Of course Islam is offended over cartoons and backyard films 'dishonoring' Muhammad and seem fairly serious about trying to pass a worldwide law that would ban offending Islam, (can they really be that stupid?)...but when it comes to a TV show explaining that you should beat your wife to see if she will change before you divorce her....no one is offended at all!
Egyptian cleric Abd Al-Rahman recently explained on Al-Nas television how a man is permitted to beat his wife.
“A good woman, even if beaten by her husband, puts her hand in his and says: ‘I will not rest until you are pleased with me.’ This is how the Prophet Muhammad taught his women to be,” Al-Rahman said in comment aired in August, according to a translation provided by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI).
“Islam instructs a man to beat his wife as a last resort before divorce, so that she will mend her ways, treat him with kindness and respect, and know that her husband has a higher status than her,” he said.
“I say to every husband: Do not rush to beat her whenever a problem arises. O servant of Allah, Allah said: ‘Admonish those of them on whose part you fear disobedience, refuse to share their beds, and beat them.’ One should not beat out of anger.”
Al-Rahman said that beating one’s wife is a matter of discipline. He said that the Prophet Muhammad beat one of his wives, Aisha, in order to instill discipline, not because he enjoyed it.
Did you hear that ladies?...a good woman, even after being beaten by her husband, should take him by the hand and say, "I will not rest until I am so good to you that you won't need to beat me."
I wonder where the women's rights movements are? How come they aren't protesting in the streets all over the world to get justice for their poor sisters who are caught in Islam and are being beaten by their husbands into submission?
Also, I hope riots don't break out all over the Muslim world because this guy said MUHAMMAD BEAT ONE OF HIS WIVES!!!
Of course if someone in California said the same thing....our embassies could be under siege right now in Muslim land.
Do you see how the Father of All Lies is spinning this thing so that even our intelligent people can't understand how illogical this all is?