The Ice is Thickening!! The Temps Are Dropping!!
Call Al Gore!! The ice is getting thicker, the polar bears are breeding, the temps are falling and it appears another ice age is coming!! This kind of news must be devastating the global-warming-enthusiasts like Al Gore....or not. They simply have too much invested in their cause to back down now.
Marc Morano, a former staff member of the U.S. Senate Environment and Public Works Committee (whose web page offers numerous scientific articles debunking climate change), emails me: “As a long observer of the global weather movement, I can say that the events of 2013 (have) been one of the most devastating to the movement. Both poles have record expanding ice. Global temperatures have failed to rise for 15 plus years, sea level rise is failing to accelerate, tornadoes are at record lows, hurricanes are near record low activity … 2013 may be the year in which man-made global warming fears enter the dustbin of history.”
So this info has to be a serious challenge to the "Polar bears are dying!!!" fan base. So let's check in a liberal site that is desperately clinging to its cause. They point to the Colorado flooding as MORE EVIDENCE that mankind has killed the world!!
As I Shop-Vac the water seeping into my Boulder, Colo., basement for the hundredth time this week, I’ve had a lot of time to think of my old friend Jim Jensen, who runs the Montana Environmental Information Center. Jensen is a crotchety fellow, much hated in Montana by all the right people — mining CEOs, timber earls and other assorted assailants of the environment. He himself is a hater of sorts. He hates cant. A couple of cant phrases I have heard him disparage are “global warming” and “climate change.” They’re too anodyne for him. They don’t inherently call to mind — or more to the point, the gut — much more than a pleasant June day after the last snows have melted in Helena or fine-tuning the thermostat on your 5,000-square-foot chipboard palace. Jensen prefers the term “global climate disruption” — to him an adequate description of the horror we face thanks to our ongoing hundred-plus-year debauch burning fossil fuels. The word “disruption” makes clear that we will not easily adapt to the ravages to our atmosphere. Indeed some people will not adapt at all. Some will just die — from lack of water or, be it in Boulder or Bangladesh, its reverse. I think Jensen is onto something with “global climate disruption,” but I might go him one better with “climate devastation.” It’s really that bad.
If you doubt a stronger term is needed, I propose you consider the dissonance between bailing water in Boulder one hour, then reading the national press the next. You have to read quite a while before you find anyone who will suggest that the storm we had is not a fluke of nature (“historically bad luck,” an editor at Time called it) but rather, quite possibly, the viper of climate devastation. Let’s be clear about the storm we’re talking about. You have probably read that it was a hundred-year flood, a flood that has a 1 percent chance of occurring in any given year. That’s an almighty understatement. The numbers show it was a thousand-year flood, a flood with a 0.1 percent chance of occurring in any given year. The most rain that had ever been recorded in Boulder from one storm was 7.37 inches on May 5 through May 8, 1967. We got more than 9 inches last Thursday alone. We got 15 inches Monday through Friday. That’s as much rain as we’ve gotten in entire years. Our average annual precipitation is about 20 inches, our record 29.93. We hit 30 inches this weekend—and we’ve got three and a half months to go.
Holy catastrophe!! They have new terms!!...."global climate disruption" & "climate devastation".
Of course I am no scientist. I have no clue if the polar bears are dying. I have no clue if the ice caps are growing or if those photos are photo-shopped to make it LOOK LIKE the ice has grown. I have no clue if global temps are changing. I have no clue if sea levels are rising.
But, here is what I do know....this world will not end until the Creator of the universe says it will end. Also, the Bible tells us that strange weather, droughts, sun and moon darkened, earthquakes, floods and famines will all be signs that point to the VERY LAST DAYS.
So as we watch the devastation in Colorado, we should not be surprised that Boulder just recorded the most rainfall EVER!!
The divide between those of us who have a biblical world view and those who don't will continue to grow. Just don't let it surprise you when a co-worker, neighbor or family member lashes out at you when the conversation comes up. It is to be expected.