Friday, March 23, 2018

China Could Deal Death Blow to Dollar

By now, most of my regular readers know that the US Dollar is based ONLY on faith and confidence.  This is called FIAT currency.

We also know that history is not kind to fiat currency and that ultimately the faith and confidence will collapse and cause great problems, not only for the country but also for those folks who hold their wealth in that currency.

The US Dollar has been the world's Reserve Currency since we won WWII.  The rest of the world really didn't have a choice at the time....and now many nations don't like that idea any longer.

If another currency replaces the US Dollar, say China, it could spell real problems for USA.

If you leave your sliding glass door open, you might let in a stray cat, raccoon, or bugs without knowing it.

Some intruders are worse than others. All can be annoying. But let in a thief, who robs your home… and it only takes that one time to change your life forever.

The U.S. has essentially left their “sliding glass door” open, and on March 26 China is set to become the intruder that may very well deal a death blow to the dollar.

China Prepares Death Blow to the Dollar

On March 26 China will finally launch a yuan-dominated oil futures contract. Over the last decade there have been a number of “false-starts,” but this time the contract has gotten approval from China’s State Council.

With that approval, the “petroyuan” will become real and China will set out to challenge the “petrodollar” for dominance. Adam Levinson, managing partner and chief investment officer at hedge fund manager Graticule Asset Management Asia (GAMA), already warned last year that China launching a yuan-denominated oil futures contract will shock those investors who have not been paying attention.

This could be a death blow for an already weakening U.S. dollar, and the rise of the yuan as the dominant world currency.

But this isn’t just some slow, news day “fad” that will fizzle in a few days.

The petrodollar is backed by Treasuries, so it can help fuel U.S. deficit spending. Take that away, and the U.S. is in trouble.

It looks like that time has come…

A death blow that began in 2015 hit again in 2017 when China became the world’s largest consumer of imported crude…

Once the oil markets are upended, the yuan has an opportunity to become the dominant world currency overall. This will further weaken the dollar.

The Bible says we should lay up our treasure in heaven where moth and rust will not destroy it.

How many of us have spent our lives accumulating wealth in US Dollars and have made the assumption that the world will ALWAYS want them because they will ALWAYS be worth something?

We can hope the rapture of the church is the ultimate trigger that brings the US financial system to its knees....but we can't know that for sure.

This article would suggest that our financial system could start coming apart any day now.

I hope they are wrong...but...Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Firing Tillerson Removes Obstacle to Peace

Peace!  Peace!  Peace!  We want peace in the Middle East!

They will scream "peace!" when there is no peace!

So remember a week ago when Trump fired Rex Tillerson and lots of folks had a fit?

He was replaced by Mike Pompeo.  It turns out that Tillerson maybe believed the Palestinian lies more than he should have....and that Pompeo might be the man who believes the truth of what Israel has been saying all along.

As Secretary of State Rex Tillerson was being fired on Tuesday, his central assumptions about the Palestinian conflict with Israel, which are shared by the entire Washington foreign policy establishment, literally blew up in Gaza.

On Tuesday morning, Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Rami Hamdallah’s convoy was attacked by a roadside bomb during an official visit in Hamas-controlled Gaza.

Hamdallah was in Gaza to inaugurate a wastewater treatment facility sponsored by the World Bank. The facility was approved 14 years ago, but infighting between Hamas, which runs Gaza, and Fatah, the PLO ruling faction which controls the Palestinian Authority (PA), blocked its operation time after time.

The shuttered water treatment facility in northern Gaza has long been a monument to the Palestinian leadership’s incompetence and indifference to the plight of the people it is supposed to be serving. As the plant gathered dust, Gaza plunged deeper and deeper into a water crisis.

As the Times of Israel reported, Gaza has two water problems: insufficient groundwater, and massive pollution of the existing supply due to the absence of sufficient sewage treatment facilities.

Untreated sewage is dumped directly into the Mediterranean Sea and then seeps back into Gaza’s groundwater.

