Friday, March 13, 2015

A Satanic Alliance is Born

This is great news if you are a Muslim who believes the Koran and want Shariah law to rule the entire world one day!!

For the rest of us who DON'T want an Islamic caliphate to rule the world...this news of Boko Haram and ISIS making an allegiance would be called a "Satanic Alliance".

A spokesman for the ISIS terror group said Thursday that it had accepted a pledge of loyalty from Nigeria-based Boko Haram that was made last weekend.

ISIS' media arm, al-Furqan, released an audio statement by spokesman Abu Mohammed al-Adnani that claimed the group's self-proclaimed caliphate had expanded to West Africa. al Adnani had previously urged fighters from around the world to migrate and join Boko Haram.

The announcement came as both groups struggled against increased military pressure in recent days. ISIS is battling against Iraqi forces seeking to recapture Saddam Hussein's hometown of Tikrit, while coming under fire from U.S.-led coalition air strikes in other parts of the country and in Syria.

Boko Haram, meanwhile, has been weakened by a multinational force that has dislodged it from a score of northeastern Nigerian towns. But its new Twitter account, increasingly slick and more frequent video messages and a new media arm all were considered signs that the group is now being helped by ISIS propagandists.

Then on Saturday, Boko Haram leader Abubakar Sheka posted an audio recording online that pledged allegiance to ISIS.

"We announce our allegiance to the Caliph of the Muslims ... and will hear and obey in times of difficulty and prosperity, in hardship and ease, and to endure being discriminated against, and not to dispute about rule with those in power, except in case of evident infidelity regarding that which there is a proof from Allah," said the message.

J. Peter Pham, director of the Africa Center at the Atlantic Council, a think tank in Washington, noted ISIS' quick acceptance of Boko Haram's allegiance and said that the bond highlights a new risk.

"Militants finding it increasingly harder to get to Syria and Iraq may choose instead to go to northeastern Nigeria and internationalize that conflict," he said.

The Boko Haram pledge of allegiance to ISIS comes as the militants reportedly were massing in the northeastern Nigerian town of Gwoza, considered their headquarters, for a showdown with the Chadian-led multinational force.

Boko Haram killed an estimated 10,000 people last year, and it is blamed for last April's abduction of more than 275 schoolgirls. Thousands of Nigerians have fled to neighboring Chad.


"Hey ISIS....we have been raping, torturing and burning people alive over here in Nigeria all for the glory of Allah and his prophet Mohammad.  Do you think we have done enough good in the eyes of Allah that we could be worthy of joining forces with you as we continue to march upon the whole world in these glorious last days?"

Reply;  "Yes brothers!  We have been hearing of how brutal you have been to the infidels in your midst!  We were especially pleased with your kidnapping of 275 school girls and we hear you raped them good before you sold them off as slaves!  Allah and Mohammad are certainly pleased!...especially Mohammad who was fond of the young girls. (PBUH)

And all the liberal idiots in America stuffed into the Catholic, Lutheran and Methodist churches say:

 "I'm sure glad we all worship the same god!  We are so tolerant and loving that we are inviting a Muslim Imam Holy Man into our church so that he can lead us in prayers from his holy book call the Koran!  Did you know that Jesus is in the Koran?  They call him Isa and they think he is coming back just like we do!!  Now come take my hand and sing with me!..."Kum ba yah Allah....Kum ba yah..."

Remember what Paul clearly told us in Galatians 1:
6 I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting the one who called you to live in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel— 7 which is really no gospel at all. Evidently some people are throwing you into confusion and are trying to pervert the gospel of Christ. 8 But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under God’s curse! 9 As we have already said, so now I say again: If anybody is preaching to you a gospel other than what you accepted, let them be under God’s curse!

Friends....WHO was it who supposedly appeared to Mohammad and gave him his ideas for a new gospel with a different Jesus called Islam?  HE CLAIMS IT WAS AN ANGEL FROM HEAVEN!!!


Thursday, March 12, 2015

Iran Will Not Be Duped

What are you gonna do??  Iran continually calls America the GREAT SATAN and yet Team Obama continues to believe we can strike a deal with them about keeping nuclear weapons out of their hands?

Tehran (AFP) - Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei on Thursday warned against "deceitful" world powers and branded a letter from Republican lawmakers as a sign of America's internal collapse just days before new nuclear talks.

