Here in the USA we have been so concerned about our budget deficit and our $5 billion dollar per day shortfall JUST to keep our Federal Government open....that we have totally ignored the fact that our infrastructure is literally crumbling all around us. Bridges, highways, dams, subway systems, etc...are all nearing the end of their life expectancy and will cost trillions to fix it or replace it.
I wonder where we might find the money to fix all these things that we rely on every day to keep our lives functioning in the way we are accustomed?
The U.S. population is forecast to grow by 100 million — a 30 percent increase — before the middle of the 21st century. And right now a nationwide transportation system built in the middle of the 20th century is falling apart.
There isn’t enough money to arrest its decline, and the public is largely oblivious to the need.
“Why haven’t we invested?” said Alan Pisarski, a transportation consultant. “We haven’t made a credible case to the American people.”
The problem is twofold. Although complaints about traffic congestion are commonplace, to the average consumer the transportation system appears to be working reasonably well. And, said several speakers at the conference hosted by Washington Post Live, the amount of money needed to restore and expand it is so enormous that few taxpayers can relate.
But if the nation is going to be saved from a deepening infrastructure crisis, the next steps require finding billions in new revenues, streamlining the project approval process and developing private-public schemes to rebuild and expand highway and transit systems, the panelists said.
Without that, the United States will not remain competitive with other countries.
“We are in a crisis,” said Metro’s general manager, Richard Sarles. “After ribbons are cut, systems are ignored and decay sets in. There’s finally recognition we’ve got to find a good level of funding to resolve it.”
See it here;
I wonder where we find these trillions of dollars? I know...we could cut Social Security...nope, people won't let that happen. I know....we can cut food stamps...nope, that would lead to unrest. How about unemployment benefits....nope, that would lead to a million more home foreclosures and shove us into depression. How about Medicare...nope, because we have 60 million people relying on that bankrupt system. How about dissolving the military and slashing the Pentagon....nope, we would be over run by our enemies. How about borrowing all the money from China....nope, they are done making us loans.
Oh well...let's just close our eyes and tap our heels together three times and say, "I wish I were in Oz."