Saturday, September 7, 2024

Retired Four Star General Warns of WWIII

The wars and rumors of war continue.  Is America ready to fight another major war?


 The commission’s report suggested that the United States is facing the “most serious” and “most challenging” threats since World War II and indicated that a “near-term major war” was possible. The commission highlighted Russia and China as the “major powers” confronting the United States and warned that the U.S. military “lacks both the capabilities and the capacity required to be confident it can deter and prevail in combat.”

“We Are Not Alone”

Jessie Waters on Fox put out an episode recently talking about aliens and UFOs.  The world continues to be prepped to fall for a massive deception all staged by the Prince of The Powers of The Air.  Watch it at the link below.

Friday, September 6, 2024

IMF Admits CBDCs Would Allow Personal Data to be Stored

 International Monetary Fund sounds prophetic on its own.  So does Central Bank Digital Currency.  So to see them both in the same headline has to be blog-worthy.  The Bible says a day is coming when cash will not be used for anything.  That day is really close, and we are the first generation to possess the technology to make it possible.


The IMF begins its report immediately explaining how retail CBDCs contain all sorts of information when a transaction occurs, and therefore can be leveraged by central banks and other entities for themselves, and could be overturned to government authorities and police for potential crimes depending on national policies. The IMF wrote: 

Central bank digital currency (CBDC), as a digital form of central bank money, may allow for a “digital trail”—data—to be collected and stored. In contrast to cash, CBDC could be designed to potentially include a wealth of personal data, encapsulating transaction histories, user demographics, and behavioral patterns. Personal data could establish a link between counterparty identities and transactions.

Like other payments data, CBDC data may have economic value. Data are non-rival. Data are infrastructural resources that can be used by an unlimited number of users and for an unlimited number of purposes as an input to produce goods and services. CBDC data could potentially be harvested by financial institutions that, in turn, could help develop data-driven businesses.

The authors later defined exactly what the data collected is. This includes the payer’s/payee’s identity, payer’s/payee’s pseudonymous identifiers (account number or token address that belongs to, or is controlled by, a counterparty), transaction data, and other and payer and payee transaction metadata (merchant’s name, purchase location, and spending category).

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

America Is Getting Dangerously Close to the Point of No Return

 The author of the article posted below says he can't give you much hope for the future of America.  And that has to make MOST Americans very anxious.  But for Bible readers, our hope doesn't lie in a country or a political party.  Our hope is in the promises of Jesus and the Bible.  All this world is passing away and that includes America.  We see Ezekiel 38 on the horizon and there's no mention of America so we must have ceased to be a threatening power to the enemies of Israel.

That being said the author points out 5 conditions present in America that just shows how close this country is to breaking up.

The US has always been a famously optimistic country. From our beginning, rebelling against the greatest empire the world has ever seen in a bold attempt to gain independence, we've always looked to a brighter future.

Through our history millions of people have come to what they see as a land of opportunity. The American Dream - the idea that if we work had we can succeed - is one of the key threads that runs through our culture.

How optimistic are you feeling now, though? Does it look as if the US is headed onward and upward to a brighter future? Or do you have an uneasy feeling that the American Dream is on the edge of collapsing into a nightmare?

If you do, and you're looking for reassurance, I'm sorry to say I can't give you any. We're not past the point of no return yet, but there's evidence all around us that points to this country being in a dangerously unstable condition.

We could manage to turn things around - but right now we're heading in the wrong direction.

A House Divided

These states don't feel very united right now. In fact this country might be more divided than it's been at any time since Richmond fell to US troops in 1865. Our politics have become terrifyingly partisan.

Decades ago, in the golden age of the 1950s, the Republicans wanted to build a prosperous by cutting federal taxes and letting people keep more of their money.

The Democrats wanted to build a prosperous nation by using federal law to give people more rights at work.

OK, that's simplifying it a little, but both parties wanted pretty much the same sort of country; they just had different ideas - and, really, not that different - about how to get there.