Gaza’s polluted aquifers only produce a quarter of its water needs, and due to insufficient water treatment facilities, 97 percent of Gaza’s natural water sources are unsafe for human consumption.

Trump’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and move the embassy to Jerusalem was the first time any American leader since Bill Clinton had dared to reject the Palestinian veto on US Middle East policy.

Tillerson supported maintaining the PA’s veto. As a result, he all but openly opposed Trump’s decision.

So too, last June, in a bid to protect U.S. funding to the PA — despite the fact that fully 7 percent of its donor-funded budget is used to pay salaries to terrorists in Israeli prisons and their families — Tillerson falsely told the Senate Foreign Relations committee that the PA had agreed to end the payments. After the Palestinians themselves denied his statement, he only partially walked it back. The next day, he told the House Foreign Affairs Committee that the U.S. was in “active discussions” with the Palestinians regarding halting the payments.

In the event, the PA raised its payments to terrorists in 2017 to $403 million. In 2016, the PA spent $347 million to pay salaries to terrorist murderers and their families.

In other words, Tillerson is so committed to the view that there can be no peace without the PA, that he willingly misled U.S. lawmakers.

Trump administration officials keep insisting that they are almost ready to present their peace plan for the Palestinians and Israel. But whatever the plan may entail, the steps the White House has already taken – Tuesday’s summit, Trump’s move on Jerusalem, and his determination to sign the Taylor Force Act to end U.S. support for the PA if it maintains its payments to terrorists – have already advanced the cause of peace more than any American peace proposal ever has and likely ever will.


So what might all this mean?

Maybe it means that another obstacle to peace was removed when Tillerson was let go?

Maybe it means that Trump and Co. are going to come up with a peace plan that the Arab world, minus the PLO, Hamas and Fatah, will agree to?

And maybe this could be the actual peace agreement that the Antichrist will one day CONFIRM?...only to break it 3 1/2 years into its confirmation?

Yep!  That's a lot of maybes!!  But it sure is interesting to watch!

Also remember that prophecy points to the idea that THE BRIDE will have already been raptured BEFORE the Antichrist is revealed and before he confirms the agreement.

Maybe soon?

Come Lord Jesus!

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Fox News Analyst Quits and is "Ashamed"

Are you one of the millions of folks who watches lots of Fox News?

"Yes, I am Dennis, but I get so sick of the liberal bias at all the other news places...and Fox tells me the truth!"

Are you sure about that?

What if Fox News is actually telling us what our itchy ears actually want to hear?

On March 1st, I informed Fox that I would not renew my contract. The purpose of this message to all of you is twofold:

First, I must thank each of you for the cooperation and support you've shown me over the years. Those working off-camera, the bookers and producers, don't often get the recognition you deserve, but I want you to know that I have always appreciated the challenges you face and the skill with which you master them.

Second, I feel compelled to explain why I have to leave. Four decades ago, I took an oath as a newly commissioned officer. I swore to "support and defend the Constitution," and that oath did not expire when I took off my uniform. Today, I feel that Fox News is assaulting our constitutional order and the rule of law, while fostering corrosive and unjustified paranoia among viewers. Over my decade with Fox, I long was proud of the association. Now I am ashamed.

In my view, Fox has degenerated from providing a legitimate and much-needed outlet for conservative voices to a mere propaganda machine for a destructive and ethically ruinous administration. When prime-time hosts--who have never served our country in any capacity--dismiss facts and empirical reality to launch profoundly dishonest assaults on the FBI, the Justice Department, the courts, the intelligence community (in which I served) and, not least, a model public servant and genuine war hero such as Robert Mueller--all the while scaremongering with lurid warnings of "deep-state" machinations-- I cannot be part of the same organization, even at a remove. To me, Fox News is now wittingly harming our system of government for profit.

