Friday, July 20, 2018

Trump Causes Leftist Heads to Explode. This May Help Explain Why

Here is a great article to find some talking points as you defend yourself for being a Trump supporter.  Please remember that you don't have to defend everything that Donald Trump says or does to still consider yourself a Trump supporter.

Simply put, Trump is not a globalist.  He wants America to be an independent, powerful nation who continues to be THE world power.

History somehow isn’t moving toward its predetermined end, and this has driven Western liberals completely mad. The theatrical overreaction to Donald Trump’s joint press conference with Vladimir Putin in Helsinki is just the latest proof. Before the Trump-Putin summit, pundits warned that Trump might recognise Crimea as Russian territory. He did nothing of the sort. But he did give Putin the benefit of the doubt when the Russian leader, in a carefully chosen phrase, said the ‘Russian state’ had not interfered in the 2016 election.

Trump’s equivocation—‘My people came to me, Dan Coates came to me and some others, they said they think it’s Russia. I have President Putin. He just said it’s not Russia. I will say this: I don’t see any reason why it would be’—touched off a media furor. Trump, the mucho macho press corps declared, was weak. He was ‘submissive,’ said Sen. Cory Booker. The New York Times ran an animated short depicting the Russian and American leaders as homosexual lovers—evidently a little gay baiting is virtuous as long as it’s in a good cause.

This neurotic, sexualised imagery would almost be enough to make a Freudian of anyone. And then there was John Brennan, the former CIA director, whose fervour was such that an older form of medical quackery would have diagnosed it in grossly misogynistic terms as an ailment of the female reproductive system. ‘Donald Trump’s press conference performance in Helsinki rises to & exceeds the threshold of “high crimes & misdemeanors,”’ he thundered, or rather, tweeted. ‘It was nothing short of treasonous.’

Donald Trump is not a liberal crusader. He does not think in terms of the advance of liberalism. On the contrary, he has consistently campaigned against economic globalisation and the cultural (or multicultural) left—those are his enemies, and to the extent he is fighting ideological battles, they are not for liberal internationalism, but against cultural and economic anti-nationalism. Putin and Russia are not responsible for any of the rip-offs (as he sees them) that incense Trump, terrible trade deals and selfish Nato allies. So Trump thinks he can cut a deal with Putin, and he’s eager to do so in order to turn his attention to the things that really matter to him politically, the things that got him elected. If the American electorate wanted an anti-Russian Republican, after all, they would have elected Mitt Romney. Instead they wanted an anti-liberal one, and they—not Putin—elected Donald Trump.

The "We are the world" crowd simply can't accept the fact that America was elevated to be a world power because of our exceptionalism.  It makes their heads explode!  "Look at what we did to the American indians!!" is their major battle cry to point out our imperfections. 

And the idea that God has elevated America because we are (were) a nation filled with God-fearing people so that we could incubate Israel as they return to the Promised Land to usher in the return of Christ....if you said all that to a leftist, he would believe in his heart and mind that you should be put in a strait-jacket so you don't hurt yourself or cause harm to anyone else.

One of my leftist relatives has been silent to me concerning the news and current events ever since Trump won the election.  But he simply couldn't remain silent as he lit into me for supporting Trump, who he believes, needs to be impeached and then maybe given the death penalty for his treason of tearing down America using our enemies.

Here are some of his comments to me.

You’re delusional. 40% of Republicans still believe Obama is not an American citizen. You’re actually trying to tell me that it doesn’t have anything to do with race?  Give me a break dude. 

And those crack pot claims about Clinton or Obama made up by some dipshit from Alabama put on some blog isn’t the same as an ex British intelligent officer finding out stuff. And the facts (yeah, facts) about the Trump family’s involvement with Russian oligarchs and known mafia members over the last 10 to 15 years isn’t just made up in some dude’s mom’s basement. 

Again with the emails - your party had like 10 plus Governmental inquiries into them & Clinton over a year span and found nothing!!!!  It’s a smoke screen man - to keep attention off of the stuff he’s doing. The FBI dudes your party are lambasting are freaking life long Republicans. It was Comey who lost the election for Hillary - bribing them back up a week before the election. And what a funny joke by Trump - Russia began hacking that very same day. Fact. 

