Friday, May 17, 2024

Turkey’s President Warns Parliament Israel is Coming for Them Next

After reading just this one article we can all understand how Turkey, member of NATO, will enthusiastically join Russia, Iran and anyone else, who promises the objective of wiping out Israel once and for all.  Of course God has other plans for Israel and He has other plans for that Ezekiel 38 army that stands up to attack Israel.  This is just one more sign that clearly shows we are in the season of the Great Tribulation and the rapture comes first.  That is our blessed hope!


Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan claimed on Wednesday that Israel would "set its sights" on Turkey if it succeeded in defeating Hamas in the Gaza Strip, AFP reported.

"Do not think that Israel will stop in Gaza," Erdogan told his party lawmakers in the parliament in the capital Ankara.

“Unless it's stopped... this rogue and terrorist state will set its sights on Anatolia sooner or later," he added, referring to the large Turkish peninsula also called Asia Minor that comprises more than half of Turkey's territory.

"We will continue to stand by Hamas, which fights for the independence of its own land and which defends Anatolia," stated Erdogan.

Erdogan has increased his verbal attacks on Israel since the start of the war in Gaza on October 7.

In one speech, the Turkish President said that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu “committed one of the greatest atrocities of this century in Gaza and has already put his name down in history as the butcher of Gaza."

Earlier this week, Erdogan said that the United States and European countries were not doing enough to pressure Israel to agree a ceasefire in Gaza, after Hamas' move to accept a truce proposal.

A day later, he boasted of the fact that more than 1,000 members of Hamas were being treated in hospitals across Turkey.

The Turkish Trade Ministry recently said it had suspended all export and import operations with Israel due to what it described as its "aggression against Palestine in violation of international law and human rights."

Thursday, May 16, 2024

America’s Last Chance Before Collapse

 Victor Davis Hanson is a pretty logical, educated guy.  Watch this short video where he spells out what needs to be done to avoid the collapse of America and then realize why these things won’t be done.

Russia, Iran and China Focus on Sudan Together

 When you see an article with Russia and Iran in the headline a Bible believer should pay attention.  When you see a bullet point like this in the article, you should really pay attention:  

  • Iran's presence in Sudan, moreover, will present a major challenge to Israel: it will complete Tehran's strategic encirclement of the Israelis.

A modern-day "Scramble for Africa" is taking place in war-torn Sudan, where an unholy collection of hostile autocratic states, namely Iran, Russia and China, are competing for a stake in the country's key resources, especially the all-important maritime base of Port Sudan in the Red Sea.

Back in the late nineteenth century, the original "Scramble for Africa" was the term coined to describe the efforts of European colonial powers such as Britain, France and Germany to expand their influence throughout the African continent. Their campaign of expansion proved so successful that by the outbreak of the First World War, only Liberia and Ethiopia remained free from the shackles of European colonisation.

While Europe's influence in Africa may have waned in recent decades, a new breed of foreign interlopers is today vying to consolidate their hold over key African states, with civil war-ravaged Sudan emerging as a prime target for the autocratic regimes in Tehran, Moscow and Beijing.

Sudan's precipitous decline into all-out war has proved disastrous for the long-suffering Sudanese population, with the UN estimating that at least 15,000 people have been killed during the violence of the past year, although aid agencies believe the figure is significantly higher.

In addition, more than 8.6 million people have been forced from their homes, while 25 million are said to be in dire need of humanitarian assistance, with Sudan achieving the unenviable record of having the largest population of displaced children in the world.

At the heart of the conflict is a deadly battle for power between the ruling Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF), led by General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF), led by Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo who is also known as "Hemedti", which are battling to seize control of the country.

The civil war between the SAF, which has close ties to Islamist groups such as the Muslim Brotherhood, and the RSF, which was established by Omar al-Bashir, the country's former Islamist dictator, is the result of a deadly power struggle between two rival military factions.

While the conflict has inflicted widespread devastation on Sudan, it has also provided an opportunity for a number of autocratic regimes to seek to expand their influence within the strife-torn country.

For many years prior to the conflict, China had been one of Sudan's most significant investment partners, with Beijing investing an estimated $6 billion in the country's energy, agriculture and transport sectors since 2005.

