When God wrote the definition for marriage it means one man with one woman until death parts them. As members of the bride of Christ, marriage is a reminder to us all that we are betrothed to Christ and he is coming one day soon to snatch us off this earth and take us to the place he has prepared. If that isn't true then he wouldn't have told us so.
So of course the Prince of this World, aka Satan, hates marriage simply because God ordained it. That's why so many marriages end in divorce. Satan whispers to the man, "She doesn't respect you! Look at how she roles her eyes when you suggest things! You know who does think you're pretty cool?...your secretary!" To the woman he whispers, "You are smarter than he thinks! You could run this household better than he does! Plus he doesn't romance you at all anymore! You'd be better off without him!"
So as America has embraced gay marriage and will soon embrace polyamory, why the heck do we even have marriage anymore? The idea of monogamy is so ridiculous and so impossible and sooooo patriarchal!
Now let's segue into Jerry Fallwell Jr. and Liberty University. He resigned the other day because a dude who mowed their yard and cleaned their pool was humping Falwell's wife...and according to the pool boy the husband stood there and watched it with much enjoyment.
"Oh wow! That's super sicko! Ha! And he claimed to be a pastor and to have all these Christian ideals! What a hypocrite! What a joke!!"
Score one for Satan.
But now let's look at what else this NBC article said.
On Monday, long-circulated rumors about evangelical leader and now former Liberty University president Jerry Falwell Jr. burst into public view, which may end up costing Falwell both his job and, perhaps, his political reputation.
According to what a former business associate, Giancarlo Granda, told Reuters, Falwell and his wife, Becki — who met Granda while he was working as a pool attendant at the Fontainebleau Miami Beach hotel — had spent years engaging in a sexual practice known as cuckoldry, with Granda serving as the “bull” with Becki as Jerry allegedly looked on. While Jerry Falwell ultimately acknowledged a sexual relationship between his wife and Granda, he contested Granda’s version of the events and said in a statement Sunday that he hadn’t been a consenting participant but a beleaguered husband who’d been cheated on by his beloved wife.
The Falwells are hardly the first prominent political couple to possibly have a sex life that strains the boundaries of monogamy. Non-monogamy — whether consensual, like the cuckold fetish Granda claims to have indulged in with the Falwells, or nonconsensual, like the infidelity Falwell says the relationship was — is a bipartisan issue.
Its practitioners range from former Rep Katie Hill, D-Calif., a promising young politician whose career was derailed by non-consensually leaked photos revealing her consensual participation in a “throuple” with her ex-husband and a campaign staffer, to President Donald Trump, whose alleged extramarital dalliances are only rivaled in number by the members of his administration who’ve run afoul of the law.
Yet even as non-monogamy runs rampant in Washington, D.C., it’s difficult to imagine it ever being openly accepted. Politicians may find forgiveness after fumbling monogamy, but to openly reject the idea of committing to one partner for life (or at least for a few months or years) is, at best, to court ridicule as a freak show, à la Roger Stone, or, at worst, to completely tank your career. The idea that any current political figure — whether they’re part of the Evangelical establishment like Falwell or a recently elected progressive upstart — could survive publicly identifying as non-monogamous feels laughable.
It feels worth asking why.
After all, a 2015 YouGov study suggests that 20 percent of Americans — men and women — will cheat on a partner at some point (i.e., engage in nonconsensual non-monogamy). A 2018 peer-reviewed study from the Archives of Sexual Behavior, based on a 2012 study of partnered Americans, suggests that, at any given point, 89 percent of people are actively monogamous, while 4 percent are consensually non-monogamous and 8 percent are actively non-consensually non-monogamous. And two other studies suggest that Americans will engage in a consensually non-monogamous relationship in their lifetime — a number that is growing among younger generations.
Plus, on the surface, there isn’t much difference between an illicit affair and a consensually non-monogamous arrangement. Whether Becki Falwell was canoodling with Giancarlo Granda behind her husband’s back or with him in the room, she was still pursuing pleasure outside the bonds of supposedly holy matrimony. But the story that Jerry Falwell tells about the affair is one where the couple retains their fealty to the idea, if not the actual practice, of monogamous marriage — and to Falwell's stereotypically masculine role in that marriage.
For many men and women, it’s far easier to continually patch up the countless tiny cracks in the foundation of the patriarchy than to openly participate in its destruction.
So, as long as that’s the case, we’ll continue to have “sex scandals” in which ostensibly monogamous political figures sheepishly admit their monogamy has been more aspirational than actual. And we’ll continue to uphold monogamous, heterosexual marriage as a goal and even a requirement for everyone's supposed happiness, rather than reject it as the ill-fitting, repressive and punitive institution that it has been since its beginning.
Here; https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/falwell-affair-shows-non-monogamy-isn-t-rare-it-does-ncna1238024?cid=referral_taboolafeed
And there we have it! The godless people want their happiness on earth right now! Remember friends that the Christian life isn't all about happiness but holiness! If the godless want to screw other men, young girls and boys or even animals and that makes them happy right now and they show us the science that they really aren't hurting anyone, then WHO ARE YOU TO JUDGE THEIR ACTIONS??
Not so long ago, America was based and founded on Christian and Judeo principles. As the foundations get removed, more and more of those foundations will be thrown out.
And when enough of these foundations are removed the nation will be ripe for collapse. THIS WILL HAPPEN...we just don't know exactly when. But as the Bible tells us the story from Daniel..."The writing is already on the wall."