I go by facts and science and history and experience. 

I hope this is the beginning of the end for the Republican Party. In my opinion, it needs to die. It’s tethered itself to a petty, whiny, idiotic narcissist with a gigantic insecurity complex. He sides with Erdogan, Duterte, Jung un, and Putin. He’s fighting with Europe and the rest of North America.  We have a negative immigration flow to a country that he wants to build a wall around. His environmental policies are gonna be the death of us all - catering to big oil, gas and coal companies. 

I really don’t have a freakin’ clue how you or anyone else supports this idiot. It’s mind boggling to me. And we had lie 78 straight months of job growth before he took office. Look where the last Republican President took us economically. Tax cut will add trillions to debt. 

He’s preaching nothing but hate. Trying to divide us inside the country and separate us from the rest of the free world. “Fake News.”  What a fkn joke. Sick of reading tweets from a stupid person while he’s sitting on the toilet after watching Fox and Friends. He watches like 5 hours of tv a day. I’m frankly shocked you continue to support him. Whatever man. I’m done. I’m not gonna continue to argue things.  I have only relied on one news source since he was elected and haven’t watched TV in a year. I may quit that source. It’s too awful. Hate and anger and impulse and gut calls and exclusion and fear and paranoia.  If that’s the type of president and government you want, good luck. I’m out. 

Can you see how Civil Wars get started?  They happen when two people raised in the same conditions and circumstances end up seeing things in totally opposite ways.  There becomes no room for compromise because both sides can't figure out how the other side has become so delusional and idiotic.

So the next time America drops into a great recession or depression and the Antifa and Black Lives Matter idiots join the College Democrats to start shutting down highways to display their anger that their food stamps, Section 8 housing and college loans are being cut, and then go on to loot and destroy the neighborhood...the chaos and violence could spread like wild fire.

Thursday, July 19, 2018

The Growing Denial of the Rapture

Scripture is perfectly clear that one day a trumpet will sound along with the voice of the archangel and that the dead in Christ will rise first and then those believers still alive will get new glorified bodies and be pulled into the clouds to meet Christ in the air!  We are supposed to ENCOURAGE each other with Paul's words!  And he heard them from Christ!!

"But Dennis, I simply don't believe that!"

Well then take up your argument with Apostle Paul!  Cuz he clearly said it!!

So why do you suppose so many churches, who claim to preach the Gospel, are simply ignoring this clear teaching?

It’s absolutely amazing to reflect upon the growing denial that the rapture of the Church is imminent. Somehow, it is becoming more and more fashionable to reject the most amazing and encouraging promise in all Scripture. Yet the promise is there, and clearly presented: At some time approaching the beginning of the seven-year tribulation, the Church – the Body of Christ, living and dead – will be instantly borne aloft, to be forever home with the Lord. Then will come the “wrath of the Lamb” (Rev. 6:16). 

John, recording one of the most intimate scenes to be found in Scripture, recalls how Jesus told His disciples that He was leaving them for a little while, and that they couldn’t follow Him. 

We all know the story. Peter argued that if allowed, he would accompany his Lord wherever He went, and would lay down his life for Him. Jesus’ answer is classic. He told the overly-enthusiastic Peter that before the cock crowed the next morning, he would stoutly deny that he was even one of the Lord’s disciples. 

And then, Jesus responded by making a marvelous statement for the ages … to Peter and by extension, to all of us: 

2 In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. 3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also” (Jn. 14:2,3). 

The Apostle John faithfully recorded these words. Today, we read them with the emotion that was felt when they were initially uttered. This amazing promise began with the disciples, then spread through the infant Church: The one thing Jesus made very clear is that He will return at some point to take His followers home. 

Later, other Apostles (chiefly Paul) were progressively given more and more details about this process and the timing of its conclusion. From the first century until the moment that one reads these words, His promise to return for His own is the central feature of the Church. 

And speaking of the Church, there is the marvelous opening of the Book of Revelation. It begins by laying out the future pathway of the Church, illustrating its future history in the Letters to the Seven Churches. A very special promise is made to the Philadelphian Church: 

“10 Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth. 11 Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown” (Rev. 3:10-11). 