China has also taken a close interest in Sudanese maritime assets such as Port Sudan, which it hopes will one day become a vital cog in its Belt and Road global trade route initiative.

Russia, too, had already initiated attempts before hostilities erupted to establish a foothold in Sudan in the form of the paramilitary Wagner Group which, under its former leader Yevgeny Prigozhin, served as Russian President Vladimir Putin's private army.

Wagner mercenaries worked predominantly with the RSF, which benefited greatly from the support it received from Moscow, with Wagner reported to have supplied large quantities of weapons and equipment to Sudan, including military trucks, amphibious vehicles and two transport helicopters.

In return, Russia was given access to the east African country's gold riches, thereby enabling Moscow to circumvent Western sanctions to fund its war effort in Ukraine.

Since Prigozhin's death in a mysterious airplane crash last year, Moscow has undertaken a radical change in its involvement in the Sudanese conflict, with the Kremlin now providing al-Burhan's Islamist-aligned SAF its "uncapped" military support.

In return, Moscow is hoping the Sudanese leader will honour a deal struck in 2020 to allow Russia to establish a naval base in Port Sudan, a move that would enable the Russian navy to threaten directly Western trade routes passing through the Red Sea.

While China has tried to maintain a degree of neutrality in the Sudanese conflict, Russia's deepening support for al-Burhan and the Islamist-aligned SAF has laid the foundations for the entry of another hostile authoritarian regime into the conflict, in the form of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Given the vital support Iran has provided to Russia for its war effort in Ukraine, it was perhaps inevitable that Russia's involvement in Sudan would ultimately pave the way for Iranian military hardware to be deployed on the Sudanese battlefield.

According to recent reports, the tide of the war is beginning to turn in favour of the SAF, after it began using Iranian-made drones earlier this year.

The newly acquired unmanned aerial vehicles have been used for reconnaissance and artillery spotting during recent army victories in Omdurman, across the Nile from the country's capital, Khartoum.

Iranian officials confirmed to the Reuters news agency that the SAF have had begun using the drones in its war against the RSF. The arrival of the Iranian drones in Sudan followed last year's visit to Tehran by Ali Sadeq, Sudan's acting foreign minister, during which he met with senior Iranian security officials.

The Iranian regime has a long history of cooperation with Khartoum, with Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps regularly using Sudan as a base to ship weapons to terrorist organisations such as Hamas and Hezbollah during Bashir's dictatorship. Osama bin Laden's al-Qaeda organisation was also based in Sudan for a time in the 1990s.

The deployment of Iranian drones in Sudan, together with Russia's deepening involvement in the Sudanese conflict, should certainly be a cause for concern for Western policymakers given the country's geographical significance in the Red Sea.

If, as now seems likely, both Russia and Iran, together with China, succeed in deepening their foothold in Sudan, as well as gaining access to key maritime bases such as Port Sudan, they will be in a strong position to challenge the West's ability to protect key shipping routes in the Red Sea.

Iran's presence in Sudan, moreover, will present a major challenge to Israel: it will complete Tehran's strategic encirclement of the Israelis.

For this reason, it is vital that international mediation efforts are convened, as a matter of urgency, to bring this dreadful conflict to a close.

The Western powers must act urgently to protect this pivotal African state from falling into the hands of hostile autocratic regimes, such as Iran, Russia and China, which seek to use Sudan as a base from which to maintain their assault of the West and its key allies in the region.

Russia, China and Iran Must Not Seize Control of Sudan :: Gatestone Institute

With everything else going on, is the Western Powers really going to focus on this big problem in Sudan?  How much money and resources can we apply to the problem?  How many Muslim nations might be open to taking arms from Russia, Iran and China in exchange for resources?

I would say it's pretty obvious that this is just one more headline bringing Russia and Iran into the same sphere and making the Ezekiel 38 coalition more of a reality with every passing day.

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

U of Minnesota Rewards Protestors, Holds Hearings on Divestment from Israel

 Leave it to Blue-State-Liberal Minnesota to make the headlines on leading the charge of Israel hatred and antisemitism. 

Before a student presentation at Friday’s board meeting of the University of Minnesota regents, the chair reminded the crowd, “Our role as a university is to educate, support and create forums for constructive dialogue and mutual understanding.”