Khamenei's broadside came as US Secretary of State John Kerry left Washington on a trip which will see him once again huddle with his Iranian counterpart in Switzerland aiming to seal a deal to curtail Tehran's nuclear program.

With the nuclear negotiations between Iran and world powers in the so-called P5+1 group now seen to be in the critical endgame, political tensions are soaring in the US among Republicans opposed to a rapprochement with America's old foe.

"I think we're all aware that the next couple of weeks are going to be important. They're vital. We're at the crunch time here," State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki told reporters.

The White House has reacted angrily to the letter signed by 47 Republican senators insisting that any deal reached by the administration of President Barack Obama could be modified by Congress.

Kerry said that was "flat wrong" before he left, heading first to Egypt and then to Lausanne where he will meet from Sunday with Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif.

Khamenei however warned Iran's highest clerical body that the letter was a sign "the other party is deceitful and stabs in the back."


Do we really believe we can negotiate with a nation whose leaders order TV shows made showing the annihilation of America and her "Zionist" ally, Israel?

Does anyone want war?  No.

It would seem logical that with all of Iran's lies to nuclear inspectors over the past years that they can't be trusted.

I'm reminded of Britain's Prime Minister happily stepping off the plane after negotiating a deal to avoid war with Adolf Hitler.  The ink wasn't even dry and Hitler bulldozed his army straight into WWII.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

North Korea and Russia Are Friends Now!

Doesn't it just warm you heart when two countries can get along?

It takes me back to my Peter, Paul and Mary days where chants could be heard all over the concert grounds, "Make love, not war!"  Wait...I as only 6 when Woodstock guess I must have just seen the video.

I smell a Peace Train coming!!  Russia and North Korea just announced that 2015 will be a "year of friendship."  How awesome and peaceful is that???

Ostracised by the international community, North Korea and Russia have declared 2015 a year of bilateral friendship that will be marked by a series of political, economic and cultural exchanges.

North Korean state media said this year marks the 70th anniversary of Korea's liberation from Japanese colonial rule and the "victory in the great Patriotic War in Russia".

Pyongyang's announcement is the latest indication of the close relationship that is developing between two leaders and nations that have been the target of international.

Both Russia and North Korea have been the target of United Nations sanctions, with the UN attempting to halt Russian involvement in fighting in the Ukraine. The UN also imposed restrictions on North Korea after it conducted a third underground nuclear test in February 2013, as well as a series of subsequent missile launches.

North Korea's record on human rights is also being discussed in the UN and it is possible that Kim Jong-un, the North Korean leader, could be cited in a case referred to the International Criminal Court.

The biggest cause for concern is the growing military alliance between Russia and North Korea, with the two regimes recently announcing plans to conduct a series of joint army, navy and air force exercises this year.


"So Putin...let me ask you a question..." says Mr. Kim

"Go ahead", nods Putin.

"If you have someone who disagrees with you in your own country...what you do?, asks Kim.

"Well, we either will have them killed or send them off to a little vacation home in know...on what we call a 'forever vacation."

"Oh good!" says Kim, "I think we are going to get along weally well!!  I'm just so happy to have a friend for 2015!"

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

May the Muslims Wage War on America!

I get a real kick out of the "Christians" and Catholics in America who insist that Muslims are worshiping the same God as is found in the Bible.

The easiest proof is literally sitting front and center within Islam!  Muslims must profess that Allah is one and has NO HELPERS!!  They say this to DENY Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.

Of course once you deny the Trinity...then it is clear that you ARE NOT worshiping the same God of Christianity..."God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit, three in one."

The Bible goes on to say that any spirit who denies that Jesus is God come in the flesh (Emmanuel) then that spirit is of the devil and an antichrist.  (little a, no big A)

So people, can it get any more clear??  Islam is FROM THE DEVIL!  It's a pack of lies tied up in a bundle of mis-truths delivered to us by the Father of Lies.

In a recent address at the Al-Aqsa Mosque, a Palestinian Arab political researcher launched a verbal tirade against the United States.

The researcher, Ahmad Al-Khatwani, also known as "Abu Hamza", declared that Muslims should pray that Allah will enable them to wage war on America and vanquish it.

Abu Hamza also expressed his desire that the Muslims "raid America on its own land." The address was given on February 18, 2015, and was translated by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI).