The “hour of temptation” mentioned above can be translated “hour of testing” or “hour of trial.” Theologians down through the ages have taught that this is a metaphor for the Tribulation, which will be the period of ultimate testing for Israel, not the Church. 

“1 Behold, the day of the LORD cometh, and thy spoil shall be divided in the midst of thee. 2 For I will gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle;” (Zech 14:1,2). 

Jerusalem is the center of the Tribulation’s battles, not the Church. Notice that Zechariah speaks of “all nations.” The Tribulation is global. Israel is the target. The Church is to be kept from the horrors of judgment, or to put it biblically, “I will come again and receive you unto myself.” What a promise! 

Amen!!  What a promise it is!!

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Flashpoints and Triggers to Watch in 2018

Things might appear calm on the outside in America, but right underneath the surface is a boiling caldron that could erupt at any time.

Our planet is being shaken physically, emotionally and financially, and it isn't going to take much to push us over the edge. The following are 15 flashpoints which could create world changing events during the 2nd half of 2018...

#1 War In The Middle East - A state of war already exists in Israel. 200 rockets and mortar shells were fired into Israel on Saturday alone, and it won't take much to spark a much broader regional war.

#2 Civil Unrest In U.S. Cities - Progressives are promising a "summer of rage", and they are assuring us that all of the anger that has been building up against President Trump and his administration is about to starting boiling over onto the streets of our major cities all across America.

#3 The Nomination Of Brett Kavanaugh To The Supreme Court - Prominent liberals are stoking fears that the Supreme Court will start taking away "our most cherished liberties" if Brett Kavanaugh is confirmed by the Senate. Expect Washington D.C. to be the focus for a lot of the chaos that will happen later this summer.

#4 Tensions In The Windy City - The City of Chicago is a powder keg that could erupt at any moment. The recent shooting of a young African-American man resulted in a violent night of protests, and we should expect much more chaos in the days ahead.

#5 The 2018 Mid-Term Elections - These are probably the most important mid-term elections in modern American history, and tempers are running high on both sides. At this point the left appears to have more energy than the right, as they have accumulated a voter registration lead of 12 million in states that require party affiliation.

#6 Hillary Clinton - Hillary has been acting very much like a presidential candidate in recent days, and she has been continually fueling hatred for Donald Trump during her public appearances. Many believe that she will launch yet another campaign for the presidency once the 2018 mid-term elections are over.

#7 The U.S. Border With Mexico - President Trump's immigration policies have absolutely infuriated the left, and Mexico's new president is a radical socialist that absolutely hates Donald Trump and that has declared that immigration to the United States is a "human right". It is difficult to see how this crisis is going to end well.

#8 The Trade War Between The United States And China - A full-blown trade war has erupted between the two largest economies on the entire planet. U.S. consumers are going to have to start paying much more for certain goods, and U.S. businesses that are heavily dependent on exports are going to have to start laying off workers.

#9 The Deteriorating Relationship Between The United States And Russia - Russia has become the "boogeyman" that gets blamed for everything these days, and relations between our two nations are the worst that they have been since the Cold War. Hopefully Trump and Putin can change that, but it is hard to be optimistic at this point.

#10 Will NATO Survive? - Donald Trump has threatened to pull the United States out of NATO if European leaders do not "immediately" begin increasing defense spending.

#11 The Stock Market - Markets all over the world have already been plummeting, and the smart money in the United States is getting out of the market at a pace that we haven't seen since 2008. We are way overdue for a major crash, and if one happens during the second half of 2018 it definitely will not be a surprise.

#12 The Price Of Oil - The price of oil has reached levels not seen in many years, and many believe that the price is going to go much higher. This is already putting a tremendous amount of strain on working families all over America.

#13 The Political And Financial Crisis In Italy - The Italian government is going through an enormous amount of turmoil right now, and there are rumblings that the Italians may decide to leave the euro altogether. If that happens, we should expect to see the greatest financial shaking in modern European history.