Minutes later, dialogue commenced on one of the most inflammatory issues facing universities across the country: whether they should divest from Israel.

“An educational institution should not be funding crimes against humanity,” a speaker identified as Lucia Santos Stern — who self-identified as an “Afro-Caribbean Jewish student” — told the board. Stern was the sole Jewish representative among the four speakers from the UMN Divest Coalition, and insisted that “anti-Zionist Jewish student leaders” should be involved in any divestment discussions. Representatives of Hillel then took the floor.

Following the divestment coalition’s presentation, which also included a representative from Students for Justice in Palestine, one regent thanked them “for being here and for the work that you’re doing and for being brave and courageous.”

Board chair Janie Mayeron told them, “We have heard your message loud and clear.”

Minnesota appears to be the first US school with a major Jewish population to hold a debate on divestment in response to the demands of students protesting Israel’s conduct in the war in Gaza. That debate has raged on quads, in student newspapers and at student government meetings for years.

Now, in Minnesota, it had been brought directly to the group with the power to adjudicate such a request: the school’s regents. The meeting served as a preview of the direction such divestment discussions could soon take at other schools — a direction mainstream Jewish groups find deeply concerning.

“The University’s capitulation sends a message that students who violate UofM policy, openly celebrate violence, and shut down campus are rewarded with time before the Regents and ‘regular meetings moving forward’ with the President’s office,” the Jewish Community Relations Council of Minnesota & the Dakotas said in an earlier statement condemning the Minnesota agreement. “By contrast, students targeted by antisemitism are apparently supposed to suffer silently, while their University appeases those very same activists who demonize Jews and Israelis.”

Here;  University of Minnesota rewards protesters, holding hearing on Israel divestment | Israel National News - Arutz Sheva

Where are all these woke students when Muslim nations violate women's rights every single day?


Where are all these self-righteous justice warriors when Muslims target and kill Christians?


Do these students realize that Palestinians support the execution of gays and transgenders?

Of course not...

As so many of us have pointed out...we are now living in a clown world where delusion and confusion are the norm.

Monday, May 13, 2024

The Death of Truth

We know truth has been thrown to the ground.  This could be considered another super-sign of the end of the age.  When millions of Americans claim that a person can identify as anything they want including another sex, species, age or race, you can be certain that some type of supernatural delusion has inspired them.


When asked about the signs of His coming and the end of the age, Jesus mentioned deceit four times in Matt. 24 (vs. 4, 5, 11, and 24).

In an article titled “Truth Has Become a Casualty in Modern Journalism,” Pastor Mike Spaulding (author, speaker, radio host) wrote on Apr. 27, 2024:

  • We should all be mourning the death of truth, but alas, few recognize what has happened to truth as a tool to strengthen nations and guard against ruinous corruption.
  • The murder of truth was intentionally committed by individuals and organizations who cannot accomplish their goals through rational, logical, and reasonable public debate. The world is in the grips of mass propaganda, deceit, and an otherworldly strong delusion.
  • Murdering truth results in people being dislodged from any form of objective morality. A morality that celebrates murder, rape, and acts of torture (as has happened regarding the Oct.7, 2023 Hamas attack on Israel) is not morality. It is a subjective blood lust, which can only be attributed to wicked delusion and the resultant unhinged evil.

It reminds me of something God said in Old Testament times about the prophets in Judah:

  • “In the prophets of Jerusalem I have seen a horrible thing: they commit adultery, and walk in lies: they strengthen the hands of the evil doers, that none doth return from his wickedness: they are all of them unto me as Sodom, and the inhabitants thereof as Gomorrah” (Jer. 23:14).

God saw something that He said is horrible: People that have abandoned me, and they are walking in lies.

This ungodliness and deceit are encouraging wicked people, and there is no repentance.

The first sin of humanity occurred when Satan deceived Adam and Eve (Gen.3).

Jesus would later call the corrupt religious leaders of His day the children of Satan.

He called Satan a murderer and a liar from the beginning (Jn. 8:43-44).

God is not fooled by the death of truth today.

Concerning the end of the age, God said,

  • “The Antichrist will come after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness” (II Thess. 2:9-12).