Far too many protesters are going armed. Carrying a gun to protect yourself and your family is a long and honorable American tradition. Carrying a gun to intimidate people you disagree with into silence is not.

The Country Is Falling Apart

In a literal way, America is disintegrating. Our infrastructure is suffering from decades of under-investment. Our power grid is so old and overloaded that it doesn't need an EMP strike to collapse it; two hot weeks in June could be enough to do the job.

Even a simple blizzard can take down big chunks of it. We've been running power cables to homes for over a hundred years, and we haven't figured out snow yet?

The current administration loves to talk about how it's going to sort out our crumbling infrastructure, but its big idea is to make us all buy electric cars - then recharge them from the grid that already can't cope with the load. Everyone knows our infrastructure is in a mess, but nobody has a serious plan to fix it.

Morals Are Decaying

Too many people want something for nothing - whether it's cynical corporations that want a monopoly, or corrupt politicians that want to exploit their position for money.

Tens of millions of Americans still do believe in earning (or paying) an honest wage for honest work, but a terrifyingly large number don't. Far too many people have rejected the idea that money is something you need to earn.

A lot of people just don't seem to have any standards at all. Addicts buy, sell and use drugs in the streets of major cities, and local politicians just let it happen. District attorneys abolish cash bail and work to keep violent criminals out of prison.

There are 340 million people in this country. If we don't have a shared idea of what's right and wrong, a set of moral standards we all agree to live by, the US is going to become a very unpleasant place. Without a unifying morality, societies fall apart.

We're Going Broke

The US is still the world's biggest economy, and it's still growing - but most Americans aren't seeing the fruits of that growth. Wages are stagnating.

Instead of making our schools and colleges go back to teaching useful skills, and protecting workers from cheap illegal labor, our politicians are just trying to borrow and spend their way to re-election.

Look at the US national debt clock.

Right now we owe over $31.8 trillion, and that amount is increasing so fast that the last five digits on the clock are a blur.

Our government is burning through tens of thousands of dollars faster than you can keep track of the number changing.

A million dollars every 36 seconds - well, about that anyway; I couldn't press the buttons on my stopwatch fast enough to get within $30,000 or so.

There are less than 128 million income tax payers in this country and there's no way we can finance all the spending the government wants to do.

Yes, some people talk about taxing the rich or the one percent or the big corporations instead of regular taxpayers, but it doesn't matter; the money always comes out of the pockets of ordinary working Americans in the end.

A big corporation might have legal personhood, but it isn't really a person. It's a collection of people that sells goods or services to other people - ordinary people - and if the corporation has to pay more tax, those ordinary people end up paying for it through higher prices or lower wages.

The government has to stop spending so much, but it won't, because it's scared of losing votes. So, instead, it borrows the money and hopes that somehow, by some miracle, the world will keep lending to us and we'll never have to pay it back.

The problem is, the day when taxes won't even cover the interest on our debt is coming over the horizon. In the next ten years we'll spend $10.5 trillion on interest payments - while borrowing trillions more, that our government has no idea how to pay back.

Sooner or later the world will realize that we're never going to repay the money we owe, and they'll turn off the lending tap.

And, when that happens, the final collapse is just days away. When every federal employee doesn't get paid, and every welfare check and Social Security payment fails to arrive, the US will be blown apart.

We're not past the point of no return - yet. But we're getting very, very close.

Here;  5 Signs That The US Is Collapsing (

Let's throw in the millions of drug and alcohol addicted Americans to the mix too!  And what are we doing about that???  Legalizing marijuana in most of the states!  Just about every drug addict I talk to started with "smoking a little weed".  That's the bait that Satan tosses out.  Once a young kid is fine with getting his mind altered using weed then why not try mushrooms?  Why not acid?  Why not meth?  Why not fentanyl?  

Also, parents and grandparents should be terrified to know that 8-9-10 yr old kids are vaping marijuana and getting stoned in grade school!  I work with teen boys every week who are drug addicts so I hear their stories every week and I hear what their siblings are up to.  Even THEY realize that "things have gotten so much worse" in just the last few years.