#14 Earth In Travail - More than 30 volcanoes are erupting all around the world right now, and seismic activity appears to be escalating along the Ring of Fire. It is only a matter of time before we have a major seismic event in the United States, but hopefully that will not happen within the next six months.

#15 Drought In The Southwest - A devastating drought of historic proportions has already caused "Dust Bowl conditions" to return to some areas of the Southwest. If more rain doesn't start falling, farmers and ranchers in the region are going to be absolutely crippled.

Of course it is inevitable that we will face some moments of crisis during the second half of 2018 that have nothing to do with the items on this list. One thing that is always true about life is that it is unpredictable, and so we should expect the unexpected.

But what virtually everyone should be able to agree upon is the fact that we are witnessing a very strange confluence of events that is unlike anything that we have witnessed in a very, very long time.

Is America about to plunge into a time of unprecedented turmoil? Only time will tell, but all of the ingredients are definitely there, and if a "perfect storm" does emerge during the second half of 2018 there are many of us that won't be shocked at all.


Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Helsinki May Have Been "Trumps Finest Hour"

I read a handful of articles this morning on Trump's meeting with Putin in Finland.  Of course we can expect the left to be aghast at anything Trump could have done or said to Putin.

If he would have called Putin a "bold faced liar" and threatened him with more sanctions if he EVER meddles with US elections again, the left would have said, "This guy is crazy!!  What is he trying to do?...start WWIII?  Doesn't he know Putin has nuclear weapons pointed at us?"

Instead, Trump seemed to be very congenial with Putin.  He appeared to tell the world that since Putin said they didn't meddle in our elections that maybe they didn't meddle?  I can't believe that Trump really believes that, but maybe he was just finding a way to get along better with Putin?

Maybe that was a huge mistake?  Maybe he is an idiot?  Maybe he is leading America further down the path to destruction?

Check out this article in which the author believes it was Trumps finest hour.

Putin Summit May Prove to Be Trump's Finest Hour

What?  Did you just read that headline correctly?

Yes, you did.  Writing it I assumed people's heads would explode.  It's about as far as you can can get from today's conventional wisdom (i.e. what David Gergen thinks).  Virtually every member of the smart set from Pelosi to McCain to some ninety-five percent of the media, including several cowards on Fox News, to, alas, Lindsey Graham (who should know better) are going out of their minds excoriating Trump for being soft on Putin, even for being "owned" by the neo-Soviet strongman. John Brennan -- once a communist himself, so he should know -- accused Trump of treason.

Okay, time for that familiar cliche -- the thought experiment.  Suppose Trump had done the opposite, exactly what these people demanded -- verbally and viciously assaulted Putin for all his totalitarian tropes from annexing the Crimea to humiliating John Podesta for being so dumb as to fall for a phishing attack (all right -- I'll be fair. For invading the computers of Democratic Party operatives, allegedly to elect Trump) and so forth?

What would that have accomplished? The obvious answer is zilch.  Again the opposite would most likely have occurred.  Things, already bad, would have been set back further.  It's human nature. You don't have to be a personal acquaintance of Vladimir Putin to know that.  You only have to be breathing.

But... but...  then Trump shouldn't have held the summit in the first place.

Oh, really? Although Russia -- the largest nation on the planet -- is in many ways a failing state with an economy barely the size of Texas, it still has a huge percentage of the world's nuclear weapons, about equal with ours, and the capacity to deliver them (and to pass them along to unreliable non-state actors).  It behooves us to have a relationship with them for our survival and everybody else's, to keep our friends close and our enemies closer, as the Godfather would put it. The obvious goal in this is to limit nuclear proliferation and even to reduce, or at least stabilize, the nuclear arsenals as agreements come up for renewal.

If you look at Trump's actions in that context, what he says and what he does aren't so strange. His strategy should be clear by now to all those except those (unfortunately many) who deliberately don't want to understand it. I wrote about it earlier  in "Trump's New Foreign Policy: The Cooptation Doctrine."

He is, as Greg Gutfeld noted on The Five, his own good cop and bad cop all rolled into one.  The good cop part is what we saw with Kim Jong-un and now with Putin -- complimenting tyrants to an almost uncomfortable degree.  It's oddly a Christian love-the-sinner-but-hate-the-sin kind of thing.