The death of truth will ultimately lead to the rise of the Antichrist and the betrayal of Israel, and it will cost multitudes their souls.

Here are some recent events that seem to indicate that we are close to the end of the age.

One, on May 3, 2024, Just The News reported:

  • In a stunning admission, Special Counsel Jack Smith’s team is admitting that key evidence in former President Donald Trump’s classified documents criminal case was altered or manipulated since it was seized by the FBI, and that prosecutors misled the court about it for a period of time.

How this will impact the case remains to be seen, but government officials altering evidence and deceiving the court clearly signifies the death of truth.

It is truly amazing that they admitted it.

(More: on May 7, 2024, it was reported that the U.S. House of Representatives has launched an investigation into these “serious ethical lapses” and gave Smith until 5:pm on May 20, 2024, to produce documents and respond.)

Two, six states have filed lawsuits against Pres. Biden’s recently released Executive Order that will let boys in girls’ bathrooms and locker rooms, let males compete against females in sports, etc., simply by saying they identify as female.

The fact that people at the highest levels of government choose to ignore the fact that there are biological differences between males and females signifies the death of truth.

Thank God for those officials who know that males and females are different and are still willing to fight for the truth.

Three, on May 4, 2024, the great Hal Lindsey wrote:

  • The world is staggering under the weight of billions of bad decisions — bad decisions by regular citizens and by the world’s leaders. Of those choices, one stands out as particularly dangerous — the decision to blame Jews for humanity’s problems. We have seen where this decision leads (In Germany, it led to Hitler’s decision to annihilate the Jews).

The decision of world leaders to blame Israel for all the problems in the Middle East signifies the death of truth.

Hal asked, “How far will it go?” and he replied:

  • The Bible teaches that hatred of Jews will be a feature of the last days. I had hoped it would be a post-rapture phenomenon — that the Church would be morally strong enough to hold back this evil as long as the Church stays on earth. It still could. The next few days and weeks will tell quite the story.

(My opinion: This will lead to a horrible thing: a satanic world government that will “walk in lies” and try to destroy Israel at the Battle of Armageddon.)

Four, concerning world government, the International Pandemic Treaty (Accords), and the International Health Regulations (IHRs): on May 1, 2024, 49 U.S. Senators (all Republicans) sent a letter to Pres. Biden that said:

  • The most recently available version of the pandemic response treaty is dead on arrival.
  • The amendments to the existing International Health Regulations are not in order. (The nations have not been given the required 4 months’ notice of changes to the regulations before they vote at the end of this month. Why would they want nations to vote on a document they have not seen? It is called deceit and could be called the death of truth).

Pres. Biden has now been officially notified that every Republican U.S. Senator opposes these two globalist documents that will surrender a lot of U.S. sovereignty to an unelected group of foreigners.

Five, a poll that was conducted by the American Press Institute and The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research (released on May 1, 2024) found that over half of Americans (53 percent) are extremely or very concerned about news organizations reporting inaccurate information during the election.

Six, on May 4, it was reported that Biden’s handlers intend to shorten his speeches to give quality of words over quantity of words.

His critics charge that they are shortening his speeches to reduce the chances of cognitive failure.

This is about the president of the U.S. So, what is the truth?

(More: On May 6, 2024, Wayne Allen Root (author, TV host, political commentator) warned former Pres. Trump that he needs to prepare to run against Michelle Obama in the next presidential election. We will soon know.)

Seven, on May 5, 2024, from a command and control center inside a UN hospital in Gaza, Hamas attacked a group of Israeli troops, killed 3 and injured 11.

Israeli jets struck the command and control center, and it is no longer operational.

UN denials that terrorists are using UN hospitals are false.

Eight, concerning deceit: on May 1, 2024, it was reported that the World Economic Forum (WEF) is proclaiming that the greatest peril humanity now faces is misinformation and disinformation (deceit).

(My opinion: Many people do not trust the WEF because its leaders are trying to deceive the public (censor the truth) about its efforts to establish a world government.)