As a Russia analyst for many years, it also has appalled me that hosts who made their reputations as super-patriots and who, justifiably, savaged President Obama for his duplicitous folly with Putin, now advance Putin's agenda by making light of Russian penetration of our elections and the Trump campaign. Despite increasingly pathetic denials, it turns out that the "nothing-burger" has been covered with Russian dressing all along. And by the way: As an intelligence professional, I can tell you that the Steele dossier rings true--that's how the Russians do things.. The result is that we have an American president who is terrified of his counterpart in Moscow.

I do not apply the above criticisms in full to Fox Business, where numerous hosts retain a respect for facts and maintain a measure of integrity (nor is every host at Fox News a propaganda mouthpiece--some have shown courage). I have enjoyed and valued my relationship with Fox Business, and I will miss a number of hosts and staff members. You're the grown-ups.

Also, I deeply respect the hard-news reporters at Fox, who continue to do their best as talented professionals in a poisoned environment. These are some of the best men and women in the business..

So, to all of you: Thanks, and, as our president's favorite world leader would say, "Das vidanya."


What if CNN, NBC and CBS are also telling the leftists and liberals what THEIR itchy ears want to hear?

Is it possible that the forces of evil are using the USA news sources to drive a massive divide into this country in hopes that it tears us apart?  If America crumbles, who will be around to support and defend Israel?

As Bible readers we should know that no President or political leaders are going to have solid solutions to put America back in the camp of being a God fearing nation.  That can only come from a work of God.

We know that if Americans spent more time reading God's word and less time getting wound up watching our favorite political news, it would be good for America.

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Jews Ask the Sons of Ishmael to Help Rebuild 3rd Temple

The Bible tells us that the Antichrist will one day sit in the 3rd Temple.

It also tells us that the Jews will fall for the Antichrist's schemes and end up welcoming him into their midst.

We read the news and see how the Saudis and Egyptians are starting to side with Israel as they ban together to ward off an aggressive Iran.

We also hear how the Arab Muslims have grown tired of Palestinian lies as the Arabs of Palestine increasingly turn to Iran for support.

And now we read this;

The nascent Sanhedrin, a Biblically mandated court of 71 elders, released a letter in Hebrew, English and Arabic inviting the Arabs as the sons of Ishmael to take their role in supporting the Third Temple as prophesied by Isaiah. This move is far more than symbolic. It is intended to bring the entire world one step closer to the global peace that will characterize the Messianic era.

The letter reads:

“Dear brothers, the distinguished Sons of Ishmael, The great Arab nation,

“With the gracious help of the protector and Savior of Israel, Creator of the world by covenant, we declare that the footsteps of Messiah are evidently heard and that the time has come to rebuild the Temple on Mount Moriah in Jerusalem in its ancient place.”

“We, the Jews who advocate building of the Temple, are applying to your Honorable ones, who were nominated by their peoples to give oath, raise vows and gifts to the Temple as prophesied by prophet Isaiah concerning your essential role and honorable position in keeping the Temple and supporting it with lamb sacrifices and incense in order to receive God’s Blessings.”

Raise your eyes and look about: They have all gathered and come to you. Your sons shall be brought from afar, Your daughters like babes on shoulders. As you behold, you will glow; Your heart will throb and thrill— For the wealth of the sea shall pass on to you, The riches of nations shall flow to you. Dust clouds of camels shall cover you, Dromedaries of Midian and Ephah. They all shall come from Sheba; They shall bear gold and frankincense, And shall herald the glories of Hashem. Isaiah 60:4-6

“By virtue of this, we are certain that you will choose peaceful means and avoid all paths to hostility and violence. And we are sure that together we shall open doors to love and respect.”

The letter was signed by 23 respected Rabbis who have received smicha (Rabbinic ordination) for the purpose of re-establishing the Sanhedrin. The rabbis are in the process of acquiring signatures of the full quorum of 71, after which they will send the letter to major Arab institutions and leaders. They hope to hold a conference with Arabs.