“What is the way to confront this American war on Islam? It is by treating Islam in a political manner, on the basis of the Islamic creed in its political sense. If the Muslims accept Islam as a political and ideological foundation and guide, they will be able to confront America and its war on the Muslims, and they will be able to vanquish it with ease,” Al-Khatwani said.

“We pray that Allah will enable the Muslims to wage war on America and against its true terrorism. May He grant victory to the Muslims, and may they raid America on its own land and the land of heresy everywhere,” he added.

Radical Muslims often use addresses and sermons at the Al-Aqsa Mosque for purposes of incitement.

Examples include a rally last year in which members of radical Islamic organization Hizb ut-Tahrir called upon the army of Pakistan and the Islamic nation to liberate Jerusalem from “Jewish filth”.

In another incident, a preacher at the mosque engaged in blatant incitement against Jews and Israel and declared, “I say to the Jews: the time for your slaughter has come.”


Oh other sign that Islam is Satanic at its roots...they have a SUPERNATURAL hatred for God's chosen people, the Jews.

Meanwhile, here in America we have more politicians and college campuses that continue to push for the Arabs of Palestine to have another miserable, ignorant, poverty stricken nation sitting right in the West Bank of Israel.

Good idea America!!  Let's push for another nation to be built that hates our guts! fact let's finance the whole thing!!

Friends, the Muslims need salvation offered through Jesus Christ.  They are lost, filled with hate and walking down the wide road to hell.  If you have a Muslim in your sphere of influence, do your best to love them and influence them for Christ.  YOU may be the ONLY person they ever see that represents that hands and feet of Jesus.

Monday, March 9, 2015

Americans Turning Away From Religion in Record Numbers

The Bible warns of a "great apostasy" that must happen before the end comes.  That means we can expect lots and lots of people who maybe have called themselves simply reject the Church and it's message of salvation offered ONLY through Jesus.

This headline today makes a person wonder....

Americans are turning away from organized religion in record numbers

With fire-breathing religion figuring anew in global conflicts, and political discussions at home often dominated by the nuttery of the Christian right, you might get the sense that somebody’s god is ready to mug you around every street corner. But if you’re the type who doesn’t like to hang your hat on organized religion, here’s a bit of good news: in America, your numbers are growing.

There are more religiously unaffiliated people in the U.S. today than ever before. Starting in the 1980s, a variety of polls using different methodologies have come to the same conclusion: people who do not identify with religious labels are on the rise, perhaps even doubling in that time frame.

Some call them “nones”: agnostics, atheists, deists, secular humanists, general humanists, and people who just don’t care to identify with any religious group. It’s not exactly correct to call them nonbelievers, because some still have faith and spirituality in some sense or another. A 2012 Pew study noted that 30 percent of these people believe in “God or universal spirit” and around 20 percent even pray every day. But according to the latest research, Americans checking the “none of the above” box will make up an increasingly important force in the country. Other groups, like born-again evangelicals, have grown more percentage-wise, but the nones have them beat in absolute numbers.

So what do we know about these people? Nones tend to be more politically liberal — three-quarters favor same-sex marriage and legal abortion. They also have higher levels of education and income than other groups. While about one out of five Americans is unaffiliated, the number is much higher among young people: Pew research shows that a third of Americans under 30 have no religious affiliation. Harvard professor Robert Putnam, who studies religion, thinks the trend among younger people is part of their general lack of interest in community institutions and institutions in general.


Notice how the article starts by mentioning "fire breathing religion".  They can't even say the word MUSLIMS or ISLAM...because in their ignorant minds it might just as well be Christians who cling to religion committing those indecent acts.

In fact, notice how they say, "nuttery of the Christian right."  That includes myself and most of my readers!

Folks who believe the Bible, go to church, and maybe even witness to their neighbors, disapprove of gay marriage and abortion are basically being swamped by those who disagree with us on just about everything.

I love the quote I heard some pastor say recently, "Those people who refuse to believe in ONE THING will ultimately believe ANYTHING"

Sadly, Americans have quickly become a nation very willing to invent their own, personal god which has NO RELATION to the God of the Bible/Jesus Christ.

"Well, my god would never punish anyone."
"My god loves everyone no matter what they do!"
"My god is tolerant of all religions because he/she knows people's hearts."
"My god would never be so closed minded to say I couldn't marry three women that I love."
"My god created sex organs to be used often and abundantly!"

Is the apostasy at hand?  Are we witnessing it with our very own eyes?

"All these things MUST happen...." said Jesus, "but fear not".