America needs Jesus.  Nothing else will suffice.  Without national repentance I believe America is very close to the end.

Thankfully, our blessed hope isn't in America but instead involves hearing a trumpet sound and being transported into the clouds to meet Jesus.

Russians Have Huge, Fast, Unstoppable Nuke

 The news last week was that Putin was re-doing Russia’s nuclear protocol.  When can Russia use nukes in offensive or defensive situations?  Meanwhile Ukraine is begging America to allow them to use the long range missiles we have supplied.  So imagine if you are Putin and every morning you awake to the news of another city hit by US-supplied missiles and more Russian civilians dead?  Back a bear into a corner and you best be ready for lashing out in a very furious fashion.

We don’t believe that Christians will be on earth to witness a nuclear exchange with Russia.  But the headline shows us how the world is just driving closer to the abyss every day.


A single Sarmat missile can carry enough firepower to wipe out an area the size of Texas.

And we don’t have anything that can stop it

The U.S.’ Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation said that ‘despite decades of research, development, and testing, there remains no reliably effective anti-missile system to counter intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs)’.

Existing missile defence systems, such as the U.S. Patriot system, can target incoming short-, medium- and intermediate-range ballistic missiles whose threat is localised to one region, but cannot effectively protect against nuclear-capable ICBMs such as the Sarmat that can deploy warheads across vast areas.

Meanwhile, the core of the U.S. strategic nuclear arsenal is made up of hopelessly outdated Minuteman missiles that first went into service in the 1970s.

If we were to fire those missiles at Russia, we would be praying that they could get past the most advanced anti-missile systems on the entire planet.

In particular, the brand new S-500 anti-missile system that the Russians have developed was specifically designed “for intercepting and destroying intercontinental ballistic missiles”.

Most people in the western world still assume that we are protected by the magical doctrine of “mutually assured destruction”.

But are you sure that doctrine still applies in an environment where the balance of power has shifted so dramatically?

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Stupidocrisy: Politics Gone Wrong

 Below is a great article penned by a guy who feels like a lot of us do right now.  How is it possible that that 50% of Americans believe that ripping a baby out of a womb has something to do with women's rights?  How is it possible that those same folks believe a child can know whether or not he/she is queer, gay, transgender, gender fluid and what his preferred pronouns should be?

We just seem to be falling further and further into the abyss, where right is called wrong and wrong is called right.  Where challenging the insanity of affirming a 5 yr old boy's gender confusion can get you cancelled or fired from your job.

The smartest people in the country can no longer say what a woman actually is.  

The recent Democratic National Convention was a showcase for politics gone insane. To any and every American, irrespective of party affiliation, the spectacle in Chicago last week should raise alarm bells.

The Democratic Party has driven a stake in the ground with a most communistic concept of “democratic” government in the history of the United States. Price controls on food, blaming grocery stores for inflated prices after causing the inflation; transgendermania; abortion on demand; hateful rhetoric; demonizing of any and all American citizens who do not agree with their agenda—all part and parcel to one of the most dangerous, freedom-threatening political ticket in history.

Remember that on Sunday, July 14, Joe Biden addressed the nation with a blatantly political speech saying that the political rhetoric needed to cool down and that there was no place in America for political violence. Yet the entire Democratic convention was based on hateful political rhetoric aimed at President Trump and his supporters. These people accuse their opposition of flaming hatred, but it is their own hateful words that stir the hearts and minds of those who would take violent action. The Democrat speakers repeated slur after slur, even lie after lie, that would ignite hate and violence.

The show didn’t stop there. The over-the-top support for the LGBTQ+ community only codified the insanity. How is it even allowed that an entire political party would endorse grooming children for sexual mutilation? Transgender this. Queer that. It is woven into the fabric of the Democratic Party. Abortion unlimited. The conventioneers proudly touted Planned Parenthood’s mobile bus encouraging free abortions and vasectomies to all comers.

People are afraid to call this what it is—absolute insanity—because of the bullying and censorship they will face for being hateful. It’s not about hate. People who support this insanity need spiritual and mental help.