Rabbi Yeshayahu Hollander, a member of the Sanhedrin who signed the letter, felt it will serve to be an important bridge to the other nations.

“The Jews are commanded to be a nation of priests,” Rabbi Hollander told Breaking Israel News, citing a verse in Exodus.

But you shall be to Me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.’ These are the words that you shall speak to the children of Yisrael.” Exodus 19:6

“We are to be of service to the whole world in connecting to Hashem,” Rabbi Hollander continued.

“This is our purpose in life as Jews. The Sanhedrin is inviting them to benefit from this since the Temple is good for the whole world. This universal aspect is essential to what the Temple is; a house for all nations.”

I will bring them to My sacred mount And let them rejoice in My house of prayer. Their burnt offerings and sacrifices Shall be welcome on My mizbayach; For My House shall be called A house of prayer for all peoples.” Isaiah 56:7


Is it possible that the 3rd Temple is getting really close?

Jerusalem is in the news everyday while the demand for a Jewish Temple are increasing like never before in the past 70 years.

Donald Trump continues to make pro-Israel decisions and it would appear that some Arab nations might be following Trump's lead.

Many prophecy watchers believe that the rapture of the church will happen BEFORE the 3rd Temple gets built.

So is it possible we are sitting in the shadow of the Great Tribulation and that the rapture will be the HUGE EVENT that will kick start the fulfillment of numerous Tribulation prophesies?

Are you longing for Christ to appear and summon us home?

2 Timothy 4
Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day—and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing.

Teen Suicide is Soaring

The world has had teenagers since the beginning of time.

Being a teen has probably always been a difficult thing no matter when we were all teens.  Changing bodies, changing hormones, not quite a man but wanting to get out on your own, wanting to make your own decisions but can't support yourself yet, etc...

So what's different about today, from previous generations, that so many teens think the answer to their teen angst is to kill themselves?

J.C. Ruf, 16, was a Cincinnati-area pitcher who died by suicide in the laundry room of his house. Tayler Schmid, 17, was an avid pilot and hiker who chose the family garage in upstate New York. Josh Anderson, 17, of Vienna, Va., was a football player who killed himself the day before a school disciplinary hearing. 

The young men were as different as the areas of the country where they lived. But they shared one thing in common: A despair so deep they thought suicide was the only way out. 

The suicide rate for white children and teens between 10 and 17 was up 70% between 2006 and 2016, the latest data analysis available from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Although black children and teens kill themselves less often than white youth do, the rate of increase was higher — 77%. 

A study of pediatric hospitals released last May found admissions of patients ages 5 to 17 for suicidal thoughts and actions more than doubled from 2008 to 2015. The group at highest risk for suicide are white males between 14 and 21.

Experts and teens cite myriad reasons, including spotty mental health screening, poor access to mental health services and resistance among young men and people of color to admit they have a problem and seek care. Then there's the host of well-documented and hard to solve societal issues, including opioid-addicted parents, a polarized political environment and poverty that persists in many areas despite a near-record-low unemployment rate.


Of course teens today are the first in world history to have easy access to illegal and legal hallucinatory drugs, social media, unlimited porn, online bullying AND they are told from the first days of school that they are only products of random evolution...and they are only dust and becoming dust again is their only future.

And of course, USA Today article would never conclude that we have removed God from our society and that the result of godlessness is hopelessness.

My Pregnant Brother


So what if you are a woman who THINKS you are a man, so you start to take testosterone and have plans on sealing up your still love to have sex with you gay-male boyfriend (which is confusing, because he is having intercourse with a doesn't that make him straight?)....oh well, let's be tolerant here and move on...and sure enough you get pregnant!


Now we have a photo of man with large hairy breasts feeding a baby! 

