Friday, October 21, 2022

Mississippi River Barges Back Up, Lowest Depth EVER

 It’s the lowest it’s been since they started measuring the River depth in 1954.  The barges carrying grain are stacking up adding further misery to supply chains.


Supply chains across the Midwest face significant constraints as a portion of the Mississippi River is closed again.

Bloomberg reported a stretch of the Mississippi River, about 125 miles northeast of Memphis, near Hickman, Kentucky, closed Monday as water levels continue to plunge. 

Dredging operations began in the afternoon to clear debris from the waterway. The US Coast Guard said three vessels and 51 barges were waiting in the line at Hickman. 

According to the National Weather Service, waters in Memphis reached negative 10.79 feet and continue to decline, reaching record-low levels.

Technology That Lets Us Speak to Dead People?

Technology will continue to lead people further and further away from reality.  Once they are led away they will be even easier prey for the Evil One.  Do you think Satan could easily deceive folks who believe they are happily bantering with their dead relatives?


Technology like this, which lets you “talk” to people who’ve died, has been a mainstay of science fiction for decades. It’s an idea that’s been peddled by charlatans and spiritualists for centuries. But now it’s becoming a reality—and an increasingly accessible one, thanks to advances in AI and voice technology. 

My real, flesh-and-blood parents are still alive and well; their virtual versions were just made to help me understand the technology. But their avatars offer a glimpse at a world where it’s possible to converse with loved ones—or simulacra of them—long after they’re gone. 

From what I could glean over a dozen conversations with my virtually deceased parents, this really will make it easier to keep close the people we love. It’s not hard to see the appeal. People might turn to digital replicas for comfort, or to mark special milestones like anniversaries. 

At the same time, the technology and the world it’s enabling are, unsurprisingly, imperfect, and the ethics of creating a virtual version of someone are complex, especially if that person hasn’t been able to provide consent. 

For some, this tech may even be alarming, or downright creepy. I spoke to one man who’d created a virtual version of his mother, which he booted up and talked to at her own funeral. Some people argue that conversing with digital versions of lost loved ones could prolong your grief or loosen your grip on reality. And when I talked to friends about this article, some of them physically recoiled. There’s a common, deeply held belief that we mess with death at our peril. 

I understand these concerns. I found speaking to a virtual version of my parents uncomfortable, especially at first. Even now, it still feels slightly transgressive to speak to an artificial version of someone—especially when that someone is in your own family. 

But I’m only human, and those worries end up being washed away by the even scarier prospect of losing the people I love—dead and gone without a trace. If technology might help me hang onto them, is it so wrong to try?

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Netanyahu Cites Bible and Thanks Evangelicals

Pretty cool.  I don’t need to say much more than it already says.


 In the interview, Netanyahu, who has just released his autobiography, emphasized how the establishment of the State of Israel represented the fulfillment of the biblical prophecy. He also thanked Evangelical Christians for their support of the Jewish State.

“The founding of Israel came after centuries of exile” he explained. “Pilgrims, massacre, culminating in the greatest massacre of them all, The Holocaust.
“The founding of the state was really meant to do two things,” he added. “One, to fulfill the biblical prophecy of the ingathering of the exiles. And also the renewal of Jewish sovereignty in our ancient homeland, the land of Israel. That was achieved. But once it was achieved, it wasn’t necessarily permanently guaranteed unless we made sure it was guaranteed.”

The first prime minister to be born in Israel after its Declaration of Independence, Netanyahu sat in the prime minister’s seat for 15 years, making him the longest-serving prime minister.

Black NFL Coach Refuses to be Race-Baited

Watch this short video of a black NFL coach being race-baited by a white woman reporter.  How about we quit talking about skin color of men?  He makes some great points.

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Minnesota Education Association Going to Go Even More Woke

 If America has any hope for a future please figure out a way to remove your kids from public education.  We simply can’t hope to reverse all the wicked worldview they are bombarded with 5 days per week by having them in Sunday school for 45 minutes.


An upcoming annual conference hosted by Minnesota’s teachers union is offering several workshops saturated with LGBT ideology.

Education Minnesota’s 2022 MEA conference for teachers is set to take place this Thursday, Oct. 20. Attendees have the option of attending in person or virtually, and the keynote speaker, Jennifer Berkshire, is noted on the conference webpage as someone who specializes in “the intersection of politics and education.”

Among the numerous teacher workshops offered during the conference, many of them focus on left-wing themes of “equity,” “gender inclusivity,” and “LGBTQ+ advocacy.” Workshops explicitly promoting left-wing ideology offer some of the greatest availability for participation.

For instance, a workshop titled “Building Awareness and Equity Through Anti-Bias Education” offers 256 spots. According to the description, teachers “will learn about Anti-Bias Education as a tool to build awareness and create belonging and equity for children with marginalized identities and explore strategies, tools and tips to create school communities of belonging.”

Another workshop offering 256 spots is titled “Creating Gender Inclusivity Through Language, Curriculum and Sharing Stories.” A smaller one will feature a talk by an abuse survivor on “some of the most common toxic tropes in popular teen literature.”

“[E]nvision a golden future through the elevation of feminist and diverse books for young adults. Presentation led by an abuse survivor/advocate/queer community member. Topics highlighted include misogyny and #metoo, racism, homophobia, mental health issues,” a description for the workshop states.

Furthermore, a two-part virtual workshop titled “LGBTQ+ Advocacy and Support Training” will cover the use of preferred “pronouns,” “inclusive language,” “microaggressions towards the LGBTQ+ community,” and ask participants to “create an action plan to be an ally to the LGBTQ+ colleagues, students, family and community members in your life.”

“Civilization is Over”

Nuclear war sounds very much like something that could go on during the Tribulation.  However, we believe God has been holding back and will continue to hold back any nuclear exchanges during the “age of the gentiles”.  Once the rapture takes place then all bets are off.  The fact that the world is throwing about the possibility of nuclear war should be one more reason to believe we are close to the Great Tribulation.  If Jesus didn’t cut those days short then no flesh would survive.


After a Twitter follower replied to Musk’s tweet to ask he still thinks there’s a possibility of a nuclear war or World War III, Musk replied with his latest scenario for a nuclear war.

“If Russia is faced with the choice of losing Crimea or using battlefield nukes, they will choose the latter. We’ve already sanctioned/cutoff Russia in every possible way, so what more do they have left to lose? If we nuke Russia back, they will nuke us and then we have WW3,” Musk tweeted.

“If Russia faces destruction of their army and utter defeat by NATO, they will use nukes, then NATO will respond with nukes and civilization is over,” Musk replied.