CBS Paying Hush Money
The Bible speaks often about signs that would warn believers of the End of Days. Could the events that the world is witnessing today be the very signs that Christ, the OT prophets and the apostles mentioned? Please feel free to leave comments or news that you have seen.
Do you remember reading about how John in Revelation saw a vision of all people needing a mark on their forehead or right hand in order to buy or sell anything? Maybe he saw a vision of people showing their faces to a computer scanner which recognizes them and allows them to board a plane, unlock doors, and access all their money in their bank or credit cards?
Delta Air Lines has rolled out facial recognition for international travel at Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport for what it calls the first biometric terminal in the United States -- and is now making plans to expand the technology in Detroit.
We are now being told by the godless that climate change is the greatest threat facing humans in thousands of years.
Ummmmm….did you ever hear the true story about Noah's Ark and how God destroyed a whole bunch of stuff on planet earth because of the godlessness, perversion and violence that had taken over the entire world?
Voters recently elected to send 2 Muslim women to Congress. It should come as no surprise that they said one thing about Israel and Jews to get elected and once elected.
For the last 10 years we have been watching and posting about the coalition of Russia, Iran, Turkey and some North African Muslim nations that will come against Israel in the Last Days. Many refer to this coalition as the Ezekiel Coalition. And they war mentioned in Ezekiel 38-39 is referred to as Ezekiel's War and/or The War of Gog-Magog
As my long-time readers know, this coalition of Russia, Iran and Turkey has now come together for the first time in human history. Not only are prophecy-watching-followers of Christ seeing it but so are the Jews who reject Christ as messiah.
Rabbi Pinchas Winston, a prolific end-of days author and prominent Torah scholar, believes Russia’s influence in the situation developing to the north of Israel adds strong Messianic overtones.
Do you find yourself spending too much time swiping through Instagram and Facebook? Do you find yourself wondering why you're such a loser...just laying on the couch looking at Instagram while everyone you know is posting photos from the beach, from a new restaurant, from the Vikings game, from the water park, from the campground, etc.... Why are YOU such a loser and why are YOU being left behind when it comes to entertainment, friends and excitement? How come YOU don't have the perfect marriage like all those couples vacationing together on the beach? How come YOUR kids aren't as happy as THEIR kids? How come your family isn't always laughing with each other while all the Instagram people are??
Have you ever wondered if Social Media is being used by the evil one to drag millions and millions of Americans into depression, anxiety and panic attacks?
"But Dennis, I only look at FB/Instagram/SnapChat maybe an hour per day!"
Yep! And that means you can check in on the lives of about 400-500 people during that hour, to see the amazing things they are doing while you are laying on the sofa at 6:30 wondering if you can go to bed yet. LOSER!!
Check out this story from a young woman who has deleted her social media and realized she is MUCH happier.
It would seem that the inhabitants to planet earth continue to be prepared for the arrival of "aliens". And if one day they do show up, the left-behind world will believe that they evolved from Mother Nature's concoction just like we did!
The attack on the Bible from the Evil One continues on a daily basis. "Did God REALLY say that?? Certainly a loving God wouldn't want to keep you from doing something that makes you happy?"
Today we find this in a Jewish Learning site that is questioning if gay sex is really wrong after all?