The bad cop part is what Trump actually does concretely -- and, as Putin certainly knows, this is far more important than photo ops and press conferences with all the attendant words.  Trump's actions vis-a-vis Russia have been considerably more stringent than his predecessor's -- opening the energy spigots, increasing sanctions, arming the Ukrainians, ejecting 60 Russian agents, etc.  As Walter Russell Mead pointed out, if Trump is in Putin's pocket, he's doing a terrible job of it.


Please remember friends, that Trump is not going to save America.  The divisions and problems have simply gotten too deep. Our immorality has dropped too low. Trump may have been put in place by God to give us Bible-believers a smile and a reprieve following 8 years of leftist idiocy...but Trump is not going to fix America.

Think about this for a second....maybe Trump was put on center stage by God to move the US embassy to Jerusalem and further make that city a "cup of trembling"?  Also, maybe Trump's meeting with Putin did nothing to further America but in fact elevated Russia on the world stage to further prepare them for leading the Ezekiel 38 coalition?

Pray for Trump but let's be clear that our ONLY hope is in Jesus Christ.  There will be no peace until the Prince of Peace shows up to usher in the thousand years.

Liberal Utopia, San Francisco, Now Covered in Human Feces

When a society rejects Jesus Christ/God, it's only a matter of time until the place turns into crap.

San Francisco Mayor London Breed said the streets of her city are flooded with the excrement of the homeless in an interview Friday.

Breed, a Democrat who was inaugurated as San Francisco’s mayor Wednesday, urged homeless advocacy groups that receive money from the city to teach homeless people to “clean up after themselves.”

“There is more feces on the sidewalks than I’ve ever seen growing up here,” Breed told KNTV. “That is a huge problem and we are not just talking about from dogs — we’re talking about from humans.”

The streets of San Francisco are littered with a “dangerous mix of drug needles, garbage, and feces”, KNTV’s investigative team reported in February after surveying the city’s streets.

“We see poop, we see pee, we see needles, and we see trash,” preschool teacher Adelita Orellana told KNTV. “Sometimes they ask what is it, and that’s a conversation that’s a little difficult to have with a 2-year old, but we just let them know that those things are full of germs, that they are dangerous, and they should never be touched.”

There are about 7,500 homeless people living in San Francisco according to the city, which will spend nearly $280 million this year on housing services for the homeless.

Breed said San Francisco’s high cost of living cast the city’s homeless onto the streets.

“About 70 percent of the people estimated to be homeless in San Francisco were actually housed in San Francisco before they became homeless,” she said. “We have to make sure people who live here, [and] sadly, people who are homeless here, that they are also held accountable for taking care of our streets.”

It’s unclear how Breed will hold public defecators accountable. She said Friday that harsher penalties for offenders are not on the table.

Instead, she directed her criticism towards homeless advocacy groups, who she said aren’t doing a good enough job teaching their clients how to keep the streets clean.

“I work hard to make sure your programs are funded for the purposes of trying to get these individuals help, and what I am asking you to do is work with your clients and ask them to at least have respect for the community — at least, clean up after themselves and show respect to one another and people in the neighborhood," she said.

That's funny that she expects homeless people to clean up their own poop!  Hey mayor!!  Most of the poopers on your streets are drug addicts and out of their minds!  It's unlikely they are going to attend a class given by a social worker on "How to poop and wipe your bum and put it all in a zip-lock baggie"--or--"How to pick up after your dog and after yourself".  They have better things to do with their time and limited brains than worry about how their poop is bothering you as you live in your $3 million home at the top of the hill and drive you $100,000 BMW to your office.

Ahh!  Once upon a time there was a beautiful city by the bay.  It was a place where artists, musicians and free-spirits could come and be themselves!  A place where all sexuality was accepted and celebrated.   A place where using drugs was considered cool and anyone who disagreed was simply "on the wrong side of history".  The SF crowd was convinced they were making utopia right here on earth!  Followers of Christ need not apply as they try to imagine a world where there is "no religion' as John Lennon sang about.

Turns out that their liberal utopia is imploding because "at that time, San Francisco had no king and few laws, so everyone did for themselves as they saw fit."

