Saturday, June 8, 2019

Arrested for Preaching Against Homosexuality

It’s ironic that the Left believes that conservatives are the party of hardliners and fascists who will restrict their freedom by silencing their free speech.  In reality it’s the other way around.  Here’s more evidence.
Pastor David Lynn of Christ Forgiveness Ministries was arrested on June 4, 2019, for preaching the gospel publicly in Toronto, Canada. The neighborhood he was preaching in was Church-Wellesley Village. This neighborhood is known to be a place where many of the LGBTQ community in Toronto reside. His ministry is currently on an outdoor preaching tour throughout the 22 districts of Toronto. June 4, happened to be the day they scheduled for that district.
It is not uncommon for someone to think "open-air preaching" and "LGBTQ neighborhood" and immediately jump to thoughts of preachers condemning homosexuals to hell. However, Pastor Lynn's preaching was some of the most loving and gracious preaching I have ever seen and heard, which is why it is outrageous that he was arrested.
The entire time of preaching was livestreamed via Facebook and can be found on YouTube. Throughout the video, it is surprising to see the reaction of those who were listening to Lynn's preaching. The more love he poured out, the more hate and resistance he received. As anyone can see if they view the video, Pastor Lynn was respectful and kind throughout all of his time preaching. As he shared the gospel, he also made statements like "We are here to tell you that we hate nobody." He emphasized God's love again and again.

Thursday, June 6, 2019

America's Social Fabric is Fraying

How long can citizens of a country continue to get along when half can find no common ground with the other half?  When half hates God and half fear God?  When half want to kill unborn babies for convenience while the other half believes that all babies should be given a chance at life?  When half believe that gay marriage, polygamy, polyamory and even bestiality should be celebrated as "diversity" while the other half believe that marriage is one man and one woman for life?

The list goes on and on.  At what point do the citizens look at each other and say, "We simply can't coexist anymore.  We need to separate."

And what would that look like?  Would all the conservatives really agree to leave California while all the Leftists agree to leave Texas?

We just don't know.

From afar America looks in decline. Not its military strength nor its economy, but its social fabric. The founders established a democracy albeit with some reservations. The debate then about whether the population has the wherewithal to support a real democracy seems prescient. A quick reading of the news, tweets, and comments by government leaders proves the point.

Democracy flourishes when the population is educated, engages in serious debate and accepts the rule of the majority. That does not seem to be the case today. It is exacerbated by one-sided and biased news coverage rather than objective reporting and balanced debate. It is not a great credit to democracy when following an election people demonstrate yelling "not my president." Has democracy in the United States been reduced to permanent division and refusal to accept election results when you do not agree with the outcome?

The country seems split into two tribes--Republicans and Democrats with each detesting the other and no evidence of cooperation that would benefit the country. There are many examples: a special prosecutor finds no crime by the sitting President, yet the House of Representatives is bent on impeachment. That does not seem to be in the interests of the United States. Perhaps it is in the interest of politicians to be heard above the noise of the crowd.

Moreover, much of the criticism of the current administration seems--for lack of a better word--illogical. Yes, NATO members were not paying their share of costs and were content to let the United States pay more. Even European politicians agreed that greater contributions are needed. The trade imbalance with China has been a rallying call for many years. Why the criticism now when the issue is finally being addressed?

The refusal to support a bankrupt UN Human Rights Council was long overdue as was support of UNRWA's special program of 71 years duration to support Gaza. If you give a government bent on war money to buy food and pay for hospitals and schools, it has more money to invest in weapons and war. I also question whether the current Gaza population are truly refugees. Perhaps their grandparents or maybe even their parents who were infants in 1948, but certainly not the current population. And should the world support them forever? If so, it would be a singular example. Not even the Ibo's or Rohingyas merited such support and they suffered far greater hardship.

Yes, a wall on the Southern Border of the US is needed. In every country of the world, people wishing to immigrate to the United States must go to the American Embassy and request a visa. Quotas determine how many will be admitted in all categories, and many are turned down even for a tourist visa. But the southern border is open and there is a free flowing, visa free, stream of immigrants. An entirely illogical system. My question is why is this not fixed? It seems to me that to score "good heart" points, realities, logic and fairness are ignored. In this case, tribal loyalties do not support or protect the country.

