Dinosaurs Killed 66,000,000 Years Ago
The Bible speaks often about signs that would warn believers of the End of Days. Could the events that the world is witnessing today be the very signs that Christ, the OT prophets and the apostles mentioned? Please feel free to leave comments or news that you have seen.
The Left should be going insane with this headline about the Muslim nation of Brunei making a law to execute gays and adulterers...but most likely they won't have much to say since they don't want to appear Islamophobic.
The left has become so delusional in their social engineering scheme that they have convinced themselves that the rights of one confused man dominates the rights of 10,000 teenage girls.
Are you a man? Or do you identify as a man? Do you feel like you sometimes need affirmation that you are a man and a good person? Do you feel the need to be accepted by other men? Do you sometimes feel like you just need some hugs and snuggles from other men to satisfy your need for affection?
If you answered YES to any of these thoughts and feelings, hang on, there might be a MENS THERAPUTIC CUDDLE GROUP coming to a town near you!!
Here in the land of America, we throw away about 50% of all the food produced. Food is so cheap and so readily available that we take it for granted. But let's remember that all that could change in a heartbeat...and maybe it already has started?
It's sad that some dude with a Leftist agenda decided to go into a Mosque last week and kill dozens of people.
It's really sad that the President of New Zealand decided to put on a Islamic head scarf and pray to Allah as a "show of solidarity".
The Muslims around the world are going to see this as a submission to their god, Allah.
Watch it here; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zcng-tMzTHY
How many other women around the country did she convince to wear headscarves that day?
I wonder if they would have been willing to wear goat heads around town for the day if the Church of Satan had been shot up?
Or would they have all worn crosses and prayed to Jesus if Christians had been killed?