Monday, July 16, 2018

Putin Eats Trump's Lunch in Helsinki

It sounds like POTUS Trump didn't have a very successful meeting with ex-KGB strongman Putin.

We aren't sure what the fall out on this is, but here is an opinion from Fox News.

Monday in Helsinki, President Trump left many deeply disappointed in his approach to his summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

There was nothing inherently wrong with Trump’s summit with Putin. In fact, I would argue that in many cases, some of the best diplomacy comes through face-to-face meetings with adversaries. Still, the meeting was highly problematic in how little Trump delivered on the serious issues surrounding Vladimir Putin and Russia’s place in the modern world.

At their joint press conference, President Putin was calculated and in control. Conversely, President Trump seemed to lack authority, praising Putin when he should have been condemning him, and ceding opportunities to confront Putin on his most egregious actions of the past decade – including meddling in the 2016 election and the illegal annexation of Crimea in 2014.

During Putin and Trump’s prepared remarks, it was rather obvious who had led the discussion. While President Putin laid out a clear framework for advancing Russian interests within the context of U.S.-Russia relations, Trump appeared to have had little plan, alternating between vague promises of improving our relationship with Russia and spending too much time on U.S. domestic affairs, notably the 2016 presidential election. Instead of holding Putin accountable for his election interference, he referenced his defeat of Hillary Clinton.

When Trump said, “It’s a shame that there could even be a little bit of a cloud over it. People know that, people understand it,” it was a clear example of him circumventing the question.

At one point, President Trump even cited, incorrectly, the Electoral College tallies from over two years ago. This was all in an attempt to deflect questions that he was apparently unable to answer.

Crucially, there were no concessions from Russia on any of the issues that needed to be addressed. Even more concerning, Trump was unwilling to even make the United States’ case on these issues, and the failure to hear concessions from Putin mirrors the lack of follow-through on the grand promises of the recent North Korean summit with another murderous authoritarian, Kim Jong Un.

Despite each nation backing different sides in the Syrian conflict, Trump suggested he and Putin would begin working in conjunction to bring humanitarian aid to the people of Syria, regardless of the fact that the need for humanitarian aid largely stems from Putin’s unabashed support for Syrian dictator Bashar al Assad.

Additionally, Trump also failed to address the concerns of our NATO allies Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania in the Baltics regarding the territorial threats they persistently face.

Trump, throughout the entire press conference, failed to condemn or even acknowledge the illegality of Putin’s actions in Crimea and Ukraine.

When asked if he would hold Russia accountable for any of its past actions, Trump deflected and deferred. President Trump’s unwillingness to stand up to Russia on this issue only serves to weaken the Western alliance and encourage further Russian incursions into the territory of sovereign nations now that Putin knows Trump will give him a pass.

Most importantly, on election meddling, Trump refused to stand with U.S. intelligence and charge Putin with interference, saying he doesn’t “see any reason why it would be” the Russians carrying out the illegal meddling.

For a sitting U.S. president to say publicly that he believes a foreign leader over his own intelligence team is shocking and admonishable. At a time when our democracy faces grave threats, it is deeply troubling that the president would side with the very country who attacked us.

Additionally, Trump’s failure to distinguish between campaign collusion and Russia’s blatant attack on our democracy allowed Putin to sow more discord during the press conference.

“Could you name a single fact that would definitely prove the collusion? This is utter nonsense, just like the president recently mentioned,” Putin told a reporter.

Trump, and our country for that matter, can only win against Putin if we are assertive about American goals and our values. President Trump failed to accomplish that on Monday. 

Instead of standing up to Putin, Trump offered to cooperate with Russia on some of the very issues that Russia is causing.

As some very wise analysts have noted, this strategy is like allowing a criminal to investigate his own crimes. It is foolish and naive and President Trump must simply do better going forward. 


It would appear that Trump was ill prepared to meet this dude and spit out some not very intelligent comments.

Let's remember that our hope is NOT going to come through Donald Trump.  He is a very flawed man, just as we all are.  But he IS God's man for this time, so please, please please remember to hold him up in prayer.