So, I offer a despondent view from afar but I also ask myself what should be done? A return to the values that made the United States a strong vibrant country should be undertaken. Debate should be encouraged and listened to. It is not only possible, but realistic that there will be good ideas on both sides--left and right, Democrat and Republican. News media should be expected to offer balanced and accurate coverage of the news. I have no idea how to regulate or enforce such a balanced coverage, but I urge Americans to read and consider both sides of an argument and then decide the best course.

In the end, decline is not owned by politicians, but by all Americans and I hope they will take control of their fate.

Of course Bible readers know what happens when nations reject God.  It can work for a while but ultimately they implode.  You simply can't have hundreds of millions of people doing whatever they feel, want or believe.  God is no respecter of persons OR nations.  He will set them up and tear them down as He sees fit for His purposes.

Ezekiel 16
And they were haughty and committed abomination before Me; therefore I took them away as I saw fit.

Belief in Aliens Will Soon Surpass Belief in God

Paul told Timothy that a day was coming when people would reject Truth and believe “doctrines of demons.”  Notice how this research lady says, “new religion? I think so.”  You see friends, when enough people believe the lie that humans evolved from single cells billions of years ago that Mother Nature created in a pond of scum, it stands to reason she could have done the same thing on billions of other planets!  And our kids in public schools are being taught that lie as a fact.  No wonder they are rejecting the God of the Bible.

More than half of Americans believe in a God, with the figure for those who believe in aliens only slightly lower. One professor, who has authored a new book called American Cosmic, states that a belief in aliens could replace religious beliefs. The book, written by Diana Pasulka, a professor at the University of North Carolina, focuses on why humans chose to believe in the supernatural, and how we use Gods and aliens to explain the unexplainable.

“She says we’re going to find life, we’re going to find habitable planets and things like that. So that gives this type of religiosity a far more powerful bite than the traditional religions, which are based on faith in things unseen and unprovable.

“But the belief that UFOs and aliens are potentially true, and can potentially be proven, makes this a uniquely powerful narrative for the people who believe in it.
“Is it fair to call this a new form of religion? I think so.”

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Indictments Coming for Obama Officials

We have been wondering what types of triggers could spark massive unrest in America.  This would be a possibility.  If Obama, Brennan, Clinton, Comey were all indicted and arrested the Left might believe Trump is trying to take over as dictator by jailing his opposition.  This could send them into the streets protesting, looting and beating. They have become so blind with hatred that they can’t even imagine these folks all broke the law.

Here’s the warning⏤indictments coming for a number of officials who participated and implemented the silent coup against Trump. Those under the Russia investigation will soon face criminal charges.
According to the corresponding evidence pertaining to the investigation⏤indicates that there is information related to the claims made in an opposition research document, also known as the “Steele Dossier,” that was funded by the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee during the 2016 president race.
If you recall, the dossier contained and made wild claims about President Trump, and was used as evidence by the Obama administration to justify and prepare the FISA refers to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, which was established to give law enforcement the authority to surveil and spy on foreign entities considered a threat to the United States. Including the FISA applications used to obtain the FISA warrants which approved the National Security Agency and the FBI to spy on the Trump campaign and selected members of the campaign.
Understand as I’ve mention previously that you the U.S. taxpayers spent somewhere between $35 and $40 million on the Mueller Special Counsel investigation headed up and conducted by Special Counsel Robert Mueller. The latest controversy being that the conclusions of the Mueller Report states that the investigation concluded that there was no collusion by the Trump campaign.

