Many of my long-time readers have read my, 'But Dennis! This is America! That could never happen here!" sentence inserted into a blog post. We have the vast majority of Americans that have never lived through Depressions, world wars, famines, Civil War and most don't even when Americans sat in long gasoline lines hoping to fill their cars as we did in the early 1970's.
Further, we have no idea how the financial system works so we just hope that someone a lot smarter than us is showing up at work every day and figuring out how to keep it all running so our VISA card and bank cards continue to work.
I was reading this article about the top 10 Insane beliefs that most Americans have. I got to #10 and it made me take notice because he confirms my understanding that most people can't even imagine the possibility that things aren't always going to go the way the way that they currently are.
Insane Belief #10: The world as you know it is sustainable and normal, and nothing will collapse because that’s unimaginable
Finally, the really big false belief is summarized by the phrase, “normalcy bias.” People think the world will always operate as it does now because that’s all they know. They are incapable of imagining anything else, such as a grid down collapse, an economic collapse, World War III, a civil war on the streets of America, a food collapse followed by mass starvation, visitation by aliens and so on.
So they lead their pointless lives as sheeple living out some sort of mad experiment in shared insanity, oblivious to the reality that almost everything they think is permanent is actually headed for collapse.
Much of what currently functions in the world is entirely unsustainable, and that means it must come to an end.
Endless money creation must come to an end. Government debt spending must come to an end. The loss of fossil water to irrigate food crops must come to an end. The ecological destruction of the planet will eventually collapse the food supply on which we depend. The pensions will collapse once the market corrects. The dollar will eventually be abandoned as a failed fiat currency. The nuclear power plants will eventually fail and melt down, perhaps following a severe earthquake that already places multiple nuke plants in California in the direct line of fire.
You get the point. The history of our world has rarely seen as long a run of peace and prosperity as the one we are currently experiencing. Most of human history has been punctuated by genocide, democide, world wars and economic collapse. The fool thinks that’s all “history” now, and modern humans finally have it all figured out, but the wise person knows that history repeats itself.
The Fourth Turning isn’t a myth, it’s a cycle.
There’s nothing new under the sun, my friends, and all the stupid things humans did in the past are about to be magnified in the present because humans are more stupid today than ever before. This is partially thanks to Google, which is now in the business of suppressing human knowledge and dumbing down the masses, but it’s also the fault of the masses, who decided the internet was invented to deliver porn instead of wisdom.
Yes, we’re fighting against all this with the upcoming launch of our own search engine called — launching in January — which will focus on health and wellness content. But that’s just a drop in the bucket compared to the ocean of idiocy that now defines those who both use and run Google, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.
Will America survive past 2025 as it is structured now?
It is my belief that America as we know it will not survive beyond 2025, which means these are in the last five years of a world structured as “normal,” at least as you and I have come to know it.
I hope I’m wrong, but I fear I’m right, as I was right about the 2000 dot com crash, the 2008 sub-prime housing bubble crash, the election of Trump, the criminality of Obama, the false flag operations of the FBI and a hundred other accurate predictions I’ve made over the last two decades.
Believe what you wish, just know that the more closely your beliefs are aligned with reality, the better chance you have at surviving what’s coming. Those who believe nonsensical things won’t fare well as reality smack them hard.
It his his belief that we have about 5 more years of "normal" and that America, and the world, simply can't go on functioning on our current track. This dude has a pretty good record of predicting some of our past corrections and contractions so his comments are interesting.
This doesn't seem to be written by a guy with a biblical world view, instead he is just looking at the FOMO and massive borrowing that is currently taking place by our government and all of our fellow citizens. 70% of Americans don't have $1000 in their bank accounts and are saddled by massive amounts of debt. Our Social Security system is hopelessly upside down. Our demands for medical care that we don't want to pay for are simply insurmountable and our family foundations are crumbling like never before. Vast amounts of kids are using illicit drugs, many of them hallucinatory while belief in the Bible and Jesus Christ are plummeting.
All of this points as a recipe for total collapse and yet most Americans simply can't see the writing on the wall.
"But Dennis, America will never collapse! We will never have to stand in bread lines and our government will always be able to borrow unlimited amounts of money to give me all the things that I need to pursue my dream of happiness!....because this America!"
"While they are saying, 'Peace and safety!', destruction will come upon them suddenly."--Jesus