(This photo and article are from Sept. 2016, when Obama was still President)

I'd have no reason to tell you about this moment in my brother's life were it not for the fact of his gender. Now that gay marriage is legal, the social battleground has shifted to new frontiers, frontiers that include the most private aspects of people's lives. Transgender Americans have gained greater visibility and acceptance as stars like Caitlyn Jenner and Laverne Cox have trained a pop-culture spotlight on trans issues. Corporate leaders across the Fortune 500 have moved to protect their transgender employees. And in May, the Obama Administration declared that all public schools must treat students equally regardless of their gender identity, classifying inner feelings of maleness and femaleness as protected by the government. We have come to the point where the President of the United States can candidly and comfortably discuss gender fluidity.

We have also come to the point where the backlash against these rapid changes has manifested in sometimes surreal fashion, as it did earlier this year during the so-called battle of the bathroom, when about half of all states joined lawsuits against the Obama Administration. There have been reports of increased violence directed at transgender people. At least 21 trans Americans were murdered in 2015, according to the Human Rights Campaign, up 62% from the year before. And that was before the mass murder in June at an Orlando nightclub, the deadliest incident of violence against LGBT people in U.S. history.

Pregnancies like Evan's—and the many that are likely to follow—will stretch our cultural perceptions of gender norms even further. Americans are just starting to open up to the idea that you may be born into a female body, but believe that you are really a man. But what if you are born into a female body, know you are a man and still want to participate in the traditionally exclusive rite of womanhood? What kind of man are you then?

This question can bother people. It can make them uncomfortable. That's partly why, when Evan texted me to say, "I'm pregnant!" I was excited for him, but also frightened. I thought about what strangers might say to my bearded, big-bellied little brother when he was nine months along. And I wondered, Would he be safe?

More evidence that the USA is lost in confusion.  The fact that Time Magazine believes the rest of us should celebrate a confused, hairy, breasted woman pretending to be man...should serve as a barometer as to exactly how confused we all have become.

We need God to come and astound us again, because our wisdom and intelligence has already left the building.

Isaiah 29
Therefore once more I will astound these people with wonder upon wonder; the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish.”

Monday, March 19, 2018

Allah Takes Over Church in the Bible Belt

The Bible tells us over a dozen times that the One True God is the "God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob".

Jesus goes on to confirm that if you aren't acknowledging HIM as God that you are not worshiping the One True God.

Islam teaches that Jesus is not God.  They also teach the lie that Ishmael was the promised son and NOT Isaac.

So logic simply tells you that Islam is not worshiping the same God as followers of Christ.

So why are some many Methodists, Lutherans and Catholics so thoroughly confused?

A former church has been taken over and converted to a mosque in a rural North Carolina county, and a group of Christian pastors took part in the conversion ceremony in an effort to show mutual respect for their Muslim neighbors.

Crosses have been removed from the former church’s facade and steeple, and mosque leader Ali Muhammad turned them over to the group of pastors.

“What they were attempting to do is honor our tradition and so they wanted to turn the crosses over to us,” said the Rev. Jim Melnyk, pastor of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Smithfield, a small town in Johnston County about 45 minutes south of Raleigh. “They were reaching out to us, and we were reaching out to them.”

Melnyk said he was joined by pastors from the United Methodist Church, United Church of Christ and three different Baptist congregations at Saturday’s ceremony, which marked the official conversion of a former Pentecostal church into a mosque. One lay person from the local Presbyterian Church was also present for the “celebration.”

Melnyk told WND the mosque had reached out to the local churches through an interfaith group in Raleigh and was hoping to strike a welcoming and respectful tone for the two faiths.

Melnyk said Christianity and Islam “share common origins and scriptures” and that he felt it was the right thing to do to participate in the mosque opening as a show of respect for Islam, a fellow monotheistic faith.

“Christians, Jews and Muslims are all people of the book, and we all claim what the Hebrew Scriptures call the Abrahamic faith,” Melnyk told WND. “We call it the Old Testament, and Muslims also claim the Bible.”

Islam teaches the Bible was corrupted by Jews and Christians and that the Quran was the final, perfected revelation of Allah as given by the Angel Gabriel to the prophet Muhammad. Melnyk said he is aware of these teachings.