Nine, concerning the tracking of all buying and selling (Mark of the Beast) and the globalist effort to get people to eat less beef, eat locusts, worms, etc.: on May 3, 2024, it was reported that the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture (USDA) recently announced that it is requiring all cattle and bison to have Electronic Identification Tags (EIDs) that store information about the animal (vaccination schedules, feed routines, medical history, etc.).

Some farmers are concerned that government officials will be able to track everything that they have done with their animals, and if the farmer hasn’t done what the government wants, they will not be allowed to sell their animals.

(My comment: If they can track the buying and selling of cattle, they will soon be able to track the buying and selling of everything.)

(More: On May 8, 2024, Clayton Morris – former Fox News Host; Morris Investment Co. – said he has received an announcement that Master Card, Wells Fargo, Citi Group, and the Central Banks are now going to roll out their own digital currency pilot program. Personal Note: This doesn’t appear to be a global digital currency yet, but a global digital currency is a prerequisite to tracking all buying and selling.)

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Rapture Weariness

I think a lot of us are wondering when is Jesus going to come for us?  How much more insane does the world have to be?  How much longer can America last as we teeter on the edge of a financial abyss?  Here is a guy asking the same question.


It was a warm evening, and the window in my college dorm room was open wide. I don’t recall if I decided to give in to the drowsiness I felt or if I just dozed off in the midst of studying. Suddenly, the loud blaring of a trumpet awoke me from a deep sleep, and I instantly thought, “This is it, the Rapture!”

That was fifty years ago. I had just finished reading The Late Great Planet Earth by Hal Lindsey, and for a fleeting moment, I imagined an upward pull of my body toward the ceiling.

What I might have regarded as signs of the approaching Tribulation five decades ago pale in significance to the signs that abound all around us today. Yet we still wait and feel a bit impatient for the Lord to intervene in a world that’s gone crazy.

I remember an illustration that JD Farag used a few years back. He compared the events of our world to the stretching of a rubber band, which at some point will break. When I look at today’s world, particularly recent events in America, it seems as though we are well past the snapping of the rubber band. The Lord is holding things together until the appointed time; He’s keeping the rubber band intact, for now.

In the U.S., inflation continues to soar far beyond the official numbers with no end in sight. The impact of higher insurance rates for cars and homes, along with hikes in property taxes, will push many more families to the breaking point.

I’m amazed that we still exist as a nation. I often wonder if America’s enemies are not attacking, either from within or without, because they sense it will soon implode and they can pick up the pieces.

Is it any wonder that we grow increasingly fatigued as we wait for Jesus to take us home? If you feel increasingly weary in your wait for Jesus’ appearing, I understand.

That’s why I want to share a couple of truths from Scripture that recently helped with my Rapture weariness.

The Father Has Set the Time

I recently came across these verses from Psalm 75 that brought a degree of relief to my impatience:

“At the set time that I appoint
I will judge with equity.
When the earth totters, and all its inhabitants,
it is I who keep steady its pillars.” Selah (vv. 2-3).

Although these verses don’t refer to the Rapture, they speak to God’s judgments upon the world that will occur soon after Jesus takes us home to glory. They reminded me of His sovereignty over all things. He sees all that’s happening around us today, and He will surely respond. It’s not a matter of if the Rapture happens soon, followed by the day-of-the-Lord judgments (see 1 Thessalonians 5:1-10), but when.

Jesus referred to the Father’s role in setting the timing for end-time events in both Matthew 24:36 and Acts 1:7. Perhaps it’s because we cannot know the day or the hour that the Lord instructs us to remain watchful (Matthew 24:44).

These thoughts helped soothe my anxious feelings. Contrary to what the scoffers tell us, the Rapture and seven-year Tribulation will most certainly happen. The two-thousand-year gap between Jesus’ command for us to wait and today has not nullified Jesus’ solemn promise to take us to Heaven (John 14:2-3). If anything, what we see today intensifies our expectation of meeting Jesus in the air in the near future.

Although waiting for Jesus’ appearing is not easy at times, we know it will surely happen because God the Father long ago determined when it would happen. We trust His perfect timing for all things.

It Will Be Worth the Wait

Waiting for the Rapture reminds me of past vacations where the arrival at the destination made the arduous journey to get there worthwhile. When Jesus appears, the glory we will then experience will instantly make us forget about dreary weeks and months of waiting for it to happen.

