How Near is the Rapture?
We have been talking about the signs on earth that are preparing the way for the if we are seeing that the Tribulation is close....and we know that the Rapture of the church happens before the Tribulation....then logic tells us that the Rapture must be close.
Paul tells us in Thessalonians that we are children of the light and that this day (day of the rapture) will not surprise us. But it will surprise the world. The unsaved will look around one day and say, "Hey....who took all the people?" for them it will appear as if a thief had come in the night and took a bunch of people.
We found a great article that puts all this information together in a very clear, conscise order. You can access it here;
“Of that day and hour no man knows, not even the angels of Heaven nor even the Son, but the Father only.” (Matthew 24:20). But though no man knows the exact time, Jesus did indicate that those living at the time would know when it is near. There are other clues scattered about the Holy Scriptures which, when all put together, can give us a pretty good idea of when it will happen.
Just a quick disclaimer here. I am not trying to set a date for the rapture. Only a fool would do that. Jesus said no man knows the day nor the hour, and neither do I. But He did say we would know when the time was at hand, and based on the Scriptures and current events and trends I believe that time is here.
Are all of us ready to "fly away" and meet our Savior in the air? Many Christians that we talk to seem disturbed by this they don't really want this to happen because, "I want to see my grandkids", or "We just built a new house in Florida and want some time to enjoy it". Quite frankly, most of us Christians are just too attached to our earthly bodies and have become too entrenched in the patterns of this earth. But let's remember what Jesus told us, "He who loves this life will lose it and he who hate's this life will gain eternal life."