“All of us humans are imperfect. We all struggle and we all look to the divine for inspiration, and we don’t always get it right,” he said.

But, he said despite being “imperfect,” the Islamic faith worships the “same god” as Christianity and Judaism.

Melnyk said he has personally worshiped Allah with Muslims during interfaith gatherings in Raleigh.

Sadly, many have succumbed to the same lie that Satan has thrown out since the beginning of time..."Did God REALLY say that?  Surely He didn't mean that these good people are worshiping a false god!"

America’s New Civil War

Many of us have wondered how deep and how wide the divisions in America would need to get before another Civil War could break out.

The leftists continue to roll our the flawed narrative that Donald Trump is like they believe that they can do ANYTHING in their power, including violence and chaos, to attempt to foil his legal election.

Many people think Americans are more divided today than at any time since the Civil War – and further, that we are involved in another albeit different sort of “civil war” between two intensely opposed groups of Americans.

If this is true, we are in desperate need of understanding what we’re dealing with and why our beautiful, once-unified nation is being ripped apart – and hopefully reversing course.

There was a time when our nation’s conflicts could be understood through a political lens – liberal versus conservative, Democrat versus Republican. Liberals wanted bigger government and more free stuff, conservatives wanted smaller, less intrusive government, and our nation was a compromise between those two opposing forces. We had a powerful, capitalist, free-market economy, but also a sizable social safety net – and most Americans were happy with that balance.

Such compromise was possible only because, underlying the give and take between liberal and conservative, most Americans were on the same page culturally and religiously: Deep down, pretty much everyone embraced our country’s Judeo-Christian moral foundation.

Not anymore. You cannot understand America solely through a political lens anymore. A new California law, SB 219, signed into law by Gov. Jerry Brown, says you can be thrown into prison for 12 months for failing to use the correct transgender pronoun. That is, for refusing to use words that never existed before – newly created pronouns like co, en, ey, xie and yo, which correspond to dozens of new genders that also never existed before in human history, like genderqueer, pangender, hijra and genderfluid.

Another example: the growing trend of branding all white people, especially white males, as racist – just for being white. Is that liberal or conservative?

Another example: Taxpayers shell out hundreds of millions of dollars every year to fund an organization whose primary business is butchering unborn human babies and selling off their mangled body parts for profit – Planned Parenthood. Is that liberal or conservative? Neither. It is, however, evil and insane.

One last example: There’s huge ongoing pressure in this country, exerted by Democrat politicians, journalists, “immigration activists” and others, to import into our nation as many people as possible from regions and cultures that don’t love us or our Constitution, are unlikely to assimilate, and whose core religious, political and cultural values are wildly incompatible with ours. In fact, some of these immigrants admit, when surveyed, that they would very much like to replace our Constitution with a barbaric, medieval 6th-century legal system called Shariah.

Is this a liberal or conservative value? Neither. The Democrats do this because they hope to convert these people ultimately into Democratic voters so they can finally achieve their holy grail of a “permanent progressive majority” – that’s their term – enabling them to rule America forever and not have to worry about elections.

But we’re talking here about a policy that destroys a great nation for the sake of establishing rule over it. If any outside power tried to do that, we would surely find ourselves at war with it.

"But Dennis, a Civil War could never happen in America!  This is America!  Everything will always be just fine."

LGBTQ and Suicidal Thoughts

Hmmmm....I wonder why LGBTQ students are having a problem with suicidal thoughts?

Nearly one third of first-year college students have thought about suicide, according to a study across eight countries, and non-heterosexual identity or feelings were the biggest risks for this kind of thinking or behavior.

Having a religion other than Christianity, being female, having unmarried parents or at least one deceased parent and being age 20 or older were also important risk factors, though being a sexual minority also carried the highest risk of transitioning from suicidal thoughts to plans to attempts, the researchers found.