Outside the convention, terrorist supporters were protesting because the Democrats were not supporting them enough. Pro-Israel organizations couldn’t even get a parade permit in this Democrat-run city. Fences inside of fences were put up to protect the elite inside—largely from their own supporters who are violently angry about not getting enough support.

Anybody in their right mind—and I mean this sincerely—needs incredible self-examination if they are sticking with the Democratic Party after that show of insanity.

Ecclesiastes 9:3 says, “The heart of the sons of men is full of evil, and madness is in their heart while they live, and after that they go to the dead.”

Sadly, there are many who will choose to follow this politics gone insane.

Say it with me…Stupidocrisy.

Here;  Stupidocrisy: Politics Gone Insane :: By Bill Wilson - Rapture Ready

I know that it can be painful to look around us and see what is happening to this once-great nation!  But remember that regardless of how the future of America all plays out, WE have a glorious future in store for us!  Just imagine how exciting the next 1000 years are going to be!  We get to live on earth in our glorified bodies ruling and reigning with King Jesus!  The curse will be partially lifted and the lion will lay down with the lamb!  We get to experience it all!

So if you feel, like I do sometimes, that this world is starting to grow strangely dim, that's exactly how Jesus wants it to be!  Don't become so worldly minded that you become no heavenly good!

Turkey Announces Plans to Join BRICS

Today we read that Turkey will move further into the orbit of Russia.  This should not surprise Bible readers as we know that the Ezekiel 38 coalition including Russia, Iran and Turkey continues to form.  Turkey is a member of NATO which was formed to combat the Soviet Union, but as of late they are less cooperative with NATO than they are with Russia.   BRICS is an acronym for Brazil, Russia, India, China & South Africa.  It’s an economic union looking to challenge the EU and I’m guessing they will try a new currency one day to challenge the hegemony of the US Dollar.  Egypt, Iran, Ethiopia and UAE also joined BRICS this year…yep!  Now we’ve got about the whole crew of Ezekiel 38 joined up to cooperate, and one day, maybe soon, they will cooperate on the desire to destroy Israel.  And Russia will want their natural gas fields while the Muslims in the group will just relish the opportunity to kill Jews and destroy Israel.  Please note that the Palestinians are seeking membership too.


Turkey has formally requested to join the BRICS group of emerging economies, Bloomberg cited informed sources as saying on Monday. 

Ankara "seeks to bolster its global influence and forge new ties beyond its traditional Western allies," the sources said. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan believes “that the geopolitical center of gravity is shifting away from developed economies" and that the push to join BRICS "reflects its aspirations to cultivate ties with all sides in a multipolar world, while still fulfilling its obligations as a key member of NATO."

Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan said in early June that BRICS serves as a good alternative to the EU. Later that month, he confirmed that dialogue between Ankara and BRICS nations was ongoing – coming as Turkish frustration continued to grow due to stalled efforts to join the EU. 

While Turkey has long been a member of NATO, accession talks for EU membership have faced several obstacles since they began in 2005. Turkey had applied to join the EU predecessor organization, the EEC, in 1987.  

"Turkey submitted an application to join BRICS some months ago amid frustration over a lack of progress in its decades-old bid to join the EU," Bloomberg’s sources went on to say. 

After Russia became the most sanctioned nation in the world following the start of the war in Ukraine in 2022, the BRICS bloc began seriously pursuing the creation of a common currency to de-dollarize trade and circumvent western sanctions

A coalition initially made up of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, BRICS at the start of this year expanded for the first time since 2010 to include Egypt, Iran, Ethiopia, and the UAE.

Palestine’s ambassador in Moscow, Abdel Hafeez Nofal, said on August 26 that the Palestinian Authority (PA) is planning to apply to join BRICS.

Monday, September 2, 2024

The Restrainer

 Posted below is a piece from the Nearing Midnight section that appears every Monday at Rapture Ready.  The Restrainer is the Holy Spirit indwelling Christ followers and is blocking the revealing of the Antichrist and the outbreak of lawlessness.  This will continue until He is taken out of the way at the rapture.  Be encouraged.


