Is Revival or Revolution Coming for America?
We have talked to some wonderful Christians who say, "Just when things look like they can't get any worse, that's when you KNOW revival is coming!" So they look around America at all the crazy stuff and are convinced that a huge turning back to God is going to come, which will lead to American superiority for the next generations.
We simply don't see it. If Israel was warned and warned but never repented, did God send revival? No he sent judgment. They were hauled off to Babylon for 70 years. Then they got destroyed by the Romans after they rejected Christ and were cast out of the land for 2000 years.
For years, some Christians have held out hope that America would experience another wave of spiritual regeneration. But midway through 2020, anarchists and agitators, culture-drivers and even some politicians, are openly advocating for Socialism, racial division, and the wholesale rejection of Judeo-Christian values.
So which is it? Are we poised for revival or revolution?
It is very unlikely that America will experience another national revival. That is not to minimize the power of the Holy Spirit, but merely to state the obvious. Much, if not most, of the Church is preoccupied with the Social Gospel and has long abandoned a zeal for the true Gospel of Jesus Christ. In the age of "woke" relativism, evangelism is passé.
This reality could be disheartening, but it is exactly what Bible prophecy says will happen in the end-times. Jesus told us that as the end draws near, lawlessness will increase and the love of many will grow cold (Matthew 24:12). Paul outlined the steady decline of any society that rejects God; He gives them over to increasing debauchery and inevitable destruction (Romans 1:18-32). Paul also foretold the rise of apostasy in the latter times, as some fall away from the faith handed down to the saints (2 Thessalonians 2:1-3 and 1 Timothy 4:1).
Perhaps even more disheartening to American patriots — including Christians — is our society's trend toward revolution. In just the last 20 years, we've seen a dramatic rise in lawlessness and increased polarization — politically, racially, ethnically, economically and socially.
In recent months, chaos has engulfed many American cities. Even now, polls claim that an increasing number of Americans are ready to reject Capitalism in favor of Socialism. At the core of movements like Progressivism and Black Lives Matter is a rejection of Judeo-Christian morality, worldview and societal norms.
But in that regard, we've been in the midst of a revolution since the mid-1960s. The sexual revolution that cast off "fetters" of restraint has already resulted in rampant adultery and fornication, an explosion of pornography and divorce and an embrace of every abomination of the LGBTQ+ lifestyle. In every arena, we witness the rise of the satanic religion of Humanism with its idolization of individual autonomy.
So what hope remains if revival is unrealistic and revolution is underway?
Reliance on God's Word
For the individual believer, the same Word of God that revealed these inevitable end-time realities must ground our faith. Like David, we can boldly proclaim (Psalm 56:9-11):
This I know, that God is for me. In God, whose word I praise, in the LORD, whose word I praise, in God I have put my trust. I shall not be afraid. What can man do to me?
The Bible offers us many examples of people who determined to put their trust in God — even in the midst of catastrophe. Jeremiah offered a testimony of hope in spite of national disaster (Lamentations 3:19-24). Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego proclaimed their reliance on God in the face of a fiery furnace (Daniel 3:16-17). And Habakkuk, who calmed his own heart with a prayer requesting mercy in the midst of wrath (Habakkuk 3:1-2).
Christians can demonstrate that kind of tough faith because we have the revelation of God. He has told us what to expect as the Day of the Lord draws near. And, He has promised never to leave us or forsake us.
Guidelines for End-Time Living
God reveals Himself and His overarching plan for Mankind throughout the entire Word of God. Here are some practical ways Christians can overcome the fear and the apostasy of the present age:
- Study the Word of God (hide it in your heart, glean its promises, become "well-versed").
- Pray (without ceasing).
- Determine not to quench or grieve the Holy Spirit.
- Keep your eyes on Jesus, not only to receive a blessing, but also to:
Motivate urgent evangelism.
Ensure holy living.
Inspire a vibrant expectancy of His soon return (which guarantees a blessing in and of itself).
We continue to believe that the world will stay functional up until the rapture. Why? Because Jesus said people will be planting, building, marrying, giving in marriage, eating and drinking just like they were in the days of Noah. If America collapses into Civil War and the US Dollar gets destroyed, the domino effect to planet earth could very well make it so people WON'T be eating, drinking, marrying or giving in marriage.
So we are still hoping that the return of Jesus for His bride is near. We believe that when millions of Americans vanish that the US Dollar will collapse as the "full faith and confidence" in the US Government will be suspect.
We don't think revival will happen but we can't quite see how Revolution and Civil War in America would fit into Jesus' words of "planting, building, eating, drinking, marrying."