John Locke and Thomas Hobbs and other great thinkers. But I’m even more certain that they read the Bible. Especially because all of the unalienable rights identified in the Declaration of Independence find their home in the Bible itself. Many believe – and certainly our founding fathers believed – that the word of our creator is expressed in the Bible, and, as recognized by the prophet Isaiah, that word emerged from the city of Jerusalem. As Isaiah said, ‘out of Zion shall go forth the law and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem.'”Friedman proclaimed.
“To understand this connection between the birth of our nation and the City of Jerusalem is to understand all that has transpired since between Israel and the United States. It is to understand why the Pilgrims risked their lives in the 17th century to reach a new world and establish what many of them referred to as a ‘new Jerusalem'” he added.
Of course we don't know the day or the hour that our Lord will return for His bride, the church, BUT we shouldn't be surprised with the convergence of Last Days activity that is taking place for the first time in human history.
Even so, Come Lord Jesus!