The study team found that sexual minorities, such as lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) students were at four-to-eight-fold higher risk than others for suicidal thoughts and behaviors. Heterosexual students with experience of same-sex intercourse were at about three-to-four-fold higher risk, while heterosexual students with same-sex attraction had about double the risk.

Other factors like non-Christian religion, age and parental characteristics raised risk by about two-fold or less.

Sexual orientation also raised the likelihood of transitioning from suicidal thinking to plans or attempts by up to three-fold.

“Some people worry that this data may stigmatize sexual minorities,” said Jacqueline Pistorello, a clinical psychologist and researcher at the University of Nevada, Reno’s counseling services, who wasn’t involved in the study. “Suicidality has multiple pathways. We need to focus on what are the skills we need to give these kids to keep them alive,” she said in a telephone interview.

Is it possible that these kids have a mental disorder that has the males thinking they are females and the females thinking they are males?

Is it possible that the leftists who encourage this behavior as "normal" are actually steering our kids down the wide road that leads to destruction?

"Good will be called evil and evil will be called good."

Soft Tissue in Dinosaur Bone

We have been told since grade school that the dinosaurs were on earth millions of years ago.

So when a scientist discovers soft tissue in a dinosaur bone, could it be that they were actually on earth only thousands of years ago?

The rational man might think so.

The Bible believing man might think so.

A recent archaeological discovery that throws a wrench into the conventional theory of evolution has reportedly cost a California professor his job. Mark Armitage, a former scientist at California State University, Northridge (CSUN), was reportedly fired after claiming to have unearthed a dinosaur fossil that still contains soft, flexible tissue, suggesting that it can't be millions of years old.

A 30-year veteran in his field, Armitage has published many studies over the years in peer-reviewed journals. One of his most recent was published last July, pertaining to a discovery he made at the Hell Creek Formation excavation site in Montana. According to The Christian Post, Armitage was evaluating a triceratops horn fossil when he came across preserved soft tissue.

A lawsuit recently filed in Armitage's defense describes his reaction to the discovery as "fascinated," since flexible matter has never before been discovered on a dinosaur fossil. Naturally, Armitage published his findings -- in this case, he published them in the Elsevier journal Acta Histochemica -- and proceeded to share his findings with his students.

Not long after, Armitage was approached by a CSUN faculty head who reportedly shouted at him, "We are not going to tolerate your religion in this department!" Armitage's finding, of course, contradicts the evolutionary theory that CSUN has embraced for decades, and there doesn't appear to be any room for discussion on the matter, since he was also let go from his position.

"Terminating an employee because of [his] religious views is completely inappropriate and illegal," stated Armitage's lawyer, Brad Dacus, in a public statement. "But doing so in an attempt to silence scientific speech at a public university is even more alarming. This should be a wakeup call and warning to the entire world of academia."

And so the persecution continues for anyone who dares question the evolutionary theory.

Large Quakes Increasing Like Birth Pangs

Earthquakes have been around for a long time.

Jesus told us that one of the things to watch for that would signal the end of the age was earthquakes.

But we have only had the technology to track quakes for the last 100 years or so.

So check this out and decide for yourselves if large quakes are birth pangs?

According to the Advanced National Seismic System (ANSS) composite catalog, recent years have seen a marked increase in the number of earthquakes with a magnitude of 8.0 or greater:

1900's - 3 earthquakes
1910's - 0 earthquakes
1920's - 1 earthquake
1930's - 1 earthquake
1940's - 1 earthquake
1950's - 1 earthquake
1960's - 3 earthquakes
1970's - 2 earthquakes
1980's - 3 earthquakes
1990's - 7 earthquakes
2000's - 13 earthquakes
2010's - 8 earthquakes so far

The 20th Century witnessed 22 earthquakes with a magnitude of 8.0 or greater, but already the 21st Century has seen 21 such earthquakes. If that pace continues, we'll see 116 earthquakes of 8.0 magnitude or greater by the end of this century!