Military Burns Bibles
Of course death, riots and mayhem have spread all across Afghanistan because of some Korans that got burned by accident.
But what happens when Bibles are burned?
Unsolicited Bibles a U.S. church sent to Afghanistan were confiscated and burned by the military, a Defense Department spokesman said.
Lt. Col. Mark Wright said the Bibles printed in the two most common Afghan languages were seized on arrival at Bagram Air Base because U.S. military rules forbid troops from proselytizing.
"The decision was made that it was a 'force protection' measure to throw them away, because, if they did get out, it could be perceived by Afghans that the U.S. government or the U.S. military was trying to convert Muslims," Wright told CNN.
He said military officers considered sending the Bibles back to the church but worried the church might turn around and send them to a different organization in Afghanistan.
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Yes...heaven forbid that those Bibles would somehow make their way back to Afghanistan! What if those poor Afghans actually got hold of the Living Word of God and it ended up revealing what a joke the Koran actually was? Then you might actually have peace, joy and love break out as the Holy Spirit transforms hearts and minds...and that would certainly not be good for Islam!
Hat tip to Tom F.