Monday, June 3, 2019

NYT Calls Heartbeat of Baby “Embryonic Pulsing”

The Leftists are having a tough time continuing their efforts to dehumanize unborn babies growing in their mother’s womb.  As technology increases and doctors are able to operate on human babies while they are still in the womb, and incubators can now keep human babies alive that weigh only ounces when taken from the mother’s womb, the Left has problems phrasing their false narrative.  If a 7 oz baby is in an incubator, do they call it a baby...because one second earlier they insisted on calling something else that would make it easier for a woman to continue her choice to kill it...or as the left would say, “discontinue the fetus”.
The New York Times (NYT) opted to use phrases that appear to dehumanize the unborn, referring to an unborn child’s heartbeat as “embryonic pulsing”:
A State House vote on Wednesday moved the abortion measure to the governor’s desk, after lawmakers rejected a series of amendments including an exception for cases of rape or incest. The measure would require an ultrasound test for any woman seeking to terminate a pregnancy, and forbid abortion if the test detects embryonic pulsing — which can occur before many women know they are pregnant. Abortions would be permitted only to save a woman’s life or to prevent a “serious risk” to her health.
As LifeNews further noted:
Rather than say the word “heartbeat,” the New York Times used the words “the pulsing of what becomes the fetus’s heart.” It also described the legislation as a “so-called fetal heartbeat bill” – as if it is questionable whether the unborn baby actually has a heart or a heartbeat.
NYT is not the only outlet that has struggled in this particular area. Recently, ABC correspondent Steve Osunsami described supporters of Louisiana’s pro-life law as those who “believe that a fetal heartbeat can be detected.”
An unborn child’s detectable heartbeat is not a matter of opinion, which makes his assertion questionable.

Corporate America Joins LGBT Indoctrination

I was talking with some fellow believers yesterday while sitting at a graduation party.  The conversation went to how we are supposed to cancel our Netflix subscription because they are threatening Georgia over new abortion laws. We agreed that it may already be impossible to buy anything in America that doesn’t have support from corporations who support LGBT, abortion or other activities that Bible-believing-followers of Christ would disagree with.  We may have to realize that True Followers have become strangers in our own country, and if we want to buy food and clothes, cars and gas, we are going to have to deal with godless companies who support godless causes.  Maybe this is foreshadowing the day when Tribulation Saints will need to take a mark in order to buy or sell anything?

The popular home furnishings chain IKEA has announced that it will be hoisting the rainbow flag at its stores nationwide beginning June 1 in observance of Pride Month, and will also sell rainbow reusable shopping bags that will benefit the homosexual advocacy group Human Rights Campaign Foundation (HRCF).
Gap has launched a "Love All Ways" campaign and will donate 15 percent of its proceeds from its pride collection to the UN Free & Equal initiative. Footwear companies Adidas, Reebok, Ugg and Nike have all announced their 2019 rainbow-themed collection, and mouthwash brand Listerine made its bottle labels in rainbow stripes for the month of June.

Disney has also rolled out additional rainbow product, and Starbucks is selling a rainbow "love" tumbler for Pride Month. 

Target department stores not only are offering clothing and accessories celebrating the gay lifestyle to adults and children, but the company has also pledged to donate to a nonprofit that trains students and teachers in LGBT politics and advocacy.  

On Target's official website, it has several pages dedicated to merchandise that features the rainbow gay pride flag as well as messages intended to instill pride in the LGBT lifestyle. In addition, Target proclaims that it is donating $100,000 to GLSEN, the Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education Network.

Trump Gets Prayed Over

We are getting more convinced every day that the reason the world hates Donald Trump is because it hated Jesus first, and Trump is seeking Jesus.  I don’t recall Obama EVER going to pastors requesting prayers to Jesus.  But Trump sought out Bible-preaching pastors during his campaign to pray over him!  And it appears that he is doing the same thing today!  Praise the Lord!  Remember to pray for Trump today.  Jesus put him as the POTUS for a reason.
President Donald Trump made a brief unannounced visit to McLean Bible Church Sunday morning where Pastor David Platt prayed for him on stage.
"Oh God, we praise You as the one universal king over all," Platt prayed with one hand holding an open Bible and the other hand on Trump's back. "You are our leader and our lord and we worship You. There is one God and one savior and it's You. Your name is Jesus and we exalt you, Jesus.
"And we know, we need Your mercy. We need Your grace, we need Your help, we need Your wisdom in our country. And so we stand right now, on behalf of our president, and we pray for Your grace, and Your mercy, and Your wisdom upon him.
"God, we pray that he would know how much You love him. So much that You sent Jesus to die for his sins, our sins, so we pray that he would look to You. That he would trust in You. That he would lean on You. That he would govern and make decisions in ways that are good for justice, and good for righteousness, and good for equity, every good path.