The greatest tragedy that flows from the silence regarding the Rapture in most pulpits today is that it focuses the attention of the saints on this life where they find no solace for these perilous times. Some hear that the church will prevail against the evils of our time. Others believe that our world will eventually return to a sense of normalcy.

It’s because we know what Scripture says about wonders ahead for us in eternity that we can face the extreme wickedness, lawlessness, deception, and violence around us. Hearing about the promise of Jesus’ appearing reminds us that a far better day is coming, one that will exceed anything we can now imagine!

Paul summed up the New Testament mindset regarding the fact that whatever we suffer in the interim, our experience at Jesus’ appearing will be so much worth the wait.

“For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us” (Romans 8:18).

Romans 8:23-24 clarifies that the apostle had the Rapture in mind when he wrote about “glory” ahead for us. It’s at Jesus’ appearing that we will fully experience our “adoption as sons” and receive “the redemption of our bodies.” Imagine enduring all the affliction and persecution that Paul experienced and then saying that our experience when we get to Heaven will be so spectacular that it’s beyond comparison with all the grief of this life.

The days may be long in this vale of tears, but oh, what a joyous and glorious day awaits when the trumpet sounds (for real) and we meet Jesus in the air.

America Will Die Because Voters Refuse Financial Responsibility

We’ve said it 100 times that a financially responsible politician could never be elected today.  “Americans, we are sick.  We have a sickness that demands to spend more money than we make.  We will die if we don’t address this very soon.  We will end up in the trash heap of history unless you elect me to start administering a very painful medicine.  We will need to take this medicine for a long time but we will survive.  Vote for me today to survive!”

American voters will never vote for that.  They want all the free stuff and will vote for anyone who promises them generous benefits from the public treasury. “Vote for me and I’ll give you free college, free healthcare, no taxes, and a universal basic income!”

Our forefathers warned us of this day which is why they didn’t think the vote should be allowed for uneducated people.  Today most voters can’t tell you what 20% of $200 is so they certainly can’t understand how currency works, how deficits work, how government bonds work and why printing money leads to collapse every single time.


For Mike Johnson it was effectively a Day 1 priority. 

It's well past time, the newly elected House speaker said in October, to establish a bipartisan commission to tackle the federal government's growing $34.6 trillion in debt. "The consequences if we don’t act now are unbearable,” he said, echoing warnings from his predecessor and other House Republicans. 

More than six months later, the proposal appears all but dead, extinguished by vocal opposition from both the right and the left.

The collapse underscores an unyielding dynamic in Washington, with lawmakers in both parties loath to consider the unpopular tradeoffs that would be necessary to stem the nation's swelling tide of red ink — particularly in an election year. Facing the reality that any fiscal commission would almost certainly suggest that Americans pay more or get less from their government, lawmakers have time and again done what they do so well: punt the problem to the next Congress. And they seem poised to do so again.

Many Democrats and left-leaning advocacy groups oppose the commission because they fear it would recommend cuts to Social Security benefits. Some Republicans and right-leaning groups are against it as well, fearing the panel would recommend tax increases. They’ve labeled the commission a “tax trap.”

“I’m disappointed that we haven’t got as much momentum as I thought we would,” said Rep. Jodey Arrington, the Republican chairman of the House Budget Committee. “The speaker supported it, endorsed it from the outset. But I think there are some outside groups that have weighed in, that have said that this is a backdoor way to raise taxes, and it scared some of my Republican colleagues.” 

Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., sponsor of the debt commission bill in the Senate, was even more pessimistic. 

“No one seems to care,” Manchin said. “It’s a shame, $34.6 trillion in debt. No one cares about it.” 

The debt commission legislation, modeled after previous efforts, would create a 16-member panel to recommend steps that could be taken to balance the federal budget at the earliest reasonable date and improve the long-term fiscal health of Medicare and Social Security. The commission would have 16 members — 12 from Congress, evenly divided by party, and four outside experts without voting power. The GOP-controlled House Budget Committee advanced the bill in a 22-12 vote. 

The fiscal realities that would face any commission are well documented and center to a large extent on Social Security and Medicare, which consume an ever-growing share of the federal budget, and interest payments on the nation's debt.