The Restrainer :: By Jonathan Brentner

A few years ago, JD Farag used a rubber band as an illustration of the nearness of the Rapture. Just as one can only stretch it so far before it snaps, so world events could only continue so long before the chaos of the Tribulation period erupted across the earth.

At the time, it appeared as though the horses and riders of the apocalypse were about ready to ride across the earth spreading deceit, wars, famine, and much death in their wake (Revelation 6:1-8); things that happen after Jesus appears and takes us out of the world.

Today, we seem even closer to the chaos that will mark the start of the Day of the Lord, yet we remain earthbound. What’s going on? The Apostle Paul, in 2 Thessalonians 2:7-8, tells us that what we see today is the work of the Restrainer, the Holy Spirit, who is currently working through the Church to block the revealing of antichrist and restrain the lawlessness that will accompany his unveiling to the world.

“For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work. Only he who now restrains it will do so until he is out of the way. And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will kill with the breath of his mouth and bring to nothing by the appearance of his coming.”

The many signs pointing to the onset of the seven-year Tribulation are unmistakable. However, the Restrainer is also at work delaying the events of Revelation 6 until we are safely with Jesus in Heaven and He opens the seals.

Our world is currently full of conflicts that have the potential to lead to a world war far more deadly than the ones of the past century. As Ukraine, with NATO expertise, equipment, and training, continues to strike deep into its territory, Russian leaders continue to warn that such actions will lead to a nuclear war, which would contribute to the enormous death toll that we read about in Revelation 6:7-8.

Kremlin Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov recently warned America that its participation in its war with Ukraine was “like small children playing with matches.” I believe that the hesitation of Russian President Vladimir Putin to respond with nuclear weapons comes from the Holy Spirit’s restraint rather than his benevolence.

A great many people, including me, expected a major war to occur in the Middle East weeks ago, but so far, the fighting hasn’t reached that level.

Author and Bible prophecy expert Joel C. Rosenberg addressed God’s restraint in the Middle East in a recent article: Has God supernaturally thwarted Iran & Hezbollah from launching apocalyptic missile attacks against Israel? Or is the attack still coming? Another writer, Mark Hitchcock, in a piece that appeared on the Harbinger’s Daily website, considered the possibility that God had used a recent earthquake in Syria to thwart an all-out attack on Israel.

Long ago, Ezekiel predicted that an alliance of nations would invade Israel in the end times (chapters 38-39). The players are aligned exactly as he prophesied, but the time has not yet come. In recent weeks, Putin has become increasingly vocal of the need for a two-state division of Israel, which perhaps speaks to his future involvement in the Gog-Magog war. I’m of the opinion that this invasion will happen soon after the Rapture, but it’s possible we might still be here when it happens.

Another place where the rubber band should’ve snapped long before now lies in the area of the economy and what John witnessed – the “black horse” and its rider (Revelation 6:5-6). How much longer can a nation that’s thirty-five trillion dollars in debt keep rewarding millions of illegal aliens with vast amounts of money that it must borrow? I’m convinced that the globalists are attempting to cause a catastrophic depression upon the U.S., one that will lead to economic devastation throughout the world.

According to what I learned while pursuing my MBA degree at the University of Iowa thirty-six years ago, the U.S. should already have arrived at a time of severe hyperinflation. The increases in the cost of living during the past few years have been substantial and quite painful for many families, but even so, they are relatively mild compared to what lies ahead for America.

For those of us who already belong to Christ, now is the time to be watching, knowing that His appearing to take us home is imminent. From our perspective, we are already living on borrowed time. The rubber band has been stretched beyond what we thought possible, and perhaps very soon, the “sudden destruction” of the Day of the Lord will fall upon those left behind after our departure.

As we wait, is it not encouraging to know that the seeming delay we see in world events is itself the fulfillment of prophecy? Apart from the Restrainer, how else can we explain the current lack of a leader who is able to make globalists’ dream of world dominance a reality?
